
ROT has the following races for player characters:
  Human      the standard race
  Dwarf      good warriors and clerics, cost 8 creation points
  Elf        good thieves and mages, cost 5 creation points
  Giant      huge, tough warriors, cost 6 creation points
  Pixie      good mages and druids, cost 6 creation points
  Halfling   very adept thieves and mages, cost 5 creation points
  HalfOrc    good warriors, cost 6 creation points
  Goblin     good thieves and vampires, cost 5 creation points
  HalfElf    good rangers or druids, cost 2 creation points
  Avian      good druids or clerics, cost 5 creation points
  Gnome      natural mages, cost 4 creation points
  Draconian  good mages and warriors, cost 11 creation points

Different races have different starting statistics, and also different
stat maximums for magic items and training.

Creation points increase the amount of experience it takes to gain a level.
For more information, see the help files for each race (i.e. 'help dwarf')

Clan Room may be bought using cubic zirconiums, see 'help prices'
for a list of the prices.  Only one clan room within an organization
may be set as a healing room. The price quoted for the mana/heal option
will set BOTH up to 200%, which is the max.
Likewise, a clan may only have 1 healer, who will be reset into the main
clan room.

Healers are the same FOR ALL CLANS, so DO NOT ask that
your healers prices be lowered, or that it give out free spells to
higher level players!

Clans may have thier own donation pit.

Clans may not have thier own money-changers, guildmasters, fountains,
money-machines, mana-trees, specialized potions, etc...

Only clan leaders may make a request for additional rooms, etc...
What we need from you when you request a clan item:
            Job of the Mobile (healer/store keeper/practice dummy/etc.)
            Name of the mobile
            Description of the mobile
            Name of room
            A full description of the room

Clans with a large number of rooms will be given consideration for having
more than one entrance to thier area in different areas of the realms.

Any mail not following the guidlines above will be tossed in the trash.

Gaurdians is a non-pkill clan which focuses on helping others as we help
ourselves.  Any race/class/alignment/sex/whatever is welcome as long as they
adhere the clan's morals. We are here to enjoy the game and to help others do
the same.  So if you are willing to help others, you wish to be part of a
family, and you want to have some fun...give one of our clan leaders a tell.

The clan leaders reserve the right to administer a quest to member hopefuls
before admitting them to the clan.  And remember, a sense of humor is a MUST!

                       The Hell's Angels Creed

These are the principles every Angel must uphold at all times. The 
power of the clan is within' these principles, without which the clan has 
no power. For the real strength of the clan lies within its abiding members.

		      -	      -	
		    -           -
		  -               -
 		-	            -  
	    truth- - - - - - - - -loyalty

These are the three principles every Angel has to live by. 

1. Honor
   Angels must honor themselves as well as uphold the honor of the clan. 
   This will help ensure that this clan and its members are of their word.
   Though this principle is at the top of the triangle, it would come 
   tumbling down like some walls of Jerico with out the other two 

2. Truth

   Angels should be true to themselves, the clan leaders, and other clan 
   members. Here the truth will not set you free, diceat and untruths will 
   (set you free from the clan that is). 

3. Loyalty

   Last but certainly not least, loyalty. A loyal clan member can be ones 
   right hand man (or woman). Angels should always be loyal to the clan 
   leaders, its members and the IMM's. This also means being willing to do 
   whatever it takes to defend the honor of the clan.

These principles all form a triangle. One not being more important than 
the other but all of them needing each other to help make a well great 

The Society of IronHawx have been around for centuries.  Never
appearing until time of great need and always fighting on the side of
good.  They are non-bias towards race, gender, or class so All may request
an interview.  However, because of their secretive nature not much is
known about their initiation process.  All that can be said is that it is
a test.  Not just of physical prowless but of the power of the mind and if
you complete the journey you will be changed...forever.  If you think that
you are up to the tasks and have more than what it takes, speak with a
clan leader.

The Kindred, as vampires all themselves, have spent countless centuries
preying secretly on humanity, cooperating uneasily amongst themselves
through a clandestine and Machiavellian social order governed by many
laws.  Preeminent among these laws is the Tradition of the Masquerade.
Disguised as humans, vampires have infiltrated and manipulated the very
history of the mortal world.

The only way to become Kindred is to be Embraced and be reborn.

There are many bloodlines within vampire society:

Toreador:  Members of this clan are thought of as artists and

Nosferatu: These hideously deformed creatures use their influence to
           gain knowledge.  They are loners by necessity, but still
           manage to know more about the workings of Kindred society
           than do many of the most powerful vampire leaders.

Ventrue:   The most old-fashioned of the clans, the Ventrue are
           sophisticates who move in the highest social and political

Brujah:    The Brujah are rebels; they make no secret of their
           disrespect for undead society and are often viewed as a force
           of chaos by other Kindred.

Gangrel:   The most earthy of Kindred, the Gangrel have close ties to
           Gypsy society.

Tremere:   This close-knit clan is known to have many arcane and magical

Malkavian: Members of this clan are insane, yet from madness may come
           wisdom and many Malkavians seem to glimpse hidden truths.

Caitiff:   These clanless, thin-blooded outcasts are high generation
           vampires, many generations removed from Akasha, who are
           somewhate uninvolved with the political structure of the

The Jedis have existed for thousands of years.
Now, they have entered this realm.
They are non-denominational, so all genders, races, and classes may be Jedi.
To be a Jedi, you must take a test, conducted by a [Jedi Master].
This will involve a fight in which fleeing 3 times is allowed, but death isn't.
In this fight, you may use any eq at your disposal(and any spells or skills),
but no pets, charmed mobs assisting, and no players helping out.
The Jedi clan is run internally by [Jedi Masters], who inturn answer to the
Jedi clan leader(s).
These people are not yet fully understood, and all that is known is that being
a [Jedi Master] is a thing to be proud of.
This is partially because very few people know much about them, and because
they are masters of a dreaded weapon, the Lightsaber.
To test for Jedi, consult a [Jedi Master].

                                The Creed of
                               Midnight Wolves
        The following are the four pillars of our Creed, laws, and beliefs.
        1: Order
        2: Neutrality
        3: Balance
        4: Self-control
Order: 1. Authority is respected.
       2. Actions require reasons.
Neutrality: 1. Neither good nor evil is served exclusively.
            2. It is right to keep to one's own business.
Balance: 1. Actions are to receive counter-actions.
         2. Representation will be as equal as possible.
         3. JUSTICE, not vengeance, is to be served.  Eye for an eye, etc.
Self-Control: 1. It is right to accept the consequences of one's own actions.
              2. It is right to bow to authority, not urge.
         The Way of the Wolf is...
                1. Strength through Alliance.
                2. Victory through perseverance.
                3. Power from cunning, skill, knowledge, and unity.
                4. Unity through equality of the individual, but respect of

The Clan of Unforgiven is for everyone: any gender, race, align, or class.
To get into the Unforgiven you must:
        1. Get an initiation test from one of Unforgiven's leaders.
        2. Do that test.
To stay in, you must:
        1. Follow the rules of the clan:
                A.) Never distrust a fellow Unforgiven.
                B.) Listen to the rules a leader of Unforgiven puts into
                C.) When a clan member needs help, try to help him as much as
        2. Do not engage in war without the leader(s) of Unforgiven telling

                         Minotuar Strag, the Unforgiven

Welcome to Thoth, if your reading this you must be considering joining a
clan.  Right now you are asking yourself, what can Dark Mist offer me, well
let me tell you...
        1.)  We are dedicated to becoming the strongest clan on Thoth, this
means on individual level and as a whole.  We support each other in our
endevours to level to gain equipment and to retrieve corpses (should you
        2.)  We are building one of the greatest clan halls in exsistence,
what that means is you'll have a really cool place to call home.  We hope to
have high healing and mana regenerating inbuilt, our very own healer, a
special store to buy clan only items, and private clan member rooms.
        3.)  We use an inner clan rank system that goes as follows:
When you pass the entrance exam you become a Dark Mist Initiate or a[DMI].
You can then test for Dark Adept at any level, or [DA].
Upon attaining level 40 you can test for Dark Warrior or [DW].
Upon attaining level 80 you can test for Mist master or [MM].
Upon attaining level 101 you can test for Dark Overlord or [DO].

        So if you are interested in joing the best clan on Thoth send me a
note, and I will test you for entrance!

                                        Draken Leader O' Dark Mist!

Judges is the name, justice is the game.  Judges is a stricly non-pk clan.
We are here to help newbies, answer questions, and help keep things in order.
If you want to kill people and constantly worry about getting a watcher's
dagger in the back then join a different clan!  If you want to be sort of
lackadaisical and help others (and recieve help) then judges is for you.
If you are an avid pkiller and your sick of listening to the whinning's of
you kills then take a break from the mayhem and join today!

Dwarves are short, stocky demi-humans, known for foul temper and great
stamina.  Dwarves have high strength and constitution, but poor dexterity.
They are not as smart as humans, but are usually wiser due to their long 
lifespans.  Dwarves make excellent fighters and priests, but are very poor
mages or thieves.  

Dwarves are very resistant to poison and disease, but cannot swim, and so
are very vulnerable to drowning.  They recieve the berserk skill for free
(if warriors), and can see in the dark with infravision.

Elves are slightly taller than humans, but have a much lighter build.  They
lack the strength and stamina of the other races, but are far more agile,
both in body and mind.  Elves are superb mages and thieves, but have at
best fair talent as warriors or priests.

Elves resist charm spells most effectively, due to their magical nature.
However, they are burned by the touch of iron, and so are barred from the
use of iron or steel in their adventuring careers.  Elves are notoriously 
hard to spot, and so elven warriors and thieves recieve the sneak and hiding
automatically. They may see in the dark with infravision.

Humans are the most common race in the world, and make up the majority of
adventurers. Although they have no special talents like the other races,
they are more versatile, being skilled in all four classes. Humans may
also train their primary stat higher than any other race, and are able to
gain more benefit from magical devices.

Giants are the largest of the races, ranging from 9-12 feet in height.  They
are stronger than any other race, and almost as durable as the dwarves.  
They aren't too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy
than the other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession.

Giants resist heat and cold with nary a mark, due to their huge mass.  However,
their slow minds make them extremely vulnerable to mental attacks.  Giants,
due to their size and stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for
free. (Only giant warriors recive bash).

Pixies are very much like the elves...and share with them a vulnerability
to iron weapons.  They also share the nature-loving attitude and peaceful
demeanor, but beyond this pixies reach an extreme.  They are extremely
magical creatures which, unlike elves, fly everywhere they go.  Their
wings are fairly redundant, as they don't really use them to fly.  It's
the sheer magical nature of a pixie that gives it it's special qualities.

They are a race of very small size, and because of their inquisitive
nature and mental power, tend also to be tinkerers and sometimes
pranksters.  While a pixie may be thousands of years old, almost all
of them act like human children...

Halflings are a quiet folk who like to keep to themselves, and are not
often seen filling the role of an adventurer.  They would much rather
sit complacently by a fireplace enjoying a good book, good drink, and
good conversation.  They are, however, very adept thieves, and have the
mental capabilities to be quite powerful mages.  They are about half
as tall as the average human, thus the name halfling.  Because of this
small size and the fact that most devices are built to human proportions,
halflings are masters at lockpicking, disarming traps, and jewel craft.
They also have very easy access to pockets, and there is no door a
halfling can not open and slip through with the utmost of silence.

Halforcs are a cross between humans and orcs, dwarves and orcs, or sometimes
even giants and orcs.  These various combinations are almost always the result
of an orc raid on the habitation of one of those other races, and each type of
halforc is just as mean and hearty as the other.  They are also very agile,
and born athletes, however seldom is a halforc found that can even read or
speak coherently.  They are quite literally dumber than bricks, but there is
no more fearsome fighter around.

A halforc is a warrior, and if a halforc is not a warrior, then that halforc
is useless.  They can fight, and when it suits them they can also sleep, eat,
and fornicate, but that's it.

Goblins are almost universally shunned because they are almost all natural
criminals, cutthroats, and killers.  Every crime boss or thief master is a
goblin, with very few exceptions.  They are extremely thrifty, known to
argue over a single silver piece, and will drop water in the desert before
dropping money. Goblins have diabolical minds, and few torture devices can
be named which a goblin did not think up.  They are extremely smart and also
have a knack for survival.  Stealth comes naturally to them, and their dusky
grey to green, sometimes even blue or black, skin tones make them hard to
spot at night.

Goblins are not really warlike, and don't really appreciate overt combat.
It's not their style.  A goblin would much rather satisfy its sadistic needs
through thievery or betrayal than through honorable combat.

Halfelves are a cross between a human and an elf, usually due to the fact
that human armies sometime make raids on elf lands. Halfelves are very
nearly human, although they tend to be a bit more thoughtful, and less
physically powerful.  Unfortunately they are also more bitter, and much
more aloof than either the most secretive elf or the most secluded human
hermit.  They see themselves as unwelcome in either elf or human society
and as a result tend to lead solitary lives as wandering adventurers who
follow no real creed.

A halfelf is a natural loner, and most of them are rangers or druids,
communing with the nature that they love much as the elves do.
They have much better eyesight than humans, due to their elven ancestry,
but unlike elves are more inquisitive about the world around them, much
as humans are.  

The avian race is a very secretive and mysterious one.  They are the size
of giants, towering over any human, but weigh about the same as an elf.
Their slight bone structure allows their wings to carry them as they fly
from place to place, but it also requires them to rely on mental prowess
instead of brawn for survival. Many speculate that they are a people who
evolved in the mountains, perhaps magically.  However they came to be,
they are fiercely religious, and worship a nature diety.  Most choose to
become druids since that allows them to be closest to their god, however
they do well in clerical magicks as well.  They have uncanny powers of
sight, and it is said that an avian can see everything you do. For this
reason many avians are hired as watchkeepers, and they make wonderful
explorers and missionaries.  Their amazingly unusual bodies, which
basically look like emaciated humans with wings, and the fact that they
are used to an isolated environment, makes them very susceptible to
disease and poison.  Many an avian has ventured out of his or her
homeland only to fall victim to one of the many plagues that ravage the
world at large.

Gnomes are to dwarves what pixies are to elves.  That is to say, they are
smaller, smarter, less-strong cousins.  Where dwarves are known for their
mental dullness but great wisdom, gnomes are known for quick minds and a
very analytical nature.  They are nowhere near as strong or hearty as
dwarves are, but are much the same, being creatures of earth who can't
swim (and thus drown easily like dwarves) and have eyes attuned to seeing
in the dark.  Where a dwarf would see a mine shaft and it's glittering
jewels, though, a gnome notices the girders and struts and supports within
the mine and contemplates ways to make them better.  Gnomes love technology,
metallurgy, and any other form of science.  This makes them natural mages,
possessing mental powers that rival elves.  They are not, however, a stealthy
race like elves, goblins, or halflings.  They are engineers, architects,
artisans, and sometimes workers of great magicks.

The draconians are a fearsome race, and almost as secretive as the avians.
Like the avians, they can fly, and come from some not-so-well-known place
far away.  Unlike any other race though, draconians are not mammalian.
They more closely resemble lizards, snakes, and especially dragons.
They tower over even giants in size, reaching over 12 feet in height, with
leathery wings that can stretch to over 30 feet when extended, and can fold
up neatly on the back, causing no real hindrance in movement.  The sheer
size of a draconian DOES, however, cause problems, because most things in
the world are built with human size in mind.  Draconians are very strong,
and tougher even than dwarves.  Unlike most races that reach such large
proportions, they retain a keen mind, and make good mages as well as
warriors.  Because of their strange biology, and some degree of reptilian
nature, draconians are immune to almost all poisons and plagues.

Centaurs are woodland beings who shun the company of men.  They dwell in
remote, secluded glades and pastures.  The appearance of a centaur is
unmistakable: they have the upper torso, arms, and head of a human being,
and the lower body of a large, powerful horse.

Gnolls are large, evil, hyena-like humanoids that roam about in loosely
organized bands.  While the body of a gnoll is shaped like that of a human,
the details are those of a hyena.  They stand erect on two legs and have
greenish grey skin, darker near muzzle, with a short reddish grey to dull
yellow mane.

The heucuva is an undead spirit similar in appearance to a skeleton, but
more dangerous and more difficult to dispel.  The heucuva appears to be
a humanoid skeleton of normal size.  The bones are covered by a robe that
is little more than tattered rags.

Kenku are bipedal, humanoid birds that use their powers to annoy and
convience the humand and demihuman races.  The typical kenku resembles
a humanoid hawk wearing human clothing.  Kenku have both arms and wings.
The wings are usually folded across the back and may be mistaken at a
distance for a very large backpack.  Height ranges from 5 to 7 feet.
The feathers are predominantly brown with white underfeathers and face
markings.  The eyes are a brilliant yellow.

Minotaurs are either cursed humans or the offspring of minotaurs and
humans.  They usually dwell in underground labyrinths, for they are not
confused in these places, which gives them an advantage over their prey.
Minotaurs are huge, well over 7 feet tall, and quite broad and muscular.
They have the head of a bull but the body of a human male.  Their fur is
brown to black while their body colouring varies as would a normal normal
human's.  Clothing is minimal, usually a loin cloth or skirt.

Also called fauns, satyrs are a pleasure loving race of half-human, half-goat
creatures.  They symbolize nature's carefree ways.  Satyrs have the torso,
head, and arms of a man, and the hind legs of a goat.  The human head is
surmounted by two sharp horns that poke through the satyr's coarse, curly
hair.  The skin of the upper body ranges from tan to light brown, with rare
individuals (1%) with red skin.  A satyr's hair is medium reddish, or dark
brown.  The horns and hooves are black.  Satyrs living near centaurs are
likely to be friendly with them.

Titans are gargantuan, almost godlike men and women.  They, quite simply,
look like 25 foot tall people of great physical strength and beauty.  They
are commonly dressed in traditional Greek garb, favoring togas, loincloths,
and such.  They wear rare and valuable jewelry and in other ways make
themselves seem beautiful and overpowering.  Titans are very close to nature.

Magical items require training to use properly.  If your character lacks the
necessary skill to use an item, he will fail, possibly destroying it.  The
item skills are as follows:

scrolls		The reading of magical scrolls and books (see 'help recite')
staves		The use of staves and similar devices (see 'help brandish')
wands		The use of wands and similar items (see 'help zap') 
The following skills and groups are available to your chacter:
(this list may be seen again by typing list)

The following commands are available:
list         display all groups and skills not yet bought
learned      show all groups and skills bought 
premise      brief explanation of creation points and skill groups
add <name>   buy a skill or group
drop <name>  discard a skill or group
info <name>  list the skills or spells contained within a group
help <name>  help on skills and groups, or other help topics
done	     exit the character generation process

Choice (add,drop,list,help)?~

The ROT skill system allows you to fully customize your new character, making
him or her skilled in the skills you choose.  But beware, the skills you pick
at character creation are the only skills you will ever learn.  Skills are 
paid for with creation points, and the more creation points you have, the
harder it is to gain a level.  Furthermore, higher-cost skills are harder to

Skill groups are like package deals for characters -- sets of skills or spells
that are closely related, and hence can be learned as a unit.  There is a 
default skill group for each class, which can be selected for a balanced 
selection of skills at a somewhat reduced cost.

The experience breakdown is as follows: 
points   exp/level     points   exp/level
40        1000         90        6000
50        1500         100       8000
60	  2000         110      12000
70        3000         120      16000 
80        4000         130      24000
The table continues in a similar manner for higher point totals.

-1 'CLASS'~
Syntax:  class
         class all
         class <group>

Typing class by itself will list all spell groups that you currently have.
The [class all] format will list all groups that are available to your
particular class.  The [class <group>] method will list all of the spells
available to your class within that group, along with the level at which
you recieve the spell.

The basic skills:

Every character starts with two skill groups, one for their class and a default
set that all characters receive.  The default skills are:

recall  	essential escape skill (see help recall)
scrolls		reading of scrolls and other magical volumes
staves		use of magical staves
wands		use of magical wands

for class defaults, check the classes themselves.

Mages specialize in the casting of spells, offensive ones in particular.
Mages have the highest-powered magic of any class, and are the only classes
able to use the draconian and enchanting spell groups.  They are also very
skilled at the use of magical items, though their combat skills are the 
weakest of any class.

All mages have the power to levitate a shield in front of them, freeing
both hands for weapons.

All mages begin with skill in the dagger. Any other weapon skills must be
purchased, at a very high rate.  The default skill selection for mages is
as follows:

lore		the lore of magical items

spell groups:
beguiling	spells that control the mind
combat		offensive magics, such as fireball and chill touch
detection	informational magics, such as detect magic and identify
enhancement	spells that maximize physical potential, such as haste
illusion	magics for concealing and deceiving
maladictions	a selection of curses fit for any witch
protective	defensive magics, ranging from armor to stone skin
transporation	spells for getting from here to there
weather		spells for conjuring and mastering the elements

Clerics are the most defensively orientated of all the classes.  Most of their
spells focus on healing or defending the faithful, with their few combat spells
being far less powerful than those of mages. However, clerics are the best 
class by far at healing magics, and they posess an impressive area of
protective magics, as well as fair combat prowess.

Clerics recieve the power to levitate a shield in front of them once they
reach level 50, freeing both hands for weapons.

All clerics begin with skill in the mace.  Other weapon or shield skills must
be purchased, many at a very dear cost.  The default skill selection for 
clerics is as follows:

flail		the proper use of flails

spell groups:
attack		a selection of offensive magics
creation	the making of physical objects, such as food and water
curative	spells that cure the sick and feeble of their ailments
benedictions	powerful magics that grant the blessings of the gods
detection	informational magics, such as detect magic and identify
healing		spells for treating wounds, from scratches to death blows
maladictions	an assortment of curses
protective	defensive magics, including the powerful sanctuary spell
transportation	spells for getting from here to there
weather         spells for conjuring and mastering the elements

Thieves are a marginal class. They do few things better than any other class,
but have the widest range of skills available.  Thieves are specialists at
thievery and covert actions, being capable of entering areas undetected where
more powerful adventurers would fear to tread.  They are better fighters than
clerics, but lack the wide weapon selection of warriors.

All thieves begin with the dagger combat skill, and are learned in steal as 
well.  Any other weapon skills must be purchased, unless the default selection
is chosen.  This default skill package includes:

mace		the use of maces and other blunt weapons
sword		swordplay and fencing
backstab	the art of hitting your opponent by surprise
disarm		used to deprive your opponent of his weapon
dodge		the best way to take a punch is not to be there
second attack	with training, the skilled thief can hit twice as fast
trip		a good way to introduce an opponent to the floor
hide		the art of remaining undetected in a room
peek		used to look into a person's belongings
pick lock	a useful skill for breaking and entering
sneak		with this skill, a thief can walk into a room undetected

Warriors live for combat and the thrill of battle. They are the best fighters
of all the classes, but lack the subtle skills of thieves and the magical
talents of mages and priests.  Warriors are best for those who don't mind
taking the direct approach, even when another method might be called for.

Warriors begin with skill in the sword, and gain a second attack in combat.
Other weapon skills may be purchased cheaply, or gained in the default skill
package, which includes the following:

weaponsmaster	this group provides knowledge of all weapon types
shield block	the art of parrying with a shield
bash		a forceful rush with the body, designed to flatten your foes
enhanced damage	this skill multiplies your damage in battle
parry		the art of parrying with weapons
rescue		allows you to take the blows aimed for a companion
third attack	allows the skilled warrior to land three blows in one round

Rangers are travelling warrior-druids, usually solitary and aloof.  They
are often the protectors of those far from home, travellers who are lost,
or even bounty hunters who track criminals in order to bring them to
justice or just to make a buck.  They are sometimes used as scouts for
armies, and sometimes make up their own force in times of war.

Rangers don't have the pure combat effectiveness of warriors, and lack
the total control of druidic magic that druids possess, but the combination
of those disciplines makes them a class to be reckoned with.

backstab        the art of hitting your opponent by surprise
enhanced damage this skill multiplies your damage in battle
parry           the art of parrying with weapons
shield block    the art of parrying with a shield
weaponsmaster   this group provides knowledge of all weapon types

spell groups:
curative        spells that cure the sick and feeble of their ailments
healing         spells for treating wounds, from scratches to death blows
transportation  spells for getting from here to there
weather         spells for conjuring and mastering the elements

Druids are the protectors of nature.  Some spend their lives in forests,
others in deserts, and some still in seas or mountainous regions.  Where
a druid can be closer to nature and life than to the constructs of mortals,
that druid can be happy.

They control a very powerful blend of magic, potent healing spells with
devastating combat spells, but they don't have transportation spells, as
druids are not wont to travel.  They aren't always well suited for it.

lore            the lore of magical items
second attack   with training, the skilled druid can hit twice as fast
shield block    the art of parrying with a shield
sneak           with this skill, a druid can walk into a room undetected

spell groups:
attack          a selection of offensive magics
benedictions    powerful magics that grant the blessings of the gods
creation        the making of physical objects, such as food and water
curative        spells that cure the sick and feeble of their ailments
healing         spells for treating wounds, from scratches to death blows
protective      defensive magics, including the powerful sanctuary spell
weather         spells for conjuring and mastering the elements

Vampires are killers.  They aren't truly alive in the sense that most
mortals are, but are rather undead, not really subject to whithering of
old age or the fading of the mind that those who are truly alive find
themselves subject to.  As a result vampires are long lived, and almost
all of them eventually go insane.  They are very much like thieves, but
possess very potent powers of magic.

Vampires are not really a class in the traditional since, as many don't
choose to be what they are, and their powers are not the result of education
and training, but of undead nature.

backstab        the art of hitting your opponent by surprise
disarm          used to deprive your opponent of his weapon
dodge           the best way to take a punch is not to be there
shield block    the art of parrying with a shield
sneak           with this skill, a vampire can walk into a room undetected

spell groups:
beguiling       spells that control the mind
detection       informational magics, such as detect magic and identify
enhancement     spells that maximize physical potential, such as haste
illusion        magics for concealing and deceiving
maladictions    a selection of curses fit for any witch
transportation  spells for getting from here to there

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

There is not yet a help file for this class.

Each weapon skill applies to a specific group of armaments, and determines how
well a character fights with a particular weapon.  The weaponsmaster group
provides talent in all weapons (save exotics), from chair legs to halberds.
If the character has the parry skill as well, he can parry incoming attacks.
The chance of parrying is best if the character in question is skilled at 
both his weapon and his opponent's.

The weapon skills consist of the following:

weaponsmaster	skill group of all weapons listed below (save exotic weaponry)
axe		the use of axes, ranging from hand to great (but not halberds)
dagger		the use of knives and daggers, and other stabbing weapons
flail		skill in ball-and-chain type weapons
mace		this skill includes clubs and hammers as well as maces
polearm		the use of pole weapons (except spears), including halberds
spear		this skill covers both spears and staves, but not polearms
sword		the warrior's standby, from rapier to claymore
whip		the use of whips, chains, and bullwhips
exotic		the use of strange magical weapons

The exotic skill cannot be purchased, and is dependent solely upon level.

Syntax: cast transport <object> <char>

This spell will transport an obj from your inventory to the inventory of
another player.  You can turn off the ability to recieve transports using
the notran command.

Shield block is a rather fancy name for the art of parrying with a shield.
Characters with no shield block skill will not be able to defend themselves
well with a shield.  All classes may learn shield block, but only warriors and
clerics are good at it.  Beware, flails ignore shield blocking attempts, and
whips have an easier time getting around them.  Axes may split shields in two.

The attack spells are essentially powerful curses, fueled by divine energy
rather than magical power (like the combat spells are). They are less powerful
than the combat spells, but can still deal out a stinging blow.  Mages and 
thieves cannot use this group.  The attack spell group consists of the 
following spells:

demonfire	a powerful, but very evil, spell
dispel evil	torments evil foes
dispel good	calls down unholy power on good creatures
earthquake	brings the power of earth to bear against your foes
flamestrike	sends a column of flame from the heavens
heat metal	heats metal equipment to searing temperatures
ray of truth	sends forth a blinding ray of holy energy

This insideous spell group is used to invade the minds of others.  It consists
of various charming magics, well suited for turning your foes to your cause.
Only mages and thieves have access to the beguiling magics, which consist of
the following:

animate		gives life to severed body parts
calm            if successful, stops all fighting in the room
charm person	turns an enemy into a trusted friend
resurrect	resurrects corpses, making them your pet
sleep		puts a foe into enchanted slumber

Benedictions are priestly spells, used to bestow divine favor upon your allies.
They are often restricted to those of like alignment.  Only clerics and 
warriors may use these spells.  The benedictions spell group consists of the

bless		bestows divine favor upon the target
calm		if successful, stops all fighting in the room
frenzy		puts the recipient into beserker rage
holy word	aids your allies while calling divine wrath upon your foes
remove curse	removes malevolent magic from players and items

These sorcerous spells are, in the words of one famous mage, just 'more ways to
toss energy around'.  They are the most powerful of the damaging spells, and
considered an essential part of most wizards' collections. Clerics and thieves
do not have access to these spells.  In order of power, the combat spell group
contains the following magics:

magic missile	send a weak energy bolt into a foe
chill touch	weakens your enemy with a frigid grasp
burning hands	sends a blast of fire into your foe
shocking grasp	sends a powerful jolt into a foe
lightning bolt	sends forth a single bolt of lightning into an enemy
colour spray	blasts your opponent with a rainbow spray, which may blind him
fireball	a powerful spell, great for burning your enemy to ashes
acid blast	sends forth a stream of acid to eradicate your foes
chain lightning	sends lightning bolts arcing through foes 

The creation spell group is used to create objects, of temporary or permanent
duration.  Skill creators can travel without food or drink, and use their 
powers to create nourishment as required.  All classes may become learned in
this group, which contains these spells:

continual light	creates an eternal light source
create food	produces a nourishing mushroom
create rose	creates a beautiful red rose
create spring	calls forth a small but pure spring from the ground
create water	fills any available container with water
empower		creates a scroll or potion containing a spell
floating disc	creates a floating disc of force perfect for hauling treasure

The curative spells are used to heal various unpleasant conditions that can
befall an adventurer.   For healing of damage, see the healing spell group.
Curative spells cannot be used by mages or thieves.

cure blindness	restored sight to the blind
cure disease	heals the plague
cure poison	removes the harmful effects of poison

The detection spells have may uses, all related to gathering information. They
can be used to see hidden objects, give information about treasure, or even
scry out the true nature of your foe.  All classes except warriors can use 
detection spells.

detect evil	reveals the aura of evil monsters
detect good	similar to above, only for good monsters
detect hidden	shows the whereabouts of hidden foes
detect invis	allows the caster to see the unseeable
detect magic	reveals magical auras to the caster
detect poison	determines if food is safe to eat
farsight	searches for living beings near the caster
identify	gives information about the nature of an object
know alignment	determines the moral character of a monster or person
locate object	finds a specific item

The Draconian spell group deals with the magic of dragons -- in this case, 
bringing forth the devastating power of their breath weapons upon your foes.
Only mages have the mental training necessary to cast these spells, and few
of them ever reach the level of mastery required to use them.

acid breath	 uses the black dragon's attack upon an enemy
fire breath	 calls forth the flames of a red dragon
frost breath	 drains the life from a foe with the power a white dragon
gas breath	 suffocates your enemies with poison gas
lightning breath summons the electrical fury of a blue dragon 

The enchantment spell group is used to imbue items with magical properties.
Currently, this spell group consists of enchant weapon and enchant armor, 
although more will be added in the future.  Only mages may enchant.

enchant weapon	increases the hit and damage bonuses of a weapon
enchant armor	increases the protective value of armor
fireproof       shields items from the harmful effects of fire and acid
recharge	restores power to a depleted wand or staff

The enhancement spells improve upon the body's potential, allowing feats of
superhuman strength and speed.  However, these spells may often have harmful
effects upon the recipient.

giant strength	grants increased strength
haste		doubles the speed of the target, but slows down healing
infravision	allows monsters to be seen in the dark
refresh		restores energy to tired adventurers

This spell group is the opposite of healing.  The harmful spells are designed
to tear flesh from bone, rupture arteries, and generally turn the body against
itself.  Only priests and warriors may use this spell group.
In order of power, the harmful spells are:

cause light	inflicts minor wounds on an enemy
cause serious	inflicts wounds on a foe
cause critical  causes major damage to the target
harm		the most deadly harmful spell

The healing spells are used to cure the wounds that adventurers inevitably
suffer in battle.  For curing other conditions, such as poison, see the
curative spell group.  Only warriors and priests have access to this group.
In order of power, the healing spells are:

cure light	heals minor wounds
refresh		restores vigor to a tired adventurer
cure serious	heals wounds
cure critical	closes all but the worst wounds
heal		the most powerful healing spell
mass healing	casts a heal spell on each player in the room

The illusions spells are dedicated to deception and trickery.  They can be
used to mask appearances, or create distractions for the party.  Currently,
the illusion group is very small, but it will be expanded in the future.
Only thieves and mages can cast illusion spells, which consist of the 

invis		turns the target invisible
mass invis	turns the caster's group invisible
ventriloquate	allows the caster to put words in someone's mouth

Maladictions are a group of curses and other baneful spells, designed to
cripple, inconvenience, or torture, rather than kill outright.  These spells
may be cast by any class.

blindess	strikes the target blind
curse		prevents recalling and weakens the target in combat
energy drain	drains experience and mana, while strengthening the caster
plague		causes the target to suffer a slow, painful death from plague
poison		weaker than plague, but often fatal
slow		slows your enemies down, reducing their rate of attack	
weaken		drains the strength of the target

The protective spells are used to shield against harm, whether from spells or
physical attack.  They range from the weak armor spell to the sought-after
sanctuary charm.  Also included in this group are several spells for dispeling
hostile magics. Any class may use this group, which consists of the following 

armor		provides the target with an extra layer of defense
cancellation	a powerful dispel, used for removing spells from friends
dispel magic	removes spells from enemies, not as effective as cancel
fireproof	shields items from the harmful effects of fire and acid
protection evil	provides defense from the attacks of evil creatures
protection good protects from the attacks of good beings
sanctuary	reduces all damage taken by the recipient by half
shield		puts a shimmering shield between you and your enemies
stoneskin	turns skin hard as stone, providing a huge armor boost

These arcane and costly spells are only for the most learned of the ranks of
mages and clerics wandering the land.  They require great amounts of energy
and can be very devastating.  The following spells are included in this
group and are listed in order of strength:

        iceshield       surrounds target with a thick shell of ice
        fireshield      surrounds target with a flaming inferno
        shockshield     surrounds target with a crackling sphere

These spells were coded by Kelson (Micah Bartell) for use with ROM based muds,
and are released under the GNU license.(use them, edit them, give me mention)
Questions and comments can be sent to micah@cse.unl.edu.

The transportation group is used for travel, whether by flight, magical
teleportation, or walking through walls.  All classes may learn these spells,
which are among the most useful in the game.

fly		allows the target to fly over nearly all obstacles
gate		transports the caster to the target
nexus		forms a two-way portal to a far off destination
pass door	allows the caster to walk through walls
portal		creates a one-way portal to a destination
summon		transports the target to the caster
teleport	sends the target to a random location
transport	sends the target object to another player
word of recall	transports the caster to safety in Midgaard

These spells allow the caster to manipulate local weather conditions, as well
as summon fog clouds, lightning, or even electrical glows.  This group is
usable by all classes.

call lightning	summons a huge bolt from the heavens, if the weather is right
control weather	changes the weather in the manner desired by the caster
faerie fire	surrounds the target in a glowing aura
faerie fog	reveals all hidden creatures in the room
lightning bolt	sends a bolt of electricity into the target

(the weather command, unrelated to this group, shows local weather conditions)

Backstab is the favored attack of  thieves, murderers, and other rogues.  It 
can be used with any weapon type, but is most effective with piercing weapons.
The damage inflicted by a backstab is determined by the attacker's level, his
weapon skill, his backstab skill, and the power of his opponent.
Only thieves may learn the backstab.

-1 BASH~
The bash skill is a warrior talent, a brute-force attack designed to knock
your foe to his knees.  Its success depends on many factors, including the
bash rating, your weight, and the size of your opponent.  Bashing a dragon
is not generally a wise idea.

Only powerful warriors can master berserking, the ability to enter insane rage
in combat.  Its effects are not altogether unlike the frenzy spell -- a huge
surge of combat prowess, coupled with a disregard for personal safety.  
Berserking warriors are more resistant to the effects of magic.

Consider by some to be a cowardly skill, dirt kicking gives the clever 
combatant a chance to blind his opponent by casting dirt into his eyes.  The
blindness does not last long, but can provide an edge in combat.  Dexterity
helps in hitting or avoiding a dirt kick.  Only warriors and thieves may
learn this skill.

Disarm is a somewhat showy and unreliable skill, designed to relieve your
opponent of his weapon.  The best possible chance of disarming occurs when you
are skilled both your own and your opponent's weapon. Only talented thieves
and warriors may learn this skill.

In the words of one wise warrior, 'the best way to block a blow is to not
be where it lands'.  The dodge skill honors this tradition, by improving the
character's natural agility to the point where many blows will miss the 
target. The chance of dodging is also affected by the dexterity of the
attacker and the target.  Any class may learn dodging.

Warriors and skilled thieves can become skilled enough in combat that they are
able to inflict more damage than other classes.  Enhanced damage is checked
for with each hit, although with a low skill, the chance of receiving a bonus
is very low indeed.

The envenom skill is a cowardly skill practiced only by thieves, designed to
win a battle through alchemy and treachery rather than skill or strength.
Or, put another way, it's a skill used by the smart to kill the foolish.
Food, drink, and weapons may be envenomed, with varying effects. Poisoned
food or drink puts a mild poison spell on the consumer, and is unlikely to
be more than a minor inconvience (after all, the typical adventurer could
drink sewer water with only a trace of the runs).  A poisoned weapon, on
the other hand, can inflict serious damage on an opponent as the poison 
burns through his bloodstream.  But be careful, blade venom evaporates 
quickly and is rendered almost powerless by repeated blows in combat.

Hand to hand combat is a rare skill in the lands of Midgaard.  Learning this
style of fighting gives the player a weapon even when disarmed -- bare hands.
Trained hand to hand experts are far more effective than many swordsmen.
Clerics and warriors are the best at this skill, although thieves and mages
may also learn it.

-1 KICK~
Kicking allows the adventurer to receive an extra attack in combat, a powerful
kick. However, a failed kick may throw an unwary fighter off balance.  Fighters
and clerics are the most skilled at kicking, although thieves may also learn

If at first you fail to dodge, block it.  Parry is useful for deflecting 
attacks, and is succesful more often than dodge.  Parry requires a weapon for
full success, the hand-to-hand skill may also be used, but results in reduced
damage instead of no damage.  The best chance of parrying occurs when the
defender is skilled in both his and his opponent's weapon type.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.  And when in combat, a warrior with
the rescue skill is just the friend you need.  Rescue allows you to intercede
in combat, protecting weaker characters from bodily harm. Hopefully the
favor will be returned.  Success in rescuing depends on the skill rating, as
well as a comparision of level, dexterity, and speed between the character and
the target. (note: you rescue a friend, not the monster)

-1 TRIP~
Back by popular demand.  Trip is a somewhat dastardly attack, and involves
using any one of a number of methods to bring your opponent down to the ground.
Tripping large monsters is generally not a good idea, and agile ones will
find the attack easy to avoid.  Thieves and warriors may learn trip.

Training in second attack allows the character a chance at additional strikes
in combat -- allow a 100% second attack does NOT guarantee 2 attacks every
round.  Any class may learn this skill, although clerics and mages have a 
very hard time with it.

Training in third attack allows the character a chance at an additional strike
in a combat, and increases the chance of a second attack as well.  Perfect
third attack does NOT assure three attacks per round.  Only warriors, rangers,
and highly skilled thieves may learn this skill.

Training in fourth attack allows the character a chance at an additional strike
in a combat, and increases the chance of a third attack as well.  Perfect
fourth attack does NOT assure four attacks per round.  Only warriors, rangers,
and highly skilled thieves may learn this skill.

Training in fifth attack allows the character a chance at an additional strike
in a combat, and increases the chance of a fourth attack as well.  Perfect
fifth attack does NOT assure five attacks per round.  Only warriors and highly
skilled rangers may learn this skill.

Hide and sneak are similar skills, both related to remaining undetected.
Hide has a very high chance of success, but only works for as long as the
character remains stationary.  Sneak may be used when moving (including to
sneak by monsters), but has a lower chance of success.  Only warriors and
thieves may learn these skills.

The fast healing skill improves wound healing rates, whether walking, resting,
or sleeping. It represents knowledge of healing herbs or just general 
toughness and stamina.  Fast healing is checked every tick, and it is 
possible for it to fail.  All class may learn this skill, but mages find it
very difficult to master, due to their bookish lifestyle.

-1 LORE~
Lore is a general skill, consisting of knowledge of myths and legends. Use
of the lore skill gives a chance of obtaining information on an object,
concerning its power and uses.  It also may occasionally increase the value
of an object, because more will be known about its worth.  All classes may
learn lore, although thieves are best at it, and warriors find it very hard
to use.

Haggling is an indispensable skill to the trader.  It allows a character to
match wits with a merchant, seeking to get a better price for merchandise,
or to buy at the lowest possible cost.  Unfortunately, most merchants are 
already very skilled at haggling, so the untrainined adventurer had best 
guard his treasure closely.  Thieves are natural masters at haggling, 
although other classes may learn it as well.

Peek is both a skill and a command.

The peek skill is useful for seeing what a player or monster is carrying,
the better to use the steal command with.

Syntax: peek <char>
This will attempt to peek at a characters inventory, you may also make
this automatic during a: look <char>  by turning on AUTOPEEK.

Lock picking is one of the prime skills of thieves, allowing them to gain
access to many secured areas.  Lock picking chances are improved by  
intelligence, and hindered by the difficulty of the lock. Other classes may
learn to pick locks, but they will never find it easy.

This skill is similar to fast healing, but relies on the concentration and
mantras to increase mana recovery when the character is sleeping or resting.
Thieves and warriors, with their troubled minds and violent attitudes, have
much trouble learning to meditate.

Theft is the defining skill of the thief, and is only available to that class.
It allows items to be stolen from the inventory of monsters and characters,
and even from shops!  But beware, shop keepers gaurd their merchandise 
carefully, and attempting to steal from a character earns you a THIEF flag
if you are caught (making you free game for killing).

Syntax: cast 'detect good'
This spell enables the caster to detect good characters, which will
reveal a characteristic golden aura.

Syntax: cast 'dispel good' <victim>
This spell invokes the wrath of Belan on a good victim. It can be very
dangerous for casters who are pure of heart.

Syntax: cast 'recharge' <item>

The recharge spell is used to restore energy to depleted wands and staves.
Fully exhausted items cannot be recharged, and the difficulty of the spell
is proportional to the number of charges used.  Magic items can only be
recharged one time successfully.

Syntax: cast 'demonfire' <target>

Demonfire is a spell of blackest evil, and as such can only be used by those
who follow the paths of darkness.  It conjures forth demonic spirits to 
inflict terrible wounds on the enemies of the caster.

Syntax: cast 'ray of truth' <target>

Ray of truth opens a portal to the planes of positive energy, bringing forth
a beam of light of sufficient purity to harm or or annihilate the servants
of evil.  It cannot harm the pure of heart, and will turn and strike 
casters who are tainted by evil.

-1 'PORTAL'~
Syntax: cast 'portal' <target>

The portal spell is similar to gate, but creates a lasting one-way portal
to the target creature, instead of transporting the caster.  Portals are
entered using 'enter' or 'go' command, as in 'go portal'.  Portals cannot
be made to certain destinations, nor used to escape from gate-proof rooms.
Portal requires a special source of power to be used, unfortunately the
secret of this material component has been lost...

-1 'NEXUS'~
Syntax: cast 'nexus' <target>

This spell is virtually identical to portal (see 'help portal'), with the
only difference being that while portal creates a one-way gate, a nexus 
spell makes a two-sided gate.  It also lasts longer than the lower-powered
portal spell.  Both spells require an additional power source, the secret
of which has been lost...

Syntax: cast 'heat metal' <target>

Heat metal is a powerful clerical attack spell, with effects that vary 
according to the armor of the victim.  It heats up the metal equipment
(assumed to be all weapons and armor at this point in time) on the target,
causing him or her to drop them if possible, taking serious burns in the
process (possibly fatal if the equipment is too heavy to remove easily).
This spell does no damage to creatures who are immune to fire.

Syntax: cast 'holy word'

Holy word involves the invocation of the full power of a cleric's god, with
disasterous effects upon the enemies of the priest coupled with powerful
blessings on the priest's allies.  All creatures of like alignment in the
room are blessed and filled with righteous divine wrath, while those of
opposite morals (or both good and evil in the case of neutral priests)
are struck down by holy (or unholy might) and cursed.  The cleric suffers
greatly from the strain of this spell, being left unable to move and 
drained of vitality.  Experience loss is no longer associated with the spell.

Syntax: cast 'frenzy' <target>

The frenzy spell fills the target with righteous fury, greatly increasing
his or her attack skill and damaging capacity.  Unfortunately, this divine
wrath is coupled with a tendency to ignore threats to personal safety, 
making the character easier to hit.  Frenzy provides immunity to the calm
spell (see 'help calm'), and may only be used on those of the caster's 

-1 CALM~
Syntax: cast 'calm' 

One of the most useful and often overlooked abilities of the master cleric is
the calm spell, which can put an end to all violence in a room.  Calmed
creatures will not attack of their own volition, and are at a disadvantage
in combat as long as the spell soothes their minds.  The more violence 
activity there is in a room, the harder the spell, and it is all or nothing --
either all combat in the room is ended (with the exception of those who
are immune to magic) or none is.

Syntax: cast 'haste' <target>

The haste spell increases the speed and agility of the recipient, allowing
an extra attack (or even a backstab) in combat, and improving evasive
abilities in combat.  However, it produces a great strain on the system,
such that recuperative abilities are halved.  Haste is capable of negating
the slow spell. (see 'help slow').

-1 SLOW~
Syntax: cast 'slow' <target>

Despite popular mythology, slow is not the opposite of haste, but is a spell
with it's own unique set of effects.  When cast on an unfortunate victim,
it slows its movements, making it easier to hit and reducing its rate
of attack.  The effect of slow also double movement costs and halve healing
rates, due to reduced metabolism.

Syntax: cast 'plague' <target>

The plague spell infests the target with a magical disease of great virulence,
sapping its strength and causing horrific suffering, possibly leading to
death.  It is a risky spell to use, as the contagion can spread like
wildfire if the victim makes it to a populated area.

Syntax: cast 'create rose'

A romantic spell that creates a fragrant red rose, with utterly no game
use whatsoever.

Syntax: cast 'protection evil' <target>
	cast 'protection good' <target>

The protection spells reduce damage taken from attackers of the appropriate
ethos, and improve saving throws against all forms of magic. They may not
be cast on others, and one person cannot carry both defenses at the same
Syntax: cast 'giant strength' <character>
This spell increases the strength of the target character.

Syntax : cast 'chain lightning' <target>

Chain lightning is a deadly spell, producing a powerful bolt of lightning
that arcs from target to target in the room, until its force is fully
expended.  Allies of the caster may be hit by this spell if they are members 
of a clan, while the caster himself will not be struck unless no other
viable target remains.  Chain lightning is most effective when used on
groups of creatures.

scan farsight
Syntax: scan
	scan <direction>
	cast 'farsight'

The scan command allows the user to detect movement in surrounding areas.

The farsight spell expands the caster's consciousness, allowing him or her
to see far away beings like they were in the same room.  It takes intense
concentration, often leaving the caster helpless for several minutes.
The spell may be used for a general scan that reaches a short distance in
all directions, or with a directional component to see creatures much
farther away.

Syntax: cast 'mass healing' 

The mass healing spell, as its name might suggest, performs a healing spell
on all players in the room.  It also throws in a refresh spell for good

Syntax: cast 'floating disc'

This useful spell creates a floating field of force which follows the caster
around, allowing him or her to pile treasure high with no fear of weight
penalties.  It lasts no more than twice the casters level in hours, and
usually less.  It can hold 10 pounds per level of the caster, with a 
maximum of five pounds per item.  The spell requires an open float location
on the character, and the only way to remove the disc is to die or allow it
to run out of energy.

Syntax: cast 'fireproof' <object>

The fireproof spell creates a short-lived protective aura around an object,
to protect it from the harmful effects of acid and flame.  Items protected
by this spell are not harmed by acid, fire, or the heat metal spell.
Although inexpensive to use, the spell's short duration makes it impractical
for protecting large numbers of objects.

Syntax: alias
	alias <word>
	alias <word> <substitution>
	unalias <word>

The alias command allows limited shortening of command names.  At this time,
aliases cannot call other aliases, and cannot generate more than one command.
Alias by itself lists your current aliases, Alias <word> lists the alias with 
that name (if such exist), and alias with both a word and and argument 
produces a new alias.  You cannot alias either alias or unalias to a new
command.  Examples of use:

alias gc get all corpse --> typing gc will equal typing 'get all corpse'
alias ff cast 'fireball' --> ff orc will equal 'cast 'fireball' orc'

Only the first word on the line will be subsituted at this time.
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