Author Information.
Name, Country : Rainer Roomet, Estonia.
Email/MSN     :
Url           :
Telnet        : telnet:// 4242
MUD name      : The Lost Lands of Arion 
		J.R.R. Tolkien Theme PK and RP MUD.

Snippet Information.
   This snippet converts silver and coppers into gold pennies,
   if nessecary. 20 copper = 1 silver, 20 silver = 1 gold and 400
   coppers = 1 gold. If you have 19 coppers and you type worth
   then you see: You have 19 copper pennies. If you get 2 coppers
   more and now you have 21 copper, then this snippet converts
   21 coppers to 1 silver and 1 copper. Same as buying, selling
   etc. Good for MUDs what love RP.


    I don't need any credit. Maybe if you find some bug or type
    or you have some idea, you may email or msn to me at

    First BACKUP your code! 

First type "grep 'ch->silver' *.[c,h]" 
Also you have to check 'victim->silver', keeper->silver etc.

And delete all ch->silver functions or replace them ch->gold.


OPEN the file 'handler.c'
and add the following at the end of the file:

char *format_coins(int amount)

   static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   int copper = amount;
   int silver = amount/20;
   int gold = amount/400;

   * definitions of currency
   * 20 copper		== 1 silver;
   * 20 silver 		== 1 gold;
   * 4,00 copper 	== 1 gold;

   if (amount < 20)
     sprintf(buf, "%d copper penn%s",
     amount, amount > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
     return buf;
   else if (amount >= 20 && amount < 400
	&& (amount - silver * 20) == 0)
     sprintf(buf, "%d silver penn%s",
	silver > 1 ? "ies" : "y" );
     return buf;
   else if (amount >= 20 && amount < 400)
     sprintf(buf, "%d silver and %d copper penn%s",
     amount/20, copper - silver * 20, copper > 1 ? "ies" : "y" );
     return buf;
   else if (amount >= 400
        && (amount/20 - gold * 20) == 0
        && (amount - silver *  20) == 0)
     sprintf(buf, "%d gold penn%s", gold, gold > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
     return buf;
   else if (amount > 400 && (amount/20 - gold * 20) == 0) 
     sprintf(buf, "%d gold and %d copper penn%s",
     gold, copper - gold * 400,
     copper - gold * 400 > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
     return buf;
   else if (amount > 400 && (amount - silver * 20 ) == 0)
     sprintf(buf, "%d gold and %d silver penn%s",
     gold, (amount - gold * 400) / 20,
     (amount - gold * 400) / 20 > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
     return buf;
   else if (amount > 400 && (amount - silver * 20 ) != 0 
   && (amount/20 - gold * 20) != 0)
     sprintf(buf, "%d gold, %d silver and %d copper penn%s",
     (amount - gold * 400) / 20, 
     copper - silver * 20,
     copper - silver * 20 > 1 ? "ies" : "y");
     return buf;
  return buf;

grep 'ch->victim' *.[c,h]
and PUT

Thank you for using my snippet.
Rainer Roomet.