Diku Mud was created by Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. MERC modifications by: Furey, Hatchet, Kahn ACK! Mud2.0: Stephen, Thalen. Screen: Cyberlich Ack!Mud 4.0 (beta) : Zenithar, with help from Altrag, Ramias, Flar, Spectrum and Universe. @@d Perhaps once, in any given man's lifetime, he encounters an experience that shakes the very foundations @@e of @@d his soul, which opens a rift deep within him, exposing that which he may not even have known existed. The question is, will he turn from this inexplicable darkness, or will he stare into the abyss of his newly found soul, into the @@e -=@@dSHADES@@e of@@d EVIL@@e=-@@g @@m Homepage: http://www.ackmud.net/ @@g Who do you think you are?!? @@N