Sender  Korinthian~
Date    Tue Jan 22 17:30:45 2002~
Stamp   1011742351
Expire  1013556660
To      all~
Subject mprogs~
are mprogs in yet?

if they are, could someone gimme some hints on where to find

some help files on how to make, and add one to a mob?


Thanks ;)



Sender  Lydinair~
Date    Wed Jan 23 21:29:05 2002~
Stamp   1011843040
Expire  1013657364
To      Korinthian all~
Subject . in edit prompt~
Korinthian, try going to General -> Character -> and erase the 

. character short.  That should take care of it.




Sender  Korinthian~
Date    Thu Jan 24 02:17:10 2002~
Stamp   1011860292
Expire  1013674638
To      all~
Subject edit thingy~
it SHOULD shouldnt it?

damn annoying that it doesnt work, i have to switch to telnet every dang

time i have to edit a script




Sender  Korinthian~
Date    Thu Jan 24 16:19:49 2002~
Stamp   1011910847
Expire  1013725196
To      all~
Subject mob stores~
how do i add items to my mob store?

ive got a mob store now, but it hasnt got any inventory


Sender  Rakur~
Date    Fri Jan 25 09:10:49 2002~
Stamp   1011971535
Expire  1013785856
To      all~
Subject wizlist~
Ok who ever is doing the wizlist really needs to make

it where all the ppl on it are in the same area.

Such as coders are listed with the other codes, builders

are listed with other builders, ect...


Just to make it look better. And seeing how i am the only

Server Admin put me at the end of the list by my self :)


Sender  Korinthian~
Date    Fri Jan 25 17:24:32 2002~
Stamp   1012001285
Expire  1013815481
To      all~
Subject races and stuff~
maybe we should make a plan on races, how much damage weapons will do per level

and stuff like that

its hard building, if you dont know if the eq you make is too good or bad

and what about permanent spell effects on eq?

how about the spells in the spell list, which do we want, and which do we want

to get rid of?


What kind of areas do we want?

what classes?


you guys write way to few notes, start noting already!




Sender  Clive~
Date    Tue Feb  5 13:36:10 2002~
Stamp   1012937877
Expire  1014752175
To      all~
Subject Races?~
Ok, What races should we have, I would like all you to post a note to me

Just the name,type,advantages,disadvantages, height, classes it can be and such

Also a little description of it

Please send feed back



Sender  Kenshin~
Date    Tue Feb  5 19:57:22 2002~
Stamp   1012960760
Expire  1014775057
To      Immortal all~
Subject Races~
The following races I think should be available:

Human, Elf, Dark-Elf, Half-Elf, Fire Giant, Cloud Giant, Storm Giant, Dwarf

Duergar, Draconian, Ethereal

I will begin by describing the ones which sound new, and unfamiliar, such as

the Ethereal.  Ethereals are a natural mist like figure.  They have no actual

being, or form.  They come from another elemental plane, summoned by a mage

who could not control them and they mass bred within this world.  They are

naturally good or neutral.  They have pass door and fly naturally, hence the

face that they are a simple mist.  What makes them even more unique, they 

have the ability to shapeshift into other beings.  They can shapeshift into

a wolf of speed, and agility (haste).  Shapeshift into a sly cat which can

lurk the shadows and move undetected.  Shapeshift into a great bear which has

the ability to make them tougher (stone skin+added hps), and take on the 

larger foes while giving them a small ability to deal one powerful hit 

pending on the age of the Ethereal.  Since Ethereal's a misty like creature, 

this renders them from being able to wear armor, this does not limit them 

from being able to control a weapon.  While shapeshifted, they take the 

complete form of the animal on and cannot wear armor or weapons.




Draconian:  A race made from dragons, though downsized considerably.  Draco's

stand about 8 feet in height, and would weigh about 350 lbs naturally.  They

are very muscular, and scaly.  At creation, the Draconian can learn to breath

some sort of dragon breath--lightning, fire, frost, acid.  The younger the

Draco, the less powerful the dragon breath is and the less often it can be

used.  For instance, a level 10 draconian has just learned to breath fire,

the effects of it on a cityguard would probably only deal (20-40hps) of 

damage on him and they could not breath fire again for another 12 hours.  By 

the time they gain age, level 50 or so, the fire breath would deal about

(100-120hps) of damage, every 6 hours.  By the time they reached their 

maximum adult hood, level 91, the fire breath would deal about (180-200) hps 

of damage and be regenerated every 3 hours or so.  More description of the

Draco; they have a tail, sometimes spiked, sometimes pointy.  They have fangs

which aren't really used to bite like a larger dragon would.  They have small

claws, so when not wielding a weapon their damage noun is claw, rather than


Dwarf/Duergar:  Dwarfs are typical dwarfs, they can be neutral and good only

though.  Dwarfs are more stocky than their evil cousins, Duergars, though

Duergars have a bit more agility.  Both have 100% berserk.  Dwarves are 

spiritual people, and have learned to absorb energy from the earth to 

regenerate themselves (natural hp regeneration).  Duergars are underground

dwellers, and thus have lived lives in the shadows and can naturally seek

the hidden.  Duergar; resistant to poison/plague, vuln to holy.  Dwarf;

resistant to poison/plague/magic, vuln to drowning, lightning, mental.

Elves, Dark-Elves, Half-Elves:  Elves are typical, very smart, very stealthy.

Dark-Elves are the same as Elves, only evil, rather than always good.  All

Elves I feel should be good.  Elves can ask to become neutral during their

life, though have natural insticts to be good (roleplaying aspect).  Drow

are an ebony colored skin, rather than the colors of typical Elves.  Half

Elves are a mix between humans and Elves.  They are slightly taller than

normal elves, and may be of any alignment as humans.

Giants:  Storm giants = good.  Cloud giants = neutral.  Fire giants = Evil.

All giants are resistance to weapon, vulnerable to magic.  Fire; resistance

to fire, vuln to cold.  Cloud; resistant to cold, vuln to lightning.

Storm; resistant to lightning, vuln to mental and negative.


Sender  Kenshin~
Date    Wed Feb  6 23:22:27 2002~
Stamp   1013059376
Expire  1014873755
To      Forsith all~
Subject ASCII art~

                                                |===--___                _,-'

                 -==\\                         `//-\\   ----`---.___.---

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   ;'( ')/ ,)(                              ----------

  ' ') '( (/

    '   '  `


Sender  Xeroth~
Date    Sat Feb 23 01:31:45 2002~
Stamp   1014449553
Expire  1016263913
To      all~
Subject Throw~
Ok, i think i have throw working correctly now, it may need some

tweaking later on, but the fundamentals appear to be sound.


-- Xer


Sender  Xeroth~
Date    Sat Feb 23 03:21:07 2002~
Stamp   1014456152
Expire  1016270476
To      all~
Subject Auto Auction~
The code for autoauction has been added, but as of right now

is not functioning properly.  I will take a closer look at

it tomorrow, i think i just need to adapt some things in it

so hopefully we will have a wonderfull multi-item autoauction

in place soon =)


-- Xer


Sender  Xeroth~
Date    Sun Feb 24 03:47:01 2002~
Stamp   1014544116
Expire  1016358432
To      all~
Subject Auto-Auction~
Ok guys, the multi-item auto auction system is now in

place and appears to work perfectly.  Look at the help

file for how to use it, its a little different, but

I like it.  I also prettied it up at clives request ;)

Thats it for tonite, I will be back to tackle 'The List'



-- Xeroth


Sender  Sorrow~
Date    Wed Feb 27 20:52:51 2002~
Stamp   1014864840
Expire  1016679180
To      all~
Subject Sorrow and his Pet~


just something i found that i liked


Sender  Xeroth~
Date    Thu Feb 28 02:04:44 2002~
Stamp   1014883557
Expire  1016697889
To      all~
Subject Banking~
Banking now works!  Builders: you may now add banks and bankers.

To test it out, go to vnum 3, and load mob 3.  I would of made

the banker there a reset, but somebody made another wizcommand

named reset, which i will fix tomorrow


-- Xer


Sender  Sorrow~
Date    Thu Feb 28 02:19:08 2002~
Stamp   1014884383
Expire  1016698752
To      all~
Subject reset~
Hey Xeroth the reset for areas is labeled resets. Just

an FYI.




Sender  Sorrow~
Date    Thu Feb 28 12:46:54 2002~
Stamp   1014922089
Expire  1016736419
To      all~
Subject mudschool~



If you don't read that and understand it and you crash

the mud I will punish you.

That is all


Sender  Sorrow~
Date    Thu Feb 28 21:00:14 2002~
Stamp   1014951706
Expire  1016766024
To      all~
Subject mudschool bug~
Ok found out why the mud was crashing. Someone built

some mobs in the MUDSCHOOL that Juliette was redoing

thus creating a bugged char when you tried to go up from

recall. Who ever made the mobs let me know so i can try

to figure out what went wrong.  Thanks


Sender  Xeroth~
Date    Sun Mar  3 03:46:00 2002~
Stamp   1015148862
Expire  1016963167
To      all~
Subject Hrmph~
I have the game newlocked currently, please do not remove that

character generation will crash the mud.  I have installed

a pretty little menu system, but it has a few bugs i need to

work out, which i will do tomorrow.  Sorry for the inconvenience





Sender  Sorrow~
Date    Mon Mar  4 07:32:23 2002~
Stamp   1015248835
Expire  1017063150
To      all~
Subject MUD CRASH~
If the mud crashes on someone that does not have shell

access i want you to email me with your name and what

command you typed last. This is for EVERYONE that was

on at the time of the crash.


Email is or
