Name Shaolins Guild Hall~
Builders None~
VNUMs 29700 29710
Version 3
Credits Marble~
Security 1
Flags 0



{MPet{mal{x o{mf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
{BA {bs{Bt{breaming fl{By{ber of star{Bk{b blue energ{By{b punc{Mt{mures
the perfectly grooved petal of this enormous lotus flower, shattering
filamentous strands of energy that form geometric fragments of time and
space before your very eyes.  They congeal quiety, slipping their
crystalline form smoothly back into place where their delicate balance was
disturbed.  Following the trail made by the burst of energy you arrived on
above, you see thousands of tiny winking stars in the face of a momentous
expanse of infinity, endless blackness rolling into the distance absorbing
the stray light from the distant and chaotic world of mortality.  This petal
is where the most powerful energies from one of the four most concentrated
centers of Budo in the world traverse, spreading fantastic spectacles across
the mere mortal's eye, whos owner has obtained the secret of the Tao and
ordained their privaledge as an element of balance and harmony.  {x 
0 0 0
0 0 29701 0
No owner.
{MTh{me {xC{mo{Mr{mr{xo{Ml{ma {xo{mf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
{mThe grooves and thick lines of the lotus flower petals all convene here
in the center of this enormous lotus flower.  Below you columns of {Bb{blue
{menergy streak upwards to form the stigma, anthers and various whorls of
this perfect and perfectly symmetrical blossom.  In the center of the sky
above shifts a singularity unique to your retina, a pulsating, swirling mass
of color around which no light escapes, around which no evil escapes.  You
feel perfectly at peace here in the cosmic center of the universe where
every thought, every pulse of energy focuses and concentrates, whispering
silent words of duty, balance, and the way, the Budo.  Look around you, the
universe awaits you with impatients.  
0 0 0
0 0 29704 0
No owner.
0 0 29702 0
No owner.
0 0 29700 0
No owner.
0 0 29703 0
No owner.
0 0 29705 0
No owner.
{MPet{mal {xo{mf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
0 0 0
0 0 29701 0
No owner.
{MPet{mal {xo{mf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
{BA {bs{Bt{breaming fl{By{ber of star{Bk {bblue energ{By {bpunc{Mt{mures
the perfectly grooved petal of this enormous lotus flower, shatter
filamentous strands of cosmic energy that form geometric fragments of time
and space that form before your very eyes.  They congeal quietly, slipping
their supple crystalline form smoothly back into place where theirdelicate
balance was disturbed.  Following the trail made by the burst of energy you
arrived on above, you see thousands of tiny winking stars in the face of a
momentous expanse of infinity, endless blackness rolling into the distance
absorbing the stray light from the distant and chaotic world of mortality
below.  This petal is where the most powerful energies from one of the four
most concentrated centers of Budo in the world traverse, spreading fantastic
spectacles across the mortal's eye, whos owner has obtained the secret of
the Tao and ordained their privaledge as an element of balance and harmony. 
0 0 0
0 0 29701 0
No owner.
{MPet{mal {xo{mf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
0 0 0
0 0 29701 0
No owner.
{MBe{mt{xw{mee{Dn T{xh{me {MSe{mpa{Ml{ms {mo{xf {DT{mh{Me {mLot{Du{xs~
0 0 0
0 0 29701 0
No owner.
C NaBoKi~




