madman man mad~
the Madman~
A madman has tea with his mortally challenged friends.
   He looks up at you with misted eyes and clenches his knife convusively.  
Spluttering and shaking, he begins to rise to his feet, cradling the cold steel
of his knife in his hands.  A tiny voice in your head says very clearly,
'Uh-oh.  ' You feel chilled...  Distant.    
10 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 -1000 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
the rat~
A rat scurries near the wall.
   Its black, furry, and seems to have a serious problem with fleas.    
200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
1 20 9 0d0+10 1d2+0
10 100
8 8 0
Leatherworker worker~
the Leatherworker~
A Leatherworker is here...working with leather.
   He smiles at your attention, and then turns back to his work.  His hands are
rough and scarred from frequent accidents with needles and leather-knives...  
A hazard of the trade.    
188426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
the Jeweller~
The Jeweller smiles at you briefly and motions you in.
   You can't guess what age she is; she's one of those few women that seem to
be almost timeless in their looks.  Her eyes glint with laughter as she notices
your scrutiny and slowly examines you.  You squirm under her penetrating gaze.
188426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 2
the Butcher~
The butcher glances at you briefly and SLAMS down his cleaver.
   His apron is covered with bloodstains, as are his large, thick python-arms.
He holds a cleaver loosely and easily, almost as if he were born gripping that
thing.  His hair seems greasy and useless on his balding pate.  He sneers at
you and motions for you to take a number.    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Sakifan librarian~
Sakifan the librarian looks up from his book as you enter.
   Sakifan sits on a small pile of books, idly caressing the cover of one while
he reads.  He puts his book down with a sigh as you come in.  Sakifan says,
'May I help you?  '
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Brewermaster Brewer~
the Brewermaster~
The Brewermaster oversees the work and marks upon a clipboard.
   The Brewermaster looks you up and down, nods approvingly, and says, 'Would
you like to chip in with the work?  Pays well...  '
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Ceran contractor~
Ceran the Contractor waves for you to sit down in a chair.
   Ceran plots a final line on his sketch and sighs in gratification.  He holds
the finished architectural drawing up to you; a plan to rebuild the ruined
temple to the north!  He examines it again, and then slaps it down onto a sheaf
of similar papers on his desk.    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Grebe bartender~
Grebe tends bar here between the drunkards.
   Grebe is an old, weatherbeaten scarred hulk of a man who looks as if he
survived the holocaust with only a few minor bruises to show for it.  You're
not sure if you want to mess with him or not.    
188426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 E
16 15 0 3d3+160 2d2+2
160 25600
8 8 1
Sailor Merchant Sailor-Merchant~
the Sailor-Merchant~
A Sailor-Merchant points out his wares.
   This retired weather-beaten sailor man has quite a booming trade going on
here.  He grins snaggle-toothedly at you and tries to sell you an anchor.  You
don't think you need it.    
188426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Landlord lord land~
the Landlord~
The Landlord asks you how long you'll be staying.
   The landlord of this boarding house sneers at you and sticks out his hand.
Payment in advance.    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -500 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
Cityguard guard city~
the Cityguard~
A cityguard is keeping the peace.
   Just another law abidding citizen that decided to do more than just work the
mines or fields.  He has devoted his life to ensuring the protection of others.
72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
15 15 1 3d3+150 2d2+2
150 22500
8 8 1
Worker brewery~
the Brewery Worker~
A Brewery Worker rolls a barrel right on by you.
   He waves at you and keeps going on by...    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
8 8 1
the Boarder~
A Boarder sighs and tromps back to his room.
   Sad, poor, and depressed.  Obviously not one of the citizenry elite of
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
8 8 1
the Citizen~
A Citizen of XXXX passes you without a glance.
   You make eye contact with the average looking man for a moment, and he
quickly looks away.  You notice his pace has sped up slightly; in a hurry to
get away from you?  Why would he...  Oh.  You've still got your weapon out.  

72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
8 8 1
the Citizen~
A Citizen of XXXX passes you without a glance.
   You make eye contact with the average looking woman for a moment, and she
quickly looks away.  You notice her pace has sped up slightly; in a hurry to
get away from you?  Why would she...  Oh.  You've still got your weapon out.  

72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
8 8 2
Trader Merchant~
the Trader~
A Merchant Trader is doing inventory in his head.
   His clothes are silken, and eyes hands soft, but his movement belie combat
training.  You don't think he would have gotten so successful by letting just
anyone knock over his operation here.    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 E
18 14 0 3d3+180 3d3+3
180 32400
8 8 1
Woman Old~
the Old Woman~
An Old Woman sits here, rembering better times...
   Looking closer, you see that she isn't remembering; she's asleep!    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
4 4 2
Child Boy Young~
the Young Boy~
A young boy plays quietly here.
   He looks up at you with watery eyes and asks for a drink.  He looks rather
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
1 20 9 0d0+10 1d2+0
10 100
6 6 1
Housewife woman wife~
the Housewife~
An aging housewife is waiting for her husband to return.
   You see worry in her eyes; is her husband overdue?  Possibly dead?  You know
with all those marauding bands of adventurers out there...  You never know!  

10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
8 8 2
Slob sleeping man~
the Slob~
An utter slob of a man is curled up in his chair.
   He hasn't bathed in, what?  One, two...  You stand away quickly; the smell
got to you.    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
4 4 1
Man Old~
the Old Man~
An Old Man stares at the checkerboard intently.
   He's playing checkers.  Leave him alone!    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
6 6 1
Bachelor man~
the Bachelor~
A man sits in his bachelor pad, just hanging out.
   He's cool, he's slick, he's got a job, and no woman will come near him.  
That's life...    
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E
4 19 7 0d0+40 1d2+0
40 1600
6 6 1