SMAUG release 1.0

Thoric  thoric@realms.game.org

=== Skills and Spells

The central organizing table for skills and spells is skill_table, an array
of type 'struct skill_type' (mud.h), and is loaded from 'skills.dat' in the
system directory.  Skills include spells, weapon proficiencies and languages,
(tongues).  Indexes into this table are 'skill numbers' or 'spell numbers',
abbreviated 'sn'.  An 'sn' is a purely internal value, and can vary over time
as skills and spells are added.  This way, the skill table can be expanded

The 'practice' command and player saving/loading are completely table-driven
from skill_table.  Skills and spells may be freely added or deleted without
changing these functions.

The fields of skill_table are:

    char *	name;

	The name is used for practising the skill or spell and by the 'cast'
	command.  Mobiles which cast spells also often invoke the spell by
	name.  Save files contain this name.

    sh_int	skill_level[MAX_CLASS];

	This array is indexed by character class, GET_CLASS(ch).  It contains
	the minimum level which each class needs in order to practice the skill
	or spell.  If a given class cannot use this skill or spell, the level
	is set to 37, so that all immortals can use all skills and spells.
	Mobiles ignore this table; generally their skill percentages are a
	simple function of level.

    SPELL_FUN *	spell_fun;

	This is the function which implements the spell.  Spell functions
	take four arguments: an 'sn', a level, a caster, and a pointer to a
	target victim or object.  This field is unused for skills, weapon
	proficiencies and tongues.

    DO_FUN *	do_fun;

	This is the function which implements the skill.  Skill functions
	take two arguments: a pointer to the character using the skill,
	and an argument.  This field is unused for spells, weapon
	proficiencies and tongues.

    sh_int	target;

	This identifies the targets of the spell.  The legal values are:

	    TAR_IGNORE			Spell chooses its own targets.
	    TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE		Spell is offensive (starts combat).
	    TAR_CHAR_DEFENSIVE		Spell is defensive (any char is legal).
	    TAR_CHAR_SELF		Spell is personal-effect only.
	    TAR_OBJ_INV			Spell is used on an object.

	PC's that are not pkillers will get flagged as an ATTACKER for
	attacking another player. These spells also cause the victim to
	attack the caster.

	This field is unused for skills unless the skill is pointed to
	a spell function.

    sh_int	minimum_position;

	This is the minimum position needed to use the spell/skill.

    sh_int	slot;

	This is the slot number, which indexes the spell from magical objects
	in #OBJECTS sections of area files (but not save files, which use the
	ascii name).  Once assigned, a slot number can never be changed.
	Slot numbers are only used for spells.

    sh_int	min_mana;

	This is the minimum mana required to cast this spell by a sufficiently
	high level spell caster.  A lower level spell caster will need more
	mana than the minimum; see 'do_cast' in 'magic.c' for the algorithm.

    sh_int	beats;

	This is the delay time, in pulses, imposed on the user of a spell or
	a skill.  One pulse is 0.25 second (this is derived from
	PULSE_PER_SECOND in mud.h).

    char *	noun_damage;

	This is a noun or noun phrase containing the damage message for skills
	or spells that perform damage.

    char *	msg_off;

	This is the message sent to the character when the skill or spell wears

    sh_int	guild;

	Which guild the skill belongs to (defaults to -1).

    sh_int	type;


    int		flags;

	Flags mainly reserved for SMAUG spells.

    char *	hit_char;

	Success message sent to the caster.

    char *	hit_vict;

	Success message sent to the victim.

    char *	hit_room;

	Success message sent to the room.

    char *	miss_char;

	Failure message send to the caster.

    char *	miss_vict;

	Failure message sent to the victim.

    char *	miss_room;

	Failure message sent to the room.

    char *	die_char;

	Victim death message sent to the caster.

    char *	die_vict;

	Victim death message sent to the victim.

    char *	die_room;

	Victim death message sent to the room.

    char *	imm_char;

	Victim immunity message sent to the caster.

    char *	imm_vict;

	Victim immunity message sent to the victim.

    char *	imm_room;
	Victim immunity message sent to the room.

    char *	dice;

	Dice roll (SMAUG spells only).

    int		value;

	Miscellaneous value used by SMAUG spells.

    char	saves;

	What saving throw is given (SMAUG spells).

    char	difficulty;

	How difficult the spell is to cast and learn.

    SMAUG_AFF *	affects;

	For SMAUG spells... what affects this spell has.

    char *	components;

	A space separated list of spell component information.

    char *	teachers;

	A space separated list of mob vnums that teach this skill.

    char	participants;

	For (multicaster) spells.  The number of required participants.

    int		num_uses;

	How many times this skill has been used this boot.

=== Examples

Here's what the armor spell looks like.
For more examples see the skills.dat file, or use slookup.

Name         armor~
Type         Spell
Flags        0
Target       2
Minpos       8
Slot         1
Mana         5
Rounds       12
Code         spell_smaug
Dammsg       ~
Wearoff      Your armor returns to its mundane value.~
Hitchar      $N's armor begins to glow softly as it is enhanced by a cantrip.~
Hitvict      Your armor begins to glow softly as it is enhanced by a cantrip.~
Hitroom      $N's armor begins to glow softly as it is enhanced by a cantrip.~
Affect       'l*10' 17 '-20' 0
Class        0 5 95
Class        1 1 95
Class        5 1 95
Class        6 20 85
Class        7 2 90
Minlevel     1

=== Indexing skill_table

'skill_table' is indexed by an 'sn' or 'gsn'.  The function 'skill_lookup'
takes a string and returns the appropriate sn, or -1 if the name is not found.

Some skills, such as 'second attack', are referenced very frequently.  For
these skills, a global variable such as 'gsn_second_attack' is initialized to
the sn of this skill.  Most of the fighter and thief skills have gsn's; only a
few spells need gsn's.

Gsn's are initialized at boot time in boot_db using the macro ASSIGN_GSN.
Example: ASSIGN_GSN( gsn_fireball, "fireball" )
The macro searches the skill table for the keyword, and returns the index
to the specified variable.

Magic items (potions, scrolls, pills, wands, and staves) have charges of
magical spells.  These spells are referenced by 'slot number' in area files.
(Slot numbers are also used in the save files).  The function 'slot_lookup'
converts slot numbers to skill numbers.

The range of slot numbers is 0 to 32767.  There is no need to assign them
consecutively.  In the future, slot numbers may disappear completely, and
area files may reference spells directly by name instead of by slot number.

[For those familiar with original Diku code ... slot numbers are simply the
original Diku spell numbers.]

=== The spell driver

The spell driver level is the first half of 'magic.c'.  It consists of
'do_cast' for the 'cast' command and 'obj_cast_spell' which is called from
'do_brandish', 'do_eat', 'do_quaff', 'do_recite', and 'do_zap'.

The spell driver takes care of level checking, position checking, target
selection, target validation (such as preventing PC's from casting offensive
spells on other PC's), staff area effect (just multi-target selection), mana
costs, wait states, and starting combat for offensive spells.  All of these
things are table-driven by 'skill_table'.

The spell function itself takes care of calling functions like 'damage' and
'affect_to_char'.  Read the existing ones to see what is needed for a new one.

Some spells, such as 'earthquake', 'locate object' or 'summon', perform their
own target selection.  These spells are target type TAR_IGNORE.  Within the
spell function, the variable 'target_name' is available (set by the spell

=== Adding a new spell

(1) Find a free slot number.  Make sure it's not already used in 'skills.dat'.
    SMAUG reserves slot numbers below 500 for future expansion.  We promise we
    won't use numbers 500 or above in future SMAUG releases.  Thus if you
    number your spells 500 or above, you will have an easier time upgrading to future
    releases of the SMAUG base code.

(2) Use the sset command to create a new skill: sset create skill <name>

(3) Use the sset command to set the appropriate fields:
    sset <sn> <field> <value> (see 'help sset')

(3) If this spell is too unique to use spell_smaug, add the 'spell_*'
    function declaration to the 'DECLARE_SPELL_FUN' section of 'mud.h',
    and drop the code for the spell function into 'magic.c'.

(5) If your spell needs 'AFF_*' bits, create new 'AFF_* bits' in 'mud.h'.

(6) You may need to increase 'MAX_SKILL' in 'mud.h', and recompile.

=== Adding a new skill

Skills are either automatic (such as 'parry') or manual (such as 'rescue').
Many automatic skills are referenced in 'fight.c'; look at 'multi_hit' for
examples of the use of 'gsn_second_attack' and 'gsn_third_attack'.

An explicit skill such as 'rescue' has its associated command 'do_rescue'.
This command is defined and called in the normal way in interp.c.  Within
'do_rescue', 'gsn_rescue' is used to find fields such as 'beats'.

To add a new skill:

(1) Use the sset command to create a new skill: sset create skill <name>

(2) Use the sset command to set the appropriate fields:
    sset <sn> <field> <value> (see 'help sset')

(3) You'll probably need a 'gsn'.  Declare it in 'mud.h' and 'db.c'.
    Add a ASSIGN_GSN line into db.c.

(4) If the skill is automatic, just use 'ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_new_skill]'
    in your code.  If your skill is manual, you need to write an appropriate
    command function for it.

(5) You may need to increase 'MAX_SKILL' in 'mud.h'.