Name Nbk Hall~
Builders None~
VNUMs 26200 26299
Version 4
Credits {BUILD} Marble  NaBoKi Hall~
Security 2
Flags 32

mimi daughter healer~
{DM{gi{DM{gi{x's Daughter~
{DM{gi{DM{gi{x's Daughter crouches here, treating the wounded.
An attractive ashen faced woman perches here among the many injured of
the naboki family, her young bony hands wrapped around the hinge of a
medkit.  She turns to you, a bit annoyed: "If you don't need healing, get
the hell out!"  .  
AUXZa W 0 0 0
100 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
M 0 medium unknown
F for AHV
shopkeeper hippie~
(no short description)~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
F for AHMV
no name~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0 0
0 0 4d4+5 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
F for AHMV
atm machine~
{8A{2n {@A{8T{@M M{2a{8ch{@i{2ne{0~
{8A{2n {@A{8T{@M M{2a{8ch{@i{2ne {0is pressed against the corner here
A console beeps charismatically as you approach, clearing your account
and resetting to your personal preferences.  "Thank you, come again" it
spouts after usage.  
ABGVcd 0 0 0 0
100 0 1d1+1 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 99999
E 0 medium unknown
F for AHMV
no name~
(no short description)~
(no long description)
A 0 0 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
F for AHMV

beanbag bean bag~
{DA{xn {DO{xv{ger{Gstu{yffed {DB{xe{gan{Gbag{x~
{DA{xn {DO{xv{ger{Gstu{yffed {DB{xe{gan{Gbag{x rests in the corner, looking very comfortable.~
furniture 0 0
0 0 0 P
weapons machine~
{DA W{we{rap{Rons {DV{we{rnd{Ring {DM{wa{rch{Rine{x~
{DA W{we{rap{Rons {DV{we{rnd{Ring {DM{wa{rch{Rine{x stands here.~
container 0 0
1000 0 0 1000 0
0 0 0 P
armor machine~
{DA{wn {DA{wr{gmo{Gr {DV{we{gnd{Ging {DM{wa{gch{Gine{x~
{DA{wn {DA{wr{gmo{Gr {DV{we{gnd{Ging {DM{wa{gch{Gine{x stands here.~
container 0 0
1000 0 0 1000 0
0 0 0 P
item machine~
{DA{wn {DI{wt{bem {DV{we{bnd{Bing {DM{wa{bch{Bine{x~
{DA{wn {DI{wt{bem {DV{we{bnd{Bing {DM{wa{bch{Bine{x stands here.~
container 0 0
1000 0 0 1000 0
0 0 0 P
trophie freeze deep~
{DT{xh{be {DD{xe{bep {DF{xr{bee{Bze{x: {DT{xr{yop{Yhie {DC{xo{ynt{Yain{ye{Yr{x~
{DT{xh{be {DD{xe{bep {DF{xr{bee{Bze{x: {DT{xr{yop{Yhie {DC{xo{ynt{Yain{ye{Yr{x stands here.~
container 0 0
1000 0 0 1000 0
0 0 0 P
video xena portal~
{DA V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe o{xf {MX{me{xn{ma{m:{M Wa{mrr{xi{mor P{Mrin{mc{xe{mss{x is here in a mote of luminescant light.~
{D A V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe o{xf {MX{me{xn{ma: {MWa{mrr{xi{mor P{Mrin{mc{xe{mss{x is here in a mote of~
portal A 0
0 0 0 P
portal king arthur~
{DA V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe C{xa{Dll{xe{Dd {YE{yxc{xa{yli{Ybu{yr {x~
{DA V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe C{xa{Dll{xe{Dd {YE{yxc{xa{yli{Ybu{yr {xis here in a mote of light.~
portal A 0
0 0 A 0 0
0 0 0 P
portal willow~
{DA V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe o{xf {GW{gi{xll{gow {x~
{DA V{xi{Ddeo T{xa{Dpe o{xf {GW{gi{xll{gow {xlies quietly in a mote of light.~
portal A 0
0 0 A 0 0
0 0 0 P
portal door steel~
{DA Large Steel Door{x.~
{DA Large Steel Door{x patched with {yb{xoi{yle{xr {ypl{xa{yt{xe{ys{x is on the west wall.~
portal 0 0
0 0 0 P
portal steel door~
{DA Large Steel Door{x.~
{DA Large Steel Door{x patched with {yb{xoi{yle{xr {ypl{xa{yt{xe{ys{x is on the north wall.~
portal 0 0
0 A C 0 0
0 0 0 P
portal steel door~
{DA Large Steel Door{x.~
{DA Large Steel Door{x patched with {yb{xoi{yle{xr {ypl{xa{yt{xe{ys{x is on the south wall.~
portal 0 0
0 A C 0 0
0 0 0 P
(no short description)~
(no description)~
armor AB AQ
10 0 0 P

{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Headquarters~
A basalt and obsidian tunnel lined with revealing pictures of both sexes
and drama performance advertisements opens up to an expansive room.  About
you, the hum of the black lights is drowned out completely by the blaring
techno music that vibrates your body.  As if that wasn't enough, you could
probably fall asleep in the midst of the confusion on one of the many
overstuffed and oversized beanbags tossed about the room to various
locations on the cement floor.  Everywhere you turn there are neon colors or
waitresses in tight black dresses serving tequila to various mysterious
people relaxing at one of the many black bar tables positioned about
everywhere there isn't a beanbag.  
0 0 0
0 0 26205 -1
No owner.
0 0 26202 -1
No owner.
0 0 26201 -1
No owner.
0 0 26212 0
No owner.
0 0 26203 -1
No owner.
C NaBoKi~
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Backroom ER~
White smoke greets you into the NaBoKian Emergency Room, or at least the
back of it.  Slung together in the room are steel framed stretched beds
scattered about the room in pandemonious unorganisation, amongst which a
woman with tied back black hair goes from bed to bed offering a cigarette to
any patient that seems to need it.  Apparently the whole room is filled with
the white second-hand cigarette smoke you first encountered on your way to
the ER, and despite it's effectiveness at concealing your prescence, the
woman notices you and turns about with a couple of cigarettes in her mouth. 
0 263168 0
0 0 26200 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Vending Machines~
This room would be completely quiet if there weren't a party going on
next door, and water leaks from some unknown source from a crack above your
head falling loudly to the cement floor.  The room would also be a complete
eyesore if it weren't for the impressive looking vending machines dominating
one side of the room.  Their bright interior flourescent lights illuminate
the whole room and sound an irritating buzz.  The machines seem to hold
donated equipment provided by more experienced, or just wasteful members of
the NBK clan, but you never know what needle you may find in the haystack so
it might be worth it to browse their inventory.  On the floor, you can make
out the indentation of where there once must have been a pit.  Donation pits
were used by the forefathers of the clan, but modern progressive drifts work
themselves into the strangest places.  
0 0 0
0 0 26200 -1
No owner.
C NaBoKi~
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Nothing~
Having no real understanding of how you arrived at this unexpected
destination, any and all visitors to this place take a little while for
their senses to adapt to the stark contrast of their previous location.  It
looks like recently someone has set up a couple of floating cupboards on top
of which various potted plants have been taped with duct tape.  Your only
fun-looking destination from here would be north, unless you wanted to climb
up the ominous looking staircase floating right beside you back to the
0 0 0
0 0 26204 -1
No owner.
0 0 26200 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Trophie Room~
Slowly, from nothing you fade into a place onto a blue tiled floor that
revolves around a large machine in the center.  Upon further inspection,
inside the machine you can see bits and peices of enemy bodyparts preserved
as war trophies from feuds forgotten only by our opponents.  A computer
terminal has been installed in the ground, replacing the need to carve in
the wall, but does serve the same purpose of keeping track who killed who,
and noteworthy actions comitted by various clan members.  
0 0 0
0 0 26203 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway~
Safe from the social turbulence and strong drink that resides in the
headquarters to the south, a long winding hallway of brown mahogany finds
it's way into the more personal area of the NaBoKi hall.  To your left lies
the headquarters and main office of the Godfather of the clan, while to the
right, the current Don in residence has a suite.  Concealed speakers play
low swing music and the lamps have a much more cultivated, and less
artificial nature.  This is about as close to a low profile transit zone as
you can get.  
0 0 0
0 0 26207 -1
No owner.
0 0 26200 -1
No owner.
0 0 26206 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: The Godfather's Office~
From the quiet hall, you walk into a quiet room.  There is a fireplace
burning solemnly in the corner of the room, providing the only source of
light.  An overstuffed chair rests patiently in front of a switched off
computer monitor, and the floor is composed of wooden parque overwhich a
large stained rug that looks like it might have had another picture on it at
one time.  Heaped in the corner are the shells of black lights accumulating
dust, and the walls are lined with bookshelves holding a variety of thick
leather-bound books.  However, you probably shouldn't be in here unless it's
for the Godfather's bidding anyway.  
0 0 0
0 0 26205 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway~
The hallway becomes distinctly more interesting as you proceed, the
hallway lined with pictures of old Godfathers long dead for various reasons,
the largest of these pictures, and most recently dated seems to be the stump
of a tree for some reason or other, only the veteran members really remember
him.  To the north, the hallway continues perfectly straight, while mahogany
doors line each wall.  
0 0 0
0 0 26210 -1
No owner.
0 0 26208 -1
No owner.
0 0 26205 -1
No owner.
0 0 26209 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: For Sale~
 | | | | | | | | | FOR SALE: 10,000 platinum | | | | | | | | |
0 0 0
0 0 26207 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: FOR SALE~
 | | | | | | | | | FOR SALE: 10,000 platinum | | | | | | | | |
0 0 0
0 0 26207 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Intersection~
The hallway branches here, dimly lit passages extend both to your left
and right, right in front of you at the end of the hallway is a large, dark
wooden door that ominously invites you in.  On the ceiling of the passage, a
chandelier provides slightly more illumination than previously experienced
in the dark hallways, it looks to be made of very expensive materials
collected no doubt by NaBoKi's famous 'organisation'.  
0 0 0
0 0 26211 -1
No owner.
0 0 26218 0
No owner.
0 0 26207 -1
No owner.
0 0 26219 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Observation Lounge~
It looks like the room you have just entered is the converted room of
some member long ago from the plaque hanging on the wall naming all of the
members who stayed loyal to NaBoKi in the end, a trait always respected by
these hippies.  The wall is padded with felt, only breaking for the large
window or display monitor hung on the far north wall showing a picture of
the NaBoKian's space liner, the "Space Junkie".  To your left is dark brown
counter on which is a brightly glowing computer terminal that a man in a tie
dyed shirt seems to be paying very close attention to.  After becoming aware
of your arrival, the man quickly shuts off his computer hoping you hadn't
seen the fraudulent actions he was doing and turns to you hoping to ween
some cash by ridding himself of some wears he purchased with fake money.  
0 0 0
0 0 26210 -1
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals~
Ascending from the headquarters, a glittering basalt staircase rises
through a hatch rimmed with magenta flashing flourescent lights into an
expansive rugged gallery where videos sit on pedestals in small motes of
bright light waiting to be checked out by some stylish individual with too
much money and time to burn.  
0 0 0
0 0 26217 0
No owner.
0 0 26213 0
No owner.
0 0 26215 0
No owner.
0 0 26200 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals~
The soft carpet under your feet is almost impossible to see because of
the dim yellow lights above you that distort it's color, and little flashing
lights rim the corridor edging you on deeper into the store.  You can barely
hear your own footsteps through the padding on the ground, everything is
silent except for the movie samples being played from concealed speakers in
the roof.  In the center of the hallway, blocking your path is a black
pedestal highlighted by a column of white light on which is displayed almost
the entire collection of Xena: Warrior Princess videos in hope that you'll
find the need to buy one.  
0 0 0
0 0 26214 0
No owner.
0 0 26212 0
No owner.
C NaBoKi~
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals~
The soft carpet under your feet is almost impossible to see because of
the dim yellow lights above that distort it's color, and little flashin
lights rim the corridor edging you on deeper into the store.  You can barely
hear your own footsteps through the padding on th ground, everything is
silent except for the movie samples being played from concealed speakers in
the roof.  In the center of the hallway is a single black pedestal
illuminated by a ray of white light from the ceiling on which has been
arranged "Excalibur" the brave and noble tale of King Arthur and his knights
of the round table.  
0 0 0
0 0 26213 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: {yDVD Rentals{x~
Above the video tape rentals is a completely different area.  DVD discs
lie in stacks scattered about the artificial setting.  Annoyingly bright
flourescent lights buzz distantly, reflecting off of the cheap plastic tiles
lining the floor .  Big clerks hover about asking anybody if they need help
locating what they need, trying to make sure that they recieve their
paycheck without any complaints.  Whevever you try and look for a disc, you
inevitably never find it, and end up having to call the clerk who guides you
through a maze of shelves and eventually gets called away to some other
menial task, leaving you standing alone and frustrated...  Looks like you'll
have to put in a special order if you're going to get what you want.  
0 0 0
0 0 26216 0
No owner.
0 0 26212 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: {rThe Arcade{x~
On top of the video store is a small arcade, small, but not lacking in
noise.  You can hear the entertainment machines bouncing about, vibrating,
and making gruesome noises through the video samples that are continued to
be played despite it's innappropriate location.  Occaisionally small fights
break out among the patrons and others gradually join in the beating.  Once
everyone has had a satisfying taste of blood, their games have all reset and
they have to pour even more money into the monstrous gaming machines... 
0 263180 0
0 0 26215 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals~
Ascending from the headquarters, a glittering basalt staircase rises
through a hatch rimmed with magenta flashing flourescent lights into an
expansive rugged gallery where videos sit on pedestals is small motes of
bright light waiting to be checked out by some stylish individual with too
much money and time to burn.  Laying on a pedestal in a pool of soft white
light lays "Willow" by George Lucas, a bit old, but waiting to be checked
out regardless.  
0 0 0
0 0 26212 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway~
The clan member's quarters line this hallway, along which black
plexiglass framed doors jut from the walls intrusively.  Any member can get
a room in the hall for a minumum fee, the price being smaller as the rank of
the member in question increases.  A rent will need to be payed to keep the
clan going, but other than that, you can add your own personal mansion for
all the Godfather cares.  Hell, just have fun and party!  
0 0 0
0 0 26210 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway~
Lining each side of the hallway are black plexiglass doors that
presumably lead to clan member's rooms that they have worked hard to attain.
The dim lighting does not change, but the colors of the carpet fade with a
large amount of accumulated use.  Talk to the Godfather if you want to get
your own room!  
0 0 0
0 0 26210 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: A Dumpster~
You fall from a steel door, and plummet unceremoniously landing in a
bitter-smelling pile of rubbish and newspaper heaped up inside an iron
disposal bin about twice the length of your body.  Covered in grime, your
head percs up to the sound of a few yells, and the echo of hard shoes on
asphault, and wonder idly if they are running after you, or some other soul
"deserving" their attention.  Above you the harsh acrid city smog filters in
to mingle with the already bitter scent pervading your clothing, it may be a
wise idea to remove yourself from this filth, then again, it may not...  
0 1 1
0 0 26221 0
No owner.
{W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: End of the Alley~
Rays of sunlight above you rarely pierce through the haze of the
overwhelming smog of the city, pools of green slim collect at the bottoms of
buildings after an acid rain, and scrawled over all of the walls are
colorful paths of aerosol spraypaint, securing territory for some gangland
troupe or mafia family, the one you are in being the most notible of them. 
Ahead of you the poor alley slopes into a mainer looking street, all
deserted, and below you is the powerful stench of of garbage, better not
explore what it is.  
0 16850945 1
0 0 26225 0
No owner.
0 0 26228 0
No owner.
0 0 26220 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26226 0
No owner.
0 0 26227 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26225 0
No owner.
0 0 26226 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26228 0
No owner.
0 0 26227 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26223 0
No owner.
0 0 26221 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26223 0
No owner.
0 0 26222 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26224 0
No owner.
0 0 26222 0
No owner.
{&/|{!Na{@Bo{#Ki{&|/: {$The Arena{0~
0 0 0
0 0 26221 0
No owner.
0 0 26224 0
No owner.
0 1028 0


O 0 26201 0 26201 *{da{xn {do{xv{ger{gstu{yffed {db{xe{gan{gbag{x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Backroom ER
M 0 26201 1 26201 1 *Load {DM{gi{DM{gi{x's Daughter
O 0 26202 0 26202 *{da w{we{rap{rons {dv{we{rnd{ring {dm{wa{rch{rine{x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Vending Machines
O 0 26203 0 26202 *{da{wn {da{wr{gmo{gr {dv{we{gnd{ging {dm{wa{gch{gine{x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Vending Machines
O 0 26204 0 26202 *{da{wn {di{wt{bem {dv{we{bnd{bing {dm{wa{bch{bine{x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Vending Machines
O 0 26205 0 26204 *{dt{xh{be {dd{xe{bep {df{xr{bee{bze{x: {dt{xr{yop{yhie {dc{xo{ynt{yain{ye{yr{x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Trophie Room
O 0 26213 0 26213 *{da v{xi{ddeo t{xa{dpe o{xf {mx{me{xn{ma{m:{m wa{mrr{xi{mor p{mrin{mc{xe{mss{x is here in a mote of luminescant light. loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals
O 0 26214 0 26214 *{da v{xi{ddeo t{xa{dpe c{xa{dll{xe{dd {ye{yxc{xa{yli{ybu{yr {x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals
M 0 26216 1 26216 1 *Load {8A{2n {@A{8T{@M M{2a{8ch{@i{2ne{0
O 0 26217 0 26217 *{da v{xi{ddeo t{xa{dpe o{xf {gw{gi{xll{gow {x loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Video Rentals
O 0 26219 0 26219 *{da large steel door{x. loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway
O 0 26219 0 26219 *{da large steel door{x. loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway
O 0 26219 0 26219 *{da large steel door{x. loaded to {W/|{RNa{GBo{YKi{W|/{x: Dimly Lit Hallway


