Written by Takeda (takeda@mathlab.sunysb.edu)
A news channel which displayes to all user.
Here is an example:
  sprintf(buf,"{r[Arena]{w {Y%s has defeated %s!{w\n\r",
          talk_news(ch,buf); /* Channel */
	or talk_news(ch,"blah blah");
void talk_news( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) /* Procedure News */

        char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; 		/* buf statement */
        DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d;			/* Descriptor */

        for(d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next) /* Everybody */
        CHAR_DATA *victim;				/* Declare victim */
        victim = d->original ? d->original : d->character;

	/* Tells you who can see it */
	/* You can alter this for example by putting in level */
	/* restriction.  You can make hero channels and newbies */
	/* channel and etc.					*/

       if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING && d->character !=ch &&
        !IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_QUIET) )

	/* displays the argument to the people */

        } /* close the statement */
        } /* close for statement */
}	  /* close the void: End Procedure */