SmaugWiz - WriteToBufferColor
This code adds a function to the CDescriptor class that allows you to
write directly to a descriptor in color. You could use this to colorize
your login and character creation sequence, actually I came up with this
code when someone asked about converting their old function from Smaug
to SmaugWiz to do this same thing. It's quick, it's simple, it uses
existing code already in place and although I haven't really tested it
out a ton, I did colorize my login screen with it and it works fine.
The only caveat to it is that you can't use the &[ and &] tokens, which
save current color and restore color respectively, but any of the other
color tokens will work fine. The only reason you can't use them is that
the field for stacking colors and the code for handling them is part
of the CCharacter class, which if you're coloring things before you've
got actual character data will cause a crash. I suppose you could just
use a local CPtrList to handle them...but I was too lazy to mess with


In Smaug.h - 
Change the function declarations for MakeColorSequence from:
extern int		MakeColorSequence (UCHAR Col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d);
extern int		MakeColorSequence (const char *col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d);
extern int		MakeColorSequence (UCHAR Col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d, BOOL bCheckAnsi = TRUE);
extern int		MakeColorSequence (const char *col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d, BOOL bCheckAnsi = TRUE);

In SmaugWizDoc.cpp - 
Change the two function headers for MakeColorSequence from - 
int MakeColorSequence (UCHAR Col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d)
int MakeColorSequence (const char *col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d)
int MakeColorSequence (UCHAR Col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d, BOOL bCheckAnsi /*=TRUE*/)
int MakeColorSequence (const char *col, char *buf, CDescriptor *d, BOOL bCheckAnsi /*=TRUE*/)

In both of the two MakeColorSequence functions find the code
that looks like this:
	och = d->m_pOriginal ? d->m_pOriginal : d->m_pCharacter;
	bAnsi = ! och->IsNpc () && och->IsAnsi ();

and change that code to look like this:
	if (bCheckAnsi) {
		och = d->m_pOriginal ? d->m_pOriginal : d->m_pCharacter;
		bAnsi = ! och->IsNpc () && och->IsAnsi ();
		bAnsi = TRUE;

Note:I don't think you actually need to change both of them, but I changed them both just to
be safe in case I mess around with this more in the future, you probably only need to actually
change the code for the form of MakeColorSequence that's called by WriteToBufferColor, but
that's up to you.

In Descriptor.h -
In the CDescriptor class find -
	void		WriteToBuffer (const char* txt, int length = 0);
and below that add -
	void		WriteToBufferColor (const char* txt);

In Descriptor.cpp add the following code - 
// Append onto an output buffer converting color codes to ascii 
// sequences - Note this will not use the &[ and &] tokens as that
// is associated with the CCharacter class. Internally this uses the standard
// WriteToBuffer function and utilizes a stripped down form of the same
// code from CCharacter::SendColor to make the ascii color sequences.
void CDescriptor::WriteToBufferColor (const char* txt)
    // @@@ ECS
    if (this == NULL) then return;

	char			*colstr;
	const char		*prevstr = txt;
	char			colbuf [32];
	int				len;
	if (! txt)

	while ((colstr = strpbrk (prevstr, "&^"))) {
		len = colstr - prevstr;
		if (len > 0)
			WriteToBuffer (prevstr, len);

		len = MakeColorSequence (colstr, colbuf, this, FALSE);

		if (len > sizeof (colbuf)) {
			bug ("BIGBUG!: SendColor: Buffer overflow! (%d)", len);

		if (len < 0) {
			prevstr = colstr+1;

		if (len)
			WriteToBuffer (colbuf, len);

		prevstr = colstr + 2;

	if (*prevstr)
		WriteToBuffer (prevstr);


That's all the code, recompile the mud and you should be
good to go.

Example usage:

If you want to colorize the login greeting, simply use hedit to
colorize the greeting entry online (this is what gets sent to a
player when they first connect to the mud) and then find this
code in SmaugSocket.cpp -
	// Send the greeting.
	CHelpData	*pHelp = HelpList.Find ("GREETING", -2, 2);
	if (pHelp)
		dnew->WriteToBuffer (pHelp->GetText ());

and change the last line to:
		dnew->WriteToBufferColor (pHelp->GetText ());

And now when players connect to your mud the login will be colorized
(after you recompile the mud to make the code change take effect of

This code was written (more like hacked out) for SmaugWiz 2.02
and like I said I haven't tested or used this extensively, but it
seems to work just fine. Use it however you like, and if you have
improvements feel free to add them :)