PUNCT SNIPPET ( Smaug 1.4)
This snippet is to format big numbers for easy understanding. After adding it you well see, for instance,"You have 5.678.975 gold coins", instead of "You have 5678975 gold coins".

 Follow the next steps to include the snippet in your mud.
- Add in MUD.H (in any place):

char *  num_punct        args( (  int foo ) );

- Add in ACT_INFO.C:

*   Function to format big numbers, so you can easy understand it.    *
*    Added by Desden, el Chaman Tibetano (J.L.Sogorb) in Oct-1998     *
*                Email: jose@luisso.net                     *
*								                      * 

char *num_punct(int foo)
int index,index_new,rest;
char buf[16];
static char buf_new[16];

rest = strlen(buf)%3;

for (index=index_new=0;index<strlen(buf);index++,index_new++)
   if (index!=0 && (index-rest)%3==0 )
  buf_new[index_new] = buf[index];
return buf_new;

*                          End of punct code                             *
*                                                                        * 

Do a 'make clean' and a 'make'.
 Now you can use it in any function returning an integer ( ch->gold,
ch->exp, etc).
 I, for instance, have included it in bank code, and in commands like 'gold',
'level', 'score', etc.

I give you an example how to use it:

>Original code:

void do_gold(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
   set_char_color( AT_GOLD, ch );
   ch_printf( ch,  "You have %d gold pieces.\n\r", ch->gold );

>Using num_punct :

void do_gold(CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
   set_char_color( AT_GOLD, ch );
   ch_printf( ch,  "You have %s gold pieces.\n\r", num_punct(ch->gold) );

Look than '%d' must change to '%s', because num_punct returns a string, not an integer.

In an earlier version the function returned a strdup value that could bring memory leaks. The problem now is than you can't invoke it twice in the same function, so you must split it.
An example:
 ch_printf( ch,"You have scored %d exp, and have %d gold coins.\n\r",
	ch->exp,  ch->gold );

must be:
  ch_printf (ch, "You have scored %s exp," ,num_punct(ch->exp);
  ch_printf (ch, " and have %s gold coins.\n\r", num_punct(ch->gold);

*    I'll greet you if you mail me telling you are using thi code.     *
*       Any suggestions or problems you have, please mail me to        *
*                    jose@luisso.net                         *
*                                                                      *
**************  Desden, el Chaman Tibetano  -  Nov 1998  **************/