// Include for Space Module for Assault 4.0 #include "globals.h" // Define the parameters of Space #define MAX_SPACEX 500 #define MAX_SPACEY 500 #define MAX_SPACEZ 500 #define TRADE_VNUM 22 #define ROCKS 23 #define SILK 24 #define TITANIUM 25 #define FOOD 27 #define ASTEROID_VNUM 801 // Space.c Function Protocals void move_space(CHAR_DATA *ch, int x, int y, int z); void do_enterspace(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument); void do_space_look(CHAR_DATA *ch); typedef struct { int planet; char ocupants[MSL]; //Comma seperated list of occupants int trader; } SPACE_DATA; typedef struct { char name[20]; // Planet/Suns name int zval; // Z_what to their orbit Z_SPACE_EARTH = Earth orbit int spacex; // x coord in space (where they can enter the orbit) int spacey; // y coord in space int spacez; // z coord in space bool sun; // Is it a sun? } PLANET_DATA; typedef struct { int id; // ID number of the blackhole. int destx; // Destination Coord X int desty; // Destination Coord y int destz; // Destination Coord z int x; // Coord X int y; // Coord y int z; // Coord z } BLACKHOLE_DATA; typedef struct { int x; // Coord x int y; // Coord Y int z; // Coord z int objvnum; // Mined OBJ VNUM int quantity; // How many in this astroid? (destroyed @ 0) } ASTROID_DATA; typedef struct { int id; // ID num of trading post int trading; // Object traded (vnum) int sell; // What does it sell at? int buy; // Buys at this ratio int max; // How much can it hold? int current; // How much does it currently have? } TRADING_POST_DATA;