Name StoneBow Dale~
Builders None~
VNUMs 13000 13199
Version 3
Credits { ALL } Eriana  StoneBow Dale~
Security 9
Flags 0

rhoda morgenstern bridal consultant seamstress~
Rhoda Morgenstern is the seamstress here.
A pretty, darkhaired woman bustles about.  She speaks in a broad New York
ABCG DFJ 0 900 13000
50 1 5d10+550 5d10+550 2d10+7 scratch
-7 -7 -7 -7
stand stand female 500
ADHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
serge tailor~
Serge flutters about, clicking his tongue.
A pale, dark haired man flutters about, waving his hands and looking upset.
ACGHW I 0 0 13001
10 1 2d6+60 1d1+99 1d6+1 slap
-3 -3 -3 9
stand stand none 0
mary richards shoe saleswoman~
Mary Richards~
Mary Richards, the shoe saleswoman, beams a big, toothy smile.
This young, dark haired woman is very organized, but very nervous and rather
ABCGV DFV 0 900 13002
50 0 5d10+550 5d10+550 1d8+32 slap
-7 -7 -7 -7
F AB 0 0
stand stand female 500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Higgins haberdasher~
The haberdasher raises his eyebrows at you and exclaims, "Oh, my God!"
A middle-aged, pudgy Englishman dressed in a khaki safari suit.  He is
balding, has a squidgy little mustache, and apparently feels intellectually
ABCV CDF 0 900 13003
100 0 50d10+4500 50d10+4500 5d8+19 bite
-20 -20 -20 -20
stand stand male 1000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
thomas magnum shirt salesman~
Magnum beams at you, waggles his eyebrows, and says "Hey, you can trust me!"
A well-built, disarmingly handsome man with deep dimples, dark curly hair
and mustache, and blue eyes.  Magnum is wearing a gaudy Hawaiian shirt,
shorts, and sandals, and he has a pair of sunglasses hanging from a string
around his neck.
ABGTVW Cc 0 900 13004
100 0 50d10+4500 50d10+4500 5d8+19 punch
-20 -20 -20 -20
stand stand male 1000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
thurston howell jeweler~
Thurston Howell III~
Thurston peers his eyes at you craftily through his jeweler's loop and rubs
his hands together.
A man of medium build.  He has greying hair, and wears a dark blue yachting
suit and deck shoes.
ABCGHV Ic 0 0 13005
50 0 5d10+550 5d10+550 2d10+7 thwack
-7 -7 -7 -7
D 0 0 0
stand stand male 500000
ABHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
joel robinson florist~
Joel Robinson~
Joel stares at you sleepily and offers you a bouquet.
A slender young man stands here.  He has a heavy-lidded, sleepy look and a
slow, drowsy smile.
ABCGRT 0 HN 0 13006
70 1 10d10+1300 10d10+1300 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 -11
FK AB 0 0
stand stand male 50
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
crow t.  robot florist assistant~
Crow T.  Robot~
Crow looks at you and laughs.
A short golden robot with keen white bulbous eyes stands here.
ABCG 0 HN 0 13007
50 1 5d10+550 5d10+550 2d10+7 scratch
-7 -7 -7 -7
stand stand none 0
EJMc ABCGHK small unknown
tom servo florist assistant~
Tom Servo~
Tom Servo says, "Can you give me a hand? My arms don't work."
A short robot with a gumball-machine head and short slinky arms is here,
wheeling around and insulting Crow.
ACG 0 N 0 13008
50 0 5d10+550 5d10+550 2d10+7 none
-7 -7 -7 -7
stand stand none 0
EJMc ABCGHK small unknown
dr. clayton forrester photographer mad~
Dr. Clayton Forrester~
The photogragrapher grimaces at you to "smile like a BIG cheese!"
Forrester is tall, wiry, and wild-eyed.  His greying hair sticks
out in rakish spikes pointing in every direction.  He scowls at
 you through hideous neon-green hornrimmed glasses.  He wears
 a bright green labcoat and grimaces at you condescendingly.
ABCGHV FGV 0 -500 13009
90 1 25d10+3000 25d10+3000 8d4+16 scratch
-15 -15 -15 -15
stand stand male 50
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
tv's frank assistant photographer mad~
TV's Frank~
TV's Frank raises an eyebrow, chortles, and nods is head slowly.
A pudgy, stupid man stands here grinning and trying to be intelligent.
ABCGHV FG N -500 13009
86 0 25d10+2500 25d10+2500 3d12+15 none
-15 -15 -15 -15
AI AB 0 0
stand stand male 50
ABHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
infested rat~
an infested rat~
A disgusting rat is spreading the plague here.
The disgusting rat is mud-caked and filthy, and is covered in blood and
dripping with pus.  It has blazing red eyes and long, vicious yellow fangs.
AGU VZ 0 0 13100
21 0 3d7+118 5d20+180 2d4+2 bite
2 0 1 5
stand stand either 0
ABGV ACDEFHJKQV small unknown
grubby street urchin~
a grubby street urchin~
A skinny urchin stands here with a hand outstretched, begging for money.
The urchin is bruised and bloodied; it is wearing tatters that cling in
filthy layers to its emaciated body.  There is no telling how long it's
been since this thing bathed.
ACGHV FG N 100 0
10 0 2d6+60 2d6+60 1d6+1 bite
5 5 5 7
stand stand either 10
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
pickpocket thief~
the pickpocket~
A sly pickpocket stands here leering at you.
The pickpocket looks like a vagabond, only more confident; it leers
at you lopsidedly.  The pickpocket is wearing nondescript clothes,
and blends into the crowd rather well.
AGHNT DFJPVZ N -300 13013
26 0 2d10+170 2d10+170 2d5+3 charge
-1 -1 -1 3
stand stand either 250
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
hooker prostitute streeter~
a hooker~
A common hooker is here, hawking her wares.
Raising the hem of her skirt a bit, the hooker grins and swishes at you.
She is dressed in dirty, tattered cloth and stockings that sport huge holes.
Her bodice conveniently laces up the front and exposes a shockingly vast
amount of her wares...
AGH V 0 100 13014
42 0 4d10+360 4d10+360 4d4+5 none
-5 -5 -5 0
stand stand female 205
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
slut street~
a slut~
A pathetic street slut is here leering toothlessly and offering herself.
This pathetic creature is wearing a shift that barely covers what she's
offering for sale.  She smells pretty rancid, and you shudder involuntarily.
Sliding up and groping you, the slut winks and leers.
AGH V 0 100 13015
22 0 2d8+134 2d8+134 1d10+2 bite
1 1 1 6
stand stand female 150
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
monk quiet~
a quiet monk~
A monk is here, smiling piously.
Dressed in simple dark Church vestments, the monk in quite unobtrusive.
Beaming and looking cheerful, he crosses you and bows.
AGHVZ C H 800 13016
38 0 3d9+308 3d9+308 2d7+5 divine
-4 -4 -4 -4
stand stand male 20
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJKL medium unknown
church priest~
a church priest~
A church priest is here , looking somber.
Dressed in black vestments, the priest fingers his beads and peers at you.
He wears a large, heavy iron crucifix around his neck.
AGHVZ C H 900 13017
78 1 15d10+1700 15d10+1700 5d6+13 divine
-13 -13 -13 -13
stand stand male 200
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
humble friar~
a humble friar~
A friar is here, looking pious.
The friar is wearing a dark brown, simple robe, cinched at the waist by a
plain cord.  Softly muttering prayers, the friar wanders about, lost in
AGHVZ Cc 0 900 13018
58 1 6d12+778 6d12+778 2d12+8 divine
-9 -9 -9 -9
stand stand male 20
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJKL medium unknown
streetwalker 'streeter hooker prostitute~
the 'streeter~
A streetwalker is here, offering her bodacious wares.
The 'streeter, being a higher-class of prostitute, is better attired.
Her garments are clean, though well-worn, probably hand-me-downs.  She wears
a simply lacing bodice and colorful though faded skirt.  She wears a
loose-fitting shawl.  Brushing against you, the 'streeter winks suggestively.
AGH V 0 100 13019
52 1 5d10+600 5d10+600 3d7+7 punch
-8 -8 -8 -2
stand stand female 178
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a madame~
A madame is here, looking after her girls.
The madame seldom offers herself for profit anymore, having enough girls
to make her rich.  She is dressed in a bright crimson, tight-fitting dress
with a low-cut neckline and many buttons.  Looking shrewd, the madame watches
her girls and counts her money.
AGHVZa Cc 0 100 13020
98 2 50d10+4000 50d10+4000 4d10+18 none
-19 -19 -19 -12
stand stand female 5465
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a nun~
A nun is here, humming and looking cheerful.
Dressed in simple black robes and wimple, the nun is rather nondescript.
Humming and singing, she cheerfully smiles and offers to pray for you.
AGHZa Cc H 900 13021
58 1 6d12+778 6d12+778 2d12+8 divine
-9 -9 -9 -9
stand stand female 20
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
noble knight~
a noble knight~
A noble, virtuous knight is here keeping the peace.
The knight is dressed in heavy studded plate armor and wears a massive
shield.  He carries a heavy longsword, its hilt decorated with simple gems.
He watches the crowd warily for troublemakers and pickpockets.
AGTV CVc H 400 13022
105 2 50d10+7000 50d10+7000 10d4+23 none
-25 -25 -25 -20
stand stand either 7000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
the squire~
A busy squire tends a knight loyally.
Dressed in light armor and tabard, the squire has more mobility than his
knight.  He wears a slouch hat with a long, trailing feather and carries a
small sword.
AGTV CVc 0 400 13023
90 1 25d10+3000 25d10+3000 8d4+16 none
-15 -15 -15 -10
stand stand either 4000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
flower girl~
a flower girl~
A young girl is here, selling fresh flowers.
The young girl is dressed in tatters and bare feet.  A simple shawl is
draped about her, and she wears one of her flowers in her hair.  The
 poor but proud young girl offers you a fresh flower from her basket.
AGH 0 HN 600 13024
30 0 3d9+208 3d9+208 2d6+3 scratch
-2 -2 -2 4
stand stand female 200
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
sweets seller~
a seller of sweetmeats~
The sweetmeat seller is here hawking fruits and candies.
The seller is dressed in colorful cotton and is wearing a big canvas apron.
Pushing a small cart laden with fruit and candies, the seller smiles and
offers you a sweet.
AGH 0 N 500 13025
46 0 5d10+450 5d10+450 3d6+6 bite
-6 -6 -6 0
stand stand either 657
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
fleabitten shaggy dog~
a fleabitten dog~
A mangy dog scratches its fleas and pants at you.
A large, nondescript, shaggy dog is here scratching its fleas.
ACH 0 0 -100 13026
6 -1 2d6+35 2d6+35 1d6+0 bite
7 7 7 10
stand stand either 0
ABGV ACDEFHJKQV small unknown
large grey dog mastiff~
a mastiff~
A large, muscular grey dog sits here, growling.
The large grey dog appears to have blood dripping from a piece of flesh in
its mouth.
ACH 0 0 -50 13027
24 0 2d10+150 2d10+150 1d10+3 bite
0 0 0 6
stand stand either 0
ABGV ACDEFHJKQV medium unknown
nobleman rich~
a nobleman~
A rich nobleman is here, looking proud.
Dressed in rich silks, the nobleman is looking for a bargain.
AGNT D H 300 13028
76 1 10d10+1600 10d10+1600 5d6+12 wrath
-13 -13 -13 -9
stand stand male 5000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
merchant travelling~
a travelling merchant~
A merchant is here, selling his goods.
Dressed in fine robes, the merchant is examining goods and counting his
AGNT D 0 200 13029
50 1 5d10+550 5d10+550 2d10+7 none
-7 -7 -7 -3
stand stand male 599
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a quiet monk~
A pensive monk is here, smiling piously.
Dressed in a simple, shapeless brown wool robe cinched at the waist with a
dark cord, the monk is the epitome of "simplistic".  He smiles at you and
bows his head.
AGHVZ C H 800 13030
38 0 3d9+308 3d9+308 2d7+5 divine
-4 -4 -4 -1
stand stand male 20
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Church priest~
A church priest~
A church priest is here looking somber.
Dressed in black vestments and starched white collar, the priest fingers his
beads and peers at you questioningly.
AGHVZ C H 900 13031
78 0 15d10+1700 15d10+1700 5d6+13 divine
-13 -13 -13 -9
stand stand male 200
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
church bishop~
a church Bishop~
A stern bishop of the Church is here, blessing his supplicants.
He is wearing long, flowing purple robes and a tall, pointed hat.
He carries a long staff adorned with a large silver crucifix.
AGQVZa CFc HO 800 13132
104 0 50d10+6500 50d10+6500 7d6+22 divine
-250 -250 -250 -250
stand stand male 4000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
high priest~
the high priest of Thoth~
A High Priest of Thoth is here, smiling beguilingly and inviting you to join him.
The High Priest is dressed in deep purple robes spangled with tiny silver
stars.  There is an amulet in the shape of a crescent around his neck.
AGQVZ CEGJc HN 900 13133
107 0 50d10+8000 50d10+8000 6d8+24 divine
-29 -29 -29 -19
stand stand male 6500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
high priestess of Thoth~
A High Priestess of Thoth is here beguiling you and beckoning you to join her.
The High Priestess is wearing low-cut deep purple robes with tiny silver
stars around the neckling, hem, and sleeves.  She is wearing a circlet with a
crescent moon in the center of her forehead.
AGQVZ CEGJc HN 900 13134
107 0 50d10+8000 50d10+8000 6d8+24 divine
-29 -29 -29 -19
stand stand female 6500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
angry father~
an angry father~
An angry father is here, clutching a shotgun and scowling at you.
The angry father is looking for a PARTICULAR man to marry his daughter!
The father wears worn overalls and a flannel workshirt.  He is clutching a
long, double-barrelled shotgun.
AFGTV FJPVc H 100 13135
66 0 10d10+1100 10d10+1100 6d4+10 punch
-11 -11 -11 -1
stand stand male 11000
huge cockroach~
A HUGE cockroach~
A huge, vile cockroach is here, fluttering its antennae and rasping its
claws against the cobbles.
This cockroach looks like it has lived a LONG time...considering it's the
size of a large dog!! Oily, glistening, its mandibles clicking, it stares at
you with fathomless, cold eyes.
ACFGU JVZ 0 -500 13136
36 0 3d9+283 3d9+283 2d7+4 chomp
-20 -20 -20 -18
stand stand either 0
ABGO ACFKMU medium unknown
honeymooning bride~
a honeymooning bride~
A honeymooning bride is here, blissfully wandering about.
The honeymooning bride is dressed in a comfortable yet pretty dress and
shoes.  She is carrying a large bag.
AGH 0 HN 500 13137
46 0 5d10+450 5d10+450 3d6+6 slap
-6 -6 -6 3
stand stand female 51045
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
honeymooning groom~
a honeymooning groom~
A honeymooning groom is here, gazing happily at his bride.
The groom is dressed in comfortable tabard and tights.  He is carrying a
large wallet.
AGH 0 HN 500 13138
46 0 5d10+450 5d10+450 3d6+6 punch
-6 -6 -6 3
stand stand male 51000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
young noble~
a young noble~
A young noble is here looking to spend a LOT of money.
A young noble is here looking to spend a LOT of money.
AGNRV CFV HO 500 13139
101 0 50d10+5000 50d10+5000 5d8+20 stab
-29 -29 -29 -10
stand stand male 25250
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
common soldier~
a common soldier~
A common soldier is here, warily eyeing you.
The soldier is wearing a navy blue tabard and striped tights.  He is
holding a long, glittering sword.  He watches you suspiciously.
AGTV CDIJ 0 400 13140
36 0 3d9+283 3d9+283 2d7+4 smash
-9 -9 -9 -2
stand stand male 250
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
choir boy~
a choir boy~
A choir boy is here, practicing his scales.
The choir boy is dressed in his choir robes.  He holds a candle in one
hand, and a songbook in the other.
AGHS C 0 500 13141
18 0 2d6+110 2d6+110 1d8+2 slap
-2 -2 -2 6
stand stand male 1500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a gardener~
A gardener is here dutifully clipping the hedges and tending the flowers.
The gardener is dressed in simple grey flannel robes.  He is carrying a
pruning knife.
ACGHSV 0 0 200 13142
66 0 10d10+1100 10d10+1100 6d4+10 beating
-7 -7 -7 0
stand stand male 2550
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a guildsman~
A guildsman is here tending his goods.
The guildsman is dressed in brightly-colored robes.  He is carrying a pack
of his wares.
ACGV 0 H 100 13143
68 0 10d10+1200 10d10+1200 4d7+10 stab
-13 -13 -13 -8
stand stand male 3365
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
gypsy dancer~
a gypsy dancer~
A beautiful young gypsy woman is here, rattling a tambourine and twirling.
The dancer is dark-skinned and dark-eyed with exotic features.  She is
wearing handcrafted scarves in many layers, adorned with colorful ribbons.
She is carrying a tambourine.
AGHSV CEV 0 300 13144
68 0 10d10+1200 10d10+1200 4d7+10 bite
-11 -11 -11 -11
stand stand female 6756
ACHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
gypsy musician~
a gypsy musician~
A gypsy musician is here, tapping a drum.
The musician is swarthy and wears dark reds and purples and blues; his
vest is cropped short, and he wears baggy silk pants.  He is playing a drum.
AGHSV E 0 100 13145
68 0 10d10+1200 10d10+1200 4d7+10 none
-11 -11 -11 -11
stand stand male 4265
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
gypsy leader~
the gypsy leader~
The leader of the gypsies is here, watching the crowd.
The gypsy leader is dressed in bright colors and wears a bright red head
AGSTV EJZ HNO 100 13146
105 0 50d10+7000 50d10+7000 10d4+23 punch
-28 -28 -28 -28
stand stand either 67560
ACHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
crying mother~
a crying mother~
A bereft mother is here, sobbing piteously.
A crying mother is dressed in black and is sobbing into an expensive lace
ACGH C N 500 13147
40 0 3d9+333 3d9+333 2d8+5 none
-4 -4 -4 5
stand stand female 6000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a townsman~
A townsman is here, relaxing and watching the world go by.
The townsman is dressed in plain, earthy browns and greens.  He holds a
mug in one hand, and grins lopsidedly as you approach.
ACGT 0 0 500 13148
78 0 15d10+1700 15d10+1700 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 -2
stand stand male 9652
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a townswoman~
A townswoman is here shopping.
The townswoman is dressed in plain colors and wears a shawl.  She carries a
willow basket.
ACGHV 0 0 500 13149
78 0 15d10+1700 15d10+1700 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 -2
stand stand female 10652
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Arthur Fonzerelli Fonzie~
Fonzie is here combing his slicked-back hair and admiring himself in the mirror.
Fonzie is dressed in jeans and a leather jacket.  He has slicked back dark
hair and admires himself in the mirror.  He is carrying a comb.
AGTVW F H 300 13150
109 1 50d10+9000 50d10+9000 8d6+26 punch
-30 -30 -30 -15
stand stand male 12000
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
humble friar~
a humble friar~
A humble friar is here quietly tending his plants.
The friar is wearing a long, simple brown robe and sandals.  He has a cord
tied around his waist to adjust the fit of his garment.  He is carrying a
bota of nectar.
ACGHQRVZ CGc HN 800 13151
86 0 25d10+2500 25d10+2500 3d12+15 divine
-12 -12 -12 -6
stand stand male 560
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a holy healer~
A Holy Healer of the goddess Eriana is here healing the wounded and meditating.
The healer is dressed in simply-cut blue silk robes and sandals.  He sits
cross-legged on a zabuton pillow, quietly tending the ailing.  He appears to
be very, VERY old...and very wise.
ABGJQRVZab CDEFZ H 1000 13152
109 0 50d10+9000 50d10+9000 8d6+26 divine
-30 -30 -30 -30
sit sit male 100
ACHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Father Tom~
Father Tom~
Father Tom is here, grumbling and making irreverent observations and scathing witticisms.
Father Tom is dressed in flowing black robes and is wearing a heavy Celtic
cross.  He is wearing the Ring of the Grand Inquisitor and carries an incense
AGQRV CDZ N -500 13153
109 2 50d10+9000 50d10+9000 8d6+26 divine
-30 -30 -30 -30
stand stand male 10000
Innkeeper Yuri~
Yuri the Innkeeper~
Yuri is here scowling at you.
Yuri appears much fiercer than he really is.  His hair and beard are wild,
but he has kind grey eyes.  He is smoking an immaculate meerschaum pipe.
ABGTV 0 HN 300 13154
98 0 50d10+4000 50d10+4000 4d10+18 none
-20 -20 -20 -8
stand stand male 7524
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
wife Bella~
Bella, the Innkeeper's wife~
Bella is here smiling warmly and greeting you.
Bella is heavyset, motherly woman.  She wears a simple workdress and apron,
and carries a dusting cloth.
ABGTV 0 HN 300 13155
92 0 25d10+3250 25d10+3250 6d6+16 slap
-18 -18 -18 -6
stand stand female 7500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Mother Superior~
Mother Superior~
Mother Superior is here watching you approvingly.
Mother Superior is an older woman with sharp features and gentle, wise blue
eyes.  She is wearing dark nun's robes and a starched wimple.  There is a
heavy silver crucifix around her neck.
AGQVZ C HN 900 13156
107 0 50d10+8000 50d10+8000 6d8+24 divine
-27 -27 -27 -25
stand stand female 3265
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a barmaid~
A pretty young barmaid is here ready to serve you.
The young barmaid is slender and buxom.  She has long dark curly hair and
soft blue eyes.  She wears simple, colorful skirts and a plain bodice.
She dimples at you prettily as you look at her.
AGH 0 N 400 13157
42 0 4d10+360 4d10+360 4d4+5 slap
-7 -7 -7 5
stand stand female 6500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown

black tails tuxedo~
a black tuxedo~
A black satin-lapelled tuxedo.~
clothing AIN AD
0 0 0 0 0
5 30 7500 P
worn used black tuxedo coat~
a worn black tuxedo~
A worn black tuxedo.~
clothing IN AD
0 0 0 0 0
5 30 15 P
white beaded satin wedding gown~
a white beaded satin gown~
A white beaded satin gown.~
clothing AIN AK
0 0 0 0 0
5 30 20000 P
faded wedding gown gray~
a faded gray wedding gown~
A faded soiled gown.~
clothing IN AK
0 0 0 0 0
5 80 30 P
black wool pants~
black wool pants~
Black wool pants.~
clothing AIN AF
0 0 0 0 0
5 20 3500 P
worn black trousers~
worn black trousers~
Worn black threadbare trousers.~
clothing IN AF
0 0 0 0 0
5 15 100 P
black satin bow tie~
black satin bow tie~
A black satin bow tie.~
clothing AIN AC
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 500 P
stained black bow tie~
stained black bow tie~
A worn, stained black bow tie.~
clothing AIN AC
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 10 P
crisp starched white shirt~
a crisp, starched white shirt~
A crisp, starched white shirt.~
clothing AMN AD
0 0 0 0 0
5 8 2500 P
greg brady ruffled white shirt~
a Greg Brady ruffled white shirt~
A Greg Brady ruffled white shirt radiates its warmth.~
clothing AMNY AD
0 0 0 0 0
5 10 0 P
black cummerbund satin~
a black satin cummerbund~
A black satin cummerbund.~
clothing AIN AL
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 1000 P
worn black polyester cummerbund~
a worn black polyester cummerbund~
A worn black polyester cummerbund with a mysterious green stain.~
clothing AMNUY AL
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 5 P
Gosh, that is a bad stain.
You decide to not look any closer.
black wingtips~
shiny black wingtips~
Shiny black wingtips.~
patent leather~
clothing AIN AG
0 0 0 0 0
5 1 500 P
bowling shoes~
{rred{x {Yand {bblue{x bowling shoes~
{rRed{x {Yand {bblue{x bowling shoes are here.~
hard leather~
clothing AMNY AG
0 0 0 0 0
5 1 3 P
shoes bowling~
A moth escapes from within...  and expires.
black felt tophat~
a black felt tophat~
A black felt tophat.~
clothing AIN AE
0 0 0 0 0
5 8 1500 P
white silk gloves~
white silk gloves~
White silk gloves.~
clothing AIN AH
0 0 0 0 0
5 1 500 P
tammy faye bakker makeup~
Tammy Faye Bakker makeup~
A thick, gooey layer of nasty makeup...comes with its own spatula.~
0 0 0 0 0
5 150 10 P
face makeup~
And you thought Bozo wore makeup.
white garter lace~
a white lace garter~
A white lace garter.~
clothing IN AF
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 150 P
edible undies~
Eri's edible undies~
Tasty cinammon flavored candy undies from your favorite goddess.~
food NU AL
5 8 0 0 0
0 2 500 P
white silk veil~
a white silk veil~
A white silk veil.~
clothing AIN AR
0 0 0 0 0
5 2 2000 P
sheer silk stockings white~
white sheer silk stockings~
White sheer silk stockings.~
clothing IN AF
0 0 0 0 0
5 1 500 P
white patent pumps~
white patent pumps~
White patent pumps.~
soft leather~
clothing AIN AG
0 0 0 0 0
5 3 1200 P
sumkinda flowers~
We need flowers.~
soft leather~
clothing AIN AG
0 0 0 0 0
5 3 1200 P

Florist shop & Herbalist~
You are standing in a fragrant, sunny room surrounded by dried herbs,
fresh-cut and potted flowers, and plants.  Sprigs of herbs hang from
the stucco walls, tied with twine or ribbon; pots of herbal extracts
and medicines line the wall behind the long marble counter in the
back corner.  A large skylight opening allows sunlight to stream across
the leafy, lush green plants.  Small stands and carts are arranged
throughout.  Large bouquets of fresh-cut flowers and garlands festoon
the marble counter, ready to be purchased for the last-minute wedding...
or a quick romantic evening.  A stone door is located to the west,
and there is a staircase leading down.
0 1036 0
long marble counter~
The counter is clean and smooth.  There is a vase of roses on one end;
bouquets of daisies and small corsages are arranged on the other.  Long,
wispy ferns trail over the edge.
vase roses~
A glass vase is filled with beautiful red roses.
wispy ferns~
Long, delicate ferns trail gently over your shoulders.
container bouquets~
Mixed bouquets of bright, beautiful flowers are tied with colorful
Small, colorful flowers are tied together into corsages.
Immaculate, cheerful daisies are caught up into bouquets.
You see a busy, cobbled street.
0 -1 13153 -1
No owner.
You see a stone vault for keeping flowers fresh.
stone door~
1 -1 13001 -1
No owner.
You see a staircase leading down to the cellar.
0 -1 13002 -1
No owner.
A stone vault~
A small stone vault lined with shelves of various planters, plants,
fresh-cut flowers, and bags of soil.  The variety of flowers is endless;
roses, tulips, violets, and daffodils; fragrant jasmine, hyacinths, and
magnolias; long-stemmed irises; brilliant peonies; soft fern, heather,
and lilacs; garlands, baby's breath, and broad-leaved laurels...
0 524 0
Long-stemmed, dusky red roses.
A large vase is filled with varicolored tulips.
Rich, deep purple violets are being grown in pots here.
Bright, cheerful daffodils are here in a vase.
Sweet, fragrant jasmine blossoms are here in a clay vase.
Pink, white, and blue hyacinths fill the air with sweet fragrance from
their heavy clusters.
Giant, fragrant magnolias nearly overpower the tiny room with their
Long-stemmed, brilliant irises are gathered here in a jar.
Blood-red, brilliant peonies from Eriana's personal garden are here,
glowing softly.
Long, lacy fern fronds are here, scattered on the table, waiting to be
tied into bouquets.
Pink and purple fronds rest here in vases.
Pink, purple, and white clusters of fragrant lilacs brighten the room.
Fresh and dried flower garlands, formed into circlets for any fair
maiden's hair, hang from pegs.
Baby's breath~
Tiny clusters of delicate baby's breath are tied together to add color
to bouquets.
Broad-leaf, shining laurels are braided into ropes and twisted into
You see a large stone door
stone door~
1 -1 13000 -1
No owner.
A dark, cool cellar~
This cellar is rather humid and cool.  Surprisingly clean for such a
dark place, the room is filled with the aroma of damp earth and wet
stone; fresh growth, and fertilizer.  Along one wall a variety of
smooth, bulbous mushrooms are growing in long, shallow troughs.  A low,
heavy wood-plank table sits in one corner.  A variety of herbs and
leaves are spread here on drying racks.  A mortar and pestle of dark
grey granite rest here.  Bunches of herbs and drying mosses are caught
up into bunches, and hang from the low ceiling.  Along the left wall is
a row of colorful spools of ribbon, a spool of floral wire, and a
variety of floral supplies.
0 1033 0
You see a staircase leading up.
0 -1 13000 -1
No owner.
An empty, abandoned shop~
The room is dark and musty, its windows boarded up.  There is trash
littering the floor.
0 9 0
You see a busy, cobbled street.
0 -1 13152 -1
No owner.
An empty, abandoned shop~
The room is better lit than the one next door.  There are two windows on
the east wall.  Through them, you can see a north-south running street, and
buildings across the way.
0 8 0
You see a busy, cobbled street.
0 -1 13151 -1
No owner.
Howell's Jeweller's~
This well-lit shop is accentuated by the light dancing off the surfaces
of virtually hundreds of gems, jewels, and precious & semi-precious
stones.  Along the north wall is a padded counter lined with silk.  On
the east wall is a glass counter of blue gems.  To the south, red gems
line another case; and to the west, green gems radiantly glow in a
fourth case.  With so many beautiful items from which to choose, it
should be a simple task to select a ring or gift.  There is a sign on
the counter.
0 9224 0
A long padded counter, lined with iridescent pearls, radiant opals, and

glittering diamonds.~
Brilliant diamonds and shimmering pearls, both fresh and salt-water,
glow from under the case.
A long glass counter lined with blue gems and stones.~
Fiery sapphires, paua shells, turquoise, and varicolored amethysts catch
the light and seem to alight with an inner glow from beneath the glass.
A case with red gems~
Blazing, fiery rubies, topazes, firegems, and mysterious stones of
unknown make glitter and glow here.
A case of green gems~
Beautiful, deep-green emeralds, cool jades, passionate Moongems,
dragons' tears, and a number of rare green gems are here.
You see a busy, cobbled street, with shops to the south.
0 -1 13154 -1
No owner.
You see a busy, cobbled street, and an empty shop across the way.
0 -1 13149 -1
No owner.
A dark alleyway~
An eerie, silent black alleyway is here.  You can hear a soft
"scratch-scratch", as though of scales or claws on stone from the
darkened corners.
0 8193 1
You see a dark, chilling alleyway continuing in this direction.
0 -1 13007 -1
No owner.
You see an entrance to the cheerier, cobbled street to the south.
0 -1 13155 -1
No owner.
A dark alleyway~
An eerie, silent black alleyway is here.  You can hear a soft
"scratch-scratch", as though of scales or claws on stone from the
darkened corners.
0 8193 1
You see a dark, chilling alleyway continuing in this direction.
0 -1 13006 -1
No owner.
You see that this alley continues to the west.
0 -1 13008 -1
No owner.
A dark alleyway~
An eerie, silent black alleyway is here.  You can hear a soft
"scratch-scratch", as though of scales or claws on stone from the
darkened corners.
0 8193 1
You see a dark alley to the east.
0 -1 13007 -1
No owner.
You see a lighted street to the west.
0 -1 13148 -1
No owner.
Magnum's Formalwear~
This unusual formal wear shop has typical vertical racks of clothing to
the east and the west.  The racks on the left contain new, clean,
sharply-pressed clothing; suits, trousers, tuxedos, and clawhammer-style
coats.  To the right are racks and bundles of worn, forlorn, threadbare,
grungy items for the groom-on-a-budget.  At the back of the shop is the
typical counter; but prominently displayed on and around it on a shelf
are bright, gaudy, shocking Hawaiian-print shirts, pants, and shorts.
0 12 0
vertical rack~
A vertical rack of tattered, worn, and grungy clothes.
tailored rack~
A rack of well-tailored men's suits and tuxedos.
A shelf of gaudy Hawaiian-print shirts in every imaginable color
<and a NUMBER you'd rather not!>.
You see a wooden door marked "Dressing Room".
wooden door~
1 -1 13010 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the bridal shop next door.
0 -1 13013 -1
No owner.
You see a wooden door leading to a cobbled street.
1 -1 13156 -1
No owner.
The men's dressing room~
This small foyer leads into two dressing areas; one to the east, one to
the west.  Due north is a full-length, three-sided mirror.
0 1545 0
You see a wooden dressing-room door.
wooden door~
1 -1 13011 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway leading back into the shop.
wooden door~
1 -1 13009 -1
No owner.
You see a wooden dressing-room door.
wooden door~
1 -1 13012 -1
No owner.
The dressing room cubicle~
This small dressing room has a bench against one wall, and a mirror on
the other.  Small wooden pegs are driven into the wall about six feet
from the floor level.
0 3081 0
You see a door leading into the main dressing room area.
wooden door~
1 -1 13010 -1
No owner.
The dressing room cubicle~
This small dressing room has a bench against one wall, and a mirror on
the other.  Small wooden pegs are driven into the wall about six feet
from the floor level.
0 3081 0
A door leading into the main dressing room area.
wooden door~
1 -1 13010 -1
No owner.
Sherri Bridals~
This neat, airy shop is bustling with activity.  The seamstress seems to
virtually fly from customer to customer to keep up with the rush.  Along
the east and west walls are long racks of white and off-white wedding
dresses, and sequined formal gowns in every color.  A wooden shelf of
lingerie and hoopskirts hangs above the rack.  Along the back wall is a
counter in one corner, and a carpeted pedestal in the other, surrounded
by a three-sided full-length mirror.  Racks of flowing veils are scattered
throughout the shop.  A small counter containing tiaras, lace gloves,
handkerchiefs, and various bridal accessories is located near the front of
the shop.  There are windows along the east wall of the shop, showing the
street outside.
0 1036 0
long rack east~
A long horizontal rack of white and off-white wedding gowns.
wooden shelves~
A set of wooden shelves containing petticoats, hoopskirts, and various
long rack west~
A rack of sequined formals in various colors.
veil rack~
A tall rack containing veils in various lengths and shades.
You see a white-painted wooden door marked "Dressing Room".
white painted door~
1 -1 13014 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading onto the street.
0 -1 13157 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the Formal shop next door.
0 -1 13009 -1
No owner.
The ladies' dressing room~
This spacious area was constructed with the bride and her maids-of-honor
in mind; it is large enough for at least ten people to sit or stand
comfortably.  There are no adjacent dressing rooms here; all changes are
done in some part of this general room.  Mirrors line the walls, and a
large three-sided mirror is at the back of the room.  Large racks of
discarded dresses are prominent.  Comfortable chairs and couches are
spread around the room.
0 1036 0
You see a door leading back into the shop.
white wooden door~
1 -1 13013 -1
No owner.
An empty, abandoned store~
Cobwebs canopy the ceiling and blanket the piles of trash and fallen
debris in this abandoned building.  Litter is scattered across the floor,
covered with dust and rat droppings.  There are exits east & north.
0 9 0
You see a doorway leading to the church square.
0 -1 13145 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading to a cobbled street.
0 -1 13187 -1
No owner.
Photographer's studio~
Hmmm...this place looks more like a mad scientist's laboratory than a
photographer's studio...test tubes, bubbling potions, steaming flasks,
and coils of copper and glass tubing litter the main counter, as well as
those along each wall.  Long strips of sticky yellow film hang from the
rafters, twisting lazily.  Upon closer examination, you discover
partially decomposed fly bodies scattered on the strips....EWWWW! This
is a flystrip, not a roll of film!!! Exits are north to the street and
west to a darkened room.
0 9 0
You see a doorway leading to the church square.
0 -1 13144 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading to the darkroom.
0 -1 13017 -1
No owner.
A darkened room~
This room is completely black.  There appear to be no windows, and no
exits, save the one through which you entered.
0 9 0
You see a doorway leading into the photographer's shop.
0 -1 13016 -1
No owner.
An abandoned storehouse~
This old storehouse has long shelves lining each of the walls.  A few
dusty wooden bins line the east wall.  Pieces of withered, desiccated
corn hulls and bits of grain litter the floor.  The place smells musty.
There are exits to the north and to the west.
0 9 0
You see a doorway leading to the church square.
0 -1 13143 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading to a cobbled street.
0 -1 13146 -1
No owner.
Higgins' Haberdashery~
This small, well-tended shop has a clean-pressed, immaculate look to it.
The north wall is lined with trim, narrow shelves sporting a wide array
of hats in all shapes, styles, and colors.  The south wall is similarly
constructed, thought these hats look slightly more worn.  A neat row of
hat racks lines each side of the aisle leading to the back of the shop
and a long, polished wooden counter.  You can hear classical music being
played faintly from somewhere nearby.
0 9 0
A doorway leading to the cobbled street.
0 -1 13147 -1
No owner.
The Cobbler & Shoe Store~
A small shop containing a maze of tall racks, each containing several
horizontal rows of shelves.  Each shelf has, prominently displayed, a
variety of boots, shoes, dancing slippers, and "mules".  A tall rack
near the door contains laces, polish, shoehorns, and shoe trees.  Along
the south side of the aisle running down the middle of store are several
long, low, padded benches.  The only exit is east.
0 9 0
You see a doorway leading to the cobbled street.
0 -1 13148 -1
No owner.
A Gift Shop~
This mid-sized shop is crammed full of items both rare and common.
Although there seems to be nothing holding the items up for display, you
think you can see a bit of wooden shelving peeking through the items
here and there.  Blenders, antique furniture, afghans, books, jewelry,
glass doorknobs, rusty chainmail, brass lamps, carved ivory tusks...it
ALL seems to be here.  There is an exit east.
0 8 0
This door opens out onto the cobbled street.
0 -1 13147 -1
No owner.
This heavy oak door appears to be swelled shut.  Through the small,
cloudy window, you can see a dark, unkempt courtyard and a huge tree.
door heavy oak~
2 -1 13021 -1
No owner.
An empty room.~
This room is completely empty.  The walls are dull grey, and you can
peer through the cracks in the planks.  The floor is dirty and dusty.
The only exit is east.
0 9 0
You see a doorway opening onto a cobbled street.
0 -1 13146 -1
No owner.
An alleyway~
An alleyway running north and south.  To the north, you can see the
church square.  To the south, you can see an unkempt courtyard and a
large tree.
0 8193 1
You see an entrance to the church square.
0 -1 13139 -1
No owner.
You see an entryway to an old courtyard.
0 -1 13024 -1
No owner.
An abandoned, unkempt courtyard~
Scraggly weeds lie forlornly tangled at about knee-height.  Ivy clings
desperately to the cobbles of the surrounding buildings, and creeps
upward toward the eaves.  A huge tree with faded, papery silver bark
grows in the center of the courtyard, its branches spreading parallel
to the ground, and reaching up much farther than the eyes can see.
Small, dull gold-brown leaves seem to cling for dear life to the tree,
and appear to be long dead.  There is an exit north, and one to the east.
0 8192 1
You see an alleyway leading to the church square.
0 -1 13023 -1
No owner.
You see a heavy, rotting wooden door.
solid, rotting door~
1 -1 13021 -1
No owner.
A caterer's shop~
This small shop is sparsely decorated, save for a long glass counter and
a few chairs.  There are a few engravings of various food items carved
into the wooden walls on each side.  A delightful aroma of roasting meat
and fresh baked goods wafts from the back of the shop.
0 9 0
You see an exit to the church square.
0 -1 13140 -1
No owner.
Erasmus' Mystical Oils and Potions~
This moderately-lit, aromatic shop is totally disorganized....vials,
flasks, jars, canisters, and tubes of all shapes and sizes seem to be
cast about the shop haphazardly.  Despite the disarray, the place has
a cheery feel; the scent of orange peel and rose hips, cinnamon and
cloves, bergamot, jasmine, berries, and cedar and sandalwood intermingle
and seem to seep into your senses.  In the middle of the store is a
narrow granite counter, almost hidden by potions, petals, and powders.
In the center of it is a large mortar and pestle, and a burner upon
which some mysterious but arousing liquid bubbles and foams.
0 8 0
You see an exit to the street.
0 -1 13141 -1
No owner.
The Linens Shop~
A well-lighted, dazzlingly bright shop.  Shelves line each wall, and
are loaded with neatly-folded, crisply-pressed sheets, pillowcases, and
shams.  Fluffy towels are piled high on the west wall, their colors
varying from pristine, brilliant white to deepest midnight blue.
Finger towels, hand towels, and washcloths are stacked neatly on the
0 1036 0
You see an exit to a street.
0 -1 13142 -1
No owner.
You see an exit to a street.
0 -1 13167 -1
No owner.
An Overgrown Room~
Outcast plants seem to congregate here.  They grow out of the floorboard,
out of the walls, and down from the ceiling.  In fact, they seem to walk
in unaccompanied and sit in the corner.  Go figure.  There is a fern in
the corner.  Ivy dribbles down the south wall.  A lack of oxygen makes
it difficult to breathe.
0 9 0
You see an exit to a street.
0 -1 13168 -1
No owner.
M 110 H 90
The Library~
This is a very nice place to spend an afternoon.  Books are scattered
about shelves that run N-S across the entire length of the room.  The
librarian must be either very lazy or very dead.  Most of the books here
are heaped into the book return bin.
0 9 0
shelf shelves~
You see a copy of PlayDragon Magazine.
You see an exit to a street.
0 -1 13169 -1
No owner.
We Be Weddings~
This wooden-plank lined room is....unimpressive at best.  Black and
pink checkered curtains hang limply from the windows.  A single,
tattered brown streamer is tiredly tacked to the front of the plywood
podium.  A gilded-frame picture of the Almighty Elvis hangs lopsidedly
next to an old photo labeled "Forrest Gump".  Near the ramshackle podium
is an old willow rocker, in which slumps perhaps the OLDEST creature
living...you know it's alive, as a thin trickle of smoke dribbles lazily
from a drooping corncob pipe between its withered lips.  A large
sunflower is displayed prominently in front of the podium.
0 8 0
A huge sunflower sits here...but it appears to be...PLASTIC??
You see the church vestibule.
0 -1 13031 -1
No owner.
You see an exit to the church square.
0 -1 13143 -1
No owner.
The Church foyer~
This foyer is rather sparse in furnishings.  There are a few iron candle
stick holders and candelabras scattered about, with dimly-glowing tapers
atop them.  A long, heavy tapestry hangs from each side of the northern
door; fairly simplistic in design, it is nonetheless richly embroidered
with blue and gold threads.  There is an exit to the north into the
sanctuary, east into another foyer, west into the Budget Wedding chapel,
and south to the church square.
0 1037 0
A doorway leading into the sanctuary.
0 -1 13036 -1
No owner.
An arch leading into the adjacent foyer.
0 -1 13032 -1
No owner.
A doorway leading into the church square.
0 -1 13144 -1
No owner.
You see We Be Weddings.
0 -1 13030 -1
No owner.
The Church foyer~
This foyer is rather sparse in furnishings.  There are a few iron candle
stick holders and candelabras scattered about, with dimly-glowing tapers
atop them.  A long, heavy tapestry hangs from each side of the northern
door; fairly simplistic in design, it is nonetheless richly embroidered
with blue and gold threads.  There is an exit to the north, into the
sanctuary, west into another foyer, and south to the church square.
0 1037 0
You see a doorway leading into the sanctuary.
1 -1 13035 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the church square.
0 -1 13145 -1
No owner.
You see an arch leading into the adjacent foyer.
0 -1 13031 -1
No owner.
The healing room~
This peaceful, quiet room is the epitome of tranquillity; pecan paneling
and flooring glisten throughout, its medium-colored wood polished to an
unearthly brightness.  A small fountain, spring-fed from the watersource
behind the church, bubbles quietly in the center of the room, and is
surrounded by four walkways, each leading from the four central
directions to its edge.  The cistern is cool black marble, and a light
from some unknown source glows from within its depths.  Bright,
brilliant goldfish and carp flash and flip about the pool surrounding
the central square.  Leafy, feathery plants grow throughout and surround
the fountain and the wall perimeter.  The south wall is paneled in a
darker-pecan carved screen, from behind which a soft yellow light glows
peacefully.  Zabuton pillows, thin yet comfortable, are scattered about
the floor.  The exit is to the north.
0 1036 0
You see a heavy, wooden-paneled door leading to the chapel.
A wooden-paneled door~
0 -1 13034 -1
No owner.
M 200 H 200
The chapel~
This small, intimate chapel is more druidic than not; it is filled with
trees and leafy green plants.  Sunshine streams in through skylights and
the east wall, which is paneled in carved wooden screens.  A small brook
winds through the chapel from north to south, and disappears under the
floor to the south.  A small footbridge divides the brook, and small fish
can be seen darting about beneath the water.  There is a carved wooden
altar near the north wall; small, comfortable benches face the altar in
two columns forming a single row from north to south.  There is a paneled
door to the north, a door to the south, and an exit to the west.
0 1036 0
You see a paneled door leading to the gardens.
A paneled door~
0 -1 13046 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the healing room.
wooden-paneled door~
1 -1 13033 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the sanctuary.
0 -1 13035 -1
No owner.
M 125 H 125
The sanctuary~
This massive room is lavishly paneled in dark, rich mahogany, polished
to an unearthly glow.  Rows and rows of matching dark pews are lined
up neatly on either side of a long central aisle.  A lavishly
embroidered runner in blues, golds, and reds runs between the rows of
pews.  Four ceiling-high, elaborately-colored stained glass windows
decorate the north wall behind the main altar, and depict the four
primary gods and goddess of Thera in various poses: Vengeance, Eriana,
Felix, and Tim, as they represent the four primary directions of the map.
Deep, rolling bass organ music plays softly from a hidden source, and
seems to roll from the top of the carved wooden cathedral ceiling.
Silver candelabras holding long white tapers glow softly at the back of
the room, along the aisle, and around the altar.  There is a door to the
north, near the altar, an exit east into the chapel, one south to the
vestibule, and one west into the sister-sanctuary.
0 1036 0
Vengeance north~
A stained glass window depicting His Benevolence holding a dragon's head
in one hand, and a staff in the other.
Eriana south~
An elaborately-tiled stained glass window showing the wife of His
Benevolence with one hand atop the head of a white tiger, the other
poised above the head of an injured man.
Felix east~
A colorful window showing a pose of the deity Felix, a White Raven
perched atop his left arm, his other atop the hilt of a sword.
Tim west~
Another stained-glass panel depicts the deity Tim, the Enchanter,
holding a long-toothed rabbit in one arm, and a skull in the other...
You see a dark-paneled door leading into the gardens.
A dark-paneled door~
0 -1 13045 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the chapel.
0 0 13034 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the vestibule.
1 -1 13032 -1
No owner.
You see an arch leading into the sister-sanctuary.
A dark, carved wooden archway~
0 -1 13036 -1
No owner.
M 125 H 125
The sister-sanctuary~
This sanctuary is paneled in modest oak.  The benches, which form two
parallel rows running alongside a central aisle, and the wall paneling
re also oak.  Clear, multi-paned windows stretching to the ceiling allow
sunlight to flood the sanctuary with an almost holy light.  Beyond the
windows, you see the church garden and the summerhouse, in which many
weddings are performed.  There is an exit to the north, to the gazebo
and gardens; an exit east into the sister-sanctuary; an exit south into
the vestibule; and an exit west.
0 1036 0
You see a modest door leading into the gazebo and gardens.
0 -1 13040 -1
No owner.
You see an arch leading into the sister-sanctuary.
A dark, carved wooden archway~
0 -1 13035 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into the vestibule.
0 -1 13031 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway leading into another room.
0 -1 13037 -1
No owner.
M 150 H 150
An empty room~
This room is featureless and empty, save a few benches piled against the
west wall.  There is a door north and an exit east.
0 1037 0
You see a plain wooden door.
wooden door~
1 -1 13038 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway
0 -1 13036 -1
No owner.
A corner of the garden~
A large 10' hedge runs the perimeter of this corner of the garden.
Close-cropped, cool green grass peeks from between flagstone footpaths,
and from beneath groundflowers.  The flagstones twist about through the
garden and disappear under the willows.  A narrow brook bubbles merrily
at the north end, running east to west, and disappears beneath the
willows and cattails to the east.  There is an exit east, into another
part of the garden, and one south.
0 1028 1
You see a pathway east into the garden
a garden pathway~
0 -1 13039 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the church.
wooden door~
1 -1 13037 -1
No owner.
M 135 H 135
The garden~
This expanse of garden is very like the rest; a large 10' hedge runs the
perimeter of this corner of the garden.  Close-cropped, cool green grass
peeks from between flagstone footpaths, and from beneath groundflowers.
The flagstones twist about through the garden and disappear under the
willows.  A narrow brook bubbles merrily at the north end, running east
to west, and disappears beneath the willows and cattails to the east.
However, to the northeast you can see the large gazebo, towering over
the trees and disappearing from view.  There is an exit east into
another section of garden, and another exit west.
0 1028 1
You see a pathway into the gazebo area
0 -1 13040 -1
No owner.
You see a pathway into another part of the garden
0 -1 13038 -1
No owner.
M 135 H 135
The main garden~
This expanse of lush, cool, manicured lawn runs basically north-south.
Cool, matronly willows are scattered here, their branches high enough
to not annoy most guests.  A sanded path leads from the south exit to
the sanctuary to the gazebo at the north end.  On either side of the
path is a row of smooth, polished brown stones, interspersed with
groundflowers; violets, starflowers, dandelions, and chrysanthemums.
There is ample room on each side of the path for benches or chairs,
used frequently for large weddings and parties.  The large, glistening
white summerhouse is to the north; beneath it runs the east-west
running brook, from which an outlet has been formed to create a large
rock garden and waterfall to the southeast of the gazebo.  A tall hedge
grows behind it, running north-south, and obscuring a corner of the
gardens.  The exits here are north to the summerhouse, east to the
garden, south into the sanctuary, and west into another garden corner.
0 1028 1
You see the path to the summerhouse
0 -1 13041 -1
No owner.
You see a path to the east gardens
0 -1 13045 -1
No owner.
You see a wooden door into the sanctuary.
wooden door~
1 -1 13036 -1
No owner.
You see a path leading into the western gardens.
0 -1 13039 -1
No owner.
M 135 H 135
The gazebo (summerhouse)~
This immaculately painted white summerhouse is a popular locale for
spring and summer weddings.  It is octagonal, with white latticework
paneling on the off-walls.  Leafy plants and dazzling flowers trail
lazily from hanging baskets anchored around the ceiling perimeter.
Padded, comfortable white benches are arranged in two rows on either
side of the central north-south aisle.  The garden brook runs beneath
the summerhouse in an east-west direction; one arm of it bends southward
and spills into a waterfall and rock garden immediately to the southeast.
The paneling north is butted up against a tight privet hedge, beyond
which nothing can be seen.  The only exit is south, into the central
0 1028 0
You see a doorway to the gardens.
0 -1 13040 -1
No owner.
M 140 H 140
A gardener's hut~
This small hut is lined in shelves containing typical gardening
equipment; shears, trimmers, pruners, etc.  A few bags of fertilizer
and sand are piled on the dusty floor.  The only exit is south.
0 2057 0
You see the exit to the garden.
0 1 13044 -1
No owner.
A quiet section of garden~
This area is secluded and quiet.  Protected on all four sides by a tall,
thick hedge, many people are unaware that it exists.  At ground level to
the north, you can catch glimpses of the brook.  A thick canopy of
willows obscures the sky here, and the temperature is much cooler here
than in any part of the garden.  This is an excellent place to meditate,
rest, or recuperate; it seems well-protected and hidden enough that no
enemy could easily find it.  In the north east corner is a small
alabaster statue of the goddess Eriana, and an inscription at her feet.
There are hidden exits to the east and to the south.
0 1028 1
statue Eriana~
A three-foot-high statue of Eriana, the Goddess of Life.  Her hands are
outstretched as though welcoming someone to her.
"Seek Peace, and welcome here; find rest, and food, and sanctuary from thy
burdens; All are welcome in the Gardens of the Goddess."
You see a hidden exit into a corner of the garden.
0 0 13044 -1
No owner.
You see a hidden exit into the garden.
0 0 13045 -1
No owner.
M 200 H 200
The northeastern corner of the garden~
This corner of the garden is secluded enough that it is nearly hidden.
A few flowers are neatly planted in stone planters.  Trees overhang the
section, and it is cool and pleasant.  There is a shed to the north, and
an exit to the south.
0 1028 1
You see a door into the shed.
A wooden door~
1 -1 13042 -1
No owner.
You see a path to another part of the garden.
0 -1 13046 -1
No owner.
You see a hidden path to the secret garden.
0 -1 13043 -1
No owner.
M 140 H 140
A part of the garden~
This part of the garden is well-traveled; sanded footpaths run from the
southern door to the east and to the west.  Trees are more sparse here
than in other areas of the garden.  Flowers are planted neatly along the
footpaths.  Eastward is another corner of garden; westward is the main
garden and summerhouse.  The exits here are east, south to the sanctuary,
and west to the main garden.
0 1028 1
You see a hidden entrance to the secret garden
0 0 13043 -1
No owner.
You see a path into the garden
0 0 13046 -1
No owner.
You see a wooden door into the Sanctuary
a wooden door~
0 -1 13035 -1
No owner.
You see an entrance to the main garden
0 -1 13040 -1
No owner.
M 130 H 130
A corner of the garden~
This corner of garden is less-traveled.  There are fewer flowers and
plants here.  There is an exit to the north, one south into the chapel,
and one west into another portion of garden.
0 1028 1
You see a path toward the shed.
0 -1 13044 -1
No owner.
You see a door into the chapel.
1 -1 13034 -1
No owner.
You see a path into the garden.
0 -1 13045 -1
No owner.
The Willowtree Inn~
This quiet little inn is a popular spot both for the townsfolk and
newlyweds.  This main room sports a long, L-shaped bar in the southeast
corner, behind which is a long mirror.  The paneling throughout the inn
is a warm lacquered golden oak.  A few tables are scattered about,
surrounded by chairs and benches.  Round iron candle racks are suspended
from the flat plank ceiling, and give off a bright, cheery light.  There
is a cobblestone hearth in the northeast corner, complete with an iron
beetle and rotisserie.  There are exits to the north, into the dining
area, and to the west onto the street.
0 8 0
You see an entrance to the dining area.
0 -1 13048 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the street.
0 -1 13159 -1
No owner.
The dining room~
This cozy room is lit by hanging candleracks and a large stone hearth in
the southeast corner.  A haunch of deer is roasting and sizzling on a
rotisserie on the fire; and the aroma of rabbit stew, roasting corn, and
fresh soda bread drift in from the kitchen.  In the center of the room
is a wooden staircase leading both down to the cellar, and up to the
rooms.  The other exits are east into the kitchen, and south to the main
0 8 0
You see the doorway to the kitchen
0 -1 13049 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the main room
0 -1 13047 -1
No owner.
You see the staircase leading up
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
You see a staircase leading down.
0 -1 13056 -1
No owner.
The kitchen~
This large room is lined neatly with shelves of spices, condiments, and
staples.  In the center of the room is a long, heavy butcher block;
overhead is an iron butcher's rack from which hang ladles, stirring
spoons, whisks, and bowls.  A knife block is filled with knives of
varying shapes & sizes on the counter.  Along the north wall is a long
wooden counter; at the far end is an enormous washtub filled with dirty
dishes.  On the south wall is a large iron cookstove.  Shelves of serving
utensils and earthenware plates and cups and bowls are on either side of
the door.  The only exit is west.
0 8 0
You see the entrance to the dining room.
0 -1 13048 -1
No owner.
The upstairs hallway~
This simple hallway is lighted by sconces every few feet along both
walls at shoulder height.  There are a few braided rag rugs tossed on
the floor.  The exits are north, east, west, and down.
0 9 0
You see the entry to the back hallway.
0 -1 13053 -1
No owner.
You see a plain wooden door.
plain wooden door~
1 -1 13051 -1
No owner.
You see a brown wooden door.
brown wooden door~
1 -1 13052 -1
No owner.
You see the stairway down.
0 -1 13048 -1
No owner.
An inn room~
This cozy bedroom is fairly simple; against the east wall is an
enormous, heavy, oak-post bed layered in featherbeds.  Matching
nightstands are on either side of the bed, beneath paned windows.
Against the south wall is a low, heavy dresser.  There is a basin and
pitcher atop the dresser; braided rag rugs are scattered across the
smooth plank floor.  There are bright cotton curtains in the windows,
and a matching comforter atop the bed.  In the northwest corner is a
tall, narrow chiffarobe.  The only exit is west.
0 520 0
An enormous four-post bed made of heavy oak posts, rounded and polished,
then lacquered.  There is a huge, fluffy comforter of quilted cotton in
a starburst pattern on top of the bed.
oak dresser~
A large, four-drawer oak dresser, made of wood matching the bed and
nightstands.  There is a matching mithril brush and mirror set on top
of the dresser.
night stand~
A small, single-drawer nightstand of oak matching the dresser and bed.
On top is a white lace doily and a lantern.
A braided multicolored rag rug, coiled and sewn into several rows covers
the floor here.
You see a wooden door.
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
An inn room~
This cozy bedroom is fairly simple; against the west wall is an
enormous, heavy, oak-post bed layered in featherbeds.  Matching
nightstands are on either side of the bed, beneath paned windows.
Against the south wall is a low, heavy dresser.  There is a basin and
pitcher atop the dresser; braided rag rugs are scattered across the
smooth plank floor.  There are bright cotton curtains in the windows,
and a matching comforter atop the bed.  In the northeast corner is a
tall, narrow chiffarobe.  The only exit is east.
0 520 0
An enormous four-post bed made of heavy oak posts, rounded and polished,
then lacquered.  There is a huge, fluffy comforter of quilted cotton in
a starburst pattern on top of the bed.
oak dresser~
A large, four-drawer oak dresser, made of wood matching the bed and
nightstands.  There is a matching mithril brush and mirror set on top
of the dresser.
night stand~
A small, single-drawer nightstand of oak matching the dresser and bed.
On top is a white lace doily and a lantern.
A braided multicolored rag rug, coiled and sewn into several rows covers
the floor here.
You see a wooden door.
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
The upstairs hallway~
This simple hallway is lighted by sconces every few feet along both
walls at shoulder height.  There are a few braided rag rugs tossed on
the floor.  The exits are south, east, and west.
0 9 0
You see a plain wooden door
plain wooden door~
1 -1 13054 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the main hallway
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
You see a brown wooden door
brown wooden door~
1 -1 13055 -1
No owner.
An inn room~
This cozy bedroom is fairly simple; against the east wall is an
enormous, heavy, oak-post bed layered in featherbeds.  Matching
nightstands are on either side of the bed, beneath paned windows.
Against the south wall is a low, heavy dresser.  There is a basin and
pitcher atop the dresser; braided rag rugs are scattered across the
smooth plank floor.  There are bright cotton curtains in the windows,
and a matching comforter atop the bed.  In the northwest corner is a
tall, narrow chiffarobe.  The only exit is west.
0 520 0
An enormous four-post bed made of heavy oak posts, rounded and polished,
then lacquered.  There is a huge, fluffy comforter of quilted cotton in
a starburst pattern on top of the bed.
oak dresser~
A large, four-drawer oak dresser, made of wood matching the bed and
nightstands.  There is a matching mithril brush and mirror set on top
of the dresser.
night stand~
A small, single-drawer nightstand of oak matching the dresser and bed.
On top is a white lace doily and a lantern.
A braided multicolored rag rug, coiled and sewn into several rows covers
the floor here.
You see a wooden door.
wooden door~
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
An inn room~
This cozy bedroom is fairly simple; against the west wall is an
enormous, heavy, oak-post bed layered in featherbeds.  Matching
nightstands are on either side of the bed, beneath paned windows.
Against the south wall is a low, heavy dresser.  There is a basin and
pitcher atop the dresser; braided rag rugs are scattered across the
smooth plank floor.  There are bright cotton curtains in the windows,
and a matching comforter atop the bed.  In the northeast corner is a
tall, narrow chiffarobe.  The only exit is east.
0 520 0
An enormous four-post bed made of heavy oak posts, rounded and polished,
then lacquered.  There is a huge, fluffy comforter of quilted cotton in
a starburst pattern on top of the bed.
oak dresser~
A large, four-drawer oak dresser, made of wood matching the bed and
nightstands.  There is a matched mithril brush and mirror set here.
night stand~
A small, single-drawer nightstand of oak matching the dresser and bed.
On top is a white lace doily and a lantern.
A braided multicolored rag rug, coiled and sewn into several rows covers
the floor here.
You see a wooden door
wooden door~
0 -1 13050 -1
No owner.
The wine cellar~
This dark, cool cellar smells faintly of alcohol and rancid berries.
It is quiet and clean, and much cooler than the rest of the inn.  Large
wooden casks line the north and east walls.  Wine racks line the south
wall, and form freestanding rows to the south.  There is a small door
to the west, and the staircase leading up.
0 9 0
You see a heavy, painted door
heavy, painted door~
1 -1 13057 -1
No owner.
You see the staircase leading up.
0 -1 13048 -1
No owner.
The meat locker~
It is extremely cold in here! Sides of pork, beef, goat, and mutton hang
from heavy ceiling hooks.  Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese hang by
the neck in the northeast corner.  Various other types of meat, mostly
unidentifiable, are hanging here as well.  The south wall contains a
long shelved rack of vegetables; onions, peppers, potatoes, carrots,
leeks, celery, and others.  The only exit is east.
0 8713 0
You see the heavy locker door.
heavy locker door~
1 -1 13056 -1
No owner.
The winery~
This is a large, clean, well-tended room.  Huge wooden casks line all
three walls; each is fitted with a tap.  An enormous wooden vat in the
center of the room is partly encircled by a wooden platform, and a
ladder leading into it.  Alongside the vat, to the south, is a long
table, upon which are a variety of bottles and corks.  There are dark
stains deeply embedded into the floorboards; the air is filled with a
heavy, sickish-sweet odour of fermented grapes.  The only exit is west.
0 8 0
You see a door to the vineyards.
0 -1 13059 -1
No owner.
The vineyards~
This part of the vineyard is surrounded on the north, south, and west
sides by a tall, impenetrable hedge.  Long, staked rows of grapevines
grow in twisted lines here.  Each row is separated by roughly five feet
of turf.  Rich, sweet clusters of varied grapes...concord, flamereds,
Billings, Marcuses, Schwemps, and Heinekens cling ponderously from the
vines.  Bees dance lazily around the clusters, and the air is redolent
with the scent of dew-washed fruit.  The exits are north to the street,
east to the winery, south to the orchard, and west to the rest of the
0 0 2
You see the exit to the street.
0 -1 13152 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the winery.
heavy oak door~
1 -1 13058 -1
No owner.
You see the path to the orchards.
0 -1 13062 -1
No owner.
You see the path to the west vineyard.
0 -1 13060 -1
No owner.
The west vineyard.~
This corner of the vineyard is surrounded by a tall, impenetrable hedge.
More rows of orderly-planted grapevines are planted here.  The exits are
east and south.
0 0 2
You see the path to the east vineyard.
0 -1 13059 -1
No owner.
You see the path to the orchard.
0 -1 13061 -1
No owner.
The west orchards~
A surprisingly wide variety of fruit trees, lined up in neat rows, grows
here; apples, plums, peaches, pears, oranges, lemons, nectarines, and
cherries.  Songbirds flit and warble joyously among the many differed
branches, feasting here and there on the wide array of nectars available.
There is a tall hedge in every direction, with exits through it to the
north and east.
0 0 2
You see a path to the west vineyards.
0 -1 13060 -1
No owner.
You see a path to the eastern orchard.
0 -1 13062 -1
No owner.
The east orchard~
A surprisingly wide variety of fruit trees lined up in neat rows, grows
here; apples, plums, peaches, pears, oranges, lemons, nectarines, and
cherries.  Songbirds flit and warble joyously among the many differed
branches, feasting here and there on the wide array of nectars available.
There is a tall hedge in every direction, with exits through it to the
north and west.
0 0 2
You see a path to the east vineyards.
0 -1 13059 -1
No owner.
You see a path to the western orchard.
0 -1 13061 -1
No owner.
An abandoned shop~
Boards cover the windows on the west and south walls; daylight barely
peers through them.  A thin film of dust and cobwebs covers the plank
floor, and you can hear the occasional skittering of dry insects and
clawed feet from the shadows.  The exits are south and west.
0 9 0
You see a doorway to the street.
0 -1 13176 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the street.
0 -1 13174 -1
No owner.
The leather shop~
A delightful aroma of newly-tanned leather touches you immediately.  A
few leather items are hung from wooden pegs throughout the store; the
only furniture is a long wooden counter at the back of the shop.  A stove
against the back wall crackles quietly, and a large black pot atop it bubbles
and gives off a meaty, bitter smell.  The only exit is south.
0 8 0
You see a doorway south to the street.
0 -1 13177 -1
No owner.
An empty shop~
This room is completely empty; there are no windows, back rooms, or
exits, save the one to the south.  A few cobwebs stretch across the
corners; desiccated roach carcasses litter the floor intermingled with
dust and leaves.
0 9 0
You see a doorway to the street.
0 -1 13178 -1
No owner.
The metalsmith~
This store is incredibly HOT and stuffy.  In the northwest corner is a
rack sporting several implements used for extruding and working metal
objects.  Displays of tinware, metal jewelry, iron and steel implements
of all sorts, garden tools, and tin snuffboxes are lined on wall shelves
and racks near the counter in the northeast corner.  A large magnifying
glass on a pivoting pedestal is on the counter.  Exits are east and south.
0 9 0
You see an exit to the east street
0 -1 13159 -1
No owner.
You see an exit to the southern street
0 -1 13179 -1
No owner.
An empty shop~
This shop appears to once have sold some sort of foodstuffs; loose,
dried chaff and bits of grain are scattered across the floor; dried
rinds and seeds are intermingled with dirt, cobwebs, and general filth.
The only exit is east.
0 9 0
You see the exit to the street.
0 -1 13158 -1
No owner.
The Blacksmith shop~
This room is enormous.  The heat from the huge forge against the east wall
is STAGGERING; your face seems to want to crisp like a leg of mutton over a
campfire.  Against the north wall is a long counter of farrier and blacksmith
supplies; hoof knives, halters, heavy sledgehammers, long iron tongs.
Horseshoes are scattered everywhere; staked to the support posts, scattered
on the floor, around the furnace, and on the counter.  Anvils in varying sizes
are located throughout the room.  Along the west wall is a row of stalls,and
large iron rings attach to the wall, to allow a horse to be tied while being
shoed.  Straw, hay, iron filings, and tools are scattered over the floor.  The
exits are north into the carriage house, and south to the street.
0 9 0
A plain, wooden stall for cornering horses.  There is straw on the floor here.
A large iron anvil, used for pounding heated iron.
A roaring furnace used to heat iron for smelting and forging.
You see a doorway into the carriage house.
0 -1 13132 -1
No owner.
You see a double-wide doorway south.
0 -1 13139 -1
No owner.
The convent gardens~
This enormous garden spreads out across a vast area of ground, and
disappears northward.  Arranged in neat, well-hoed rows are a vast array of
vegetables and fruits; stakes of tomatoes; stalks of tall corn; thick poles
of beans and slender ones of peas.  The produce is used to feed the friars,
nuns, and orphans; the remainder is sold by wandering vendors.  The exits are
north, deeper into the garden, and south to the street.
0 1024 2
corn stalk~
Neat rows of tall, rigid corn, their silken tassels spilling like golden
hair down the sharp leaves.
thick pole beans~
Tall, heavy poles of cedarwood support the heavy beans.
stake tomatoes~
Tall, strong stakes of tomatoes plants are pendulous with deep-red fruit.
slender pole peas~
Slender poles of curling pea plants are here; the pods themselves are
large and heavy, ready to be picked.
You see a path to the garden
0 -1 13070 -1
No owner.
You see an entrance to the street
0 -1 13140 -1
No owner.
A garden square~
This patch of garden has the low, bushy vegetables; poles of trailing
summer and pattypan squash; long, twisted pumpkin vines; twisted tendrils
ofcucumber; and bushes of green peppers.  There is another garden patch
west, a path north to the main garden, and a south path to the taller
0 1024 2
You see a path to the main garden.
0 -1 13072 -1
No owner.
You see a path to the tall garden section
0 -1 13069 -1
No owner.
You see the orchard section
0 -1 13071 -1
No owner.
Orchard section~
This area of garden has been set aside as a small orchard, complete with
trees of plums and apples; rich, juicy peaches; bushes of raspberry,
blueberry, boysenberry, and gooseberry; earthen pots of ruby
strawberries; and a tree of elderberries.  The only exit is east.
0 1024 2
You see a path to a patch of garden
0 -1 13070 -1
No owner.
The main garden~
This section of garden is larger than the rest; here the "primary"
plants were seeded and grown; mounds of potatoes, carrots, and leeks;
several varieties of onions; stalks of celery and rhubarb; bushes of all
sorts of peppers...green, jalapeno, Anaheim, golden, and vargas; tangled
vines of summer squashes, zucchini, crookneck, and spaghetti; and heads
of cabbages, lettuces, greens and kales.  The only exits are north, into
a walled courtyard, and south to more garden.
0 1024 2
You see a gate to a courtyard
1 -1 13114 -1
No owner.
You see a path to the garden
0 -1 13070 -1
No owner.
Kestra's Exotic Pets~
A wave of exotic animal smells assaults you as you step in the door;
sweat, excrement, ammonia, cedarwood, and castor oil.  The walls are
lined with cages and pens for a wide variety of animals in every shape
and color and breed imaginable.  A variety of creatures chirp, squeal,
snort, grunt, bark, purr, trill and hoot in a bizarre cacophony.  Most
of the pets are kept elsewhere; this is, after all, a special order
shop for LARGE breeds as well as small.  There is a sign tacked to the
wall above the counter.  Behind the counter is a curtained room; the
only exit is south.
0 4104 1
You see an exit to the street.
0 -1 13141 -1
No owner.
The Pet Shop Store~
This is a small, dark room where Kestra's special-order pets are kept.
0 262156 0
The foyer~
You are standing in a luxurious, immaculate foyer, entry to the famed
"DragonCove Inn".  Bookshelves of leather-bound books line the north and
east walls.  A dazzling white marble fireplace takes up part of the west
wall.  Thick wool rugs cover the floor in bright colors; burgundy, royal,
and gold.  In the center of the room is a rosewood-trimmed couch and
matching coffee table.  Exits are north into a hallway, east to an
office, and south to the street.
0 8 0
Welcome to the DragonCove Inn! Please knock on door for assistance.
couch sofa~
A large, stylish sofa, comfortably padded.  It is covered in deep blue
linen, and trimmed with rosewood accents.
You see a white door to the hallway.
white door~
1 -1 13077 -1
No owner.
You see a painted door to the office.
painted door~
1 -1 13076 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the street.
0 -1 13142 -1
No owner.
The office~
A medium-sized, comfortable office.  Bookshelves line the east and south
walls and reach floor to ceiling.  A large desk is situated diagonally
in the southeast corner; in front of it are two padded chairs.  A globe
sits in the northwest corner, surrounded by several plants.  Exits are
north and west.
0 12 0
You see a paneled door.
paneled door~
0 -1 13078 -1
No owner.
You see a painted door.
painted door~
0 -1 13075 -1
No owner.
A hallway~
A fairly dark hallway.  A few richly-colored braided rugs are laid on
the wooden floor.  Crystal and silver sconces line the walls and hold
bright knots of scented wood for light.  A small rosewood table is on
the south wall.  Exits are north, south, east, and west.
0 9 0
You see a door numbered "Room 1"
room door~
1 -1 13080 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the east hall
0 -1 13078 -1
No owner.
You see a wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13075 -1
No owner.
You see a glass-paned door.
glass-paneled door~
1 -1 13165 -1
No owner.
The east hall~
A fairly dark hallway.  A few richly-colored braided rugs are laid on
the wooden floor.  Crystal and silver sconces line the walls and hold
bright knots of scented wood for light.  Exits are north, south, and
west; there is a staircase leading up.
0 9 0
You see a door marked "Suite 1"
suite door~
1 -1 13079 -1
No owner.
You see a door marked "Office"
office door~
1 -1 13076 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway
0 -1 13077 -1
No owner.
You see a staircase leading up
0 -1 13081 -1
No owner.
Suite 1~
This spacious hotel suite is lavishly decorated in deep, bright colors;
royal blue, burgundy, and gold.  A black marble fireplace stands against
the west wall, over which is an enormous painting of an outdoor scene.
There is a large bed in the northeast corner.  A small settee is placed
diagonally in the southwest corner, with a low table next to it.  There
is a dressing screen opposite it.  The only exit is south.
0 1032 0
Logs crackle merrily in this large fireplace.  It is accented with silver
log holders and a matching silver fireplace set.
settee couch~
Covered in burgundy fabric, this settee adds a touch of elegance to the
You see a paneled door
paneled door~
0 -1 13078 -1
No owner.
Room 1~
This small bedroom is simple, yet elegant.  Large windows line the west
wall from floor to ceiling, and are covered in white lace drapes.  The
French windows face the street.  There is a large rosewood bed in the
southwest corner, and a matching dressing screen in the northeast corner.
The only exit is south.
0 1032 0
dressing screen~
A shoulder-high rosewood and lace-panel dressing screen.
A small, comfortable bed, piled high with feather beds and rich quilts.
The frame is rosewood polished to a high gloss.
You see a painted door
painted door~
0 -1 13077 -1
No owner.
The upstairs hall~
This hall is elaborately carpeted in deep blues, reds, and golds.
Expensive silver and crystal sconces are attached to the walls, and hold
heavy, bright candles that cast a cheerful light.  The hall continues to
the west; there is a staircase down; exits are north and south.
0 8 0
You see a painted door
painted door~
1 -1 13082 -1
No owner.
You see a paneled door
paneled door~
1 -1 13083 -1
No owner.
You see an entryway to the hall
0 -1 13084 -1
No owner.
You see the staircase down
0 -1 13078 -1
No owner.
Room 2~
This small bedroom is simple, yet elegant.  Large windows line the north
wall from floor to ceiling, and are covered in white lace drapes.  The
French windows overlook the tavern next door.  There is a large rosewood
bed in the northwest corner, and a matching dressing screen in the
southwest corner.  The only exit is south.
0 1032 0
dressing screen~
A shoulder-high rosewood and lace-panel dressing screen.
A small, comfortable bed, piled high with feather beds and rich quilts.
The frame is rosewood polished to a high gloss.
You see a painted door
painted door~
0 -1 13077 -1
No owner.
Room 3~
This small bedroom is simple, yet elegant.  Large windows line the south
wall from floor to ceiling, and are covered in white lace drapes.  The
French windows overlook the street.  There is a large rosewood bed in
the northeast corner, and a matching dressing screen in the southwest
corner.  The only exit is north.
0 1032 0
dressing screen~
A shoulder-high rosewood and lace-panel dressing screen.
A small, comfortable bed, piled high with feather beds and rich quilts.
The frame is rosewood polished to a high gloss.
You see a paneled door
paneled door~
0 -1 13081 -1
No owner.
The upstairs hall west~
This hall is elaborately carpeted in deep blues, reds, and golds.
Expensive silver and crystal sconces are attached to the walls, and hold
heavy, bright candles that cast a cheerful light.  The hall continues to
the east; there are exits north and south.
0 8 0
You see a painted door
painted door~
1 -1 13086 -1
No owner.
You see an entryway to the hall
0 -1 13081 -1
No owner.
You see a paneled door
paneled door~
1 -1 13085 -1
No owner.
Suite 2~
This spacious hotel suite is lavishly decorated in deep, bright colors;
forest green, royal reds, and gold.  A white marble fireplace stands
against the east wall, over which is an enormous painting of an outdoor
scene.  There is a large bed in the northwest corner.  A small settee
is placed diagonally in the southeast corner, with a low table next to
it.  There is a dressing screen opposite it.  The only exit is north.
0 1032 0
Logs crackle merrily in this large fireplace.  It is accented with silver
log holders and a matching silver fireplace set.
settee couch~
Covered in deep red fabric, this settee adds a touch of elegance to the
You see a paneled door.
paneled door~
0 -1 13084 -1
No owner.
Suite 3~
This spacious hotel suite is lavishly decorated in whites, blacks, and
greys.  A grey marble fireplace stands against the west wall, over which
is an enormous painting of an outdoor scene.  There is a large bed in
the northeast corner.  A small settee is placed diagonally in the
southwest corner, with a low table next to it.  There are tall French
windows on the north wall, curtained in white and black drapes.  There
is a dressing screen opposite the settee.  The only exit is south.
0 1032 0
Logs crackle merrily in this large fireplace.  It is accented with silver
log holders and a matching silver fireplace set.
settee couch~
Covered in burgundy fabric, this settee adds a touch of elegance to the
You see a painted door.
painted door~
0 -1 13084 -1
No owner.
The Unicorn's Horn~
Smoke, music, and alcohol fumes smack you in the face as you enter this
pub.  Small tables are scattered randomly about, surrounded by barrelback
chairs occupied by townsfolk and 'streeters.  A long bar in the southeast
corner is festooned with a wide array of drunks, card players, townsfolk,
and knights.  The focal point of the room is a four-foot-long spiral ivory
horn protruding from a wooden plaque above the bar.  There is a sign here.
The only exit is west.
0 9 0
You see a doorway to the street.
0 -1 13164 -1
No owner.
Ste.  Catherine's Convent~
This foyer is a small, unadorned waiting room for visitors to the
convent.  A few wooden chars are arranged against the east wall.  A
small statue of Ste.  Catherine graces the northwest corner.  There is a
hallway to the east along the south wall, an exit west to the street,
and a door to the north.
0 1037 0
You see a door marked "OFFICE"
office door~
1 -1 13089 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13092 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the street
0 -1 13163 -1
No owner.
The convent office~
This rather austere room is sparsely decorated; only a huge black desk,
a few chairs, and a large statue of Ste.  Catherine adorn the room.  A
large iron crucifix hangs on the west wall, behind the desk.  The exits
are north and south.
0 1036 0
You see a doorway to the chapel
0 -1 13106 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the foyer
0 -1 13088 -1
No owner.
The dining room~
A large, rectangular oak table overpowers this clean, threadbare room.
The floors are bare, with an occasional worn rag rug thrown down.  A
large flagstone fireplace takes up a large part of the east wall.  High
above the floor, near the ceiling, is a row of small windows, that allow
the pale sunlight to filter through.  The exits are north to the kitchen,
and south to the hallway.
0 1037 0
You see a doorway to the kitchen.
0 -1 13091 -1
No owner.
Doorway to the hall
0 -1 13092 -1
No owner.
The kitchen~
There is a large cookstove on the east wall; a few pots bubble and
simmer on top of it.  There is a locked larder on the south wall.  A
square butcher block is in the center of the room, a large cleaver sunk
into the top.  The only exit is south.
0 1037 0
You see the doorway to the dining room.
0 -1 13090 -1
No owner.
The hallway.~
The hallway leads further east, and west into the foyer; there is a door
north, into the dining room.
0 521 0
You see the doorway to the dining room
0 -1 13090 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13093 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the foyer
0 -1 13088 -1
No owner.
The hall~
The hall continues east and west.
0 521 0
You see the east hallway
0 -1 13094 -1
No owner.
You see the west hallway
0 -1 13092 -1
No owner.
A bend in the hallway.~
The hallway bends north and west here.  To the east is a door.
0 521 0
You see a bend north
0 -1 13096 -1
No owner.
You see a door east
1 -1 13095 -1
No owner.
You see a bend west
0 -1 13093 -1
No owner.
A small chamber~
This small, sparse chamber is dimly-lit.  There is a small, clean but
threadbare bed against the south wall.  A small dresser is pushed against
the north wall.  Dim light filtered through a colorful stained-glass
window in the east wall.  The only exit is west.
0 1549 0
You see a heavy studded door
heavy studded door~
0 -1 13094 -1
No owner.
the hallway~
The hallway connects to more of the same to the north and to the south.
There is a door to the east.
0 521 0
You see more hallway
0 -1 13098 -1
No owner.
You see a door east
1 -1 13097 -1
No owner.
You see more hallway
0 -1 13094 -1
No owner.
A small chamber~
This small, sparse chamber is dimly-lit.  There is a small, clean but
threadbare bed against the south wall.  A small dresser is pushed against
the north wall.  Dim light filtered through a colorful stained-glass
window in the east wall.  The only exit is west.
0 1549 0
You see a heavy studded door
heavy studded door~
0 -1 13096 -1
No owner.
the hallway~
The hallway connects to more of the same to the north and to the south.
There is a door to the east.
0 521 0
You see more hallway
0 -1 13100 -1
No owner.
You see a door east
1 -1 13099 -1
No owner.
You see more hallway
0 -1 13096 -1
No owner.
A small chamber~
This small, sparse chamber is dimly-lit.  There is a small, clean but
threadbare bed against the south wall.  A small dresser is pushed against
the north wall.  Dim light filtered through a colorful stained-glass
window in the east wall.  The only exit is west.
0 1549 0
You see a heavy studded door
heavy studded door~
0 -1 13098 -1
No owner.
The hallway~
The hallway connects to more of the same to the north and to the south.
There is a door to the east.
0 521 0
You see more hallway
0 -1 13102 -1
No owner.
You see a door east
1 -1 13101 -1
No owner.
You see more hallway
0 -1 13098 -1
No owner.
A small chamber~
This small, sparse chamber is dimly-lit.  There is a small, clean but
threadbare bed against the south wall.  A small dresser is pushed against
the north wall.  Dim light filtered through a colorful stained-glass
window in the east wall.  The only exit is west.
0 1549 0
You see a heavy studded door
heavy studded door~
0 -1 13100 -1
No owner.
the hallway~
The hallway connects to more of the same to the north and to the south.
There is a door to the east.
0 521 0
You see more hallway
0 -1 13104 -1
No owner.
You see a door east
1 -1 13103 -1
No owner.
You see more hallway
0 -1 13100 -1
No owner.
A small chamber~
This small, sparse chamber is dimly-lit.  There is a small, clean but
threadbare bed against the south wall.  A small dresser is pushed against
the north wall.  Dim light filtered through a colorful stained-glass
window in the east wall.  The only exit is west.
0 1549 0
You see a heavy studded door
heavy studded door~
0 -1 13102 -1
No owner.
A long hallway~
This long hallway runs between the back of the chapel to the west, and
the side of a large bedroom to the east.  The only exits are north and
0 9 0
You see an entrance to the T-junction of hallway
0 -1 13109 -1
No owner.
You see an entrance to the hall
0 -1 13102 -1
No owner.
The chapel~
This bare-floored chapel serves the needs of the nearby convent,
monastery, and orphanage.  Few items have been used to adorn the simple,
pale, paneled walls.  Neatly-lined rows of wooden pews are set on each
side of the central aisle running west-east toward the altar.  The altar,
at the east end, is a simple wooden podium, decorated by a few green
plants.  A life-size crucifix is located in the northwest corner.
Exits include a door on the street end, which opens south, and an exit
west to the street.
0 9 0
You see a plain wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13089 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the street
0 -1 13162 -1
No owner.
The hallway~
This long, darkly-carpeted hallway is the main travelway for the Little
Annie Orphanage.  The hall continues east, the office door is north, or
you can exit south to the street.
0 8 0
You see a door marked "Adoption Office"
adoption door~
1 -1 13107 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13109 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the street
0 -1 13161 -1
No owner.
Little Annie's Adoption Office~
This office is cheerful, sunny, and comfortable.  Large west-facing
windows are thrown open to let the sunshine and breeze through.  A thin
carpet covers the floor in a bright splash of green.  There is a large
maple desk on the north wall, in front of which are two padded wingback
chairs.  The only exit is south.
0 4096 0
You see the door to the hall
0 -1 13106 -1
No owner.
The adoption pool~
This is the room where the orphanage keeps adoptable children.
0 262156 0
The T-shaped hallway~
This hall continues to the east in the direction of the courtyard; it
makes a bend south to the convent chambers, and west to the office.  The
only other exit is north to a room.
0 8 0
You see a wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13110 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13111 -1
No owner.
You see the bend south
0 -1 13104 -1
No owner.
You see the hall
0 -1 13106 -1
No owner.
A medium-sized sitting room~
Windows along the north wall face a dusty street.  There are several
comfortable, upholstered chairs here, each with a small table nearby.
Books are organized neatly in shelves across three walls.  There is a
wooden box of toys against the south wall, and a rocking horse next to
it.  The only exit is south.
0 8 0
You see the door to the hall
0 -1 13109 -1
No owner.
The courtyard hall~
This hall connects the courtyard to the orphanage and convent rooms.
Exits are north, east, south, and west.
0 8 0
You see a wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13113 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the courtyard
courtyard door~
1 -1 13114 -1
No owner.
You see a heavy, studded door.
heavy, studded door~
1 -1 13112 -1
No owner.
You see the hall
0 -1 13109 -1
No owner.
A large bedroom~
A large, arched window on the east wall overlooks the monastery gardens.
There is a large bed in the southwest corner.  A comfortable-looking
willow rocker is situated near the southeast corner, and there is a
dresser against the west wall.  The only exit is north.
0 8 0
You see the heavy, studded door.
heavy door~
0 -1 13111 -1
No owner.
A large bedroom~
A large, arched window on the north wall overlooks the monastery
gardens.  There is a large bed in the northwest corner.  A
comfortable-looking willow rocker is situated near the northeast
corner, and there is a dresser against the west wall.  The only exit
is south.
0 8 0
You see the heavy, studded door.
heavy door~
0 -1 13111 -1
No owner.
The courtyard~
This small courtyard is secluded by a twelve-foot stucco wall, which is
nearly hidden by a tall, impenetrable privet hedge.  Large, comfortable
oak trees spread long, heavy branches over the yard, allowing sunlight
to filter in.  Grass grows in a continuous, thick carpet, though
untended by human hands.  A few flowers are scattered here, growing
haphazardly.  There is a single rope swing in the largest oak in the
northwest corner.  Exits are east and west into respective halls, and
there is an iron gate to the south.
0 0 1
You see a wooden-plank door
plank door~
1 -1 13115 -1
No owner.
You see a gate
1 -1 13072 -1
No owner.
You see a painted door
painted door~
1 -1 13111 -1
No owner.
The hall~
This portion of hall connects the courtyard with the monastery rooms.
There are exits north, east, and west.
0 521 0
You see a wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13116 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13117 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the courtyard
1 -1 13114 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13115 -1
No owner.
The hall~
This is the continuation of hallway from the monastery bedchambers to
the courtyard.  Exits here are north through a door, east, south to the
dining room, and west to more hall.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13118 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13119 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to the dining room
0 -1 13128 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the hallway
0 -1 13115 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
wppden door~
1 -1 13117 -1
No owner.
The hall~
This is the continuation of hallway from the monastery bedchambers to
the courtyard.  Exits here are north through a door, east, and west to
more hall.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13120 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13121 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13117 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
A small wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13117 -1
No owner.
The hallway~
This is the continuation of hallway from the monastery bedchambers to
the courtyard.  Exits here are north through a door, east, and west to
more hall.
0 521 0
A small wooden door
wooden door~
1 -1 13122 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13123 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13119 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
small door~
1 -1 13121 -1
No owner.
This is the continuation of hallway from the monastery bedchambers to

the courtyard.  Exits here are north through a door, east, south to the

foyer, and west to more hall.

0 ADJ 0
You see a small wooden door
small wooden door~
0 -1 13124
You see the hallway
0 -1 13125 -1
No owner.
You see the entrance to the foyer.
0 -1 13127 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13121 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13123 -1
No owner.
The hallway~
This is the continuation of hallway from the monastery bedchambers to
the courtyard.  Exits here are north through a door, and west to more
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13126 -1
No owner.
You see the hallway
0 -1 13123 -1
No owner.
A small room~
This bedchamber is small, clean, and somber.  It is adorned only by a
simple bed, a small dresser, and a small window in the north wall.  The
only exit is south.
0 521 0
You see a small wooden door
1 -1 13125 -1
No owner.
The Monastery Foyer~
This is a simple waiting area.  The bare floor creaks with every step;
the boards are worn smooth by many feet.  The only adornment in this
room is a large wooden statue of Ste.  Francis in the northwest corner.
There are doors east, south, and west; there is a hallway north.
0 8 0
You see the hallway
0 -1 13123 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the street
1 -1 13135 -1
No owner.
You see a door marked "Office"
1 -1 13130 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the dining room
1 -1 13128 -1
No owner.
The dining room~
Furnished in deep, dark walnut, this room is only dimly lit by soft
tallow candles.  An immense walnut dining table sits in the middle of
the room, surrounded by matching wooden benches.  There is a fruit bowl
in the middle of the table.  Arched, diamond-paned windows adorn the
room from the west wall, and add more light and a certain calming aura
to the room.  There are exits north, east, and south.
0 8 0
You see an exit to the hall
1 -1 13117 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the foyer
1 -1 13127 -1
No owner.
You see an entrance to the kitchen
0 -1 13129 -1
No owner.
The kitchen~
Two large but sparse cupboards line the south wall; one contains cracked
earthenware dishes; the other a few stoneware bowls and iron skillets,
pans, and Dutch ovens.  A large sink is against the west wall; a butcher
block table is in the center of the room.  Overhead, a small iron butcher's
rack is suspended from the rafters by a heavy iron chain.  Another cupboard
on the east wall contains an array of spices, condiments, and staple goods.
The exit is north.
0 8 0
You see a doorway to the dining room
0 -1 13128 -1
No owner.
The monastery office~
The floor here is polished to a high gloss.  A polished, smiling statue
of Ste.  Francis graces the room from the southeast corner, next to the
windows.  There is a large walnut desk in the south west corner, and
booksheles lining the walls behind it on either side.  The only exit
is north.
0 8 0
You see a door
1 -1 13127 -1
No owner.
The stables~
A broad, double-wide door swings both ways on large hinges.  The stable
itself is dark and cool, and smells of manure, sweet hay, and mice.
Stalls line the north and south walls, and there is a long row of feed
bins on the west wall next to the door.  Several horses snort and wicker
as you enter the stable; others pull calmly at hay racks or stare at you,
unafraid.  The exits are east and west.
0 9 0
You see the wide door to the street
1 -1 13136 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the carriage house
0 -1 13132 -1
No owner.
The carriage house~
This room smells of rich leather, sweat, and oil.  Halters, bridles,
cruppers, and saddles hang from pegs and shelves, and are tossed on the
floor here and there.  Several large carriages in varying states of
repair are here.  A small window overlooks the monastery garden.  The
exits are east and south.
0 9 0
You see the doorway to the stables
0 -1 13131 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the blacksmith shop
0 -1 13068 -1
No owner.
The corral~
Several horses are penned up here in this area between the blacksmith
shop and the stable.  The third wall is formed by the outer wall of the
carriage house.  A few rough-hewn logs form the front, where the gate is
located.  A rack of hay is located near the wide-swinging gate to the east.
0 9 0
You see the wide gate
1 -1 13137 -1
No owner.
Willowby Bridge~
This is an arched, stone-and-wood bridge that spans the Cottonwood river
and leads into StoneBow Dale.  The crystal, bubbling waters of the
Cottonwood are ten feet below you.  You can see flashes of silver and
rainbow colors as fish flip and swim.  There are stone keeps on either
side of the bridge, and a guard peers out at you intently as you step on
the bridge.  There is a large wooden sign on the right tower.
0 8192 2
A large wooden sign~
WELCOME To StoneBow Dale! Please observe all rules; this is a quiet town
and a honeymoon haven; let's keep it that way! -The Mayor
right keep guard tower~
A tall, grey tower made of large boulders.  There is an arched window
opening near the top, from which a guard peers at you questioningly.
left guard tower~
A tall, grey tower made of large boulders.  There is a wooden door here
that opens into the tower.
A wide, flat road to the forest
0 -1 3522 -1
No owner.
A cobbled road leading into town
0 -1 13135 -1
No owner.
A cobblestone road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobbled road.  There is a large sign above
your head.  There is a tall building to your west, and the side of an
enormous church on your east.  This road runs north-south.  There is a
door to the west.
0 0 1
A sign~
DragonCove Road North
A large building~
The building is of stone-and-mortar construction.  An old, faded sign
reads "The Monastery".
You see Willowby bridge
0 -1 13134 -1
No owner.
You see a cobblestone road
0 -1 13136 -1
No owner.
You see a door
wooden door~
1 -1 13127 -1
No owner.
Dragoncove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobbled road.  A stable lies west; to the east
is an enormous church.  There is a corral to the southwest.  The street
continues north and south.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13135 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13137 -1
No owner.
You see the stable door
stable door~
1 -1 13131 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobbled road.  To the east is an enormous
church.  There is a corral to the west.  The street continues north; to
the south is Unity Square.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road North
0 -1 13136 -1
No owner.
You see Unity Square
0 -1 13138 -1
No owner.
You see a gate into the corral
1 -1 13133 -1
No owner.
Unity Square~
A large white marble fountain stands in the center of this large, grassy
square.  Water spouts from the top of the fountain from the hand of a
statue of the goddess Eriana.  Beneath her feet, figurines of animals,
flowers, and birds are carved, spiralling downward to the base.  Around
the perimeter of the fountain is planted an array of fragrant, colorful
flowers.  A huge church looms to the northeast.  There is a signpost
here, pointing in every direction.
0 1024 1
The figure of Eriana stands barefoot, her hand atop the head of a
massive tiger; the other hand holds a pitcher, from which water pours
into the fountain.
Sign post~
This signpost points in the four major directions.  The arrow north
indicates that DragonCove Road north lies in that direction; to the
south is DragonCove Road south.  East is Nightbane Avenue east; west
is the western portion of that street.
You see DragonCove Road North
0 -1 13137 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue East
0 -1 13143 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road south
0 -1 13146 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue West
0 -1 13139 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue~
You are standing on the western portion of Nightbane Avenue, near Unity
Square.  The street continues east and west.  The blacksmith shop is
north; an alleyway lies south.
0 0 1
You see the blacksmith shop
0 -1 13068 -1
No owner.
You see the Intersection of Nightbane Avenue & DragonCove
0 -1 13138 -1
No owner.
You see the alleyway
0 -1 13023 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13140 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue west~
You are standing on the western portion of Nightbane Avenue, which
continues east and west.  To the north is the monastery garden; south is
the caterer.
0 0 1
You see the monastery garden
0 -1 13069 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13139 -1
No owner.
You see the caterer
0 -1 13025 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13141 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue west~
You are standing on the western portion of Nightbane Avenue, which
continues east and west.  To the north is the pet shop; the potions shop
is south.
0 0 1
You see Kestra's Pet shop
0 -1 13073 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13140 -1
No owner.
You see the potions shop
0 -1 13026 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13142 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue West~
You are standing on the western end of Nightbane Avenue, which stretches
east toward Unity Square, and west toward the intersection with
Castlerock Avenue.  To the north lies the Inn foyer; to the south is a
linens shop.
0 0 1
You see the Inn foyer
1 -1 13075 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13141 -1
No owner.
You see the Linens shop
0 -1 13027 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue & Castlerock
0 -1 13166 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue east~
You are standing due east of Unity Square on Nightbane Avenue.  This
street continues east to Briarwood and west to the square.  The church
lies north of you.  South is an empty shop.
0 0 1
You see the church
0 -1 13030 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13144 -1
No owner.
You see an empty shop
0 -1 13018 -1
No owner.
You see Unity Square
0 -1 13138 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue east~
You are standing on Nightbane Avenue due south of the church.  The
street continues east to Briarwood, and west to the square.  South is a
photography shop, and north is the church.
0 0 1
You see the church
0 -1 13031 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13145 -1
No owner.
You see the photography shop
0 -1 13016 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13143 -1
No owner.
Nightbane Avenue east~
You are standing on Nightbane Avenue,due south of the church.  The
street continues east to the intersection of Briarwood and Nightbane,
and west to the square.  To the south lies an empty shop; north is the
church entrance.
0 0 1
You see the church
0 -1 13032 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13188 -1
No owner.
You see an abandoned shop
0 -1 13015 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13144 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobbled road.  North is Unity Square; east is
the entrance to a shop; south the road continues, and west is an
abandoned shop.
0 0 1
You see the intersection at Unity Square
0 -1 13138 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to an abandoned storehouse
0 -1 13018 -1
No owner.
You see south DragonCove Road
0 -1 13147 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to an abandoned store
0 -1 13022 -1
No owner.
A cobblestone street~
South DragonCove Road continues south.  To the east is a doorway to
Higgins' Haberdashery; to the west is the door to a giftshop.  The road
continues north to Unity Square, and south toward Crystal Square.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13146 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway to Higgins' Haberdashery
0 -1 13019 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13148 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the Gift Shop
1 -1 13021 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobblestone road.  The road continues north
and south toward Crystal Square; east is a dark alley; west is the
door to the shoe shop.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13147 -1
No owner.
You see a dark alley
0 -1 13008 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13149 -1
No owner.
You see the doorway to the shoe shop
0 -1 13020 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobblestone street.  To the east is the door
to Howell's Jewellers; to the north, the road continues; south is
Crystal Square; and west is the corner of a shop.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13148 -1
No owner.
You see Howell's Jewelers
0 -1 13005 -1
No owner.
You see Crystal Square
0 -1 13150 -1
No owner.
Crystal Square~
Located at the intersection of Redfern Road and DragonCove, this square
is rather small in contrast to its northern counterpart.  Instead of a
fountain, here is situated an obsidian pedestal, upon which is balanced
a huge blue crystal.  It appears that nothing holds the crystal in place;
yet it balances perfectly on one pointed tip.  Redfern Road runs east and
west of here; DragonCove Road runs north and south.  There is a signpost
0 1024 1
This sign points in each of the four directions: North DragonCove &
South DragonCove lie north and south, respectively; and East and West
Redfern lie in their respective directions
blue crystal~
This crystal is a complete mystery; it stands about eight feet tall,
and is made of some completely clear crystal of unknown origin or
purpose.  Roughly marquis-shaped, it balances on one point, its other
pointed skyward.  Lights dance within the depths of the glass, bursting
into a myriad of colors deep within, and radiate outward, causing the
crystal to appear surrounded by some mystical aura It hums faintly.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13149 -1
No owner.
You see East Redfern Road
0 -1 13154 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13158 -1
No owner.
You see West Redfern Road
0 -1 13151 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
You are standing just west of Crystal Square; the enormous, mystically-
suspended blue crystal glitters from its place in the square.  West of
you, Redfern continues toward Castlerock.  To the north is an old, empty
shop; south is the wall of the winery.
0 0 1
You see an old, empty shop
0 -1 13004 -1
No owner.
You see Crystal Square
0 -1 13150 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13152 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
From this part of Redfern Road you can see Crystal Square to your east,
and Castlerock Avenue to the west.  North of you is an abandoned,
boarded-up shop.  Southward is the hedgerow entrance to the monastery
0 0 1
You see an abandoned shop
0 -1 13003 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13151 -1
No owner.
You see the vineyards
0 -1 13059 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13153 -1
No owner.
West Redfern Road~
You are standing at the far west end of Redfern, near its intersection
with Castlerock Avenue to the west.  Redfern continues east toward
Crystal Square.  To the north lies a florist & herbalist shop; south is
a tall stone wall faced by a hedge, over the top of which you can see
twisted grape vines clinging to poles.
0 0 1
You see the Florist
0 -1 13000 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13152 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock & Redfern
0 -1 13171 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
You are now due east of Crystal Square.  Redfern Road continues west
beyond the square, and east toward Briarwood.  Howell's Jewellers lies
due north; the Willowtree Inn is directly south.
0 0 1
You see Howell's Jewellers
1 -1 13005 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13155 -1
No owner.
You see Crystal Square
0 -1 13150 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
You are now east of Crystal Square.  Redfern Road continues west, and to
the east toward Briarwood.  An alley lies due north; the Willowtree Inn
is directly south.
0 0 1
You see an alley
1 -1 13006 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13156 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13154 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
Redfern Road continues westward from here, and east toward Briarwood.
Magnum's Formalwear shop lies due north; the Willowtree Inn is
directly south.
0 0 1
You see a Formalwear shop
1 -1 13009 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13157 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13154 -1
No owner.
Redfern Road~
You are standing due west of Briarwood.  Redfern Road continues west to
Crystal Square, and to the east toward its intersection with Briarwood.
Sherri Bridals is directly north, on the corner; the Willowtree Inn is
directly south.
0 0 1
You see Sherri Bridals
1 -1 13013 -1
No owner.
You see the intersection of Redfern Road & Briarwood Avenue
0 -1 13183 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13156 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobblestone street.  To the east is the
northwestern corner of the Willowtree Inn; to the west is the back of
the old winery, and a doorway to an abandoned shop.  DragonCove Road
runs north and south from here.
0 0 1
You see Crystal Square
0 -1 13150 -1
No owner.
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13159 -1
No owner.
You see a doorway
0 -1 13067 -1
No owner.
DragonCove Road~
A broad, pleasantly-clean cobblestone street.  DragonCove Road runs
north and south here; to the east is the entrance to the Willowtree Inn;
to the west is an entrance to the metalsmith shop.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13158 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the Inn
wooden door~
1 -1 13047 -1
No owner.
You see a dead end
0 -1 13160 -1
No owner.
You see a door to the metalsmith shop
1 -1 13066 -1
No owner.
The Dead End~
Here the broad cobblestone street dead ends.  There is a short road,
Willow Way, to the west; to the east is the edge of the Inn.  The only
other exit is north, up DragonCove Road.
0 0 1
You see DragonCove Road
0 -1 13159 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13179 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
A smooth, cobbled road begins here at the river and stretches southward.
To the west of you is a tall stone wall that surrounds the entire town.
To the east is a large building; from somewhere nearby, you can hear
children laughing; from the other side of the wall, you hear rushing
water.  A bell begins to toll from the chapel tower to the south.  The
exits are east, to the orphanage, and south down Castlerock; to the
north and west is the city wall.
0 0 1
You see the Orphanage door
1 -1 13106 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13162 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the dead end, and south toward Nightbane
Avenue.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the Convent
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13161 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the Chapel
wooden door~
1 -1 13105 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13163 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the dead end, and south toward Nightbane
Avenue.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the Convent.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13162 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the Convent
wooden door~
1 -1 13088 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13164 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the dead end, and south toward Nightbane
Avenue.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the Unicorn
Horn Tavern.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13163 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the Tavern
wooden door~
1 -1 13087 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13165 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the dead end, and south toward Nightbane
Avenue.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the
DragonCove Inn.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13164 -1
No owner.
You see the door to the Inn
wooden door~
1 -1 13077 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13166 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the river, and south toward Redfern Road.
The wall continues on the west side; to the east is Nightbane Avenue.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13165 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13142 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13167 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the river, and south toward Redfern Road.
The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the linen shop.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13166 -1
No owner.
You see the Linen Shop
0 -1 13027 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13168 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to Nightbane Avenue, and south toward Redfern
Road.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is an odd-looking
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13167 -1
No owner.
You see a shop
0 -1 13028 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13169 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to the Nightbane Avenue, and south toward
Redfern Road.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is a
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13168 -1
No owner.
You see the library
0 -1 13029 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13170 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
The avenue continues north to Nightbane Avenue, and south toward Redfern
Road.  The wall continues on the west side; to the east is the side of a
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13169 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13171 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
This broad cobbled avenue continues north toward Nightbane Avenue, and
south toward Willow Way.  To the east is Redfern Road; to the west is
the city wall.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13170 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13153 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13172 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
This broad cobbled avenue continues north toward Redfern Road, and south
toward Willow Way.  To the east is a high wall and a thick privet hedge,
over the top of which you can see the tops of fruit trees.  To the west
is the city wall.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13171 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13173 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
This broad cobbled avenue continues north toward Redfern Road, and south
toward Willow Way.  To the east is a high wall and a thick privet hedge,
over the top of which you can see the tops of fruit trees.  To the west
is the city wall.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13172 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13174 -1
No owner.
Castlerock Avenue~
This broad cobbled avenue continues north toward Redfern Road, and south
toward Willow Way.  To the east is an abandoned shop.  The city wall
lies west.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13173 -1
No owner.
You see a shop
0 -1 13063 -1
No owner.
You see Castlerock Avenue & Willow Way
0 -1 13175 -1
No owner.
The intersection of Castlerock Avenue & Willow Way~
Here the long avenue of Castlerock intersects in the couthwest corner of
the city with Willow Way.  The only exits are north onto Castlerock,
toward Redfern Road, and east onto Willow Way.
0 0 1
You see Castlerock Avenue
0 -1 13174 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13176 -1
No owner.
Willow Way~
This short street consists of a few small shops.  Due north is an
abandoned shop.  West is the intersection of Willow Way and Castlerock;
to the south is the southern city wall.  Willow Way continues east
toward DragonCove.
0 0 1
You see an abandoned shop
0 -1 13063 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13177 -1
No owner.
You see the intersection of Castle Rock & Willow Way
0 -1 13175 -1
No owner.
Willow Way~
This quiet backstreet continues east and west; east lies DragonCove;
west is Castlerock Avenue.  Due north is Fonzerelli's Leathers; south is
the southern city wall.
0 0 1
You see Fonzerelli's Leathers
1 -1 13064 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13178 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13176 -1
No owner.
Willow Way~
The little street continues east toward DragonCove, and west toward
Castlerock.  An empty shop lies north; south is the south wall of the
0 0 1
You see an empty shop
0 -1 13065 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13179 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13177 -1
No owner.
Willow Way~
Here the quiet little backstreet of Willow Way begins and ends
(depending on the direction from which you arrived).  To the east is the
intersection of this small street with the busy main thoroughfare,
DragonCove Avenue.  To the west the little street continues toward
Castlerock.  To the north is the metalsmith shop.
0 0 1
You see the metalsmith shop
0 -1 13066 -1
No owner.
You see the intersection of Willow Way & DragonCove
0 -1 13160 -1
No owner.
You see Willow Way
0 -1 13178 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood Road ends in this alley.  The Inn lies due west; the city wall
lies south and east; the street continues north.
0 1 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13181 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood Road continues here.  The Inn lies due west; the city wall
lies east, and the street continues north and south to the dead end.
0 1 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13182 -1
No owner.
You see the dead end
0 -1 13180 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood Road intersects Redfern just north of here.  The Inn lies due
west; the city wall lies east; and Briarwood continues north.
0 1 1
You see Briarwood Road intersect Redfern
0 -1 13183 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood continues southward toward a dead end.  The Inn is due south; the

city wall is east, and the street continues north toward Redfern.

0 -1 13181 -1
No owner.
The intersection of Redfern and Briarwood~
Here Briarwood intersects with Redfern.  Briarwood runs north toward
Nightbane, and south to the southern wall terminus.  Redfern spans westward
toward Crystal Square.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13184 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13182 -1
No owner.
You see Redfern Road
0 -1 13157 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood continues north and south here; north toward Nightbane, and south
toward Redfern.  The city wall is directly east of you, and there are shops
to the west.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13185 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13183 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood continues north and south here; north toward Nightbane, and south
toward Redfern.  The city wall is directly east of you, and there are shops
to the west.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13186 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13184 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood continues north and south here; north toward Nightbane, and
south toward Redfern.  The city wall is directly east of you, and there
are shops to the west.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13187 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13185 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
Briarwood continues north and south here; north toward Nightbane, and
south toward Redfern.  The city wall is directly east of you, and there
is a shop to the west.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13188 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13186 -1
No owner.
A door west
1 -1 13015 -1
No owner.
Intersection of Briarwood & Nightbane~
The intersection of Briarwood and Nightbane Avenue.  Briarwood continues
north to the city wall, and south toward Redfern Road.  The city wall
lies east.  Nightbane stretches west toward Unity Square.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood
0 -1 13189 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13187 -1
No owner.
You see Nightbane Avenue
0 -1 13145 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
The road continues north and south here; north toward the city wall, and
south toward Nightbane Avenue.  The church complex lies due west; the
city wall parallels you on the east.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13190 -1
No owner.
You see the intersection of Nightbane & Briarwood
0 -1 13188 -1
No owner.
Briarwood Road~
The road continues north and south here; north toward the city wall, and
south toward Nightbane Avenue.  The church complex lies due west; the
city wall parallels you on the east.
0 0 1
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13191 -1
No owner.
You see Briarwood Road
0 -1 13189 -1
No owner.
The end of Briarwood Road~
Briarwood ends in this alley near the church.  To the north, beyond the
city wall, you can hear the sound of rushing waters from the Cottonwood
River.  Trees peer over the top of the stone walls to the east.  To the
west is the massive church complex; southward, the road continues toward
Nightbane Avenue.
0 0 1
You see that Briarwood continues
0 -1 13190 -1
No owner.

M 13011 spec_cast_cleric Load to: an infested rat

D 0 13021 3 2 The west door of A Gift Shop is closed and locked
M 0 13006 1 13000 1 *Load Joel Robinson
M 0 13007 1 13000 1 *Load Crow T.  Robot
M 0 13008 1 13000 1 *Load Tom Servo
M 0 13005 1 13005 1 *Load Thurston Howell III
M 0 13001 1 13009 1 *Load Serge
M 0 13004 1 13009 1 *Load Magnum
G 0 13008 0 *A crisp, starched white shirt is given to Magnum
G 0 13009 0 *A greg brady ruffled white shirt is given to Magnum
M 0 13000 1 13013 1 *Load Rhoda
G 0 13002 0 *A white beaded satin gown is given to Rhoda
G 0 13003 0 *A faded gray wedding gown is given to Rhoda
M 0 13009 1 13016 1 *Load Dr. Clayton Forrester
M 0 13010 1 13016 1 *Load TV's Frank
M 0 13003 1 13019 1 *Load Higgins
G 0 13014 0 *A black felt tophat is given to Higgins
M 0 13002 1 13020 1 *Load Mary Richards
G 0 13012 0 *Shiny black wingtips is given to Mary Richards
G 0 13013 0 *{rred{x {yand {bblue{x bowling shoes is given to Mary Richards
G 0 13021 0 *White patent pumps is given to Mary Richards
M 0 13018 6 13058 1 *Load a humble friar
M 0 13018 6 13061 1 *Load a humble friar
M 0 13016 8 13062 2 *Load a quiet monk
M 0 13023 4 13064 1 *Load the squire
M 0 13016 8 13066 2 *Load a quiet monk
M 0 13017 6 13066 1 *Load a church priest
M 0 13023 4 13066 1 *Load the squire
M 0 13016 8 13067 2 *Load a quiet monk
M 0 13016 8 13068 2 *Load a quiet monk
M 0 13017 6 13068 1 *Load a church priest
M 0 13021 8 13068 1 *Load a nun
M 0 13021 8 13071 1 *Load a nun
M 0 13016 8 13072 2 *Load a quiet monk
M 0 13017 6 13072 1 *Load a church priest
M 0 13021 8 13072 1 *Load a nun
M 0 13018 6 13073 1 *Load a humble friar
M 0 13021 8 13073 1 *Load a nun
M 0 13022 4 13134 1 *Load a noble knight
M 0 13011 16 13135 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13019 8 13136 1 *Load the 'streeter
M 0 13012 16 13137 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13024 6 13137 1 *Load a flower girl
G 0 13022 0 *Sumkinda flowers is given to a flower girl
M 0 13011 16 13138 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13014 4 13138 1 *Load a hooker
M 0 13015 6 13142 1 *Load a slut
M 0 13024 6 13142 1 *Load a flower girl
G 0 13022 0 *Sumkinda flowers is given to a flower girl
M 0 13015 6 13144 1 *Load a slut
M 0 13019 8 13148 1 *Load the 'streeter
M 0 13012 16 13150 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13013 8 13150 2 *Load the pickpocket
M 0 13014 4 13150 1 *Load a hooker
M 0 13024 6 13150 1 *Load a flower girl
G 0 13022 0 *Sumkinda flowers is given to a flower girl
M 0 13025 6 13150 1 *Load a seller of sweetmeats
M 0 13015 6 13155 1 *Load a slut
M 0 13011 16 13158 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13022 4 13160 1 *Load a noble knight
M 0 13012 16 13164 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13011 16 13167 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13019 8 13168 1 *Load the 'streeter
M 0 13019 8 13170 1 *Load the 'streeter
M 0 13012 16 13171 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13013 8 13171 2 *Load the pickpocket
M 0 13020 1 13171 1 *Load a madame
M 0 13015 6 13172 1 *Load a slut
M 0 13012 16 13175 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13011 16 13177 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13012 16 13182 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13011 16 13183 4 *Load an infested rat
M 0 13013 8 13183 2 *Load the pickpocket
M 0 13019 8 13186 1 *Load the 'streeter
M 0 13024 6 13187 1 *Load a flower girl
G 0 13022 0 *Sumkinda flowers is given to a flower girl
M 0 13012 16 13188 4 *Load a grubby street urchin
M 0 13013 8 13188 2 *Load the pickpocket

13000 11 0 0 0 0 105 15 0 23
13002 11 0 0 0 0 101 75 0 23
13003 11 0 0 0 0 105 15 0 23
13004 11 0 0 0 0 145 5 0 23
13005 32 33 0 0 0 195 1 0 23
13006 8 0 0 0 0 100 50 0 23
13024 11 0 0 0 0 101 75 0 23

