Name        accuse~
CharNoArg   Accuse whom?~
OthersNoArg $n is in an accusing mood.~
CharFound   You look accusingly at $M.~
OthersFound $n looks accusingly at $N.~
VictFound   $n looks accusingly at you.~
CharAuto    You accuse yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n seems to have a bad conscience.~

Name        ack~
CharNoArg   You gasp and say 'ACK!' at your mistake.~
OthersNoArg $n ACKS at $s big mistake.~
CharFound   You ACK $M.~
OthersFound $n ACKS $N.~
VictFound   $n ACKS you.~
CharAuto    You ACK yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n ACKS $mself.  Must be a bad day.~

Name        addict~
CharNoArg   You stand and admit to all in the room, 'Hi, I'm $n, and I'm a mud addict.'~
OthersNoArg $n stands and says, 'Hi, I'm $n, and I'm a mud addict.'~
CharFound   You tell $M that you are addicted to $S love.~
OthersFound $n tells $N that $e is addicted to $S love.~
VictFound   $n tells you that $e is addicted to your love.~
CharAuto    You stand and admit to all in the room, 'Hi, I'm $n, and I'm a mud addict.'~
OthersAuto  $n stands and says, 'Hi, I'm $n, and I'm a mud addict.'~

Name        agree~
CharNoArg   You seem to be in an agreeable mood.~
OthersNoArg $n seems to agree.~
CharFound   You agree with $M.~
OthersFound $n agrees with $N.~
VictFound   $n agrees with you.~
CharAuto    Well I hope you would agree with yourself!~
OthersAuto  $n agrees with $mself, of course.~

Name        apologize~
CharNoArg   You apologize for your behavior.~
OthersNoArg $n apologizes for $s rude behavior.~
CharFound   You apologize to $M.~
OthersFound $n apologizes to $N.~
VictFound   $n apologizes to you.~
CharAuto    You apologize to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n apologizes to $mself.  Hmmmm.~

Name        applaud~
CharNoArg   Clap, clap, clap.~
OthersNoArg $n gives a round of applause.~
CharFound   You clap at $S actions.~
OthersFound $n claps at $N's actions.~
VictFound   $n gives you a round of applause.  You MUST'VE done something good!~
CharAuto    You applaud at yourself.  Boy, are we conceited!~
OthersAuto  $n applauds at $mself.  Boy, are we conceited!~

Name        bark~
CharNoArg   Woof!  Woof!~
OthersNoArg $n barks like a dog.~
CharFound   You bark at $M.~
OthersFound $n barks at $N.~
VictFound   $n barks at you.~
CharAuto    You bark at yourself.  Woof!  Woof!~
OthersAuto  $n barks at $mself.  Woof!  Woof!~

Name        bbl~
CharNoArg   You announce that you will be back later.~
OthersNoArg $n announces that $e'll be back later.~
CharFound   You inform $M that you will be back later.~
OthersFound $n informs $N that $e will be back later~
VictFound   $n informs you that $e will be back later~
CharAuto    You mumble to yourself that you'll be back later.~
OthersAuto  $n mumbles to $mself that $e'll be back later.~

Name        bearhug~
CharNoArg   You hug a grizzly bear.~
OthersNoArg $n hugs a flea-infested grizzly bear.~
CharFound   You bearhug $M.~
OthersFound $n bearhugs $N.  Some ribs break.~
VictFound   $n bearhugs you.  Wonder what's coming next?~
CharAuto    You bearhug yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n bearhugs $mself.~

Name        beer~
CharNoArg   You down a cold, frosty beer.~
OthersNoArg $n downs a cold, frosty beer.~
CharFound   You draw a cold, frosty beer for $N.~
OthersFound $n draws a cold, frosty beer for $N.~
VictFound   $n draws a cold, frosty beer for you.~
CharAuto    You draw yourself a beer.~
OthersAuto  $n draws $mself a beer.~

Name        beg~
CharNoArg   You beg the gods for mercy.~
OthersNoArg The gods fall down laughing at $n's request for mercy.~
CharFound   You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from $M.~
OthersFound $n begs $N for a gold piece!~
VictFound   $n begs you for money.~
CharAuto    Begging yourself for money doesn't help.~
OthersAuto  $n begs himself for money.~

Name        behead~
CharNoArg   You look around for some heads to cut off.~
OthersNoArg $n looks around for some heads to cut off.~
CharFound   You grin evilly at $N and brandish your weapon.~
OthersFound $n grins evilly at $N, while branding $s weapon!~
VictFound   $n grins evilly at you, brandishing $s weapon.~
CharAuto    I really don't think you want to do that...~
OthersAuto  $n is so desperate for exp that $e tries to decapitate $mself!~

Name        bkiss~
CharNoArg   Blow a kiss to whom?~
OthersNoArg $n blows at $s hand.~
CharFound   You blow a kiss to $M.~
OthersFound $n blows a kiss to $N.  Touching, ain't it?~
VictFound   $n blows a kiss to you.  Not as good as a real one, huh?~
CharAuto    You blow a kiss to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n blows a kiss to $mself.  Weird.~

Name        bleed~
CharNoArg   You bleed all over the room!~
OthersNoArg $n bleeds all over the room!  Get out of $s way!~
CharFound   You bleed all over $M!~
OthersFound $n bleeds all over $N.  Better leave, you may be next!~
VictFound   $n bleeds all over you!  YUCK!~
CharAuto    You bleed all over yourself!~
OthersAuto  $n bleeds all over $mself.~

Name        blink~
CharNoArg   You blink in utter disbelief.~
OthersNoArg $n blinks in utter disbelief.~
CharFound   You blink at $M in confusion.~
OthersFound $n blinks at $N in confusion.~
VictFound   $n blinks at you in confusion.~
CharAuto    You are sooooooooooooo confused~
OthersAuto  $n blinks at $mself in complete confusion.~

Name        blownose~
CharNoArg   You blow your nose loudly.~
OthersNoArg $n blows $s nose loudly.~
CharFound   You blow your nose on $S shirt.~
OthersFound $n blows $s nose on $N's shirt.~
VictFound   $n blows $s nose on your shirt.~
CharAuto    You blow your nose on your shirt.~
OthersAuto  $n blows $s nose on $s shirt.~

Name        blush~
CharNoArg   Your cheeks are burning.~
OthersNoArg $n blushes.~
CharFound   You get all flustered up seeing $M.~
OthersFound $n blushes as $e sees $N here.~
VictFound   $n blushes as $e sees you here.  Such an effect on people!~
CharAuto    You blush at your own folly.~
OthersAuto  $n blushes as $e notices $s boo-boo.~

Name        boggle~
CharNoArg   You boggle in complete incomprehension.~
OthersNoArg $n boggles in complete incomprehension.~
CharFound   You boggle in complete incomprehension of $S actions.~
OthersFound $n boggles in complete incomprehension of $N's actions.~
VictFound   $n boggles in complete incomprehension of your actions.~
CharAuto    You boggle in complete incomprehension of your own actions.  Confused?~
OthersAuto  $n boggles, plain and simple.~

Name        bounce~
OthersNoArg $n bounces around.~
CharFound   You bounce onto $S lap.~
OthersFound $n bounces onto $N's lap.~
VictFound   $n bounces onto your lap.~
CharAuto    You bounce your head like a basketball.~
OthersAuto  $n plays basketball with $s head.~

Name        bow~
CharNoArg   You bow deeply.~
OthersNoArg $n bows deeply.~
CharFound   You bow before $M.~
OthersFound $n bows before $N.~
VictFound   $n bows before you.~
CharAuto    You kiss your toes.~
OthersAuto  $n folds up like a jack knife and kisses $s own toes.~

Name        brb~
CharNoArg   You announce that you will be right back.~
OthersNoArg $n says in a stern voice, 'I'll be back!'~
CharFound   You announce to $M that you will be right back.~
OthersFound $n says to $N in a stern voice, 'I'll be back!'~
VictFound   $n says to you in a stern voice, 'I'll be right back!'~
CharAuto    You mumble to yourself, 'I'll be right back'~
OthersAuto  $n mumbles to $mself, 'I'll be right back, won't I?'~

Name        brush~
CharNoArg   Brush what? Who? Where?~
CharFound   You brush out $S hair for $M.  Very thoughtful.~
OthersFound $n brushes $N's hair for $M.  Looks better now.~
VictFound   $n brushes out your hair.  How nice of $m.~
CharAuto    You brush out your hair.  There - much better.~
OthersAuto  $n brushes out $s hair.  Looks much better now.~

Name        burp~
CharNoArg   You burp loudly.~
OthersNoArg $n burps loudly.~
CharFound   You burp loudly to $M in response.~
OthersFound $n burps loudly in response to $N's remark.~
VictFound   $n burps loudly in response to your remark.~
CharAuto    You burp at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n burps at $mself.  What a sick sight.~

Name        bye~
CharNoArg   You say goodbye to all in the room.~
OthersNoArg $n says goodbye to everyone in the room.~
CharFound   You say goodbye to $N.~
OthersFound $n says goodbye to $N.~
VictFound   $n says goodbye to you.~
CharAuto    You say goodbye to yourself.  Contemplating suicide?~
OthersAuto  $n says goodbye to $mself.  Is $e contemplating suicide?~

Name        cackle~
CharNoArg   You throw back your head and cackle with insane glee!~
OthersNoArg $n throws back $s head and cackles with insane glee!~
CharFound   You cackle gleefully at $N.~
OthersFound $n cackles gleefully at $N.~
VictFound   $n cackles gleefully at you.  Better keep your distance from $m.~
CharAuto    You cackle at yourself.  Now, THAT'S strange!~
OthersAuto  $n is really crazy now!  $e cackles at $mself.~

Name        catnap~
CharNoArg   You curl into a tiny ball and go to sleep.~
OthersNoArg $n curls $mself into a tiny ball and goes to sleep.~
CharFound   You curl up in $S lap and go to sleep.~
OthersFound $n curls up in $N's lap and goes to sleep.~
VictFound   $n curls up in your lap and goes to sleep.~
CharAuto    You curl into a tiny ball and go to sleep.~
OthersAuto  $n curls $mself into a tiny ball and goes to sleep.~

Name        challenge~
CharNoArg   Challenge who?~
CharFound   You challenge $N to a fight to the death.~
OthersFound $n challenges $N to a fight to the death.~
VictFound   $n challenges you to a fight to the death.~
CharAuto    Challenge YOURSELF to a fight to the death?  I think not...~

Name        chortle~
CharNoArg   You chortle with glee.~
OthersNoArg $n chortles with glee.~
CharFound   You chortle loudly at $M.~
OthersFound $n chortles loudly at $N.~
VictFound   $n chortles loudly at you.~
CharAuto    You chortle loudly to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n chortles loudly to $mself.~

Name        chuckle~
CharNoArg   You chuckle politely.~
OthersNoArg $n chuckles politely.~
CharFound   You chuckle at $S joke.~
OthersFound $n chuckles at $N's joke.~
VictFound   $n chuckles at your joke.~
CharAuto    You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.~
OthersAuto  $n chuckles at $s own joke, since none of you would.~

Name        clap~
CharNoArg   You clap your hands together.~
OthersNoArg $n shows $s approval by clapping $s hands together.~
CharFound   You clap at $S performance.~
OthersFound $n claps at $N's performance.~
VictFound   $n claps at your performance.~
CharAuto    You clap at your own performance.~
OthersAuto  $n claps at $s own performance.~

Name        comb~
CharNoArg   You comb your hair - perfect.~
OthersNoArg $n combs $s hair, how dashing!~
CharFound   You patiently untangle $N's hair - what a mess!~
OthersFound $n tries patiently to untangle $N's hair.~
VictFound   $n pulls your hair in an attempt to comb it.~
CharAuto    You pull your hair, but it will not be combed.~
OthersAuto  $n tries to comb $s tangled hair.~

Name        comfort~
CharNoArg   Do you feel uncomfortable?~
CharFound   You comfort $M.~
OthersFound $n comforts $N.~
VictFound   $n comforts you.~
CharAuto    You make a vain attempt to comfort yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n has no one to comfort $m but $mself.~

Name        cough~
CharNoArg   You cough to clear your throat and eyes and nose and....~
OthersNoArg $n coughs loudly.~
CharFound   You cough loudly.  It must be $S fault, $E gave you this cold.~
OthersFound $n coughs loudly, and glares at $N, like it is $S fault.~
VictFound   $n coughs loudly, and glares at you.  Did you give $M that cold?~
CharAuto    You cough loudly.  Why don't you take better care of yourself?~
OthersAuto  $n coughs loudly.  $n should take better care of $mself.~

Name        cower~
CharNoArg   What are you afraid of?~
OthersNoArg $n cowers in the corner from claustrophobia.~
CharFound   You cower in the corner at the sight of $M.~
OthersFound $n cowers in the corner at the sight of $N.~
VictFound   $n cowers in the corner at the sight of you.~
CharAuto    You cower in the corner at the thought of yourself.  You scaredy cat!~
OthersAuto  $n cowers in the corner.  What is wrong with $m now?~

Name        cringe~
CharNoArg   You cringe in terror.~
OthersNoArg $n cringes in terror!~
CharFound   You cringe away from $M.~
OthersFound $n cringes away from $N in mortal terror.~
VictFound   $n cringes away from you.~
CharAuto    I beg your pardon?~

Name        crush~
CharNoArg   You squint and hold two fingers up, saying 'I'm crushing your heads!'~
OthersNoArg $n squints and holds two fingers up, saying 'I'm crushing your heads!'~
CharFound   You hold two fingers up at $M and say, 'I'm crushing your head!'~
OthersFound $n holds two fingers up at $N and says, 'I'm crushing your head!'~
VictFound   $n holds two fingers up at you and says, 'I'm crushing your head!'~
CharAuto    You crush yourself.  YEEEEOOOUUUUCH!~
OthersAuto  $n crushes $mself into the ground.  OUCH!~

Name        cry~
CharNoArg   Waaaaah ...~
OthersNoArg $n bursts into tears.~
CharFound   You cry on $S shoulder.~
OthersFound $n cries on $N's shoulder.~
VictFound   $n cries on your shoulder.~
CharAuto    You cry to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n sobs quietly to $mself.~

Name        cuddle~
CharNoArg   Whom do you feel like cuddling today?~
CharFound   You cuddle $M.~
OthersFound $n cuddles $N.~
VictFound   $n cuddles you.~
CharAuto    You must feel very cuddly indeed ... :)~
OthersAuto  $n cuddles up to $s shadow.  What a sorry sight.~

Name        curse~
CharNoArg   You swear loudly for a long time.~
OthersNoArg $n swears: @*&^%@*&!~
CharFound   You swear at $M.~
OthersFound $n swears at $N.~
VictFound   $n swears at you!  Where are $s manners?~
CharAuto    You swear at your own mistakes.~
OthersAuto  $n starts swearing at $mself.  Why don't you help?~

Name        curtsey~
CharNoArg   You curtsey to your audience.~
OthersNoArg $n curtseys gracefully.~
CharFound   You curtsey to $M.~
OthersFound $n curtseys gracefully to $N.~
VictFound   $n curtseys gracefully for you.~
CharAuto    You curtsey to your audience (yourself).~
OthersAuto  $n curtseys to $mself, since no one is paying attention to $m.~

Name        dance~
CharNoArg   Feels silly, doesn't it?~
OthersNoArg $n tries to break dance, but nearly breaks $s neck!~
CharFound   You sweep $M into a romantic waltz.~
OthersFound $n sweeps $N into a romantic waltz.~
VictFound   $n sweeps you into a romantic waltz.~
CharAuto    You skip and dance around by yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n dances a pas-de-une.~

Name        dive~
CharNoArg   You dive into the ocean.~
OthersNoArg $n dives into the ocean.~
CharFound   You dive behind $M and hide.~
OthersFound $n dives behind $N and hides.~
VictFound   $n dives behind you and hides.~
CharAuto    You take a dive.~
OthersAuto  $n takes a dive.~

Name        dizzy~
CharNoArg   You are so dizzy from all this chatter.~
OthersNoArg $n spins twice and hits the ground, dizzy from all this chatter.~
CharFound   You are dizzy from all of $N's chatter.~
OthersFound $n spins twice and hits the ground, dizzy from all $N's chatter.~
VictFound   $n spins twice and hits the ground, dizzy from all your chatter.~
CharAuto    You are dizzy from lack of air.  Don't talk so much!~
OthersAuto  $n spins twice and falls to the ground from lack of air.~

Name        doze~
CharNoArg   Your chin drops to your chest as you suddenly get dozy.~
OthersNoArg $n's eyes get heavy as $s head drops in a sudden doze.~
CharFound   You weave your hands in a hypnotic pattern trying to make $N sleepy.~
OthersFound $n weaves $s hands in a hypnotic pattern, attempting to put $N to sleep.~
VictFound   $n weaves $s hands in a hypnotic pattern. You start to feel dozy.~
CharAuto    You weave your hands in an odd pattern, suddenly finding yourself dozing off.~
OthersAuto  $n weaves $s hands in an odd pattern, looking surprized to be dozing off.~

Name        drool~
CharNoArg   You drool on yourself.~
OthersNoArg $n drools on $mself.~
CharFound   You drool all over $N.~
OthersFound $n drools all over $N.~
VictFound   $n drools all over you.~
CharAuto    You drool on yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n drools on $mself.~

Name        duck~
CharNoArg   Whew!  That was close!~
OthersNoArg $n is narrowly missed by a low-flying dragon.~
CharFound   You duck behind $M.  Whew!  That was close!~
OthersFound $n ducks behind $N to avoid the fray.~
VictFound   $n ducks behind you to avoid the fray.~
CharAuto    You duck behind yourself.  Oww that hurts!~
OthersAuto  $n tries to duck behind $mself.  $n needs help getting untied now.~

Name        embrace~
CharNoArg   Who do you want to hold?~
OthersNoArg $n looks around for someone to hold close to $m.~
CharFound   You hold $M in a warm and loving embrace.~
OthersFound $n holds $N in a warm and loving embrace.~
VictFound   $n holds you in a warm and loving embrace.~
CharAuto    You hold yourself in a warm and loving embrace.  Feels silly doesn't it?~
OthersAuto  $n holds $mself in a warm and loving embrace.  $e looks pretty silly.~

Name        evilgrin~
CharNoArg   You grin so evilly that everyone's alignment drops to -1000.~
OthersNoArg $n grins so evilly that everyone's alignment drops to -1000.~
CharFound   You grin so evilly at $M that $S alignment drops to -1000.~
OthersFound $n grins so evilly at $N that $S alignment drops to -1000.~
VictFound   $n grins so evilly at you that your alignment drops to -1000.~
CharAuto    You grin so evilly at yourself that your alignment drops to -1000.~
OthersAuto  $n grins so evilly that $s alignment drops to -1000.~

Name        eyebrow~
CharNoArg   You raise an eyebrow.~
OthersNoArg $n raises an eyebrow.~
CharFound   You raise an eyebrow at $M.~
OthersFound $n raises an eyebrow at $N.~
VictFound   $n raises an eyebrow at you.~
CharAuto    You raise an eyebrow at yourself.  That hurt!~
OthersAuto  $n raises an eyebrow at $mself.  That must have hurt!~

Name        faint~
CharNoArg   You feel dizzy and hit the ground like a board.~
OthersNoArg $n's eyes roll back in $s head and $e crumples to the ground.~
CharFound   You faint into $S arms.~
OthersFound $n faints into $N's arms.~
VictFound   $n faints into your arms.  How romantic.~
CharAuto    You look down at your condition and faint.~
OthersAuto  $n looks down at $s condition and faints dead away.~

Name        fakerep~
CharNoArg   You report: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
OthersNoArg $n reports: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
CharFound   You report: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
OthersFound $n reports: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
VictFound   $n reports: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
CharAuto    You report: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~
OthersAuto  $n reports: 12874/13103 hp 9238/10230 mana 2483/3451 mv 2.31E13 xp.~

Name        fart~
CharNoArg   Where are your manners?~
OthersNoArg $n lets off a real rip-roarer ... a greenish cloud envelops $n!~
CharFound   You fart at $M.  Boy, you are sick.~
OthersFound $n farts in $N's direction.  Better flee before $e turns to you!~
VictFound   $n farts in your direction.  You gasp for air.~
CharAuto    You fart at yourself.  You deserve it.~
OthersAuto  $n farts at $mself.  Better $m than you.~

Name        flip~
CharNoArg   You flip head over heels.~
OthersNoArg $n flips head over heels.~
CharFound   You flip $M over your shoulder.~
OthersFound $n flips $N over $s shoulder.~
VictFound   $n flips you over $s shoulder.  Hmmmm.~
CharAuto    You tumble all over the room.~
OthersAuto  $n does some nice tumbling and gymnastics.~

Name        flirt~
CharNoArg   Wink wink!~
OthersNoArg $n flirts -- probably needs a date, huh?~
CharFound   You flirt with $M.~
OthersFound $n flirts with $N.~
VictFound   $n wants you to show some interest and is flirting with you.~
CharAuto    You flirt with yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n flirts with $mself.  Hoo boy.~

Name        flutter~
CharNoArg   You flutter your eyelashes.~
OthersNoArg $n flutters $s eyelashes.~
CharFound   You flutter your eyelashes at $M.~
OthersFound $n flutters $s eyelashes in $N's direction.~
VictFound   $n looks at you and flutters $s eyelashes.~
CharAuto    You flutter your eyelashes at the thought of yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n flutters $s eyelashes at no one in particular.~

Name        fondle~
CharNoArg   Who needs to be fondled?~
CharFound   You fondly fondle $M.~
OthersFound $n fondly fondles $N.~
VictFound   $n fondly fondles you.~
CharAuto    You fondly fondle yourself, feels funny doesn't it ?~
OthersAuto  $n fondly fondles $mself - this is going too far!!~

Name        french~
CharNoArg   Kiss whom?~
CharFound   You give $N a long and passionate kiss.~
OthersFound $n kisses $N passionately.~
VictFound   $n gives you a long and passionate kiss.~
CharAuto    You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n makes an attempt at kissing $mself.~

Name        frown~
CharNoArg   What's bothering you ?~
OthersNoArg $n frowns.~
CharFound   You frown at what $E did.~
OthersFound $n frowns at what $E did.~
VictFound   $n frowns at what you did.~
CharAuto    You frown at yourself.  Poor baby.~
OthersAuto  $n frowns at $mself.  Poor baby.~

Name        fume~
CharNoArg   You grit your teeth and fume with rage.~
OthersNoArg $n grits $s teeth and fumes with rage.~
CharFound   You stare at $M, fuming.~
OthersFound $n stares at $N, fuming with rage.~
VictFound   $n stares at you, fuming with rage!~
CharAuto    That's right - hate yourself!~
OthersAuto  $n clenches $s fists and stomps his feet, fuming with anger.~

Name        gasp~
CharNoArg   You gasp in astonishment.~
OthersNoArg $n gasps in astonishment.~
CharFound   You gasp as you realize what $E did.~
OthersFound $n gasps as $e realizes what $N did.~
VictFound   $n gasps as $e realizes what you did.~
CharAuto    You look at yourself and gasp!~
OthersAuto  $n takes one look at $mself and gasps in astonisment!~

Name        gawk~
CharNoArg   You gawk at everyone around you.~
OthersNoArg $n gawks at everyone in the room.~
CharFound   You gawk at $M.~
OthersFound $n gawks at $N.~
VictFound   $n gawks at you.~
CharAuto    You gawk as you think what you must look like to others.~
OthersAuto  $n is gawking again.  What is on $s mind?~

Name        ghug~
OthersNoArg $n hugs you all in a big group hug.  How sweet!~
OthersFound $n hugs you all in a big group hug.  How sweet!~
VictFound   $n hugs you all in a big group hug.  How sweet!~
OthersAuto  $n hugs you all in a big group hug.  How sweet!~

Name        giggle~
CharNoArg   You giggle.~
OthersNoArg $n giggles.~
CharFound   You giggle at $M.~
OthersFound $n giggles at $N's actions.~
VictFound   $n giggles at you.  Hope it's not contagious!~
CharAuto    You giggle at yourself.  You must be nervous or something.~
OthersAuto  $n giggles at $mself.  $e must be nervous or something.~

Name        girn~
CharNoArg   You try to grin, but somehow get it slightly wrong.~
OthersNoArg $n tries to grin, but somehow gets it slightly wrong.~
CharFound   You try to grin at $N, but $E gives you a funny look.~
OthersFound $n tries to grin at $N, but screws it up badly.~
VictFound   $n turns $s lips in a sad attempt at a lopsided grin.~
CharAuto    Your face becomes a ghastly mask as you fail to grin.~
OthersAuto  $n's face becomes a strange death mask as $s tries to grin.~

Name        glare~
CharNoArg   You glare at nothing in particular.~
OthersNoArg $n glares around $m.~
CharFound   You glare icily at $M.~
OthersFound $n glares at $N.~
VictFound   $n glares icily at you, you feel cold to your bones.~
CharAuto    You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold.~
OthersAuto  $n glares at $s feet, what is bothering $m?~

Name        grimace~
CharNoArg   You contort your face in disgust.~
OthersNoArg $n grimaces in disgust.~
CharFound   You grimace in disgust at $M.~
OthersFound $n grimaces in disgust at $N.~
VictFound   $n grimaces in disgust at you.~
CharAuto    You grimace at yourself in disgust.~
OthersAuto  $n grimaces at $mself in disgust.~

Name        grin~
CharNoArg   You grin evilly.~
OthersNoArg $n grins evilly.~
CharFound   You grin evilly at $M.~
OthersFound $n grins evilly at $N.~
VictFound   $n grins evilly at you.  Hmmm.  Better keep your distance.~
CharAuto    You grin at yourself.  You must be getting very bad thoughts.~
OthersAuto  $n grins at $mself.  You must wonder what's in $s mind.~

Name        groan~
CharNoArg   You groan loudly.~
OthersNoArg $n groans loudly.~
CharFound   You groan at the sight of $M.~
OthersFound $n groans at the sight of $N.~
VictFound   $n groans at the sight of you.~
CharAuto    You groan as you realize what you have done.~
OthersAuto  $n groans as $e realizes what $e has done.~

Name        grope~
CharNoArg   Whom do you wish to grope?~
CharFound   Well, what sort of noise do you expect here?~
OthersFound $n gropes $N.~
VictFound   $n gropes you.~
CharAuto    You grope yourself - YUCK.~
OthersAuto  $n gropes $mself - YUCK.~

Name        grovel~
CharNoArg   You grovel in the dirt.~
OthersNoArg $n grovels in the dirt.~
CharFound   You grovel before $M.~
OthersFound $n grovels in the dirt before $N.~
VictFound   $n grovels in the dirt before you.~
CharAuto    That seems a little silly to me.~

Name        growl~
CharNoArg   Grrrrrrrrrr ...~
OthersNoArg $n growls.~
CharFound   Grrrrrrrrrr ... take that, $N!~
OthersFound $n growls at $N.  Better leave the room before the fighting starts.~
VictFound   $n growls at you.  Hey, two can play it that way!~
CharAuto    You growl at yourself.  Boy, do you feel bitter!~
OthersAuto  $n growls at $mself.  This could get interesting...~

Name        grumble~
CharNoArg   You grumble.~
OthersNoArg $n grumbles.~
CharFound   You grumble to $M.~
OthersFound $n grumbles to $N.~
VictFound   $n grumbles to you.~
CharAuto    You grumble under your breath.~
OthersAuto  $n grumbles under $s breath.~

Name        grunt~
OthersNoArg $n grunts like a pig.~
CharFound   GRNNNHTTTT.~
OthersFound $n grunts to $N.  What a pig!~
VictFound   $n grunts to you.  What a pig!~
CharAuto    GRNNNHTTTT.~
OthersAuto  $n grunts to nobody in particular.  What a pig!~

Name        hand~
CharNoArg   Kiss whose hand?~
CharFound   You kiss $S hand.~
OthersFound $n kisses $N's hand.  How continental!~
VictFound   $n kisses your hand.  How continental!~
CharAuto    You kiss your own hand.~
OthersAuto  $n kisses $s own hand.~

Name        heal~
CharNoArg   You start yelling for a heal!~
OthersNoArg $n yells 'Hey, how about a heal? I'm DYING here!'~
CharFound   You start yelling at $N for a heal!~
OthersFound $n yells 'Hey $N, how about a heal? I'm DYING here!'~
VictFound   $n yells 'Hey $N, how about a heal? I'm DYING here!'~
CharAuto    You start yelling for a heal!~
OthersAuto  $n yells 'Hey, how about a heal? I'm DYING here!'~

Name        hello~
CharNoArg   You say hello to everyone in the room.~
OthersNoArg $n says hello to everyone in the room.~
CharFound   You tell $M how truly glad you are to see $M.~
OthersFound $n tells $N 'Hi!'~
VictFound   $n tells you how truly glad $e is that you are here.~
CharAuto    You greet yourself enthusiastically.~
OthersAuto  $n greets $mself enthusiastically.  How odd.~

Name        hiccup~
CharNoArg   You hiccup loudly.~
OthersNoArg $n hiccups loudly.~
CharFound   You hiccup loudly at $S.  How rude!~
OthersFound $n hiccups at $n.  How rude!~
VictFound   $n hiccups at you.  How rude!~
CharAuto    You hiccup to yourself.  How musical.~
OthersAuto  $n hiccups to $mself.  How musical.~

Name        hmm~
CharNoArg   You Hmmmm out loud.~
OthersNoArg $n thinks, 'Hmmmm.'~
CharFound   You gaze thoughtfully at $M and say 'Hmmm.'~
OthersFound $n gazes thoughtfully at $N and says 'Hmmm.'~
VictFound   $n gazes thoughtfully at you and says 'Hmmm.'~
CharAuto    You Hmmmm out loud.~
OthersAuto  $n thinks, 'Hmmmm.'~

Name        hop~
CharNoArg   You hop around like a little kid.~

Name        hug~
CharNoArg   Hug whom?~
CharFound   You hug $M.~
OthersFound $n hugs $N.~
VictFound   $n hugs you.~
CharAuto    You hug yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n hugs $mself in a vain attempt to get friendship.~

Name        hum~
CharNoArg   Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmmm.~
OthersNoArg $n hums like a bee with a chest cold.~
CharFound   You hum a little ditty for $M.  Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmm.~
OthersFound $n hums a little ditty for $N.  Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmm.~
VictFound   $n hums a little ditty for you.  Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmm.~
CharAuto    Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmmm.~
OthersAuto  $n hums like a bee with a chest cold.~

Name        innocent~
CharNoArg   You do your best to look utterly innocent.~
OthersNoArg $n looks innocently about $mself.~
CharFound   You do your best to convince $N of your innocence.~
OthersFound $n does $s best to convince $N of $s innocence.~
VictFound   $n gives you the most innocent look you have ever seen.~
CharAuto    You try to convince yourself of your innocence.~
OthersAuto  $n does $s best to prove $s innocence to all, especially $mself.~

Name        kiss~
CharNoArg   Isn't there someone you want to kiss?~
CharFound   You kiss $M.~
OthersFound $n kisses $N.~
VictFound   $n kisses you.~
CharAuto    All the lonely people :(~

Name        lag~
CharNoArg   You complain about the terrible lag.~
OthersNoArg $n starts complaining about the terrible lag.~
CharFound   You complain to $N about the terrible lag.~
OthersFound $n complains to $N about the terrible lag.~
VictFound   $n complains to you about the terrible lag.~
CharAuto    You start muttering about the awful lag.~
OthersAuto  $n starts muttering about the awful lag.~

Name        laugh~
CharNoArg   You laugh.~
OthersNoArg $n laughs.~
CharFound   You laugh at $N mercilessly.~
OthersFound $n laughs at $N mercilessly.~
VictFound   $n laughs at you mercilessly.  Hmmmmph.~
CharAuto    You laugh at yourself.  I would, too.~
OthersAuto  $n laughs at $mself.  Let's all join in!!!~

Name        lick~
CharNoArg   You lick your lips and smile.~
OthersNoArg $n licks $s lips and smiles.~
CharFound   You lick $M.~
OthersFound $n licks $N.~
VictFound   $n licks you.~
CharAuto    You lick yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n licks $mself - YUCK.~

Name        love~
CharNoArg   You love the whole world.~
OthersNoArg $n loves everybody in the world.~
CharFound   You tell your true feelings to $N.~
OthersFound $n whispers softly to $N.~
VictFound   $n whispers to you sweet words of love.~
CharAuto    Well, we already know you love yourself (lucky someone does!)~
OthersAuto  $n loves $mself, can you believe it?~

Name        lust~
CharNoArg   You are getting lusty feelings!~
OthersNoArg $n looks around lustily.~
CharFound   You stare lustily at $N.~
OthersFound $n stares lustily at $N.~
VictFound   $n stares lustily at you.~
CharAuto    You stare lustily at...youself?~
OthersAuto  $n looks $mself up and down lustily.~

Name        maim~
CharNoArg   Who do you want to maim?~
OthersNoArg $n is looking for someone to maim.~
CharFound   You maim $M with your dull fingernails.~
OthersFound $n raises $s hand and tries to maim $N to pieces.~
VictFound   $n raises $s hand and paws at you.  You've been maimed!~
CharAuto    You maim yourself with your dull fingernails.~
OthersAuto  $n raises $s hand and maims $mself to pieces.~

Name        massage~
CharNoArg   Massage what?  Thin air?~
CharFound   You gently massage $N's shoulders.~
OthersFound $n massages $N's shoulders.~
VictFound   $n gently massages your shoulders.  Ahhhhhhhhhh ...~
CharAuto    You practice yoga as you try to massage yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n gives a show on yoga positions, trying to massage $mself.~

Name        meow~
CharNoArg   MEOW.~
OthersNoArg $n meows.  What's $e going to do next, wash $mself with $s tongue?~
CharFound   You meow at $M, hoping $E will give you some milk.~
OthersFound $n meows at $N, hoping $E will give $m some milk. ~
VictFound   $n meows at you.  Maybe $e wants some milk.~
CharAuto    You meow like a kitty cat.~
OthersAuto  $n meows like a kitty cat.~

Name        mmm~
CharNoArg   You go mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.~
OthersNoArg $n says 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.'~
CharFound   You go mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.~
OthersFound $n says 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.'~
VictFound   $n thinks of you and says, 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.'~
CharAuto    You think of yourself and go mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.~
OthersAuto  $n thinks of $mself and says 'mmMMmmMMmmMMmm.'~

Name        moan~
CharNoArg   You start to moan.~
OthersNoArg $n starts moaning.~
CharFound   You moan for the loss of $M.~
OthersFound $n moans for the loss of $N.~
VictFound   $n moans at the sight of you.  Hmmmm.~
CharAuto    You moan at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n makes $mself moan.~

Name        mooch~
CharNoArg   You beg for money, weapons, coins.~
OthersNoArg $n says 'Spare change?'~
CharFound   You beg $N for money, weapons, coins.~
OthersFound $n begs you for favors of the insidious type...~
VictFound   $n begs you for favors of the insidious type...~
CharAuto    You beg for money, weapons, coins.~
OthersAuto  $n says 'Spare change?'~

Name        moocow~
CharNoArg   You make cow noises.  Mooooooooooooooooooo!~
OthersNoArg $n Mooooooooooooooooooooooooos like a cow.~
CharFound   You make cow noises at $M.  Mooooooooooooooooooo!~
OthersFound $n Mooooooooooooooooooooooooos like a cow at $N.~
VictFound   $n looks at you and Mooooooooooooooooooooooooos like a cow.~
CharAuto    You make cow noises.  Mooooooooooooooooooo!~
OthersAuto  $n Mooooooooooooooooooooooooos like a cow.~

Name        muhaha~
CharNoArg   You laugh diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!.~
OthersNoArg $n laughs diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!..~
CharFound   You laugh at $M diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!..~
OthersFound $n laughs at $N diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!..~
VictFound   $n laughs at you diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!..~
CharAuto    Muhaha at yourself??  Weird.~

Name        mutter~
CharNoArg   You mutter distractedly.~
OthersNoArg $n mutters distractedly.~
CharFound   You mutter to yourself and shake your head at $M.~
OthersFound $n mutters distractedly and shakes $s head at $N.~
VictFound   $n mutters distractedly and shakes $s head at you.~
CharAuto    You mutter dithyrambically to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n mutters at $mself.~

Name        nail~
CharNoArg   You nibble nervously on your nails.~
OthersNoArg $n nibbles nervously on $s fingernails.~
CharFound   You nibble nervously on your nails.~
OthersFound $n nibbles nervously on $s fingernails.~
VictFound   $n nibbles nervously on your fingernails.  Yuck!~
CharAuto    You nibble nervously on your nails.~
OthersAuto  $n nibbles nervously on $s fingernails.~

Name        nibble~
CharNoArg   Nibble on whom?~
CharFound   You nibble on $N's ear.~
OthersFound $n nibbles on $N's ear.~
VictFound   $n nibbles on your ear.~
CharAuto    You nibble on your OWN ear.~
OthersAuto  $n nibbles on $s OWN ear.~

Name        nod~
CharNoArg   You nod solemnly.~
OthersNoArg $n nods solemnly.~
CharFound   You nod in agreement to $M.~
OthersFound $n nods in agreement to $N.~
VictFound   $n nods in agreement with you.~
CharAuto    You nod at yourself.  Are you getting senile?~
OthersAuto  $n nods at $mself.  $e must be getting senile.~

Name        noogie~
CharNoArg   You noogie.~
CharFound   You grind your knuckles into the top of $N's head.~
OthersFound $n grinds $s knuckles into the top of $N's head.~
VictFound   $n grinds $s knuckles into the top of your head with glee.~
CharAuto    Doesn't that hurt?~
OthersAuto  $n grinds $s knuckles into $s head, oblivious to the pain.~

Name        nose~
CharNoArg   You wiggle your nose.~
OthersNoArg $n wiggles $s nose.~
CharFound   You tweak $S nose.~
OthersFound $n tweaks $N's nose.~
VictFound   $n tweaks your nose.~
CharAuto    You tweak your own nose!~
OthersAuto  $n tweaks $s own nose!~

Name        nudge~
CharNoArg   Nudge whom?~
CharFound   You nudge $M.~
OthersFound $n nudges $N.~
VictFound   $n nudges you.~
CharAuto    You nudge yourself, for some strange reason.~
OthersAuto  $n nudges $mself, to keep $mself awake.~

Name        nuzzle~
CharNoArg   Nuzzle whom?~
CharFound   You nuzzle $S neck softly.~
OthersFound $n softly nuzzles $N's neck.~
VictFound   $n softly nuzzles your neck.~
CharAuto    I'm sorry, friend, but that's impossible.~

Name        ogle~
CharNoArg   Whom do you want to ogle?~
CharFound   You ogle $M like $E was a piece of meat.~
OthersFound $n ogles $N.  Maybe you should leave them alone for awhile?~
VictFound   $n ogles you.  Guess what $e is thinking about?~
CharAuto    You ogle yourself.  You may just be too weird for this mud.~
OthersAuto  $n ogles $mself.  Better hope that $e stops there.~

Name        ohno~
CharNoArg   Oh no!  You did it again!~
OthersNoArg Oh no!  $n did it again!~
CharFound   You exclaim to $M, 'Oh no!  I did it again!'~
OthersFound $n exclaims to $N, 'Oh no!  I did it again!'~
VictFound   $n exclaims to you, 'Oh no!  I did it again!'~
CharAuto    You exclaim to yourself, 'Oh no!  I did it again!'~
OthersAuto  $n exclaims to $mself, 'Oh no!  I did it again!'~

Name        ooo~
CharNoArg   You go ooOOooOOooOOoo.~
OthersNoArg $n says, 'ooOOooOOooOOoo.'~
CharFound   You go ooOOooOOooOOoo.~
OthersFound $n says, 'ooOOooOOooOOoo.'~
VictFound   $n thinks of you and says, 'ooOOooOOooOOoo.'~
CharAuto    You go ooOOooOOooOOoo.~
OthersAuto  $n says, 'ooOOooOOooOOoo.'~

Name        pat~
CharNoArg   Pat whom?~
CharFound   You pat $N on $S back.~
OthersFound $n pats $N on $S back.~
VictFound   $n pats you on your back.~
CharAuto    You pat yourself on your back.~
OthersAuto  $n pats $mself on the back.~

Name        peck~
CharNoArg   You peck for seeds on the ground.~
OthersNoArg $n pecks for seeds on the ground.~
CharFound   You give $M a little peck on the cheek.~
OthersFound $n gives $N a small peck on the cheek.~
VictFound   $n gives you a sweet peck on the cheek.~
CharAuto    You kiss your own pectoral muscles.~
OthersAuto  $n pecks $mself on $s pectoral muscles.~

Name        peer~
CharNoArg   You peer intently about your surroundings.~
OthersNoArg $n peers intently about the area, looking for thieves no doubt.~
CharFound   You peer at $M quizzically.~
OthersFound $n peers at $N quizzically.~
VictFound   $n peers at you quizzically.~
CharAuto    You peer intently about your surroundings.~
OthersAuto  $n peers intently about the area, looking for thieves no doubt.~

Name        phew~
CharNoArg   Phew! That was too close for words...~
OthersNoArg $n wipes $s brow with obvious relief.~
CharFound   You share your obvious relief with $M.~
OthersFound $n glances at $N, a look of obvious relief on $s face.~
VictFound   $n glances at you, a look of obvious relief on $s face.~
CharAuto    You mutter to yourself in obvious relief, wiping your brow.~
OthersAuto  $n mutters in obvious relief, wiping $s brow.~

Name        point~
CharNoArg   Point at whom?~
CharFound   You point at $M accusingly.~
OthersFound $n points at $N accusingly.~
VictFound   $n points at you accusingly.~
CharAuto    You point proudly at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n points proudly at $mself.~

Name        poke~
CharNoArg   Poke whom?~
CharFound   You poke $M in the ribs.~
OthersFound $n pokes $N in the ribs.~
VictFound   $n pokes you in the ribs.~
CharAuto    You poke yourself in the ribs, feeling very silly.~
OthersAuto  $n pokes $mself in the ribs, looking very sheepish.~

Name        ponder~
CharNoArg   You ponder the question.~
OthersNoArg $n sits down and thinks deeply.~

Name        possum~
CharNoArg   You do your best imitation of a corpse.~
OthersNoArg $n hits the ground... DEAD.~
CharFound   You do your best imitation of a corpse.~
OthersFound $n hits the ground... DEAD.~
VictFound   $n hits the ground... DEAD.~
CharAuto    You do your best imitation of a corpse.~
OthersAuto  $n hits the ground... DEAD.~

Name        pounce~
CharNoArg   Pounce on whom?~
OthersNoArg $n is looking for someone to pounce on.~
CharFound   You pounce on $N, pinning $M to the ground.~
OthersFound $n pounces on $N, pinning $M to the ground.~
VictFound   $n pounces on you, pinning you to the ground.~
CharAuto    You try pouncing on yourself, but it doesn't quite work.~
OthersAuto  $n tries to pounce on $mself, but it doesn't quite work.~

Name        pout~
CharNoArg   Ah, don't take it so hard.~
OthersNoArg $n pouts.~

Name        pray~
CharNoArg   You feel righteous, and maybe a little foolish.~
OthersNoArg $n begs and grovels to the powers that be.~
CharFound   You crawl in the dust before $M.~
OthersFound $n falls down and grovels in the dirt before $N.~
VictFound   $n kisses the dirt at your feet.~
CharAuto    Talk about narcissism ...~
OthersAuto  $n mumbles a prayer to $mself.~

Name        puke~
CharNoArg   You puke ... chunks everywhere!~
OthersNoArg $n pukes.~
CharFound   You puke on $M.~
OthersFound $n pukes on $N.~
VictFound   $n spews vomit and pukes all over your clothing!~
CharAuto    You puke on yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n pukes on $s clothes.~

Name        punch~
CharNoArg   Punch whom?~
CharFound   You punch $M playfully.~
OthersFound $n punches $N playfully.~
VictFound   $n punches you playfully.  OUCH!~
CharAuto    You punch yourself.  You deserve it.~
OthersAuto  $n punches $mself.  Why don't you join in?~

Name        purr~
OthersNoArg $n purrs contentedly.~
CharFound   You purr contentedly in their lap.~
OthersFound $n purrs contentedly in $N's lap.~
VictFound   $n purrs contentedly in your lap.~
CharAuto    You purr at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n purrs at $mself.  Must be a cat thing.~

Name        raise~
CharNoArg   You raise your hand in response.~
OthersNoArg $n raises $s hand in response.~
CharFound   You raise your hand in response.~
OthersFound $n raises $s hand in response.~
VictFound   $n raises $s hand in response to you.~
CharAuto    You raise your hand in response.~
OthersAuto  $n raises $s hand in response.~

Name        rofl~
CharNoArg   You roll on the floor laughing hysterically.~
OthersNoArg $n rolls on the floor laughing hysterically.~
CharFound   You laugh your head off at $S remark.~
OthersFound $n rolls on the floor laughing at $N's remark.~
VictFound   $n can't stop laughing at your remark.~
CharAuto    You roll on the floor and laugh at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n laughs at $mself.  Join in the fun.~

Name        roll~
CharNoArg   You roll your eyes.~
OthersNoArg $n rolls $s eyes.~
CharFound   You roll your eyes at $M.~
OthersFound $n rolls $s eyes at $N.~
VictFound   $n rolls $s eyes at you.~
CharAuto    You roll your eyes at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n rolls $s eyes at $mself.~

Name        rub~
CharNoArg   You rub your eyes.  How long have you been at this?~
OthersNoArg $n rubs $s eyes.  $n must have been playing all day.~
CharFound   You rub your eyes.  Has $N been playing as long as you have?~
OthersFound $n rubs $s eyes.  $n must have been playing all day.~
VictFound   $n rubs $s eyes.  Have you been playing as long as $m?~
CharAuto    You rub your eyes.  How long have you been at this?~
OthersAuto  $n rubs $s eyes.  $n must have been playing all day.~

Name        ruffle~
CharNoArg   You've got to ruffle SOMEONE.~
CharFound   You ruffle $N's hair playfully.~
OthersFound $n ruffles $N's hair playfully.~
VictFound   $n ruffles your hair playfully.~
CharAuto    You ruffle your hair.~
OthersAuto  $n ruffles $s hair.~

Name        runaway~
CharNoArg   You scream 'RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!'.~
OthersNoArg $n screams 'RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!'.~
CharFound   You scream '$N, QUICK! RUN AWAY!'.~
OthersFound $n screams '$N, QUICK! RUN AWAY!'.~
VictFound   $n screams '$N, QUICK! RUN AWAY!'.~
CharAuto    You desperately look for somewhere to run to!~
OthersAuto  $n looks like $e's about to run away.~

Name        sad~
CharNoArg   You put on a glum expression.~
OthersNoArg $n looks particularly glum today.  *sniff*~
CharFound   You give $M your best glum expression.~
OthersFound $n looks at $N glumly.  *sniff*  Poor $n.~
VictFound   $n looks at you glumly.  *sniff*   Poor $n.~
CharAuto    You bow your head and twist your toe in the dirt glumly.~
OthersAuto  $n bows $s head and twists $s toe in the dirt glumly.~

Name        salute~
CharNoArg   You salute smartly.~
OthersNoArg $n salutes smartly.~
CharFound   You salute $M.~
OthersFound $n salutes $N.~
VictFound   $n salutes you.~
CharAuto    Huh?~

Name        scowl~
CharNoArg   You scowl angrily.~
OthersNoArg $n scowls angrily.~
CharFound   You scowl angrily at $M.~
OthersFound $n scowls angrily at $N.~
VictFound   $n scowls angrily at you.~
CharAuto    You scowl angrily at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n scowls angrily at $mself.~

Name        scream~
OthersNoArg $n screams loudly!~
CharFound   ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!  Yes, it MUST have been $S fault!!!~
OthersFound $n screams loudly at $N.  Better leave before $n blames you, too!!!~
VictFound   $n screams at you!  That's not nice!  *sniff*~
CharAuto    You scream at yourself.  Yes, that's ONE way of relieving tension!~
OthersAuto  $n screams loudly at $mself!  Is there a full moon up?~

Name        shake~
CharNoArg   You shake your head.~
OthersNoArg $n shakes $s head.~
CharFound   You shake $S hand.~
OthersFound $n shakes $N's hand.~
VictFound   $n shakes your hand.~
CharAuto    You are shaken by yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n shakes and quivers like a bowl full of jelly.~

Name        shiver~
CharNoArg   Brrrrrrrrr.~
OthersNoArg $n shivers uncomfortably.~
CharFound   You shiver at the thought of fighting $M.~
OthersFound $n shivers at the thought of fighting $N.~
VictFound   $n shivers at the suicidal thought of fighting you.~
CharAuto    You shiver to yourself?~
OthersAuto  $n scares $mself to shivers.~

Name        shrug~
CharNoArg   You shrug.~
OthersNoArg $n shrugs helplessly.~
CharFound   You shrug in response to $s question.~
OthersFound $n shrugs in response to $N's question.~
VictFound   $n shrugs in response to your question.~
CharAuto    You shrug to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n shrugs to $mself.  What a strange person.~

Name        sigh~
CharNoArg   You sigh.~
OthersNoArg $n sighs loudly.~
CharFound   You sigh as you think of $M.~
OthersFound $n sighs at the sight of $N.~
VictFound   $n sighs as $e thinks of you.  Touching, huh?~
CharAuto    You sigh at yourself.  You MUST be lonely.~
OthersAuto  $n sighs at $mself.  What a sorry sight.~

Name        sing~
CharNoArg   You raise your clear voice towards the sky.~
OthersNoArg $n has begun to sing.~
CharFound   You sing a ballad to $M.~
OthersFound $n sings a ballad to $N.~
VictFound   $n sings a ballad to you!  How sweet!~
CharAuto    You sing a little ditty to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n sings a little ditty to $mself.~

Name        slap~
CharNoArg   Slap whom?~
OthersNoArg $n raises $s hand spastically as if to slap an unseen annoyance.~
CharFound   You rear back and slap $M with all your might.~
OthersFound $n rears back and slaps $N for $s stupidity.~
VictFound   $n rears back and slaps you cruelly for your stupidity.  OUCH!~
CharAuto    You slap yourself.  You deserve it.~
OthersAuto  $n slaps $mself.  Why don't you join in?~

Name        slobber~
CharNoArg   You slobber all over the floor.~
OthersNoArg $n slobbers all over the floor.~
CharFound   You slobber all over $M.~
OthersFound $n slobbers all over $N.~
VictFound   $n slobbers all over you.~
CharAuto    You slobber all down your front.~
OthersAuto  $n slobbers all over $mself.~

Name        smile~
CharNoArg   You smile happily.~
OthersNoArg $n smiles happily.~
CharFound   You smile at $M.~
OthersFound $n beams a smile at $N.~
VictFound   $n smiles at you.~
CharAuto    You smile at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n smiles at $mself.~

Name        smirk~
CharNoArg   You smirk.~
OthersNoArg $n smirks.~
CharFound   You smirk at $S saying.~
OthersFound $n smirks at $N's saying.~
VictFound   $n smirks at your saying.~
CharAuto    You smirk at yourself.  Okay ...~
OthersAuto  $n smirks at $s own 'wisdom'.~

Name        smooch~
CharNoArg   You are searching for someone to smooch.~
OthersNoArg $n is looking for someone to smooch.~
CharFound   You give $M a nice, wet smooch.~
OthersFound $n and $N are smooching in the corner.~
VictFound   $n smooches you passionately on the lips.~
CharAuto    You smooch yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n smooches $mself.  Yuck.~

Name        snap~
CharNoArg   PRONTO ! You snap your fingers.~
OthersNoArg $n snaps $s fingers.~
CharFound   You snap back at $M.~
OthersFound $n snaps back at $N.~
VictFound   $n snaps back at you!~
CharAuto    You snap yourself to attention.~
OthersAuto  $n snaps $mself to attention.~

Name        snarl~
CharNoArg   You grizzle your teeth and look mean.~
OthersNoArg $n snarls angrily.~
CharFound   You snarl at $M.~
OthersFound $n snarls at $N.~
VictFound   $n snarls at you, for some reason.~
CharAuto    You snarl at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n snarls at $mself.~

Name        sneer~
CharNoArg   You sneer in contempt.~
OthersNoArg $n sneers in contempt.~
CharFound   You sneer at $M in contempt.~
OthersFound $n sneers at $N in contempt.~
VictFound   $n sneers at you in contempt.~
CharAuto    You sneer at yourself in contempt.~
OthersAuto  $n sneers at $mself in contempt.~

Name        sneeze~
CharNoArg   Gesundheit!~
OthersNoArg $n sneezes.~

Name        snicker~
CharNoArg   You snicker softly.~
OthersNoArg $n snickers softly.~
CharFound   You snicker with $M about your shared secret.~
OthersFound $n snickers with $N about their shared secret.~
VictFound   $n snickers with you about your shared secret.~
CharAuto    You snicker at your own evil thoughts.~
OthersAuto  $n snickers at $s own evil thoughts.~

Name        sniff~
CharNoArg   You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*~
OthersNoArg $n sniffs sadly.~
CharFound   You sniff sadly at the way $E is treating you.~
OthersFound $n sniffs sadly at the way $N is treating $m.~
VictFound   $n sniffs sadly at the way you are treating $m.~
CharAuto    You sniff sadly at your lost opportunities.~
OthersAuto  $n sniffs sadly at $mself.  Something MUST be bothering $m.~

Name        snore~
CharNoArg   Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.~
OthersNoArg $n snores loudly.~

Name        snort~
CharNoArg   You snort in disgust.~
OthersNoArg $n snorts in disgust.~
CharFound   You snort at $M in disgust.~
OthersFound $n snorts at $N in disgust.~
VictFound   $n snorts at you in disgust.~
CharAuto    You snort at yourself in disgust.~
OthersAuto  $n snorts at $mself in disgust.~

Name        snowball~
CharNoArg   Whom do you want to throw a snowball at?~
CharFound   You throw a snowball in $N's face.~
OthersFound $n throws a snowball at $N.~
VictFound   $n throws a snowball at you.~
CharAuto    You throw a snowball at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n throws a snowball at $mself.~

Name        snuggle~
CharNoArg   Who?~
CharFound   you snuggle $M.~
OthersFound $n snuggles up to $N.~
VictFound   $n snuggles up to you.~
CharAuto    You snuggle up, getting ready to sleep.~
OthersAuto  $n snuggles up, getting ready to sleep.~

Name        spank~
CharNoArg   Spank whom?~
CharFound   You spank $M playfully.~
OthersFound $n spanks $N playfully.~
VictFound   $n spanks you playfully.  OUCH!~
CharAuto    You spank yourself.  Kinky!~
OthersAuto  $n spanks $mself.  Kinky!~

Name        spin~
CharNoArg   You twirl in a graceful pirouette.~
OthersNoArg $n twirls in a graceful pirouette.~
CharFound   You spin $M on one finger.~
OthersFound $n spins $N on $s finger.~
VictFound   $n spins you around on $s finger.~
CharAuto    You spin yourself around and around and around....~
OthersAuto  $n spins $mself around and around and around...~

Name        squeak~
CharNoArg   You squeak like a mouse.~
OthersNoArg $n squeaks like a mouse.~
CharFound   You squeak at $M.~
OthersFound $n squeaks at $N.  Is $e a man or a mouse?~
VictFound   $n squeaks at you.  Is $e a man or a mouse?~
CharAuto    You squeak at yourself like a mouse.~
OthersAuto  $n squeaks at $mself like a mouse.~

Name        squeal~
CharNoArg   You squeal with delight.~
OthersNoArg $n squeals with delight.~
CharFound   You squeal at $M.~
OthersFound $n squeals at $N.  Wonder why?~
VictFound   $n squeals at you.  You must be doing something good.~
CharAuto    You squeal at yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n squeals at $mself.~

Name        squeeze~
CharNoArg   Where, what, how, whom?~
CharFound   You squeeze $M fondly.~
OthersFound $n squeezes $N fondly.~
VictFound   $n squeezes you fondly.~
CharAuto    You squeeze yourself - try to relax a little!~
OthersAuto  $n squeezes $mself.~

Name        squirm~
CharNoArg   You squirm guiltily.~
OthersNoArg $n squirms guiltily.  Looks like $e did it.~
CharFound   You squirm in front of $M.~
OthersFound $n squirms in front of $N.~
VictFound   $n squirms in front of you.  You make $m nervous.~
CharAuto    You squirm and squirm and squirm....~
OthersAuto  $n squirms and squirms and squirm.....~

Name        squish~
CharNoArg   You squish your toes into the sand.~
OthersNoArg $n squishes $s toes into the sand.~
CharFound   You squish $M between your legs.~
OthersFound $n squishes $N between $s legs.~
VictFound   $n squishes you between $s legs.~
CharAuto    You squish yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n squishes $mself.  OUCH.~

Name        stare~
CharNoArg   You stare at the sky.~
OthersNoArg $n stares at the sky.~
CharFound   You stare dreamily at $N, completely lost in $S eyes..~
OthersFound $n stares dreamily at $N.~
VictFound   $n stares dreamily at you, completely lost in your eyes.~
CharAuto    You stare dreamily at yourself - enough narcissism for now.~
OthersAuto  $n stares dreamily at $mself - NARCISSIST!~

Name        stretch~
CharNoArg   You stretch and relax your sore muscles.~
OthersNoArg $n stretches luxuriously.  Makes you want to, doesn't it?~
CharFound   You stretch and relax your sore muscles.~
OthersFound $n stretches luxuriously.  Makes you want to, doesn't it?~
VictFound   $n stretches luxuriously.  Makes you want to, doesn't it?~
CharAuto    You stretch and relax your sore muscles.~
OthersAuto  $n stretches luxuriously.  Makes you want to, doesn't it?~

Name        strut~
CharNoArg   Strut your stuff.~
OthersNoArg $n struts proudly.~
CharFound   You strut to get $S attention.~
OthersFound $n struts, hoping to get $N's attention.~
VictFound   $n struts, hoping to get your attention.~
CharAuto    You strut to yourself, lost in your own world.~
OthersAuto  $n struts to $mself, lost in $s own world.~

Name        suffer~
CharNoArg   No xp again?  You suffer at the hands of fate.~
OthersNoArg $n is suffering.  Looks like $e can't seem to level.~
CharFound   You tell $M how you suffer whenever you're away from $M.~
OthersFound $n tells $N that $e suffers whenever they're apart.~
VictFound   $n tells you that $e suffers whenever you're apart.~
CharAuto    No xp again?  You suffer at the hands of fate.~
OthersAuto  $n is suffering.  Looks like $e can't seem to level.~

Name        sulk~
CharNoArg   You sulk.~
OthersNoArg $n sulks in the corner.~

Name        swoon~
CharNoArg   You swoon in ecstacy.~
OthersNoArg $n swoons in ecstacy.~
CharFound   You swoon in ecstacy at the thought of $M.~
OthersFound $n swoons in ecstacy at the thought of $N.~
VictFound   $n swoons in ecstacy as $e thinks of you.~
CharAuto    You swoon in ecstacy.~
OthersAuto  $n swoons in ecstacy.~

Name        tackle~
CharNoArg   You can't tackle the AIR!~
CharFound   You run over to $M and bring $M down!~
OthersFound $n runs over to $N and tackles $M to the ground!~
VictFound   $n runs over to you and tackles you to the ground!~
CharAuto    You wrap your arms around yourself, and throw yourself to the ground.~
OthersAuto  $n wraps $s arms around $mself and brings $mself down!?~

Name        tag~
CharNoArg   You shout, "Enough killing!  Let's play some tag!"~
OthersNoArg $n says, "Enough killing!  Let's play some tag!"~
CharFound   You slap $N on the back and scream, "You're it slowpoke!"~
OthersFound $n slaps $N on the back and screams, "You're it slowpoke!"~
VictFound   $n slaps you on the back and screams, "You're it slowpoke!"~
CharAuto    You dodges your left hand, but are led directly into your right!  Fool!~
OthersAuto  $n dodges $s left hand, but is led directly into $s right!  Fool!~

Name        tap~
CharNoArg   You tap your foot impatiently.~
OthersNoArg $n taps $s foot impatiently.~
CharFound   You tap your foot impatiently.  Will $E ever be ready?~
OthersFound $n taps $s foot impatiently as $e waits for $N.~
VictFound   $n taps $s foot impatiently as $e waits for you.~
CharAuto    You tap yourself on the head.  Ouch!~
OthersAuto  $n taps $mself on the head.~

Name        temple~
CharNoArg   You want to do what?? And to whom??~
CharFound   You begin to rub $S temples, attempting to reduce $S stress.~
OthersFound $n begins to rub $N's temples... $E begins to relax.~
VictFound   $n begins to carefully massage your temples... Your stress melts away.~
CharAuto    You rub your temples, your patience wearing thin.~
OthersAuto  $n rubs $s temples, looking rather impatient.~

Name        tender~
CharNoArg   You will enjoy it more if you choose someone to kiss.~
CharFound   You give $M a soft, tender kiss.~
OthersFound $n gives $N a soft, tender kiss.~
VictFound   $n gives you a soft, tender kiss.~
CharAuto    You'd better not, people may start to talk!~

Name        thank~
CharNoArg   Thank you too.~
CharFound   You thank $N heartily.~
OthersFound $n thanks $N heartily.~
VictFound   $n thanks you heartily.~
CharAuto    You thank yourself since nobody else wants to !~
OthersAuto  $n thanks $mself since you won't.~

Name        throttle~
CharNoArg   Whom do you want to throttle?~
CharFound   You throttle $M till $E is blue in the face.~
OthersFound $n throttles $N about the neck, until $E passes out.  THUNK!~
VictFound   $n throttles you about the neck until you pass out.  THUNK!~
CharAuto    That might hurt!  Better not do it!~
OthersAuto  $n is getting a crazy look in $s eye again.~

Name        tickle~
CharNoArg   Whom do you want to tickle?~
CharFound   You tickle $N.~
OthersFound $n tickles $N.~
VictFound   $n tickles you - hee hee hee.~
CharAuto    You tickle yourself, how funny!~
OthersAuto  $n tickles $mself.~

Name        torture~
CharNoArg   You have to torture someone!~
CharFound   You torture $M with rusty weapons, Mwaahhhhh!!~
OthersFound $n tortures $N with rusty weapons, $E must have been REAL bad!~
VictFound   $n tortures you with rusty weapons!  What did you DO!?!~
CharAuto    You torture yourself with rusty weapons.  Was it good for you?~
OthersAuto  $n tortures $mself with rusty weapons.  Looks like $e enjoys it!?~

Name        tummy~
CharNoArg   You rub your tummy and wish you'd bought a pie at the bakery.~
OthersNoArg $n rubs $s tummy and wishes $e'd bought a pie at the bakery.~
CharFound   You rub your tummy and ask $M for some food.~
OthersFound $n rubs $s tummy and asks $N for some food.~
VictFound   $n rubs $s tummy and asks you for some food.  Please?~
CharAuto    You rub your tummy and wish you'd bought a pie at the bakery.~
OthersAuto  $n rubs $s tummy and wishes $e'd bought a pie at the bakery.~

Name        twiddle~
CharNoArg   You patiently twiddle your thumbs.~
OthersNoArg $n patiently twiddles $s thumbs.~
CharFound   You twiddle $S ears.~
OthersFound $n twiddles $N's ears.~
VictFound   $n twiddles your ears.~
CharAuto    You twiddle your ears like Dumbo.~
OthersAuto  $n twiddles $s own ears like Dumbo.~

Name        type~
CharNoArg   You throw up yor handz in dizgust at yur losy typing skils.~
OthersNoArg $n couldn't type a period if there was only one key on the keyboard.~
CharFound   You throw up yor handz in dizgust at yur losy typing skils.~
OthersFound $n couldn't type a period if there was only one key on the keyboard.~
VictFound   $n couldn't type a period if there was only one key on the keyboard.~
CharAuto    You throw up yor handz in dizgust at yur losy typing skils.~
OthersAuto  $n couldn't type a period if there was only one key on the keyboard.~

Name        wave~
CharNoArg   You wave.~
OthersNoArg $n waves happily.~
CharFound   You wave goodbye to $N.~
OthersFound $n waves goodbye to $N.~
VictFound   $n waves goodbye to you.  Have a good journey.~
CharAuto    Are you going on adventures as well?~
OthersAuto  $n waves goodbye to $mself.~

Name        wedgie~
CharNoArg   You give the air a wedgie??~
OthersNoArg $n gives the air a wedgie? What a weirdo!!~
CharFound   You give $N a monster wedgie! OWWWW!!!~
OthersFound $n gives $N a wedgie, run or you might be next!~
VictFound   Your leggings violently go into your butt as $n gives you a monster wedgie! OWWWW!!!~
CharAuto    You give yourself a wedgie??--Kinky!!~
OthersAuto  $n pulls $s leggings up violently! --Kinky!!~

Name        whine~
CharNoArg   You whine like the great whiners of the century.~
OthersNoArg $n whines 'I want to be an immortal already.  I need more hitpoints..I...'~
CharFound   You whine to $M like the great whiners of the century.~
OthersFound $n whines to $N 'I want to be an immortal already.  I need more hp...I..'~
VictFound   $n whines to you 'I want to be an immortal already.  I need more hp...I...'~
CharAuto    You whine like the great whiners of the century.~
OthersAuto  $n whines 'I want to be an immortal already.  I need more hitpoints..I...'~

Name        whistle~
CharNoArg   You whistle appreciatively.~
OthersNoArg $n whistles appreciatively.~
CharFound   You whistle at the sight of $M.~
OthersFound $n whistles at the sight of $N.~
VictFound   $n whistles at the sight of you.~
CharAuto    You whistle a little tune to yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n whistles a little tune to $mself.~

Name        wiggle~
CharNoArg   Your wiggle your bottom.~
OthersNoArg $n wiggles $s bottom.~
CharFound   You wiggle your bottom toward $M.~
OthersFound $n wiggles $s bottom toward $N.~
VictFound   $n wiggles $s bottom towards you.~
CharAuto    You wiggle about like a fish.~
OthersAuto  $n wiggles about like a fish.~

Name        wince~
CharNoArg   You wince.  Ouch!~
OthersNoArg $n winces.  Ouch!~
CharFound   You wince at $M.~
OthersFound $n winces at $N.~
VictFound   $n winces at you.~
CharAuto    You wince at yourself.  Ouch!~
OthersAuto  $n winces at $mself.  Ouch!~

Name        wink~
CharNoArg   You wink suggestively.~
OthersNoArg $n winks suggestively.~
CharFound   You wink suggestively at $N.~
OthersFound $n winks at $N.~
VictFound   $n winks suggestively at you.~
CharAuto    You wink at yourself ?? - what are you up to ?~
OthersAuto  $n winks at $mself - something strange is going on...~

Name        worship~
CharNoArg   You worship the powers that be.~
OthersNoArg $n worships the powers that be.~
CharFound   You drop to your knees in homage of $M.~
OthersFound $n prostrates $mself before $N.~
VictFound   $n believes you are all powerful.~
CharAuto    You worship yourself.~
OthersAuto  $n worships $mself - ah, the conceitedness of it all.~

Name        yawn~
CharNoArg   You must be tired.~
OthersNoArg $n yawns.~