Name Toy Factory~
Builders None~
VNUMs 9400 9499
Version 3
Credits {09 30} Mystique Toy Factory~
Security 9
Flags 0

mutant doll~
{wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x~
{wA {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{w roams about here with green glowing eyes!
You see a mutant doll, roaming about.
Her hair is stringy and her clothes are tattered and torn..
AFGH D 0 -700 0
20 0 2d7+71 3d9+100 1d7+1 none
4 4 4 9
stand stand female 2000
foreman mojo~
{#Foreman {!Mo{*jo{x~
{#Foreman {!Mo{*jo{w is here.{x
You see Foreman Mojo of the toy factory.. He sits here all day
long getting drunk off of old stale ale and mutters about the
workers slacking off and making rejects.
ABG DF H 2 0
40 0 2d10+150 6d9+100 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 8
EFNU 0 0 0
sit stand male 3000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
security guard~
{wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x~
{wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{w floats about here wildly.{x
You see a Security guard floating about here without a care in the world.
He looks like he has lost all control! Be careful, those fangs of 
his looks sharp...
AG T 0 0 0
18 0 2d6+110 4d9+100 1d8+2 none
2 2 2 8
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand none 3000
AHV AEJK medium unknown
revolving worker~
{wThe {@rev{&olv{@ing {&drunk{x~
{wThe {@rev{&olv{@ing {&worker{x swearing profoundly.{x
You see  a revolving worker swearing profoundly here.. He swears
as he see's mistakes on the toys going up the conveyor belt.
ACGH 0 0 1 0
20 0 2d7+21 1d9+100 1d5+0 none
8 8 8 10
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
toxic toto~
{wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x~
{wA {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{w roams about here barking and foaming at the mouth.{x
Gross.  Looks like someone had made a huge mistake on this toy.  For Toto
looks like a toxic mutant mutt instead of the sweet dog from Kansas.
ABC 0 0 0 0
20 0 2d7+46 2d9+100 1d5+1 none
6 6 6 9
EFNU 0 0 0
sit sit none 2000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
oldstyle worker~
{wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x~
{wThe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{w looks over reject toys here.{x
The worker wears a bright orange pair of overalls, with the words 
"{!Toy {&Factory{2" written on the straps.  He looks very bored
and looks to be under paid.
AGH 0 0 100 0
20 0 2d6+35 1d9+100 1d6+0 none
7 7 7 10
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 2000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
oldstyle worker~
{wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x~
{wA {!Toy {@F{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{w snores in a chair here.{x
If the Foreman Mojo walks in, you can bet there'll be some trouble
here.  She has been pulling double shifts to fix the problem with
the rejects being made.
ABH 0 0 150 0
20 0 2d6+35 1d9+100 1d6+0 none
7 7 7 10
EFNU 0 0 0
sleep sit female 3000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
cat hat~
{wa {!Cat {win the {&Hat{x~
{wA {!Cat {win the {&Hat{w looks about with green and white strip hat.{x
A Cat in the Hat looks about with green and white strip hat instead of the 
right colors.. This is one pissed off cat...
A Z 0 0 0
20 0 3d7+120 12d9+100 7d9+12 none
2 2 2 6
FH 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
AGV ACDEFHJKQUV medium unknown
creepy monster~
{wa {3c{#r{3e{#e{3p{#y {&monster{x~
{wA {3c{#r{3e{#e{3p{#y {&monster{w roams here growling.{x
A creepy monster roams about here growling and looking for
school monster~
AU 0 0 1000 0
24 0 2d10+150 6d9+100 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand none 3000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
monster psycho~
{wa {!ps{*yc{!ho {&monster{x~
{wa {!ps{*yc{!ho {&monster{w roams here foaming at the mouth.{x
A psycho monster roams here, foaming at the mouth.  He looks very insane
and looking for something to shred to pieces.  
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
24 0 2d10+150 6d9+100 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand none 3000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
mutant monster~
{wa {@mutant {&monster{x~
{wA {@mutant {&monster{w lurks about here with glowing green eyes.{x
A mutant monster lurks about here with glowing green eyes.. He
snarls angrily at anything that moves... SO DON'T MOVE!!!
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
24 0 2d10+150 6d9+100 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand none 3000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
stupid monster~
{wa {@st{*up{@id {&monster{x~
{wA {@st{*up{@id {&monster{w roams here looking stupid as ever.{x
A stupid monster roams here looking stupid as ever. He has a funny
grats {*In {wThe {*Dead {&Night{w, {!Eternal {*Reached {wLevel {!89{w!!
restore Eternal
look on his face as he looks around.
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
24 0 2d10+140 6d9+100 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand male 3000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
monster man~
{wa {$mo{&nst{$er {&man{x~
{wA {$mo{&nst{$er {&man{w walks about here.{x
A monster man walks about the valley here.. He is huge and
his tail drags across the ground leaving a trail marking.
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
30 0 10d61+416 9d9+100 5d6+15 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand male 4000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
monster woman~
{wa {$mo{&nst{$er {&woman{x~
{wA {$mo{&nst{$er {&woman{w strolls through the valley here.{c
A monster woman strolls through the valley here doing her
errands for the day. She seems sweet and nice but looks 
can be deceiving.
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
30 0 3d10+170 9d9+100 3d10+6 none
0 0 0 8
EF 0 0 C
stand stand female 4000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
monster child~
{wa {Ymo{Dns{Yter {Wchild{x~
{wA {#mo{*nst{#er {&child{w roams here looking for it's mommy.{x
A monster child roams here looking for its mommy.. The tears
just flow from it's eyes.. but dont let the tears fool you.
school monster~
AU 0 0 0 0
30 0 3d10+170 9d9+100 3d10+6 none
0 0 0 8
F 0 0 C
stand stand none 4000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
monster grandpa~
{wa {$gr{&and{$pa {&monster{x~
{wA {$gr{&and{$pa {&monster{w sits here twittling a fresh bone.{x
A grandpa monster sits here twittling on a fresh bone of some kind.
He seems to pay you no mind or has he seen his next bone to twittle?
school monster~
ABU 0 0 0 0
40 0 6d10+210 12d9+100 6d10+9 none
0 0 0 8
F 0 0 C
stand stand male 5000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB
gradma monster~
{wa {$gr{&and{$ma {&monster{x~
{wA {$gr{&and{$ma {&monster{w rocks in a rocking chair made of human bones.{x
Grandma monster sits here rocking in a rocking chair made of
human bones. She looks up at you and smiles could she be
thinking of adding your bones to her chair?
school monster~
ABU 0 0 0 0
40 0 6d10+210 12d9+100 9d9+6 none
0 0 0 8
F 0 0 C
stand stand female 5000
AMV ABCDEFHJKQU medium unknown
F imm AB


{&Entrance {wto the {!Toy {&Factory{x~
You find that you have entered a strange factory. This factory doesn't
make cars or computers or something - it makes mobs! The sound of
machinery can be heard in the background; the grinding gears drive you
crazy! To the north you see the storage area, to the south the
foreman's office, to the east the entrance hallway, and to the west the
familiar paving of wall road.
0 8 0
0 0 9401 -1
No owner.
0 0 9407 -1
No owner.
0 0 9403 -1
No owner.
0 0 3047 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Storage {7Room{x~
This is where rejected and used toys are manufactured at.
You see sacks of sawdust, cans of all sorts of paint, a large
box containing wigs and bottle of mysteriously labelled "{!solution
x{2".  There are more storage units to the north and east of here,
and the entrance to the {!toy {&factory{2 to the south.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9402 -1
No owner.
0 0 9406 -1
No owner.
0 0 9400 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Storage {7Area{x~
This is where rejected and used toys are manufactured at.
You see sacks of sawdust, cans of all sorts of paint, a large
box containing wigs and bottle of mysteriously labelled "{!solution
x{2".  There are more storage units to the south and east of here,
and the entrance to the {!toy {&factory{2 to the south.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9405 -1
No owner.
0 0 9401 -1
No owner.
{#Foreman's {3Office{x~
This is the office of the mob factory foreman. The room is sparsely
furnished with a metal desk, a couple of chairs, a shelf with helmets
of various sizes and a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calendar on the west
wall. Exits lead north to the mob factory entrance and south to the
foreman's bathroom.
0 8 0
0 0 9400 -1
No owner.
0 0 9404 -1
No owner.
{#Foreman's {3Bathroom{x~
This is the place where the foreman makes frequent visits. The smell
here is very strong and reminds you of bovine excrement! There is a
shower to the back, and a urinal to the left. On the floor you can
see stains of a very suspicious nature. The only exit leads north to
the foreman's office.
0 8 0
0 0 9403 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Storage {7Area{x~
This is where the raw materials from which mobs are manufactured are
stored.  You saw sacks and sacks of sawdust, cans of paints in the
corner.  There are banging and pounding going on about the factory.
0 8 0
0 0 9410 -1
No owner.
0 0 9406 -1
No owner.
0 0 9402 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Storage {7Area{x~
This is where the raw materials from which mobs are manufactured are
stored.  You saw sacks and sacks of sawdust, cans of paints in the
corner.  There are banging and pounding going on about the factory.
0 8 0
0 0 9405 -1
No owner.
0 0 9411 -1
No owner.
0 0 9407 -1
No owner.
0 0 9401 -1
No owner.
{&Entrance {*Hallway {wto {!Toy {&Factory{x~
You are standing in the entrance hallway of the mob factory. The sound
of machinery gets louder now, and you can hear people shouting in the
distance. Every once in a while you get creepy feeling that a pair of
eyes is observing you...... Exits are north to the storage area, east
to the entrance hallway, south to the cafeteria and west to the mob
factory entrance.
0 8 0
0 0 9406 -1
No owner.
0 0 9412 -1
No owner.
0 0 9408 -1
No owner.
0 0 9400 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Cafeteria{x~
You find that you have entered the cafeteria of the mob factory. There
are many workers eating at the numerous tables placed around the room.
The food doesn't look too appetising, but the factory workers don't
seem to care. There are many places where food and drink have been
spilled on the ground. Exits are north to the entrance hallway and
south to the mob factory cafeteria.
0 8 0
0 0 9407 -1
No owner.
0 0 9409 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Cafeteria{x~
You find that you have entered the cafeteria of the mob factory. There
are many workers eating at the numerous tables placed around the room.
The food doesn't look too appetising, but the factory workers don't
seem to care. There are many places where food and drink have been
spilled on the ground. The only exit is north to the mob factory
0 8 0
0 0 9408 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Inspection {7Room{x~
You have entered the {!toy {&factory {3inspection {7room{2.  This is where the
toys manufactured on the assembly lines are inspected for defects.  A
whole team of inspectors from the {^Midgaard {&Inspection {3Bureau{2 is
standing around, trying to look busy. Exits are south to the {!toy
{&factory {3inspection {7room{2, east to the {3primary {&assembly {7line {2 and west
to the storage area.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9415 -1
No owner.
0 0 9411 -1
No owner.
0 0 9405 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Inspection {7Room{x~
You have entered the {!toy {&factory {3inspection {7room{2.  This is where the
toys manufactured on the assembly lines are inspected for defects.  A
whole team of inspectors from the {^Midgaard {&Inspection {3Bureau{2 is
standing around, trying to look busy. Exits are south to the {!toy
{&factory {3inspection {7room{2, east to the {3primary {&assembly {7line {2 and west
to the storage area.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9410 -1
No owner.
0 0 9416 -1
No owner.
0 0 9412 -1
No owner.
0 0 9406 -1
No owner.
{&Entrance {*Hallway {wto {!Toy {&Factory{x~
You are standing in the entrance hallway of the {!toy {&factory{2.  The sound
of machinery gets louder now, and you can hear people shouting in the
distance.  Every once in a while you get a creepy feeling that a pair of
eyes is observing you.... Exits are north to the inspection room,
east to the primary assembly line, south to the reject room and west 
back to the entrance hallway.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9411 -1
No owner.
0 0 9417 -1
No owner.
0 0 9413 -1
No owner.
0 0 9407 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Reject {7Room{x~
This is the factory reject room. All the toys that are manufactured
incorrectly or have some defect are placed here before subsequent
destruction..  You shudder at how many deformed and grotesque shapes
presents before you.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9412 -1
No owner.
0 0 9414 -1
No owner.
{!Toy {&Factory {3Reject {7Room{x~
This is the factory reject room. All the toys that are manufactured
incorrectly or have some defect are placed here before subsequent
destruction..  You shudder at how many deformed and grotesque shapes
presents before you.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9413 -1
No owner.
{3Primary {&Assembly {7Line{x~
This is the primary assembly line of the {!toy {&factory{2.  Here, all the
toys seem roaming around the city of {^Midgaard{2 are manufactured from
raw materials.  There is a big conveyor belt present which makes a lot
of noise!  It seems that the workers are makings rejects.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9420 -1
No owner.
0 0 9416 -1
No owner.
0 0 9410 -1
No owner.
{3Primary {&Assembly {7Line{x~
This is the primary assembly line of the {!toy {&factory{2.  Here, all the
toys seem roaming around the city of {^Midgaard{2 are manufactured from
raw materials.  There is a big conveyor belt present which makes a lot
of noise!  It seems that the workers are makings rejects.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9415 -1
No owner.
0 0 9421 -1
No owner.
0 0 9417 -1
No owner.
0 0 9411 -1
No owner.
{3Primary {&Assembly {7Line{x~
This is the primary assembly line of the {!toy {&factory{2.  Here, all the
toys seem roaming around the city of {^Midgaard{2 are manufactured from
raw materials.  There is a big conveyor belt present which makes a lot
of noise!  It seems that the workers are makings rejects.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9416 -1
No owner.
0 0 9422 -1
No owner.
0 0 9418 -1
No owner.
0 0 9412 -1
No owner.
{3Primary {&Assembly {7Line{x~
This is the primary assembly line of the {!toy {&factory{2.  Here, all the
toys seem roaming around the city of {^Midgaard{2 are manufactured from
raw materials.  There is a big conveyor belt present which makes a lot
of noise!  It seems that the workers are makings rejects.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9417 -1
No owner.
0 0 9423 -1
No owner.
0 0 9419 -1
No owner.
{3Primary {&Assembly {7Line{x~
This is the primary assembly line of the {!toy {&factory{2.  Here, all the
toys seem roaming around the city of {^Midgaard{2 are manufactured from
raw materials.  There is a big conveyor belt present which makes a lot
of noise!  It seems that the workers are makings rejects.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9418 -1
No owner.
0 0 9424 -1
No owner.
{*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x~
This is the secondary assembly line of the {!toy factory{2.  You are
surprised to see some of the toys floating about the conveyor belt!
The very sight if uncanny, but the workers seem to be quite cheerful
about their work.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9421 -1
No owner.
0 0 9415 -1
No owner.
{*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x~
This is the secondary assembly line of the {!toy factory{2.  You are
surprised to see some of the toys floating about the conveyor belt!
The very sight if uncanny, but the workers seem to be quite cheerful
about their work.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9420 -1
No owner.
0 0 9422 -1
No owner.
0 0 9416 -1
No owner.
{*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x~
This is the secondary assembly line of the {!toy factory{2.  You are
surprised to see some of the toys floating about the conveyor belt!
The very sight if uncanny, but the workers seem to be quite cheerful
about their work.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9421 -1
No owner.
0 0 9423 -1
No owner.
0 0 9417 -1
No owner.
{*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x~
This is the secondary assembly line of the {!toy factory{2.  You are
surprised to see some of the toys floating about the conveyor belt!
The very sight if uncanny, but the workers seem to be quite cheerful
about their work.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9422 -1
No owner.
0 0 9424 -1
No owner.
0 0 9418 -1
No owner.
{*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x~
This is the secondary assembly line of the {!toy factory{2.  You are
surprised to see some of the toys floating about the conveyor belt!
The very sight if uncanny, but the workers seem to be quite cheerful
about their work.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9423 -1
No owner.
1 0 9425 -1
No owner.
0 0 9419 -1
No owner.
{&Secret {*Tunnel{x~
You stand in a tunnel covered in moss.  Your feet squish through the
flaccid moss at your feet as various skittering animals who make their home
in the decaying layer of algae crawl over top of your shoes.  This tunnel
appears to be rarely used; you can't help but wonder how many other people
know about it.  There can't be many, as you can discern no footprints other
than your own on the moss behind you.  
0 4 0
0 0 9426 -1
No owner.
1 0 9424 -1
No owner.
{&Entrance {wto {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing at the entrance that leads into the Monster Land, you
get the feeling there is more to this land than just monsters.
0 4 0
0 0 9427 -1
No owner.
0 0 9425 -1
No owner.
{&Inside {wthe {*Mo{&nst{*ter {&Land{x~
Standing inside the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2 of the unknown, you
can sense there is monsters of all kinds lurking about
the halls here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9428 -1
No owner.
0 0 9426 -1
No owner.
{&Hallway {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Walking along the hallway of {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, you hear the
moans and groans of nearby monsters.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9429 -1
No owner.
0 0 9427 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash{x~
Walking into the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash{2 and seeing some shadows
bouncing off the walls nearby sends chills down your spine.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9430 -1
No owner.
0 0 9428 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash{x~
Continuing along {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash{2, you feel the monsters are
lurking closer by.  The moans and groans grow louder and
and louder.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9431 -1
No owner.
0 0 9429 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {7Corridor{x~
Walking along the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {7corridor{2, you can hear
scratching and moaning all around you in every direction.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9432 -1
No owner.
0 0 9430 -1
No owner.
{*Dark {wand {*Gloomy {7Corridor{x~
Standing at the {*dark {wand {*gloomy {7corridor{2, you can see
to the west the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {7corridor{2 and to the south
the {*darkened {7corridor{2.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9433 -1
No owner.
0 0 9431 -1
No owner.
{*Darkened {7Corridor{x~
Walking along the {*gloomy {&hallway{2, you see many claw
marks upon the ground, upon the ceilings and walls.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9432 -1
No owner.
0 0 9434 -1
No owner.
{*Gloomy {&Hallway{x~
Walking along the {*gloomy {&hallway{2, you see many claw
marks upon the ground, upon the ceilings and walls.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9433 -1
No owner.
0 0 9437 -1
No owner.
0 0 9435 -1
No owner.
{*Gloomy {&Hallway{x~
Walking along the {*gloomy {&hallway{2, you see many claw
marks upon the ground, upon the ceilings and walls.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9434 -1
No owner.
0 0 9436 -1
No owner.
{*Gloomy {&Hallway{x~
Standing at the end of the {*gloomy {&hallway{2 and seeing many
wierd and creepy monsters all about it.{x
0 0 0
0 0 9435 -1
No owner.
{*Hidden {3Hall {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing in the {*hidden {3hall {wof {*Mo{&nst{8er {&Land{2, you can feel
the monsters lurking and moaning about the halls here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9438 -1
No owner.
0 0 9434 -1
No owner.
{*Hidden {3Hall {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing in the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {*hidden {3corridor{2, you get the 
sense that there is an unknown evil lurking about here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9437 -1
No owner.
0 0 9439 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {*Within{x~
Standing in the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {*hidden {3corridor{2, you get the 
sense that there is an unknown evil lurking about here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9438 -1
No owner.
0 0 9440 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {*Within {3Corridor{x~
Standing in the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {*hidden {3corridor{2, you get the 
sense that there is an unknown evil lurking about here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9439 -1
No owner.
0 0 9441 -1
No owner.
{6Devilishy {&Hallway{x~
Standing at the {6devilishy {&hallway{2, you feel the evil that
surrounds the land as you continue to walk on.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9442 -1
No owner.
0 0 9440 -1
No owner.
{6Devilishy {&Hallway{x~
Standing at the {6devilishy {&hallway{2, you feel the evil that
surrounds the land as you continue to walk on.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9443 -1
No owner.
0 0 9441 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {3Corridor{x~
Standing at the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {3corridor{2, you can see many
claw marks etched along the walls, ceiling and floors as
you walk onwards.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9444 -1
No owner.
0 0 9442 -1
No owner.
{*Dark {wand {*Dreary {&Hallway{x~
Standing in the {*dark {wand {*dreary {&hallway{2, you can feel the
monsters who wonder about here are evil and very dangerous.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9445 -1
No owner.
0 0 9443 -1
No owner.
{*Dark {wand {*Dreary {&Hallway{x~
Standing in the {*dark {wand {*dreary {&hallway{2, you can feel the
monsters who wonder about here are evil and very dangerous.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9446 -1
No owner.
0 0 9444 -1
No owner.
{*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {3Corridor{x~
Standing at the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Mash {3Corridor{2 that leads south to the
dark and dreary hallway or east to the {3Valley {wof the {*Mo{&nst{8er
0 8 0
0 0 9447 -1
No owner.
0 0 9445 -1
No owner.
{*Hidden {3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing at the {*Hidden {3Valley{w of the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, you can sense
the monsters are restless and very hungry for fresh meat here.{x
0 8 0
0 0 9448 -1
No owner.
0 0 9446 -1
No owner.
{3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing at the {3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, you sense the
monsters are closing in on you.  Their growls grow louder
with each step into this unknown and forbidden land.{x
0 12 0
0 0 9449 -1
No owner.
0 0 9447 -1
No owner.
{&Entrance {wto {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing at the entrance of {3Valley {wof the {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, you
can hear loud growls and moans continuing from within the
valley.  The screeches sends chills down one's spine as you
look about the valley.{x
0 0 1
0 0 9450 -1
No owner.
0 0 9448 -1
No owner.
{3Dusty {&Street {wof {3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing along the dusty street of {3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, one
can see the etched marks in the streets, the grooves imbedded in
deep as well.{x
0 0 1
0 0 9449 -1
No owner.
0 0 9451 -1
No owner.
{3West {&Street {wof {3Valley {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Walking along the etched ground with claw marks buried in it, you
see a cave to the east and more of the valley to the west.
0 0 1
0 0 9453 -1
No owner.
0 0 9452 -1
No owner.
0 0 9450 -1
No owner.
{*Cave {&Home {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing inside a cave that belongs to one of the monsters
that lives within here.  One can see their claw marks upon the
ground as they look about the cave.
0 9 1
0 0 9451 -1
No owner.
{&Street {win {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing on the street of {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{2, you look upon the
ground and aee many claw marks upon it. The grooves from
where their claws dragged is etched in the ground deep.{x
0 0 1
0 0 9454 -1
No owner.
0 0 9451 -1
No owner.
{&Street {win {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing on the street of Monster Land, you look upon the
ground and see many claw marks upon it.  The grooves from
where their claws dragged is etched in the ground.
0 0 1
0 0 9455 -1
No owner.
0 0 9453 -1
No owner.
0 0 9456 -1
No owner.
{*Cave {&Home {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing inside a cave that belongs to one of the monsters
that lives within here.  One can see their claw marks upon the
ground as they look about the cave.
0 9 0
0 0 9454 -1
No owner.
{&Street {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing in the mist of the Valley of Monster Land, you can
see many monsters wander about here.  Their caves lie to the west
and north from here.
0 0 1
0 0 9457 -1
No owner.
0 0 9454 -1
No owner.
0 0 9458 -1
No owner.
{*Cave {&Home {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing inside a cave that belongs to one of the monsters
that lives within here.  One can see their claw marks upon
the ground as they look about.
0 9 0
0 0 9456 -1
No owner.
{*Cave {&Home {wof {*Mo{&nst{*er {&Land{x~
Standing inside a cave that belongs to one of the monsters
that lives within here.  One can see their claw marks upon
the ground as they look about.
0 9 0
0 0 9456 -1
No owner.


D 0 9424 1 1 The east door of {*Secondary {3Assembly {&Line{x is closed
D 0 9425 3 1 The west door of {&Secret {*Tunnel{x is closed
M 0 9405 7 9401 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9401 5 9402 1 *Load {wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x
M 0 9402 1 9403 1 *Load {#Foreman {!Mo{*jo{x
M 0 9405 7 9404 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9403 7 9406 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9405 7 9408 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9401 5 9408 1 *Load {wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x
M 0 9405 7 9409 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9407 3 9410 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9404 4 9410 2 *Load {wThe {@rev{&olv{@ing {&drunk{x
M 0 9403 7 9410 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9408 5 9410 5 *Load {wa {!Cat {win the {&Hat{x
M 0 9407 3 9411 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9401 5 9411 1 *Load {wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x
M 0 9404 4 9413 2 *Load {wThe {@rev{&olv{@ing {&drunk{x
M 0 9403 7 9414 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9414 5 9414 5 *Load {wa {$mo{&nst{$er {&woman{x
M 0 9405 7 9415 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9406 8 9415 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9406 8 9416 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9406 8 9417 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9406 8 9418 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9401 5 9418 1 *Load {wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x
M 0 9406 8 9419 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9406 8 9420 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9407 3 9420 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9405 7 9421 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9403 7 9421 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9401 5 9422 1 *Load {wa {%mu{*ta{%nt {&doll{x
M 0 9403 7 9422 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9406 8 9423 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9403 7 9423 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9403 7 9424 1 *Load {wThe {@Sec{&ur{@ity {&guard{x
M 0 9406 8 9424 1 *Load {wthe {@f{&a{@c{&t{@o{&r{@y {&worker{x
M 0 9405 7 9424 1 *Load {wa {@T{&o{@x{&i{@c {&Toto{x
M 0 9409 5 9429 5 *Load {wa {3c{#r{3e{#e{3p{#y {&monster{x
M 0 9410 5 9432 5 *Load {wa {!ps{*yc{!ho {&monster{x
M 0 9411 5 9434 5 *Load {wa {@mutant {&monster{x
M 0 9412 5 9438 5 *Load {wa {@st{*up{@id {&monster{x
M 0 9409 5 9441 5 *Load {wa {3c{#r{3e{#e{3p{#y {&monster{x
M 0 9410 5 9444 5 *Load {wa {!ps{*yc{!ho {&monster{x
M 0 9411 5 9446 5 *Load {wa {@mutant {&monster{x
M 0 9413 5 9449 5 *Load {wa {$mo{&nst{$er {&man{x
M 0 9414 5 9451 5 *Load {wa {$mo{&nst{$er {&woman{x
M 0 9415 4 9452 1 *Load {wa {Ymo{Dns{Yter {Wchild{x
M 0 9415 4 9455 1 *Load {wa {Ymo{Dns{Yter {Wchild{x
M 0 9417 1 9455 1 *Load {wa {$gr{&and{$ma {&monster{x
M 0 9415 4 9457 1 *Load {wa {Ymo{Dns{Yter {Wchild{x
M 0 9415 4 9458 1 *Load {wa {Ymo{Dns{Yter {Wchild{x
M 0 9416 2 9458 1 *Load {wa {$gr{&and{$pa {&monster{x


