 * This code is was written for Dark Hope MUD by Theodryck
 * Copyright 2009.  You may freely use and distribute this
 * code as long as the documentation remains unaltered.
 * To install into your code simply copy the entire
 * snippet and paste into the end of your act_wiz.c file,
 * set DECLARE_DO_FUN( do otype ) in merc.h and add the
 * command table in interp.c.  That should be all you need.

 * Code that searches for an item based on wear type using 
 * struct wear_flags as a guide (arms, wield, legs, etc).  This
 * is mainly for builders who are looking for eq consistancy.
 * --Theo
void do_otype( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
           CHAR_DATA      *rch;
	   OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex;
           AREA_DATA      *pArea;
	   char            buf  [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH   ];
	   char            arg  [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH    ];
           char            arg1 [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH    ];
           char            type [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH   ];
    extern int             top_vnum_obj;
           int             vnum;
	   int             bottom;
	   int             top;
           int             count = 0;
	   bool            fWorld;
	   bool            found;

    rch = get_char( ch );
    type[0] = '\0';
    pArea = ch->in_room->area;

    if ( !authorized( rch, "otype" ) )

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
    argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' ||
	( str_cmp( arg, "world" ) && str_cmp( arg, "area" ) ) )
	send_to_char( "Syntax: otype world <object type>\n\r", ch );
	send_to_char( "or:     otype area  <object type>\n\r", ch );

    if ( arg1[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Otype what?\n\r", ch );

    found   = FALSE;
    fWorld  = !str_cmp( arg, "world" );

    /* To keep silly people from intentionally causing a buffer overflow */
    if( ( !str_cmp( arg1, "take" ) 
        || !str_cmp( arg1, "wield" )
        || !str_cmp( arg1, "hold" ) )
        && ( fWorld ) ) 
          send_to_char( "Don't be silly.  That'll cause an overflow.\n\r", ch );
  * Since all wearable eq has a "take" flag, let's add it arg1
  * so we don't have to type it every single time.
        strcat( type, "take " );
        strcat( type, arg1 );

    if ( fWorld )
	bottom	= 0;
	top	= top_vnum_obj;
	bottom	= pArea->low_o_vnum;
	top	= pArea->hi_o_vnum + 1;

    for ( vnum = bottom; vnum < top; vnum++ )
	if ( !( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( vnum ) ) )

	if ( !fWorld && pArea != pObjIndex->area )

	if ( !str_cmp( type, flag_string( wear_flags, pObjIndex->wear_flags ) ) )
            found = TRUE;
            * OK.  We've found an item of the type we are looking for.
            * Now we'll display it with some formatting and include the
            * area name that the object is located
	    sprintf( buf, "{o{w[%5d]{x%-45s %-30s\n\r",
		pObjIndex->vnum, capitalize( pObjIndex->name ), pObjIndex->area->name );
            send_to_char( buf, ch );

    if ( !found )
	send_to_char( "Nothing like that in hell, earth, or heaven.\n\r", ch);

     sprintf( buf, "{xYou found %d total items of type %s.\n\r", count, arg1 );
     send_to_char( buf, ch );
