LAW LAWS WANTED LAWLESS @@lACK!MUD@@N system of laws and punishments: Within the game, the major cities of the realm have a system of enforcing rules of player behavior, by having certain players known to the realm as being WANTED. The system is simple, once you understand it's perspective. The civilized states of the realm enforce peaceful interaction between citizens of the various states. Killing and stealing from other citizens is considered unlawful, and anyone that falls under the protection of the Law is protected by these actions. There are three states that a citizen can have: Civilized, Wanted, and Lawless. Citizens that are Civilized are protected within the legal system from being attacked by other citizens, and also from having things stolen from them. If a Civilized citizen is attacked or stolen from, the Law will label the attacker with Wanted, and deal with them accordingly. In addition, if a Civilized citizen breaks the Laws of the Realm, they also will be Wanted. Wanted citizens are no longer protected under the Law, and Civilized citizens are authorized to kill or steal from them. In addition, non-player characters will interact with them violently. If you wish to become Lawless, this will your protection under the Law. However, both actors in an interaction must be Lawless for the Law to ignore their actions between each other. If a Lawless attacks someone Civilized, the Law will seek retribution on the Lawless. If a Civilized citizen attacks a Lawless, the Law doesn't protect the Lawless, it punishes the Civilized by making them Wanted. To become a Lawless, you may request a PKOK flag from an Immortal. Once you have chosen to be Lawless, the Law will never again place you under its protection. Many hidden and unknown events in the game may take the protection of the Law away from you, either permanently, or temporarily. Some of these are obvious, some not so obvious. A few of these events may even make you Persecuted, which has several unforseen circumstances. When you become WANTED, either from breaking a law or other actions, you are given a sentence based on your crime. Sentences may only be reduced by sacrificing valuable objects to the Law, by using the command sacrifice <object> judge. The judge will examine your sacrifice, and reduce your sentence appropriately. The Law is omnicient in some ways, and becoming Wanted or Lawless may have some unforseen repercussions, so consider your actions well before commiting to them!