*                                 GENERAL                               *
*       GENERAL is by Jouster@COOLmud.  He can be reached at            *
* dan@betterbox.net.  This file falls under the GPL and the licenses    *
* of Diku, Merc, ROM, RoT, and any licenses that may apply to any       *
* portions of any file that this program may modify.                    *
*       If you don't mind, I'd appreciate an email if you use this      *
* file in your code.  Thanks.                                           *
*                                               dan@betterbox.net       *

*                            VERSION HISTORY                            *
* v0.1a--original development                                           *

#define G9		( MAX_GENERAL_RANK - 1 )
#define G8		( G9 - 1 )
#define G7		( G8 - 1 )
#define G6		( G7 - 1 )
#define G5		( G6 - 1 )
#define G4		( G5 - 1 )
#define G3		( G4 - 1 )
#define G2		( G3 - 1 )
#define G1		( G2 - 1 )

#define LOG_NORMAL      0
#define LOG_ALWAYS      1
#define LOG_NEVER       2

extern bool fLogAll;

#define	GENERAL_RANK( ch )	( IS_GENERAL( ch ) ?			\
				  GENERAL_RANK_NUM( ch->pcdata->gnrl_rank ) : \
				  ( 0 ) )

#define GENERAL_RANK_NUM( x )	( ( MAX_GENERAL_RANK + 1 ) - \
				    x )

struct	gnrl_cmd_type
    char *		name;
    DO_FUN *		do_fun;
    sh_int		rank;
    sh_int		log;

/* Generals' commands */
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_advance		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_cash		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_level		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_restore		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_spellup		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_transfer		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	gnrl_qp			);