#AREA   Mount Areukk~

#AUTHOR Dabura~

0 65 0 65


#RESETMSG A howling wind can be heard as another one of the endless storms passes through the mountains.~


#CLIMATE 2 2 2

first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
controller landing icer~
The landing controller~
The Icer landing controller is here, watching a monitor and pressing buttons.
67108867 0 -500 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
guard icer~
An Icer Guard~
An Icerian Guard stands at attention here.
3 0 -500 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1000000000
112 112 1
75 75 75 75 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
guard icer city~
An Icer Cityguard~
An Icerian Cityguard stands at a rigid attention here.
3 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1300000000
112 112 1
100 100 100 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer man male poor~
A poor Icer man~
A poor Icer man wanders around here, looking for a job.
197 0 -100 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 500000000
112 112 1
100 100 100 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer female woman poor~
A poor Icer woman~
A poor Icer woman wanders about here, with nothing to do.
193 0 -300 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 550000000
112 112 2
100 75 75 75 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer child poor kid~
An icer child~
A downcast Icer child looks for a playmate.
1 0 -100 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 400000000
112 112 0
75 75 75 75 10
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer man common commoner~
An Icer Commoner~
An Icer Commoner man moves back and forth, diligently at work.
1 0 -400 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 700000000
112 112 1
100 100 75 85 5
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer woman common commoner~
An Icer Commoner~
An Icer Commoner woman tends to her children here.
1 0 -250 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 675000000
112 112 2
75 100 100 75 10
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icer child common commoner~
A Commoner Icer Child~
A young Icer Commoner frolicks with his friends here.
1 0 -400 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 600000000
112 112 0
75 75 75 75 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rich high man icer~
A Highcitizen Man~
A richly dressed Icerian man preens himself here.
1 0 -600 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 950000000
112 112 1
100 80 80 100 5
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 1~
if rand(2)
mpoload 100320
rich high woman icer~
A Highcitizen Woman~
A finely-clad woman struts to and fro here.
1 0 -600 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 900000000
112 112 2
75 100 40 100 10
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rich high child icer~
A rich Icer child~
A rich Icer child fumes and glares at everyone here.
1 0 -500 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 800000000
112 112 0
75 100 100 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
keeper bartender barkeep icer~
An Icer bartender~
An Icer bartender bustles about fixing various drinks.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
say Don't do anything stupid, or I'll call the guards!
merchant guard icer patrol~
An Icer Merchantguard~
An Icer guard stands here, keeping a close eye on all shoppers.
3 0 -400 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1250000000
112 112 1
125 100 125 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
military shop man icer~
An Icer shopkeeper~
An Icer shopkeeper tends his inventory, muttering under his breath.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
500 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
say Welcome to my shop, $n!
warrior male icer~
A Male Icerian Warrior~
A male Warrior casts his haughty gaze upon all in the room.
3 0&2048 -800 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 6000000000
112 112 1
125 125 125 125 15
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
> fight_prog 20~
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 5~
> fight_prog 35~
female warrior icer~
A Female Icerian Warrior~
A slightly less androgynous female warrior coldly stares about.
3 0&8192 -800 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 6000000000
112 112 2
125 125 125 125 15
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
> fight_prog 20~
'dual destructo disk'
> fight_prog 35~
male guardian icer~
A towering Icer Guardian~
A huge Icerian man meditates on the ground.
The male Guardian here appears to be asleep, although one with a cunning
eye could easily discern he is simply meditating, his muscles tensed.
Were he not on the ground, he would tower over most other Icers at nearly
six and a half feet tall, and could easily smite the life out of any of his
brethren, although his occupation does not include such activities. Mastery
over his art is clear, as he appears ready to explode into a flurry of motion at
any moment.
35 0&16384 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 15000000000
112 112 1
150 150 150 150 20
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
> death_prog 5~
mpoload 150220
mpecho In his final death throes, the Guardian clutches a small silver key in his hand.
mpecho As death finally takes him, it falls out of his hand, clinking softly on the floor.
> fight_prog 10~
> fight_prog 4~
say DIE!!
'scattered finger beam' 50
> fight_prog 5~
mpechoat $n Running towards you, $I grabs you by the legs, throws you directly above him and follows up with a barrage of
mpechoat $n small ki blasts. [25]
mpdamage $n 25
> fight_prog 20~
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 15~
'destructive wave'
female guardian icer~
A ferocious Icer Guardian~
A small, yet ferocious female Guardian readies herself for battle here.
Although she only appears to stand a few inches over five feet, this
Guardian obviously can defend herself, as her androgyny has been
stretched to an extraordinary limit, her massive muscles disguising
her gender even more. Opaque, ice-like battle armor covers nearly
her entire body.
35 0&8192 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 15000000000
112 112 2
175 175 175 175 20
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
> death_prog 5~
mpoload 150221
mpecho As the Icer Guardian falls over, finally dead, a small golden key slowly falls out of her hand, landing softly on the floor.
> fight_prog 1~
mpecho The Icer Guardian pauses in her relentless attack for a moment, staring at you. Out of nowhere, several quick bursts of energy
mpecho from her eyes at you!
'eye beam'
'eye beam'
'eye beam'
> fight_prog 10~
'dual destructo disk'
'destructo disk'
> fight_prog 15~
'death ball'
> fight_prog 20~
'finger beam'
ymir overlord icer~
Ymir, Overlord of Mount Areukk~
Ymir, Overlord of Mount Areukk sits on his throne, contemplating existance.
Standing at nearly eight feet tall, Overlord Ymir is an imposing figure, his
mighty position in Mount Areukk no doubt cemented by his appearance, and way
of carrying himself. Although he is sitting down, his muscles appear to be tensed,
as if he were ready even now to battle, and most likely kill, anyone who challenges
him. His eyes burn with an eerie red glow, made even more mystical by the reflection
they receive from his armor.
35 128&16384 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 45000000000
112 112 1
400 400 400 400 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
> hitprcnt_prog 15~
if rand(75)
  mea $n Ymir runs up towards you, grabbing you by the ankles! He spins you about rapidly, hurling you out of the room!
  mea $n The last thing you hear before leaving the throne room is Ymir screaming for guards.
  if mobcount(150046) < 4
    mpmload 150121
    mpmload 150121
    mpmload 150121
    mpmload 150121
  mpforce $n flee
  mpforce $n flee
  mpforce $n flee
> fight_prog 5~
'death ball'
'death ball'
> fight_prog 5~
'scattered finger beam' 50
> fight_prog 10~
'destructive wave'
> fight_prog 15~
'energy ball'
'energy ball'
> fight_prog 1~
mpecho &CYmir powers up, his aura flaring. He screams out, "&RDEATH BEAM!!!!&C"
mpecho &CHe holds his arms to his side, and then performs a punching motion with both, a spiraling beam of energy blasting
mpecho &Ctowards you!
mpdamage $n 100
> greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
mpechoat $n &ROverlord Ymir'seyes flare open from his contemplation, as he senses your arrival in the Throne Room.
mpechoat $n &RHe darts into action, launching himself from a harmless-looking lounging position into a feral dash across the room!
mpechoat $n &RAs he powers up, Ymir's subzero &Ppurple&R aura flares about the room, chilling you to the bone!
if isimmort($n)
mpechoat $n Ymir backs down from his attack, whimpering loudly.
cower $n
say Have you come to destroy me, $n?
> death_prog 100~
if rand(1)
if ispc($n)
if pl($n)<=200000000000
mpecho Falling to the ground, dead, Ymir's corpse lands upon a small switch, opening a panel on the side of the room.
mpecho Upon further inspection, you find what appears to be his battle armor.
mpoload 150223
if rand(5)
mpecho As Ymir slowly falls to the ground, he lands upon a small switch, opening a panel on the arm of his throne.
mpecho Upon further examination, you find a small ice key inside.
mpoload 150222 $n
> fight_prog 50~
> fight_prog 65~
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 30~
royal guard icer~
An Icerian Royal Guard~
An Icerian Royal guard patrols the hallways here, looking for intruders.
33 0&2048 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 10000000000
112 112 1
150 150 150 150 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 15~
'energy ball'
'energy ball'
> fight_prog 10~
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 15~
> fight_prog 15~
Ariemas icer~
Ariemas stands here, perfecting his fighting techniques.
Wearing only a heavy set of pants, Ariemas' heavily muscled body flexes
with every breath. A large ring has been pierced through two spots in his
lower lip, and it appears to be made out of a pale reddish metal that
oddly shimmers every few seconds. His skin is pale, threaded here and there
by an angry shade of red. Its glasslike surface reflects the light of his
room, making him appear to be blazing with light.
3 128&8192 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 25000000000
112 112 1
200 150 175 150 20
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 20~
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n Ariemas, sensing your presence, halts his flurry of punches towards an imaginary foe, and turns towards you.
mpsleep 2
mpechoat $n He flexes his muscles, stretches slightly, and grins in hope of a fight.
mpsleep 2
say I hope you've come here to fight, $n. You'll find I'm not another meek royal to be beaten down.
> fight_prog 30~
if race($n)!=android
mpechoat $n &RAriemas grabs ahold of your arm with both his hands, and twists as hard as he can, in an attempt to break the bone!
mpdamage $n 15
if rand(30)
mpdamage $n 40
'dual destructo disk'
> fight_prog 15~
if race($n)!=android
mpechoat $n &r$I punches you viciously in the jaw, and while you are briefly stunned, he delivers a fearsome axekick to the side&D
mpechoat $n &rof your neck!&D
mpechoaround $n &r$I punches $n viciously in the jaw, and while $n is stunned, $i follows up with a fearsome axekick to $n's neck!&D
mpdamage $n 25
if rand(35)
mpdamage $n 15
if rand(5)
mpechoat $n &r$I's axekick shatters your spine, sending your lifeless corpse crashing to the ground!&D
mpechoaround $n &r$I's axekick shatters $n's spine, sending their lifeless corpse crashing to the ground!&D
mpslay $n
> death_prog 5~
mpechoat $n Falling roughly to the ground as he dies, Ariemas lands on a small object he
mpechoat $n had on his person - a crystalline orb. It shatters into pieces, leaving only
mpechoat $n one small shard remaining.
mpoload 150242
ziranyth icer~
Ziranyth sits on a chair in the corner, holding up a magazine sideways.
Dressed in inordinately gilded clothing, Ziranyth appears to be quite
a connoisseur for clothing, and by the decorations of his dwelling, also
one for women. Large amounts of gold and jewelry cover his body, and by
his posture one could ascertain that he is quite a lazy person.
1 0 -500 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 15000000000
112 112 1
175 175 120 125 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 10~
mpecho $I runs over to the drawer of his desk and pulls out a giant box, and then proceeds to hurl it at your face!
mpdamage $n 10
> greet_prog 100~
if sex($n)==2
emote whips his head around upon your entrance. His face contorts into a sort of horrified, yet delighted grin.
emote tries to hide the magazine he was looking at as quickly as possible, stuffing it haphazardly into a drawer.
say Uhh.. can I help you?
emote tenses up, sensing your arrival. He puts the magazine he was looking at into a drawer quickly as if hiding something.
say What are you doing here?!
> fight_prog 40~
'energy ball'
> fight_prog 50~
> death_prog 5~
mpechoat $n Falling roughly to the ground as he dies, Ziranyth lands on a small object he
mpechoat $n had on his person - a crystalline orb. It shatters into pieces, leaving only
mpechoat $n one small shard remaining.
mpoload 150243
kauut icer~
Ka-uut sits on the floor, huddled up in a ball.
A small, yet brilliant sapphire-blue aura surrounds Ka-uut's body at all
times, demonstrating his obviously amazing mastery over his ki. Very small
amounts of armor cover some sections of his body, although in peculiar spots,
such as the middle of his arm, and the segments of his fingers. He is garbed
in a midnight black robe, one that hardly seems to make a noise despite the
celerity of his movements.
35 0 -400 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 20000000000
112 112 1
100 10 300 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 10~
'destructive wave' $n
> fight_prog 10~
'energy ball' $n
'energy ball' $n
> fight_prog 10~
'eye beam' $n
> fight_prog 5~
'death ball' $n
> fight_prog 5~
'dual destructo disk'
> fight_prog 10~
'finger beam'
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 1~
'scattered finger beam' 50
> greet_prog 100~
emote suddenly stops shivering upon your arrival in the room. He slowly clambers up onto his feet, turning to face you.
emote growls softly - his face is contorted in rage. Slowly, he walks towards you, preparing himself for a fight.
> fight_prog 8~
if rand(80)
mpechoat $n &Y$I's fingertips begin to glow as ten blazing points of golden energy form on $I's hands. They pulse briefly, and then&D
mpechoat $n &Ylaunch simultaneously in a whirling spiral towards you!&D
mpechoaround $n &Y$I's fingertips begin to glow, as ten blazing points of golden energy form on $I's hands. They pulse briefly, and then&D
mpechoaround $n &Ylaunch simultaneously in a whirling spiral towards you!&D
mpdamage $n 15
if rand(20)
mpechoat $n &YThe spiraling balls of ki all explode on impact, making a gaping wound on your chest!&D
mpechoaround $n &YThe spiraling balls of ki all explode on impact, making a gaping wound on $n's chest!&D
mpdamage $n 20
mpechoat $n &R$I jumps back, sticks out his right forearm parallel to the floor, and he begins to scream as a writhing ball of black&D
mpechoat $n &Rand red ki forms in his hand. After a moment, the ball grows to massive proportions!&D
mpechoaround $n &R$I jumps back, sticks out his right forearm parallel to the floor, and he begins to scream as a writhing ball of black&D
mpechoaround $n &Rand red ki forms in his hand. After a moment, the ball grows to massive proportions!&D
mpsleep 3
mpechoat $n &RSuddenly, $I stops screaming, and utters a single word - &WDie.&R -&D
mpechoat $n &RThe ball of ki turns into a massive beam of energy racing towards you!&D
mpechoaround $n &RSuddenly, $I stops screaming, and utters a single word - &WDie. &R-&D
mpechoaround $n &RThe ball of ki turns into a massive beam of energy racing towards $n!&D
mpdamage $n 55
> death_prog 5~
mpechoat $n Falling roughly to the ground as he dies,  Ka-uut lands on a small object he
mpechoat $n had on his person - a crystalline orb. It shatters into pieces, leaving only
mpechoat $n one small shard remaining.
mpoload 150245
gwelia icer~
Gwelia sits in her chair here, staring at her reflection in the mirror.
Although she is a very meager-looking person, her muscles have the slight
toning of someone who is versed in at least one style of martial art. Her
clothes, although extraordinarly gaudy and overnecessarily stylish, still
have some remaining amount of function, so she is not entirely hampered
by what she wears, and is still able to defend herself. A small amount of
gold hue contrasts starkly with her snow-white skin, although the gold appears
to be limited to her face and head.
131 0 -800 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 15000000000
112 112 2
150 150 150 150 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
> fight_prog 10~
mpecho Running up to you, $I kicks you in the shin, and then pokes your eyes repeatedly!
kick $n
mpdamage $n 10
> greet_prog 100~
mpechoat $n &wGwelia stares dreamily at her reflection in the mirror, not noticing your arrival for several moments.
mpechoat $n &wShe stands up, and turns around to look at you coldly. "&WYou are not one of the servants! Leave my chambers at once!&w"
mpechoaround $n &wGwelia stares dreamily at her reflection in the mirror, not noticing $n's arrival for several moments.
mpecharound $n &wShe stands up, and turns around to look at $n coldly. "&WYou are not one of the servants! Leave my chambers at once!&w"
mpsleep 40
if isfight($n)
mpecho Gwelia screams for the guards!
mpsleep 3
mpecho Gwelia runs past you, furious, as she calls for the guards!
mpsleep 3
> fight_prog 10~
mpechoat $n Gwelia kicks you in the shins!
mpechoaround $n Gwelia kicks $n in the shins!
mpdamage $n 5
> death_prog 5~
mpechoat $n Falling roughly to the ground as she dies, Gwelia lands on a small object she
mpechoat $n had on her person - a crystalline orb. It shatters into pieces, leaving only
mpechoat $n one small shard remaining.
mpoload 150244
master training~
An Icerian Master~
An Icerian Master attempts to perfect his subzero aura here.
67110403 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if race($n) == icer
emote stands up quickly, bowing to you.
say If you desire training, I can give it to you.
emote clambers up slowly, but deliberately so, from the ground, his horribly scarred face glaring at you with disgust.
say Were I not required by the great Lord Ymir to train all visitors to Mount Areukk, despite their race...
say You would be dead.
say However, I am, so.. if you require training or demonstration of various techniques, I am capable of such.
android upgrade maintenance device~
A Mechasynthetic Maintenance Device~
A large maintenance device takes up nearly the entire room here.
-2147483645 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if race($n)==android
mpecho The mechanical device begins to speak out of a small, hidden speaker.
say Greetings, Synthetic Device. If you require maintenance, or upgrading, I am capable of doing such.
say This device is not built for maintenance of non-synthetic organic beings!
mpforce $n west
> rand_prog ~
if xp($n)<=500000000
if rand(25)
mpecho A small, transparent device appears out of nowhere near the optical input devices on the machine.
mpecho A faint whirring noise can be heard as several calculations are rapidly made.
say Synthetic Device $N, your output efficiency may be sub-normal. Recommended actions: proceed to the lower chamber for testing.
A Trainroom Monitor~
There's a Trainroom Monitor here.
75497475 0 0 C
14 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
mpoload 150227
mpforce $I give gainer $n
> act_prog ne nw~
mpat 0.$n mpforce $n remove gainer
mpat 0.$n mpforce $n drop gainer
tester android machine humanoid~
Combat Test Android BTL-002~
A humanoid-looking machine stands in the middle of the room, in a fighting stance.
With its hands up, one higher than the other, only slightly above its 'head',
and the other near the abdomen, this machine appears ready for combat, a
notion made even more apparent by its slightly crouched legs.
A thin, blue-tinted metal covers the most vital sections of its body, along with
most of the appendages. Large, red eyes take up a large portion of the face, looking
eerily humanlike.
3 0 -200 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 400000000000
112 112 0
350 350 350 350 0
0 0 0 0 0
4 4 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 2~
mpecho A large siren sounds throughout the chamber, and a warning is heard: "&RARTIFICIAL MODEL $N GENERATING DANGEROUS LEVELS OF
mpecho &YSuddenly, the mechanical devices on the wall all recede, only to be replaced by large mechanized turrets. Aiming their
mpechoaround $n &Ysights on $n, they fire, obliterating $n!
mpechoat $n &Ysights on you, they fire, obliterating you!
mpslay $n
> fight_prog 15~
say Piercing class energy triggers required for analysis. Respond to input.
'finger beam'
'finger beam'
> fight_prog 30~
say Physical overloading triggers required for analysis. Respond to input.
> fight_prog 15~
say Thermal class energy triggers required. Respond to input.
> fight_prog 5~
say Anti-defensive maneuver output required. Respond to input.
'electric shield'
> death_prog 100~
if rand(10)
   mpecho As the machine crumples to the ground, a heap of useless metal, a panel emerges from the wall.
   mpecho It beeps for nearly a second, then says, &C"ERROR: Insufficient data recording. Unable to compute android efficiency."&D
   mpecho The concentric circles on the floor open up, the remains of $I falling down, only to be replaced by another $I.
   mpmload 150130
   if rand(4)
      mpecho A large portion of the ever-shifting mechanized wall disappears, and a loud whirring is heard as data is computed.
      mpecho A small device appears from near the floor, turning towards you.
      mpecho It says, &C"Effects of gravity too high, requiring body to expend excess amounts of power for movement."&D
      mpecho It clicks for another second. &C"Use of incoming device will facilitate extra power output, possible parameters to be increased&D
      mpecho &Cinclude input response time, alacrity and processor efficiency."&D
      mpoload 150231
      if rand(1)
         if rand(30)
            mpecho Nearly the entire wall recedes into itself, only to be replaced by more mechanical devices. A deafening roar
            mpecho can be heard, originating somewhere in the vicinity.
            mpsleep 1
            mpecho A small panel moves itself into view, as a bright blue light scans your entire body.
            mpecho After a moment, it says, &C"ERROR: Body type not found in database. ERROR: Insufficient combat technology acquisition rate."&D
            mpecho It beeps, and adds, &C"Body type added to database. Recommend rectification for second error: installation of incoming&D
            mpecho &Cdevice. Combat information acquisition rate will be greatly enhanced."&D
            mpoload 150232
namek lord slug~
The Ancient Namek, Lord Slug~
Lord Slug stands here, a smug grin on his gargantuan face.
A giant Namekian stands before you, its size compared only to the great
Oozaru. It towers over you, a large black billowing cape blocking out
the sun as the Namek looks down at you, its large chin planted on its
chest as it squints to you and laughs, the whole planet rumbling.
67 128&100664320 -600 C
51 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 3500000000000
112 112 1
400 400 400 400 400
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 25~
'special beam cannon'
> fight_prog 40~
> fight_prog 20~
> fight_prog 10~
hellz 50
> fight_prog 5~
> fight_prog 1~
charge heaven
mpsleep 20
> death_prog 100~
if rand(1)
if pl($n)<=10000000000000
mpecho As Lord Slug falls to the ground, dead, his cloak falls open to reveal a resplendent, and ancient, robe!
mpoload 150233
mpecho $n is too powerful to claim the prize!
mpmload 150131
mpecho &GLord Slug, sensing his imminent death, jumps backwards, straightening his back, as he spits out a pearly white&D
mpecho &Gegg into the air! It lands on the ground, and hatches. A smaller Lord Slug, fully clothed, emerges from the egg,&D
mpecho &Ggrowing rapidly into another Lord Slug!&D
mpmload 150131
> fight_prog 2~
mpechoaround $n &zLord Slug reaches out with monstrous hands, grabbing onto $n with a ferocious grip! He begins to squeeze&D
mpechoaround $n &zas hard as he possibly can. Soon, shattering noises can be heard coming from the body of $n as they die.&D
mpechoaround $n &zLord Slug then drops their lifeless corpse to the ground.&D
mpechoat $n &zLord Slug reaches out with monstrous hands, grabbing onto you with a ferocious grip! He begins to squeeze&D
mpechoat $n &zas hard as he possibly can. Soon, shattering noises can be heard coming from your body, as you die.&D
mpslay $n
> fight_prog 12~
mpecho &GLord Slug jumps back from the melee suddenly, arching his back, and spreading his mouth open peculiarly.&D
mpecho &GA large egg rockets of out his mouth, landing on the ground nearby! As it hatches, a small version of Lord&D
mpecho &GSlug emerges, growing rapidly to his normal size!&D
mpmload 150132
mpforce 150132 mpkill $n
> rand_prog 5~
> act_prog 100 flees~
mpecho &RLord Slug laughs at the cowardice of $n, his arms stretching out towards their running body at lightning speeds!&D
mpat 0.$n mpechoaround $n &WLord Slug's fists race towards $n, grabbing hold of their body, and pulling them back to him!&D
mpat 0.$n mpechoat $n &WLord Slug's fists race towards you, grabbing hold of your body, and pulling you back towards him!&D
mptransfer $n $i
mpkill $n
namek slug copy~
A Newborn Lord Slug~
Lord Slug has hatched a copy of himself, and it is standing here.
99 524288&33555456 -400 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1000000000000
112 112 1
200 200 200 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 30~
'special beam cannon'
> fight_prog 20~
> fight_prog 5~
> fight_prog 50~
forgotten master forlorn man~
A Forgotten Master~
An old, forlorn-looking man stands with his hands crossed over his chest here.
Obviously a man who trained heavily in the martial arts while still
under the blessings of youth, his strength is still apparent in his
well-toned and large muscles, most notably his legs and biceps. A dark,
almost shadowy gi covers the majority of his torso and legs, but stops
mid-shin, and heavy wooden sandals cover his feet, a very meager, and
seemingly unintelligent type of footwear on such an icy planet as this.
3 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 200000000000
112 112 1
100 100 100 100 0
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 20~
mpecho &z$I stiffens his hands, and swirls around rapidly, using his hands as knives, slicing high and low at $n!&D
mppldamage $n 10
> fight_prog 10~
> fight_prog 5~
> fight_prog 5~
say You'll soon learn I am not a man to be trifled with!
> fight_prog 1~
if rand(80)
multi 50
if rand(50)
mpechoat $n &zThe disks all seem to have been charged with an extraordinary amount of energy, causing further damage to you!&D
mppldamage $n 5
> fight_prog 25~
> fight_prog 20~
mpechoaround $n &z$I growls, holding his two hands together, and running up towards $n. He sweeps their feet off the ground, making&D
mpechoaround $n &zthem fall face-forward to the ground. $I then follows up with a devastating two-handed blow to their back.&D
mppldamage $n 10
mppldamage $n 10
> fight_prog 10~
mpecho $I runs up towards $n, his feet swirling in the air as he performs a fearsome-looking spinkick!
mppldamage $n 5
mppldamage $n 5
> death_prog 100~
if rand(2)
if pl($n)<=1000000000000
mpecho &zAs the Master falls to the ground, dead, his hand lands roughly on a small, nearly hidden button. A whirring noise can be heard&D
mpecho &zbriefly, as a small panel opens, revealing a magnificent belt.&D
mpoload 150239
if rand(2)
if pl($n)<=1000000000000
mpecho &zAs the Master falls to the ground, dead, his hand lands roughly on a small, nearly hidden button. A whirring noise can be heard&D
mpecho &zbriefly, as a small panel opens, revealing a magnificent headband.&D
mpoload 150234
royal attendant~
Overlord Ymir's Royal Attendant~
Overlord Ymir's attendant stands before the door to the throne room, overseeing the visitors.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
500 10 500 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
tsk $n
say If you require an audience with Overlord Ymir, please present a crystalline orb. The one you SHOULD have received, if he will allow you to see him.
say If, for some reason, it has broken, please present me with enough shards as to solidify your claim to having owned one previously, and I shall replace it.
say Once you have given me your shards, simply tell me that you are ready.
close north
lock north
> speech_prog 'ready'~
if ovnuminv(150242)>=1
 if ovnuminv(150243)>=1
  if ovnuminv(150244)>=1
    if ovnuminv(150245)>=1
    say It appears you were indeed sent one of the orbs. I shall give you a replacement immediately. Use it to unlock the door.
    mpjunk all
    mpoload 150241 $n
   say You do not have enough of the correct shards to prove you owned an orb.
   mpjunk all
  say You do not have enough of the correct shards to prove you owned an orb.
  mpjunk all
 say You do not have enough of the correct shards to prove you owned an orb.
 mpjunk all
say You do not have enough of the correct shards to prove you owned an orb.
mpjunk all
mpoload 150241
Gary the Janitor~
Gary the Magical Janitor~
&GGary the Magical Janitor is here, mopping up stuff.&D
69 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
500 500 500 500 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 10~
say Uhh... someone threw up.
mpsleep 5
emote goes wandering off.
> rand_prog 10~
say The Kourck needs me, I heard. Uh.. fuuudge.
emote nods, and changes stuff with his magic.
> rand_prog 5~
say One time, I made this hat out of hair, but it went bad, so I had to destroy it.
> greet_prog 100~
if number($n)==398
say Well, well, well. If it isn't the Trix Rabbit, my ancient archnemesis!
emote starts to change physics!
emote turns his mop into a giant javelin and hurls it through the Trix Rabbit's body, skewering him to the wall.
mpdamage $n 101
> rand_prog 10~
say I remember back in the day, when I invented chickens... damn, was I good or what?
> greet_prog ~
if name($n)==Dabura
say Jumping Jehosophat! It's the Kourck!
emote magically creates a few pizza trophies.
say Three trophies for the Kourck!
if isimmort($n)
say Well, it looks like $n has come to play. Shall we fight, ah today.. tonight.. just right.
> rand_prog 5~
say Skacksbeaks!
say :-M
> death_prog 100~
mpecho As $n deals what would normally be a mortal blow to Gary the Janitor, he grins, and his mop turns into a giant flamethrower.
mpecho He thumbs a switch to the ON position, and green, sparkling flames shoot out of it rapidly, blasting $n into nowhere.
mptransfer $n 2
mpecho Gary grins again, as he changes the laws of physics, healing his damaged body.
mpmload 150136
> rand_prog 10~
say The Kourck needs me, I heard.. uhh.. fudge.
emote nods, and changes reality with a quick brandish of his mop.
icer transporter~
An Icer Transporter~
A nonescript Icer stands here, ready to transport you to and from CoU.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 1
10 10 10 10 0
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> speech_prog 'Transport me to COU'~
if isfight($n)
say I can't do that while you're fighting, $n!
say Very well.
mea $n There's a bright flash as you're transported to CoU!
mer $n There's a bright flash as $n is transported to CoU!
mptransfer $n 6000
> greet_prog 100~
say If you desire to return to the Center of the Universe space station, simply say, "transport me to COU".
last mob~
a newly created last mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
1 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
yudkha alcohol drink bottle~
A bottle of yudkha~
A bottle of yudkha lies on the ground here.~
17 0 1
5 5 7 0 0 0
1 0 50
mug grog alcohol~
A mug of grog~
A mug of grog lies on the ground here.~
17 0 1
5 5 17 0 0 0
1 0 5
lantern glowing light~
A glowing green lantern~
A brightly growing green lantern has been left on its side here.~
1 0 16385
0 0 75 0 0 0
1 7500 20
canteen metal water~
A metallic canteen~
Water trickling out of the top, a canteen is tipped over here.~
17 0 1
10 10 0 0 0 0
1 0 5
food fungus package~
A fungus ration package~
A fungus-filled ration package's metallic wrapping glitters on the ground.~
19 0 1
4 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 2
namek warrior vest~
&gA &GN&gamekian &GW&garrior's &GW&geighted &GV&gest&D~
&gAn evergreen colored vest has been dropped on the ground here.~
9 1949696 9 32
0 0 0 75 500 500
10 30000 25000
2 -5
4 -3
saiyan battle bracers~
&wa &RSaiyan &wBattle Bracer&D~
A thick metallic bracer has been tossed to the side here.~
9 10387456 4097 32
0 0 0 0 125 125
15 20000 20000
1 2
4 1
thorax plate plating~
&zBiomechanical Thoraxic Plating&D~
A peculiarly ridged chestplate is crumpled upon the ground.~
9 1032192 9 1
0 0 0 0 750 750
20 87500 22500
4 4
2 1
pants karate~
&CS&wteelcloth &CK&warate &CP&wants&D~
A thickly woven pair of pants are on the ground here.~
9 10436608 33 32
0 0 0 0 225 225
1 40000 20000
2 4
4 3
boots saiyan battle~
&wa pair of shin-high &RSaiyan &wBattle Boots&D~
A sturdy-looking pair of boots appear out of place on the ground here.~
9 1998848 65
0 0 0 0 150 150
5 22500 22500
2 3
icer imperial battle armor~
&zImperial Icerian Battlearmor&D~
A thickly plated piece of armor lies on the ground.~
9 9830400 9 192
0 0 0 0 240 240
18 39000 85000
1 4
3 2
icer imperial shinplates~
&zImperial Icerian Shinplates&D~
A pair of metallic shinplates gleam on the ground here.~
9 9830400 33 64
0 0 0 0 225 225
3 32500 80000
2 2
4 2
icer imperial armplate~
&zImperial Icerian Armplates&D~
Two inch-thick armplates lay haphazardly on the ground.~
9 9830400 257 96
0 0 0 0 120 120
6 24500 80000
1 5
icer imperial gauntlets~
&zImperial Icerian Gauntlets&D~
A heavily segmented pair of gauntlets lie on the ground.~
9 9830400 129
0 0 0 0 75 75
9 17500 77500
2 4
icer imperial boots~
&zImperial Icerian Boots&D~
A pair of heavy metallic boots lie unnoticed.~
9 9830400 65
0 0 0 0 100 100
12 17500 80000
4 3
mecha mechaicer body plating~
&BM&cecha-&BI&ccer &BB&cody &BP&clating&D~
Some Mecha-Icer Body Plating is here.~
9 1556480 9 1
0 0 0 0 175 175
35 35000 200000
4 4
2 3
mecha mechaicer leg segment segments~
&BM&cecha-&BI&ccer &BL&ceg &BS&cegments&D~
Some Mecha-Icer Leg Segments are here.~
9 9945088 33 1
0 0 0 0 125 125
18 35000 180000
2 4
1 2
4 1
3 2
mecha mechaicer cranial plating~
&BM&cecha-&BI&ccer &BC&cranial &BP&clating&D~
Some Mecha-Icer Cranial Plating is here.~
9 9945088 17 1
0 0 0 0 200 200
10 37500 175000
3 4
4 2
2 1
mecha mechaicer forearm segment~
&BM&cecha-&BI&ccer &BF&corearm &BS&cegments&D~
Some Mecha-Icer Forearm Segments are here.~
9 1556480 4097 1
0 0 0 0 200 200
4 35000 100000
1 2
4 2
2 1
3 1
mecha mechaicer brachial arm plating~
&BM&cecha-&BI&ccer &BB&crachial &BP&clating&D~
Some Mecha-Icer Brachial Plating is here.~
9 1556480 257 1
0 0 0 0 200 200
14 47500 150000
2 5
1 3
4 3
key lock silver~
An ornate silver key~
There is a thin, ornately crafted silver key on the ground here.~
18 0 1
150220 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
key gold~
An ornate golden key~
There is a thin, ornately crafted golden key on the ground here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
ice key~
A small, irregularly shaped ice key~
A small, irregularly shaped ice key is on the ground here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
ragnarok battle armor~
&rRagnarok Battle Armor&D~
&rA large, thick chestplate with ruby-colored plates lies on the ground forgotten.~
9 0 1025 1
0 0 0 0 1750 1750
15 195000 19500
1 2
3 3
4 2
2 1
> wear_prog 100~
mpecho As $n dons the Ragnarok Battle Armor, a blood-red aura flares up about them.
mpecho While the aura slowly dies down, the armor begins to shift slightly, molding
mpecho itself to $n's body structure.
&RD&zabura's &RD&zemon &RS&zword&D~
Some god dropped a newly created dsword here.~
5 8388752 8193
0 15 50 250 0 0
1 5250000 525000
1 300
29 300
2 300
3 300
4 300
hiking pack~
&OA Hiking Pack&D~
A large hiking pack has been left on the ground here.~
15 4194304 524289
35 0 0 0 0 0
5 700 5500
coins zeni treasure pile~
A Pile of Treasure~
Piles and mounds of treasure lie scattered about the room.~
20 0 1
25000 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
namekian warrior cape~
&gA &GN&gamekian &GW&garrior's &GW&geighted &GC&gape&D~
&gA thick, heavy-looking cape lies draped across the ground here.&D~
9 1949696 9 128
0 0 0 100 400 400
15 20000 30000
2 -6
4 -2
plating abdomen plate~
&zBiomechanical Abdomen Plating&D~
A peculiarly plated abdominal covering lies on the ground.~
9 1032192 2049 1
0 0 0 0 200 200
5 32500 14000
1 3
2 2
hand wrappings karate~
&CS&wteelcloth &CK&warate &CH&wandwrappings&D~
&CA long trail of metallic-looking handwrappings lie on the ground.&D~
9 10436608 129 32
0 0 0 1000 50 50
1 22500 14000
4 4
2 3
antigravity gravity implants~
&YReinforced Anti-Gravity Implants&D~
A peculiar mechanical device lies unused on the ground.~
9 10207232 2097153 1
0 0 0 0 10 10
1 18500 1850
2 5
3 2
cybernetic absorbtion cell~
&RA Magnified Cybernetic Absorbtion Cell&D~
A large red gem-like object lies glittering and abandoned on the ground.~
9 10207232 129 2
0 0 0 250 35 35
1 8500 850
1 2
ancient namek robes~
&gAncient Namekian Robes&D~
Large, green robes lie crumpled on the ground.~
9 8388608 9 128
0 0 0 0 1 1
5 77600 7760
1 5
2 10
4 6
3 10
karate master steelcloth headband~
&zKarate Master's Steelcloth Headband&D~
A long, narrow strip of metallic cloth flutters about on the ground here.~
9 10436608 17 32
0 0 0 0 150 150
3 42500 28000
3 5
4 6
2 3
1 -3
medical body wrap~
&WA Medical Body Wrap&D~
A long trail of bandages lay draped across the ground here.~
9 5505024 9 1
0 0 0 0 30 30
1 8000 1000
4 2
medical leg wrap~
&WMedical Leg Wrap&D~
A long trail of bandages lay draped across the ground here.~
9 6029312 33 1
0 0 0 0 15 15
1 6500 500
4 2
a newly created button~
There is a small, red button to the side of the door of the ship.~
37 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
> push_prog 100~
mpechoat $n The door slides open smoothly, a peculiar fog slowly billowing out of the ship.
mpopenpassage 150092 150093 0
mpforce $n north
mpclosepassage 150092 0
mpat 150092 pull button
a newly created button~
There is a small, red button to the side of the door of the ship.~
37 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
> push_prog 100~
mpechoat $n &WThe bright lights from outside illuminate the ship, as the door silently slides open.&D
mpopenpassage 150093 150092 2
mpforce $n south
mpclosepassage 150093 2
mpat 150093 pull button
master blackbelt belt~
&zA Master's Blackbelt&D~
&zA long, thick belt lies on the ground, forgotten.&D~
9 2048000 2049 1
0 0 0 0 100 100
1 25000 2500
1 3
2 3
&WA Sparkling Diamond Orb&D~
Some god dropped a newly created orb here.~
13 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
small crystalline orb~
A magnificent crystalline orb~
A brilliant crystalline, sapphire-colored orb lies on the ground, its owner undoubtedly nearby.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
crystalline shard~
A small, circular crystalline shard~
A small, crystalline shard lies on the ground, abandoned by someone.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
crystalline shard~
A long, narrow crystalline shard~
A small, crystalline shard lies on the ground, abandoned by someone.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
crystalline shard~
A thick, pyramidal crystalline shard~
A small, crystalline shard lies on the ground, abandoned by someone.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
crystalline shard~
A thin, rectangular crystalline shard~
A small, crystalline shard lies on the ground, abandoned by someone.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
out of order sign~
A sign~
This room is OUT OF ORDER~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
last obj~
a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&CA Crowded Landing Pad&D~
Several dozen people mill about, all waiting for a ship to carry them to
their respective home worlds, while small patrols of Icerian Guards patrol
the area, making sure no fights escalate between the easily provoked
fighters and merchants who grace this installation.  The rock-ice used as a
landing platform is well-tended to.  Constant buffering and re-layering
have caused it to glint quite fearfully in the light. 
0 4 1
0 -1 150001
&CA Windy Path&D~
Between the primary landing pads, nowhere nearly as many people bustle
about, yet the number is still surprising for such a desolate place.  Large
regiments of Icer Warriors march nearby, practicing daily drills.  The path
here is nowhere near as slippery as the ground on the landing pads;
however, only by careful choosing of steps can one make it up toward the
Mountain without several falls. 
0 0 1
0 -1 150003
0 -1 150000
0 -1 150092
0 -1 150002
&YThe Landing Controller Hut&D~
A myriad of blinking lights and monitors litter this room, all being
quite haphazardly placed.  The majority of them are inactive, although the
remainder is still enough to drive most people insane.  A large window
faces out towards the landing platforms, though at the moment the blast
doors have been lowered over the windows, though for what reason is
0 0 0
0 -1 150001
sign wall~
&wTo book a shuttle for &CIceria City&w, simply say "Iceria City".
&CA Slippery Ledge&D~
Being the only means of traffic between the landing pads and the
mountain, this path is quite heavily trafficked.  Despite knowing this, the
Icers built it extraordinarily slippery, although it is dotted with small
foot niches, most likely to restrict passage to minimal numbers in case of
0 0 1 0 0 5
0 -1 150004
0 -1 150001
> entry_prog 10~
if ispc($n)
mpechoat $n You lose your footing on the narrow ledge and slip down towards the landing pad!
mpechoaround $n loses their footing, and begins a slow yet sure descent to the landing pad!
mpforce $n south
> leave_prog 10~
if ispc($n)
mpechoat $n You lose your footing on the narrow ledge and slip down towards the landing pad!
mpechoaround $n loses their footing, and begins a slow yet sure descent to the landing pad!
mpforce $n south
mpat $n mpforce $n south
&gEntrance to Mount Areukk&D~
The path finally comes to a widened end, stopping at a large gate.  It
glistens slightly from the body heat generated by the inhabitants, but its
green-ice composition appears to be for the most part unaltered.  Save A
small rectangular pad lies to one side of it, with the shape of an Icerian
hand molded into it, another step to defend this behemoth mountain
0 0 1
1 -1 150005
0 -1 150003
&zThe Junction&D~
Despite being very near to the entrance, the amount of light here has
been reduced signifigantly, due to its blatant lack of lighting sources. 
Whether this is another defensive measure used by the defenders of the
mountain, or simply a desire to keep the ice at a constant subzero
0 0 0
0 -1 150008
0 -1 150007
1 -1 150004
0 -1 150006
> entry_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
mpechoat $n &CA soft beeping noise can be heard, as a small speaker emerges near your position.&D
mpsleep 6
if inroom($n)==150005
mpechoat $n "Greetings, $n, and welcome to Mount Areukk, Icerian Empire Military Installation 173F2C."
mpechoat $n "While inside Mount Areukk, please be on your best behavior."
mpechoat $n "For first time visitors: To the north is the Commerce Sector, and to the east and west are the entryways
mpechoat $n to the housing sectors."
mpsleep 10
if inroom($n)==150005
mpechoat $n The voice chimes, "Have a pleasant day," as the speaker slowly retreats into its nook.
&cEntrance to the Poorcity&D~
Much like the junction to the east, this section of the mountain is
terribly lit.  During brief flares of light, rag-clothed citizens can be
seen huddling on the ground.  The tunnel here is very poorly maintained,
and has not been refrozen for what appears to be several years.  The floor
is melted down to rock, and the ceiling is littered with stalagtites. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150005
0 -1 150057
&cEntrance to the Highcity&D~
The ice and rock walls here glow brightly with a peculiar green fungus,
illuminating the higher ranking Icer civilians who travel to and fro, the
grand stairway being used obviously leading to a more upper-class division
of the city.  Security cameras are mounted on the walls, perhaps for
0 0 0
0 -1 150005
0 -1 150084
&gCommerce Section Gate&D~
The facade of ice tunneling no longer exists here; rock serves both as
floor and ceiling, obviously a necessity for the large amount of cargo
being hauled in from outside.  The room is lit by a green variety of fungus
that gives of an eerie light, causing the Icer merchants who hurry past to
appear almost as ghosts. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150005
1 -1 150009
&wA Bustling Bazaar&D~
A true wonder of Icerian architecture, the Commerce level is comprised
of a gargantuan dome, the entire floor covered by a myriad of shops and
stores, including several science research departments.  Several hundred
Icerian citizens meander about from one shop to the next here, oblivious to
the group of Icers near the entrance using their subzero auras to refreeze
weakening portions of the wall. 
0 0 0
16777217 -1 150008
0 -1 150010
&wEntrance to the Liquor Store&D~
Despite the large flashing sign of an alcoholic beverage, or perhaps
because of it, the majority of the shoppers here stay away from the shop to
the west, although quite a decent number of inebriated citizens stand near
the entrance.  The shop appears to be in quite poor condition, the entrance
not far from simply falling down. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150012
0 -1 150011
0 -1 150009
&wA Dingy Liquor Shop&D~
This store appears to be double as both a cantina of sorts, and a
wholesale liquor distribution center, though the latter is experiencing
much fewer customers than the former.  Not a single space on the wall is
empty, all of them being covered with shelves and cases of a strange Icer
liquor called "yudkha". 
0 1024 0
0 -1 150010
&wEntrance to the Survival Store&D~
A small and somewhat dingy store lies to the west, the flashing neon
sign boasting what appears to be a man covered in arctic survival clothing.
Despite the apparent lack of customers, the store is kept in near top
condition due to its proximity to the well-trafficked and nearby armor
stores cluster. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150010
0 -1 150013
0 -1 150014
&wA Military Surplus Survival Gear Shop&D~
Whether it is due to its size or nearly nonexistant customer base, this
store is filled to nearly the brim with every sort of imaginable device
that one could require to survive in the harsh enviroment of Iceria.  The
walls are not even visible; the inventory has been stacked in such a manner
that the only path to the shopkeeper is through a narrow walkway zigzagging
through the some of the items that might appeal more to a customer. 
0 1024 0
0 -1 150012
&wPassing a Neglected Lab&D~
Despite the overall quality and care shown in the Commerce section,
several buildings show exemplary lack of such.  One of these buildings lies
to the north, an Icerian laboratory facility, complete with overgrown
light-fungus on the thin veneer of ice covering stark granite walls. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150015
0 -1 150016
0 -1 150012
&gAlien Armor, R&&D Division&D~
Albeit the clear lack of care on the outside, this laboratory's innards
show a meticulous single-mindedness that can only be found in truly
dedicated scientists.  It is apparent that this is the abode of one such
scientist, with the painstakingly arranged experiments and pristine
0 1024 0
0 -1 150014
&wIn Front of a Large Military Complex&D~
Around what may very well be the largest building in the entire domed
Commerce sector, a crowd brimming with off-duty soldiers idles near the
door, waiting for their turn to head inside.  Upon exiting, they are
adorned with armor pieces ranging from the mediocre to the splendid,
although each piece appears magnificently constructed. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150017
0 -1 150014
0 -1 150018
&rA Crowded Icerian Empire Armor Store&D~
The lobby of this store is consisted of a massive snaking line of
unfitted soldiers, leading up towards a counter leading towards the
stockroom.  Almost no inventory is being exhibited in the front half of the
store, nearly every foot of which being needed for customers. 
0 1024 0
0 -1 150016
&wPassing A Crowded Kiosk&D~
Standing in front of a large warehouse, this kiosk has a steady stream
of workers toting back and forth large pieces of mechanical-looking items,
all of which appear to be some sort of body augmentation.  Standing in such
a poor business location as it is, a dark and shrouded corner, the kiosk is
receiving a surprisingly large number of Icers. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150019
0 -1 150020
0 -1 150016
&cA Mecha-Icer Distribution Kiosk&D~
In spite of its severe lack of advertisement concerning what this kiosk
is selling, a plethora of warriors await their delivery of what is,
according to the stone-carved sign hanging above the window, "Mecha-Icer
Physical and Mental Augmentation Devices".  On the right side of the
window, a large box of pamphlets concerning the mounting and installation
of said devices lies near empty. 
0 1024 0
0 -1 150018
&CAn Icicle Staircase&D~
Near the far end of the Commerce Sector dome, a short tunnel leads to a
grandiosely constructed staircase, made of bundled and refrozen icicles,
laid sideways to make what could be described as a tooth staircase, though
in this situation the teeth are frozen and a thick shade of green. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150018
16777216 -1 150021
&REntrance to the Warrior & Guardian Floor&D~
The entrance to the Warrior's floor appears strangely lonesome for what
is supposed to be a last line of defense should the Mountain come under
siege.  The bright red glazed walls cast a bloodlike aura over everything
in the room, making the sparsely placed statues of ancient Icerian warriors
appear quite macabre and almost corpselike. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150022
0 -1 150020
&RA Split in the Hallway&D~
Further along the hallway, it branches off into two seperate segments,
though both appear uninhabited.  To one, the red glaze walls shine on in
all their carnal glory, and the other leads into a sheer granite chamber
with several other branching chambers.  There seems to be a large group of
statues here, all of them Icerian warriors of seemingly giant stature and
apparent monstrous strength.  Though their poses look peculiar, more than
likely they were at one point in time fearsome warriors. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150021
0 -1 150023
0 -1 150029
&RA Cluttered Healing Room&D~
This hexagonal granite chamber has a door in every major direction, all
but one blocked by a midnight-black field of light-repulsing energy as to
keep the contents and inhabitants of each room as private as possible. 
Above each energy field, a light blinks to warn if the chamber beyond is
0 536871936 0
0 -1 150022
0 -1 150025
0 -1 150026
0 -1 150024
0 -1 150027
0 -1 150028
&RA Small Frozen Alcove&D~
Differing abruptly from the neighboring chamber, this small and somewhat
cramped cell has been carved out of what originally was a larger chamber of
rock, but due to an Icer's severely cold aura, water has actually been
drawn from nearby to make a sort of ice-cocoon, a spherical chamber that
would be suited quite well for one or two people to demonstrate techniques.
0 0 0
0 -1 150023
&RMechanical Lifeform Maintenance&D~
The more advanced aspects of Icer technology and architecture have been
brought together to form this room, making it into a giant apparatus
capable of upgrading and modifying existing mechasentient lifeforms, be
they heavily augmented Icer warriors, or android creations. 
0 2098176 0
0 -1 150023
0 -1 150091
&RInside the Centrifuge Chamber&D~
A long granite corridor leads from the healing room into this monstrous
spherical chamber.  Inside, a giant motor spins rapidly in the center of
the sphere, causing a small room to rotate about rapidly, creating a
centrifugal artificial gravity effect.  A scientist stands near the control
panel, adjusting the amount of gravity generated by this monstrosity of a
0 268435456 0
0 -1 150023
&rA Boiling Hot Sparring Room&D~
Another method of Icer warrior training, this room has been heated to
extreme temperatures, to such a point that the rock floor has been slightly
softened.  Only the most enduring of warriors can withstand temperatures so
high, and as such, this room is rarely occupied. 
0 335544320 0
0 -1 150023
&CA Subzero Sparring Chamber&D~
Maintained by an external power source, this room has been cooled to an
extremely low temperature, as an aiding device for Icerian warriors to gain
their transformations.  As such, only the hardiest of non-Icer warriors can
survive in this room at all, and even then not for long. 
0 335544320 0
0 -1 150023
&wJunction to the Warrior Dormitories&D~
Two entryways stand here, both branching off into what appear to be
well-populated areas, though the entire Warrior's floor contains a
surprising lack of action.  Another symbol of the Overlord's ever watchful
gaze to his enemies, security turrets flank the turn in the corridor, ready
to mow down any attacking force. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150022
0 -1 150030
0 -1 150031
&wThe Male Warrior Chambers&D~
Even though this portion of men's dormitories is barely outside of the
dormitory junction, it has been heavily decorated by artwork of battles and
statues of warriors flexing and striking various poses.  The walls have
been lacquered an off-white shade very similar to the Icerian skin tone. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150033
0 -1 150032
0 -1 150029
&zThe Female Warrior Chambers&D~
Different greatly from the male dormitories in more than the
inhabitants, the entrance to the women's dormitories is wholly undecorated.
To the untrained eye, the denizens of this place might appear to be male
Icers, due to the only major difference between the physical appearance of
genders being slightly differing amounts of androdgeny. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150038
0 -1 150029
0 -1 150042
&wA Crowded Corner&D~
Here at the intersection of the two corridors that comprise the men's
dormitories, the floor has been worn thin from frequent visits by the
warriors, either due to milling around or meditation, or perhaps both. 
Several lacquered statues lie in the corner, vivid stone replicas of the
more recent Guardians to have graced this mountain fort. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150034
0 -1 150030
&wLeaving the Male Dormitories&D~
Here at the exit from the male dormitories, the walls have been worn
down, and in most places nearly worn through, by repeated punching and
kicking, as is being demonstrated by an aspiring Warrior nearby.  The
doorway appears strangely out of place in this area, being such a pristine
device, and the walls bearing such large cracks and craters. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150035
0 -1 150030
0 -1 150037
&wPassing the Doors&D~
Through this corridor lies the majority of the male Warrior dormitories,
though from the outside they can hardly be called such; stacked two-high
and the hatches leading into them obviously shaped for crawling through,
they are hardly a visage of comfort, or that of a place in the least
desirable to sleep in, yet it truly is a monument to the hardiness of these
0 0 0
0 -1 150035
0 -1 150032
&wBefore the Male Guardian's Chambers&D~
In the far corner of the two primary corridors junction, a lone door
lies, made of a peculiar blood-red ice, and from the lack of use, the ice
has frozen over, nearly sealing the entryway to whatever may lie beyond. 
Around the door spanning from floor to ceiling, a peculiar fresco has been
painted, a chaotic pattern of greens, reds and blues all leading towards
the door.  Obviously, whoever resides in the chamber is a person of great
0 0 0
3 -1 150036
0 -1 150034
0 -1 150033
&rInside the Guardian's Chambers&D~
The entirety of this cylindrical chamber has been painted with a fresco
of blindingly jarring patterns of green, red, blue and a deep near-black
purple.  The ceilings and floor echo each other, with both centers
containing idents.  On the floor indentation, the only semblance of
furniture lies, a large floorcushion. 
0 0 0
3 -1 150035
&cBefore A Giant Icedoor&D~
The two hallways to the east and west of this chamber make a sudden
curve, forming into a sort of U-shaped entryway.  The reason for this room
is unclear, however, for the only possible way out would be north, although
the entire northern wall consists of what would be transluscent ice, if it
were not at least ten feet thick.  There is a small hole in the wall to the
side of the gate. 
0 0 0
7 150220 150043
0 -1 150033
0 -1 150038
&zLeaving the Women's Dormitories&D~
One of the several discrepancies between the male and female dormitories
is manifested here, in the form of a small waiting-room of sorts, though
little is different from the rest of the dormitories concerning the waiting
room's architecture. Several busts of women line the walls, all with
fearsome snarls adorning their face, and all facing the women's dormitories
as if they were a deterrent from leaving, however peculiar. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150037
0 -1 150031
0 -1 150039
&zBefore the Guardian's Chambers&D~
A massive, transluscent crystalline doorway blocks the entrance to the
north, though by the glazed carvings on the wall, it would appear attention
was meant to be drawn to it.  A diagram consisting of white, orange and
yellow twine around the wall, with jutting curves and abrupt angles,
forming a chaotic, yet orderly design. 
0 0 0
3 -1 150041
0 -1 150038
0 -1 150040
&zA Pristine Hallway&D~
The tightly massed chambers that line this corridor on both sides are
slightly more spaced than the similar rooms that cluster the men's
dormitories, but even so, the amount of space provided for each warrior is
barely enough to move around, and not even enough for someone to stand up. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150039
0 -1 150042
&rInside the Guardian's Chambers&D~
This Guardian's personal chamber is what would appear to be a massive
pyramid-shaped room, with a peculiar pattern etched throughout all four
walls and the floor.  The floor is covered by a thin veneer of transparent
ice, and the object in the room that could be considered comforting is a
small mattress lying to one side. 
0 0 0
3 -1 150039
&zA Shadowy Corner&D~
This shadowy corner is unadorned, bereft of any trappings or statues,
although there is quite a collection of blood spatters on the wall and
floor.  Even more peculiar is that several are very very old, and that they
have not been cleaned recently, as if their placing was deliberate. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150040
0 -1 150031
An Elegant Staircase~
This entire chamber, despite its ample size, is filled with a
magnificent looking staircase.  Each and every step is made of dozens of
rounded granite balls, each step supporting its previous.  The amount of
labor that would be required for such a staircase is astounding; it is
beyond doubt that wherever this staircase leads, it is of great importance.
0 4 0
7 150220 150037
7 150221 150044
&pAn Elegant Lobby&D~
This well-lighted antechamber is a prime example of the pride of the
Icerian people.  Nearly all of the furniture is made either of humanoid
skeleletons, or the skeletons of monstrous beasts that are likely native to
this planet.  The door to the north is made entirely of femurs, and the
chandelier that illuminates this room so well is made out of thousands of
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150045
0 -1 150047
1 150221 150043
0 -1 150048
A Well-Guarded Doorway~
This alcove is even more macabre than the outside antechamber; the floor
itself has been paved with skulls, and the door leading to wherever this
corridor ends is constructed of shoulders.  The entire area smells horribly
cadaverous; whoever lives here, if anyone could, must be terribly evil.
0 2097152&16 0
7 150241 150046
0 -1 150044
&gA Grand Throne Room&D~
This room is apparently the source of the smell of death that pervades
this upper chamber.  The reason is quite obvious; several Icer lay dead to
the side of the focus of the room - a monolithic throne.  While the only
grotesque feature of it is the arm handles being actually made of arms, it
still provokes an aura of death, and power - whoever has the boldness to
sit on it must be one with a truly black heart. 
0 2097152&16 0
7 150241 150045
0 -1 150044
> entry_prog 100~
mpat 150045 mpforce attendant close n
mpat 150045 mpforce attendant lock n
&gEntrance to the Overlord's Family Chambers&D~
The macabre architectural designs halt in this area, although the
obviously powerful influence of the inhabitants does not, as is evident by
the new style of design - pure gold.  While only the doors, wall fixtures,
and floor tiles are solid gold, it still is something only the influential
could possibly hope to have. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150044
0 -1 150049
&gA Private Contemplation Room&D~
A bone-white finish on this room's walls compliment the similarly pale
plethora of furniture scattered about, even down to the wooden components
of the chairs.  The lighting in this room is very subtle, and no aspect of
the room would draw one's attention. 
0 2097152 0
2063 150222 150056
0 -1 150044
&zA Dim Hallway&D~
This hallway shows more of the monstrous amounts of wealth that have
been amassed by the inhabitants.  A pattern of a peculiar light-absorbing
precious gem nearly encompasses the entire ceiling and wall, and because of
this the entire hallway's light is diminished greatly, though to the east
and west two frozen doorways can be seen. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150051
0 -1 150052
0 -1 150050
0 -1 150047
&bAriemas' Private Quarters&D~
Whoever the occupant of this room is, he or she is quite the aficianado
when it comes to fighting and training.  Every inch of the wall is covered
with writing, all of them names with a distinct Icerian sound to them.  The
floor is padded, and several dummies are strewn about the room, more lying
broken and tattered on the floor than standing upright. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150049
&rZiranyth's Private Chambers&D~
This room is truly appears as if a fight has occured only recently -
books and tomes lie strewn about the floor, several pure gold statues lie
on their sides and the furniture is nearly entirely overturned.  Lewd
paintings cover the walls, and one of the open books reveals things to make
even a debauchery addicted man blush.  The lechery of the inhabitant is
quite apparent. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150049
&YA Bright, Gaudy Corridor&D~
This corridor appears quite divided; on the eastern side, a dark and
brooding atmosphere lingers in the air, and on the west side, a hodgepodge
of brazen colors and trappings adorn a large door.  The contrasting styles
jar the eye, though each seems to have a sort of unity, as if the two truly
belonged together. 
0 2097156 0
0 -1 150049
0 -1 150054
0 -1 150055
0 -1 150053
&pGwelia's Private Chambers&D~
Bright purple painting, fluorescent blue and golden decorations, along
with far too much lighting, accurately reflect the persona of this room's
primary occupant.  A giant bed lies in one corner, and the rest of the room
is filled with dolls, toys, and various other playthings including a
mechnical and quite lifelike pony. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150052
&zKa-uut's Private Chambers&D~
This bedchamber sports a bizarre method of lighting - the peculiar
light-absorbing Icerian crystal thinly encases a mass of light-giving
fungi, so the luminescence in the room appears somehow tainted, or perhaps
lessened, though it may seem impossible for such a thing to be so.  The
only adornment in the entire room is a massive bed directly in the center
of the room, though with its size it could double as an adequate seating
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150052
&BThe Overlord's Chambers&D~
This room is a grisly parallel of a trophy room - humanoid skulls cover
the entire room's walls.  Small plaques match each morbid trophy.  Its
gruesome trophies notwithstanding, this room appears a bedroom fit for
nobility.  A large four-posted bed flanks one of the walls, and several
comfortable looking chairs lie abandoned. 
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150052
&gThe Overlord's Warspoils Chamber&D~
The amount of wealth contained in this room could easily buy this
mountain fortress, but it remains untouched.  Partially, this is due to its
well-guarded nature.  Two sentry turrets scan the room continually.  The
other is most likely due to the filmy gray substance covering every inch of
every precious item in the room. 
0 0 0
2049 150222 150048
A Poorly Maintained Staircase~
This small alcove is not only poorly maintained, the ice walls having
nearly melted to rock, but also poorly built.  The majority of the
components comprising this small staircase are, in fact, refuse and other
items no longer wanted by their previous owners.  The staircase looks quite
unstable, though appearances may be deceiving; the constant passing of feet
has compressed the garbage into a state of near-sturdiness. 
0 0 0
16777216 -1 150006
0 -1 150058
&rPoorcitizen District&D~
Small ramshackle huts and houses flank this narrow street to the west. 
The entire area appears dilapidated beyond hope, and it seems the other
residents of this city know it, having built a large wall to the east,
perhaps to block the view of this disgraceful area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150060
0 -1 150059
0 -1 150057
A Messy Home~
Despite the overall conditions in this part of town being terrible, some
have managed to make the best of what is given to them as is shown by this
home.  Despite its extreme untidiness, it appears generally free of rampant
0 0 1
0 -1 150058
&rPoorcitizen District&D~
Small ramshackle huts and houses flank this narrow street to the west. 
The entire area appears dilapidated beyond hope, and it seems the other
residents of this city know it, having built a large wall to the east,
perhaps to block the view of this disgraceful area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150058
0 -1 150062
0 -1 150061
A Home of Questionable Origin~
Calling this aberration a "home" is truly an insult to all homes in
existance - the foundation barely supports a hole-ridden roof, and the
amount of pests living in here outnumbers the actual inhabitants by dozens
of times. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150060
&rPoorcitizen District&D~
Small ramshackle huts and houses flank this narrow street to the west. 
The entire area appears dilapidated beyond hope, and it seems the other
residents of this city know it, having built a large wall to the east,
perhaps to block the view of this disgraceful area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150060
0 -1 150064
0 -1 150063
An Inhospitable Garbage Heap~
Another example of the terrible "living" conditions provided to these
people is this heap of garbage and trash, obviously what may have once been
a home, and perhaps a decent one at that.  The foundations appear to have
collapsed, causing the entire house to simply fall down, leaving it as just
another heap of garbage in this refuse-ridden area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150062
&rEntering a Derelict Portion of Town&D~
Two extremely different areas of the city begin to collide, as the
district restricted to the lowest of the low begins to fade, or perhaps
sharpen into a slightly higher class part of town.  Despite this, the
stench and clutter of the poor district pervades the area no less. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150062
0 -1 150065
16777216 -1 150066
A Decrepit Shack~
Somehow, a person has managed to find large sheets of metal and lean
them in a position that this hovel they live in has the unglamorous
appearance of a shack.  Though the metal may be thoroughly rusted and
pitted, it provides an excellent shelter against the pest life that calls
this domain home. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150064
&gIn Front of a Midcitizen's House&D~
This area differs quite greatly from the neighboring poor section,
though it is hardly what one would call upper class.  Those who have
managed to eke out a meager living call this place home, a hardly
extravagant yet quite hospitable area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150068
0 -1 150067
16777216 -1 150064
&wAn Average Icerian House&D~
The facade of a much higher income is prevalent throughout this home, in
the form of attemptedly luxuriant furniture and cheap copies of famous
paintings.  In spite of this, however, the home continually gives off a
feeling of its true meagerness. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150066
&gIn Front of a Midcitizen's House&D~
This area differs quite greatly from the neighboring poor section,
though it is hardly what one would call upper class.  Those who have
managed to eke out a meager living call this place home, a hardly
extravagant yet quite hospitable area. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150070
0 -1 150069
0 -1 150066
&wAn Average Icerian House&D~
The facade of a much higher income is prevalent throughout this home, in
the form of attemptedly luxuriant furniture and cheap copies of famous
paintings.  In spite of this, however, the home continually gives off a
feeling of its true meagerness. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150068
&gBefore the City Square&D~
The path that has stayed constant for so long finally makes a split here
to the north, into a large open plaza, complete with a bubbling fountain
and several well-sculpted statues.  At the far northern end of the square a
large mansion-like house is visible, albeit barely. 
0 0 0
16777216 -1 150085
0 -1 150072
0 -1 150071
0 -1 150068
&wAn Average Icerian House&D~
The facade of a much higher income is prevalent throughout this home, in
the form of attemptedly luxuriant furniture and cheap copies of famous
paintings.  In spite of this, however, the home continually gives off a
feeling of its true meagerness. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150070
&gIn Front of a Midcitizen's House&D~
A major step down from the neighboring upper class sector of this city,
the middle class of Icerians hardly live in luxury, yet their homes invoke
a feeling more of home and less of the extravagance that most would feel
upon entering one of the richer homes to the northeast. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150074
0 -1 150073
0 -1 150070
&wAn Average Icerian House&D~
The facade of a much higher income is prevalent throughout this home, in
the form of attemptedly luxuriant furniture and cheap copies of famous
paintings.  In spite of this, however, the home continually gives off a
feeling of its true meagerness. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150072
&gIn Front of a Midcitizen's House&D~
A major step down from the neighboring upper class sector of this city,
the middle class of Icerians hardly live in luxury, yet their homes invoke
a feeling more of home and less of the extravagance that most would feel
upon entering one of the richer homes to the northeast. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150075
0 -1 150072
16777216 -1 150076
&wAn Average Icerian House&D~
The facade of a much higher income is prevalent throughout this home, in
the form of attemptedly luxuriant furniture and cheap copies of famous
paintings.  In spite of this, however, the home continually gives off a
feeling of its true meagerness. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150074
&cBefore A Highcitizen's House&D~
When a person has the ability to bedeck their every possession with
wealth, the person generally tends to do so.  Such is the case as to the
houses in this area.  Every single aspect of them screams wealth, and was
obviously meant to do exactly that. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150078
0 -1 150077
16777216 -1 150074
&CA Highcitizen's Mainchamber&D~
The lobby of this richly decorated home seems to be well-tended, most
likely however it is not by the owner of the house.  A grand stairway leads
up onto the second floor, though a strange mechanism appears to prevent
accessing them. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150076
&cBefore A Highcitizen's House&D~
When a person has the ability to bedeck their every possession with
wealth, the person generally tends to do so.  Such is the case as to the
houses in this area.  Every single aspect of them screams wealth, and was
obviously meant to do exactly that. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150080
0 -1 150079
0 -1 150076
&CA Highcitizen's Mainchamber&D~
The lobby of this richly decorated home seems to be well-tended, most
likely however it is not by the owner of the house.  A grand stairway leads
up onto the second floor, though a strange mechanism appears to prevent
accessing them. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150078
&cBefore A Highcitizen's House&D~
When a person has the ability to bedeck their every possession with
wealth, the person generally tends to do so.  Such is the case as to the
houses in this area.  Every single aspect of them screams wealth, and was
obviously meant to do exactly that. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150082
0 -1 150081
0 -1 150078
&CA Highcitizen's Mainchamber&D~
The lobby of this richly decorated home seems to be well-tended, most
likely however it is not by the owner of the house.  A grand stairway leads
up onto the second floor, though a strange mechanism appears to prevent
accessing them. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150080
&cBefore A Highcitizen's House&D~
When a person has the ability to bedeck their every possession with
wealth, the person generally tends to do so.  Such is the case as to the
houses in this area.  Every single aspect of them screams wealth, and was
obviously meant to do exactly that. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150084
0 -1 150083
0 -1 150080
&CA Highcitizen's Mainchamber&D~
The lobby of this richly decorated home seems to be well-tended, most
likely however it is not by the owner of the house.  A grand stairway leads
up onto the second floor, though a strange mechanism appears to prevent
accessing them. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150082
&cStairway to the Junction&D~
A well-maintained and well-constructed stairway.  Each step is wrought
of a durable-looking yet fiercely shimmering metallic substance, and the
spiral of the stair gracefully hugs the wall of the cylindrical chamber. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150082
16777216 -1 150007
&cHeaded Towards the Square&D~
A well-laid stone path heads to the large plaza to the north.  Much like
the other stonework in this mountain, it is comprised of large slabs of
granite, though the amount of polish on this walkway seems almost excessive
to the point of vanity, though why anyone would have such a pride of such a
simple thing is quite peculiar. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150086
0 -1 150070
The City Square~
A slight variance in the square here does not echo, yet does compliment,
the walkway to the south.  The ground is no longer composed solely of
granite, as a different variety of scarlet stone has been laid at random
intervals throughout the common. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150089
0 -1 150088
0 -1 150085
0 -1 150087
&wAn Iceplant Garden&D~
In an attempt to spruce up the plaza, a large variety of foliage has
been planted near here.  Large and slightly green crystalline plants sway
in the slight breeze, looking so fragile they would break at the touch,
though they must be quite hardy if they are able to root in such a hard
rock as granite. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150086
&wAn Iceplant Garden&D~
In an attempt to spruce up the plaza, a large variety of foliage has
been planted near here.  Large and slightly green crystalline plants sway
in the slight breeze, looking so fragile they would break at the touch,
though they must be quite hardy if they are able to root in such a hard
rock as granite. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150086
The Governor's Mansion~
A magnificent set of stone steps lead up to the heavily pillared
entryway into this grandiose mansion.  Despite the inviting manner it is
presented, it is obvious that no visitors are wanted as a large shimmering
field of energy blocks the sole door. 
0 0 0
0 -1 150086
&RDabura's Little Pocket o' Hell&D~
With Dabura in the room, chaos is everywhere.  Midgets doing cartwheels,
insects flying into speeding cars, pigs flying, and hippies being cool. 
Damn, he's good. 
0 4 1
&RMechanical Lifeform Test Chamber&D~
A magnificent testament to the ingenuity of Icers, this chamber appears to
have no aspect of it that is not highly technologically advanced. Even the
lighting system fluctuates when necessary, altering itself to disperse any
possible shadows generated by inadequate lightsources. A large set of concentric
rings fill the center of the floor, possibly implemented as a system of transport
to and from the room.
0 2097152 0
0 -1 150025
&CAn Empty Landing Pad&D~
This section of the landing pad appears peculiarly empty, for the presence
of the battered, yet heavily armed ship would, in most places, elicit at
least a small response, though the Icerian patrols seem to ignore the ship.
Though it has a large window in the cockpit, it appears to be tinted, so sight
into the innards of the ship is impossible. However, a small button lies to the
right of the main entryway, a likely means of entry.
0 0 1
0 -1 150001
&zInside A Dark Ship&D~
Despite the peculiarity of the outside of this ship, the inside appears
very human in design. Small letters in English scroll across a screen, and
the seats are made of what appears to be a very comfortable black leather.
The window in the anterior of the ship appears slightly tinted, though in
a peculiar manner, as if whatever substance it is made of is not naturally
so. A small red button lies to the left of the only door, a likely means of exit.
0 2097156 1
> entry_prog 100~
if race($n)!=human
mpechoat $n &YA large yellow light near the control panel begins to flash, and a yellow scanner emerges from the wall, scanning your&D
mpechoat $n &Ybody. After a moment, a female voice says, "&WRace not identified as human. Person not identified as guest. Ejecting.&Y"&D
mpechoat $n &YA large, spherical yellow orb floats over to your position, a brilliant light emanating from it, as you are transported&D
mpechoat $n &Yfrom the ship!&D
mpopenpassage 150093 150092 2
mpforce $n south
mpclosepassage 150093 2
Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
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Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
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0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Vacant Residence~
0 2097156 0
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1

M 1 150137 1 150000
M 1 150101 1 150002
O 1 150246 1 150002
M 1 150102 1 150003
M 1 150102 1 150003
M 1 150102 1 150004
M 1 150102 1 150004
D 0 150004 0 0
D 0 150005 2 0
M 1 150103 1 150006
M 1 150103 1 150006
M 1 150103 1 150007
M 1 150103 1 150007
M 1 150103 1 150008
M 1 150103 1 150008
D 0 150008 4 0
D 0 150009 5 0
M 1 150114 1 150010
M 1 150113 1 150011
G 1 150200 1
G 1 150201 1
M 1 150114 1 150012
M 1 150115 1 150013
G 1 150235 1
G 1 150236 1
G 1 150225 1
G 1 150204 1
G 1 150202 1
G 1 150203 1
M 1 150114 1 150014
M 1 150115 1 150015
G 1 150228 1
G 1 150230 1
G 1 150208 1
G 1 150207 1
G 1 150229 1
G 1 150205 1
G 1 150209 1
G 1 150206 1
M 1 150114 1 150016
M 1 150115 1 150017
G 1 150210 1
G 1 150212 1
G 1 150214 1
G 1 150213 1
G 1 150211 1
M 1 150114 1 150018
M 1 150115 1 150019
G 1 150215 1
G 1 150219 1
G 1 150217 1
G 1 150218 1
G 1 150216 1
M 1 150114 1 150020
M 1 150127 1 150024
M 1 150128 1 150025
M 1 150116 1 150030
M 1 150116 1 150030
M 1 150116 1 150030
M 1 150117 1 150031
M 1 150117 1 150031
M 1 150116 1 150032
M 1 150116 1 150032
M 1 150116 1 150032
M 1 150116 1 150033
M 1 150116 1 150034
M 1 150116 1 150035
D 0 150035 0 1
M 1 150118 1 150036
D 0 150036 2 1
D 0 150037 0 2
M 1 150117 1 150038
M 1 150117 1 150039
M 1 150117 1 150039
D 0 150039 0 1
M 1 150117 1 150040
M 1 150117 1 150040
M 1 150119 1 150041
D 0 150041 2 1
M 1 150117 1 150042
M 1 150117 1 150042
M 1 150117 1 150042
D 0 150043 2 2
D 0 150043 4 2
M 1 150121 1 150044
M 1 150121 1 150044
D 0 150044 5 0
M 1 150135 1 150045
M 1 150121 1 150045
M 1 150121 1 150045
D 0 150045 0 2
M 1 150120 1 150046
D 0 150046 2 2
M 1 150121 1 150047
M 1 150121 1 150047
D 0 150048 2 2
M 1 150121 1 150049
M 1 150121 1 150049
M 1 150122 1 150050
M 1 150123 1 150051
M 1 150121 1 150052
M 1 150121 1 150052
M 1 150125 1 150053
M 1 150124 1 150054
D 0 150056 0 0
M 1 150104 1 150057
M 1 150104 1 150057
M 1 150104 1 150058
M 1 150105 1 150058
M 1 150106 1 150058
M 1 150104 1 150059
M 1 150105 1 150059
M 1 150104 1 150060
M 1 150104 1 150060
M 1 150105 1 150060
M 1 150106 1 150061
M 1 150106 1 150061
M 1 150104 1 150062
M 1 150105 1 150062
M 1 150105 1 150062
M 1 150105 1 150063
M 1 150104 1 150064
M 1 150104 1 150064
M 1 150106 1 150064
M 1 150105 1 150065
M 1 150106 1 150065
M 1 150107 1 150066
M 1 150107 1 150066
M 1 150109 1 150066
M 1 150107 1 150067
M 1 150109 1 150067
M 1 150107 1 150068
M 1 150109 1 150068
M 1 150108 1 150069
M 1 150107 1 150069
M 1 150108 1 150070
M 1 150109 1 150070
M 1 150109 1 150071
M 1 150109 1 150071
M 1 150107 1 150071
M 1 150107 1 150072
M 1 150107 1 150072
M 1 150109 1 150072
M 1 150109 1 150072
M 1 150107 1 150073
M 1 150108 1 150073
M 1 150109 1 150073
M 1 150108 1 150074
M 1 150109 1 150074
M 1 150107 1 150074
M 1 150107 1 150075
M 1 150107 1 150075
M 1 150110 1 150076
M 1 150112 1 150076
M 1 150110 1 150077
M 1 150111 1 150077
M 1 150111 1 150078
M 1 150111 1 150078
M 1 150110 1 150078
M 1 150110 1 150079
M 1 150110 1 150080
M 1 150112 1 150080
M 1 150111 1 150081
M 1 150111 1 150081
M 1 150111 1 150081
M 1 150112 1 150081
M 1 150110 1 150082
M 1 150111 1 150082
M 1 150112 1 150083
M 1 150112 1 150083
M 1 150110 1 150083
M 1 150112 1 150084
M 1 150112 1 150084
M 1 150103 1 150086
M 1 150103 1 150086
M 1 150103 1 150089
M 1 150103 1 150089
M 1 150130 1 150091
O 1 150237 1 150092
M 1 150133 1 150093
O 1 150238 1 150093

 150113    0  0  0  0  0   100  90         0 23    ; An Icer bartender
 150115    0  0  0  0  0   100  90         0 23    ; An Icer shopkeeper

 150127    0  9  0         100   1         0 23    ; An Icerian Master

