This is the DragonBall Saga Codebase (DBSC) License file.  It explains what
is required legally to use this code.

I'm going to just explain this is simple terms instead of all kinds of
legal BS.  It'll be easier to follow and easier to read that way I believe.

1) You must follow the SMAUG license.
2) You must follow the MERC license.
3) You must follow the DIKU license.

I have no control over those things.  Since the DBSC is based on SMAUG and
all the others you've got to follow their licenses too.

DBSC Terms
1) I *request* that you give credit where it's due.  I would like you to
leave the following names in the greeting at a minimum:
Goku (or Warren), Guava (or Steven), Saiyr and Ubuu.
These are the most influential people in the history of DBS and have helped
formed it into the great MUD that it was.

2) Other names that *should* be left in are:
Koronto, Melora, Islvin, Viola, Krillin and Karma.
All of these people have also done tons of work for DBS and all deserve
credit for their work.

3) If you decide to keep an area file that's part of the DBSC release, you
should also give credit to the author of that area.  All authors names are
listed in the area files.

4) If you are just using parts of the code and porting them into your own
MUD, just send me an e-mail telling me what your using (I'm just curious
what you're using) and put the persons name who coded the section of code
you're using into your credits file.  If you don't know, then either add
my name or thank "The coders of the DragonBall Saga".

If you decide to leave out credit to any us that's fine (although you're
being an ass hole).  It's not like you're fooling anyone into believing
that you did all this work your self.  So you might as well AT THE VERY
LEAST put our names in the credits file.

That's about all the requirements I have for you to use the DBSC. If you
have any questions or you just want to say hi, you may contact me though

RazorZeroX at yahoo.com

             DBSC License v1.0
               December 2004
Applies to all versions of the DBSC released.
We reserve the right  to change and/or update
this file and  information at any  time, with
or without notice for any  reason we see fit.