#AREA   Raknors Caves~

#AUTHOR Brolli~

0 0 0 0

1 7

#ECONOMY -1 899822000

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

Bobak the Human~
Bobak the Bounty Hunter is here, hiding from danger.
&WA frightened young bounty hunter stands here. He is lucky you came along in
time to save him. You notice the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &WInsignia on his arm. He is also
wearing a dark black cloak that catches your eye.

&YYou did save his life, maybe you should ask him for a &Rreward...
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
100000000 1000000
112 112 0
> speech_prog p reward~
thank $n
say Thank you for killing Raknor, $n! I've heard rumors of your strength but I did not know such power was capable!
bow $n
say I managed to hide underneath some corpses during the slaughter and Raknor couldn't sense me. My friend Tolak and I were seperated during the battle, I hope he is alright.
say Well you saved my life! Now I owe it to you to show you a safe way out of here! But you also deserve a reward! But all I have to offer you is my cloak or some gold.
emote looks at you
say Which would you prefer $n?
> speech_prog p gold~
say Gold? Alright, if that's what you want... I hope this is enough.
emote searches his pockets
say This is all I have $n, here you go! Thanks again for saving my life!
give 500000 coins $n
say Here I found this, maybe it will be worth something someday!
mpoload 3550
give head $n
say There, now I'll show you the way out! This way! Come now, quietly!
beckon $n
mea $n &YBobak takes you on a safe path through the caves.
mer $n &Y$n follows Bobak.
mptransfer $n 439
mpat $n mer $n &z$n appears from the shadows.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p cloak~
say Ah! The cloak! It's hard for me to part with this, but it saved my life and maybe one day it will save yours!
smile $n
say Sorry about the bloodstains, I was hiding under corpses after all...
mpoload 3500
give cloak $n
say Here I found this, maybe it will be worth something someday!
mpoload 3550
give head $n
say Now follow me $n, I'll show you a secret way out!
mea $n &YYou follow Bobak out of the caves.
mer $n &Y$n follows Bobak.
mptransfer $n 436
mpat $n mer $n &z$n appears from the shadows.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> rand_prog 10~
emote looks at himself
Tolak Bounty Hunter~
Tolak the Bounty Hunter is here, whimpering about something.
&WThis is a young human bounty hunter. He appears to be quite inexperienced
and genuinely scared for his well being. A mark on his jacket displays the
&Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on his back. Maybe you should ask him why he is here...
If you say the right things maybe you will get the answers you are seeking...
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000000
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 100~
say Dead... all of them... dead...
> speech_prog p why are you here?~
say My team and I came down here to kill the mutant Raknor. We tracked him to these caves... We thought we had him easily surrounded... Boy were we wrong...
say You'd never believe what happened even if I told you...
> speech_prog p what happened?~
say We came to collect the bounty on Raknor's head. We followed him to his lair and were in position to take him out when he mutated into a huge monster!
say He baited us! We thought we could kill him easily but he lured us so we could be slaughtered! Raknor infects everything that he kills like a plague!
say The all turned into mindless savages! Some of us tried to flee, but one by one they all became infected. I know my friend Bobak is is still alive out there!
say As long as I still feel his presence I can't leave this place... I can tell you are very strong, will you help me find him?
beg $n
> speech_prog p i will help you find him~
smile $n
say Thank you so much! I'm no match for Raknor... This will be a very dangerous mission, are you sure you want to do this? You might die... If you are certain you want to help tell me when you are ready.
Strange Cave Creature~
A Strange Creature~
A strange creature slithers about the shadows of the cave.
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(3507) == 0
mpmload 3507
> greet_prog 100~
hiss $n
mpkill $n
A Rabid Bat~
A Rabid Bat~
A bat flaps around the cave, baring its fangs.
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3508
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho &cA rabid bat swoops down towards you!
mpkill $n
Dark Tunnel Lurker~
A Dark Lurker~
Something lurks in the dark here.
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 500000000
112 112 0
18 18 20 25 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3512
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> fight_prog 35~
mea $n &wThe cave lurker moves to fast for your eyes to follow!
mea $n &WThe Lurker hacks at you from all angles!
mea $n &RYou feel a claw slash across your chest, exposing bone! [5]
mea $n &RYou feel a claw slice down your back, sending entrails flying! [5]
mea $n &RYou feel a claw disembowel you, spilling guts! [5]
mpdamage $n 15
> fight_prog 100~
mea $n &RIts too dark for find a way to escape!
A Giant Spider~
A Giant Spider~
A massive spider spins its web here.
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 400000000
112 112 2
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
63 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3516
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho &RThe spider drops down from its web!
mpkill $n
> fight_prog 30~
mpecho &rThe giant spider takes a defensive fighting stance!
mea $n &RSuddenly the spider spits venom at you!
mea $n &YThe poison scorches your skin! [5]
mer $n &R$n screams in agony as the giant spider spits acid on $m!
mpdamage $n 5
A Flesh Eater~
A Flesh Eater~
A strange looking creature is here feeding off of the corpses.
&RThis strange looking mutant seems to enjoy feeding on the flesh of the dead...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 900000000
112 112 1
8 25 25 25 25 25 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3520
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
A Lake Beast~
A Lake Beast~
A great beast protects his home here.
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 600000000
112 112 1
5 25 25 25 25 13 5
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 35~
mpecho &CThe lake beast lifts a tentacle high in the air into a striking position!
mpecho &cWith blinding speed, the tentacle is sent at its target!
mea $n _blu Suddenly the beast sends a spiked tentacle at you!
mea $n &YThe tentacle IMPALES you! [15]
mer $n _red $n gets gored by a spiked tentacle!
mpdamage $n 15
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho &WA great beast dives out of the water and lands infront of you!
mpecho &WThe beast takes a wide stance, spreading out its spiked tentacles!
mea $n _red Suddenly the huge beast lunges at you with its spiked tentacles!
mer $n _red $n dodges back and forth as the beast attacks $m with spiked tentacles!
mpkill $n
> fight_prog 10~
mea $n &wThe lake beast surrounds you with its spiked tentacles!
mea $n &pWith blinding speed the tentacles are sent at you with deadly intent!
mea $n &ROne by one the spikes rip apart your flesh! [10]
mer $n &R$n screams in pain as $s flesh is torn apart by spiked tentacles!
mpdamage $n 10
> fight_prog 100~
mea $n &RThe beast blocks any attempt at escape with its tentacles!
A Mutant Minion~
An Infected Human~
An Infected Bounty Hunter is here, coughing up blood.
&WHe is nothing but a repulsive freak, unrecognizable from his former self.
He still bares the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on his arm.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
10000 700000000
112 112 1
25 25 25 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n &WThe human chokes on his own &Rblood &Was he tries to say something to you...
say Get out...
bleed $n
say There is something wrong with me... I'm changing into a freak like the rest of them!
mea $n &pThe human's bones split out of his skin as his body begins to mutate!
mea $n &OHis body mass grows twice in size and &Ggreen scales &Ocover his skin!
mea $n &YRazor sharp claws protrude from his fingers and horns emerge from his skull!
mea $n &RSuddenly he lunges towards you with a lust for blood in his eyes!
mer $n &RSuddenly the human mutates and attacks $n!
mpkill $n
> fight_prog 40~
mpecho &gThe mutant starts coughing violently and its eyes roll back into its head!
mpecho &GSuddenly, the mutant starts vomiting acid from its mouth!
mpecho &pAcid sprays through the air burning everything it touches!
mea $n &RThe acid burns your skin! [15]
mer $n &W$n screams as the acid burns $s skin!
mpdamage $n 15
> fight_prog 25~
mpecho &wSuddenly the mutant charges with its horns out!
mea $n &WThe Mutant GORES you with its horns! [20]
mer $n &RThe Mutant stabs $n through the stomach with its horns, splattering blood everywhere! [20]
mpdamage $n 20
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3534
A Mutated Freak2~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3536
A Mutated Freak3~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3538
A Mutated Freak4~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3540
A Mutated Freak5~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3542
A Mutated Freak6~
A Mutated Freak~
A Mutated Freak stalks the caves here, thirsting for blood.
&WYou can hardly look at it, what a freak! To think that he was once human...
3 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 400000000
112 112 1
20 25 20 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3544
Mutant Raknor~
Raknor the Mutant Terrorist.
35 0 -900 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2000000000
112 112 1
19 25 25 25 25 5 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n &rRaknor looks at you with a cruel smile as you enter his lair.
mea $n &wAs you approach him he slowly stands and steps down from his throne, crushing skulls underneath his massive feet. Grinning at you, he removes his gloves and tosses them to your feet.
say I've been waiting for you $n...
mea $n &RSuddenly he lets loose an earpiercing battlecry as he begins his mutation!
mea $n &pHunching over, Raknor &pscreams as his body begins to grow in size.
mea $n &OHis muscles buldge and convulse as his eyes turn jet black!
mea $n &zRaknor bares his fangs and buries his claws into the ground as huge spikes form on his back!
yell It was foolish of you to come here $n, prepare to die!
mea $n &RWithout notice, Raknor lunges towards you!
mer $n &R$n screams as $e is attacked by &WRaknor&R!
mpkill $n
> fight_prog 35~
mpecho &zRaknor screams as his eyes begin to glow bright red!
mpecho &wAn aura of energy surrounds him as he prepares for an attack.
mpecho &rSuddenly Raknor opens his mouth and unleashes a powerful energy blast!
mea $n &WRaknor's mouthblast MUTILATES you! [30]
mer $n &RRaknor's mouthblast MUTILATES $n! [30]
mpdamage $n 30
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 3550
mea $n &YRaknor's death causes a shockwave and the roof of the cave begins to crumble!
mea $n &WBefore you are crushed by a rock, you feel someone grab you and pull you to safety!
mer $n &z$n gets pulled into the shadows by an unknown figure!
mptransfer $n 3500
mpat $n mer $n &G$n has been pulled to safety!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> fight_prog 20~
mpecho &wRaknor slashes violently with his claws!
mea $n &WRaknor hacks into you with his razor sharp claws! [10]
mer $n &R$n screams in pain as Raknor hacks $m with his claws! [10]
mpdamage $n 10

Hooded Dark Cloak~
&z(&rBloodstained&z) &zA Hooded Cloak Of Darkness&w~
&zA dark cloak is folded up on the ground here.&w~
9 0 1025
0 45 0 0 75000000 125000000
1 0 0
&WThis cloak is made of a durable fabric that makes it an ideal armor for battle.
The cloak is very dark and seems to have a stealthy aura about it making it
perfect for sneaking around. It also has a large hood that you can pull over
your head to hide your face.
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &zYou throw the cloak over your back and secure it around your neck.
mea $n &zIt seems to fit you perfectly as it settles to the shape of your body.
mea $n &rYou feel like an assassin!
mer $n &W$n wraps the cloak around $s body.
mpat $n mpoload 3549
mpat $n give hood $n
mpat $n mpforce $n wear hood
> remove_prog 100~
mea $n &zYou suddenly feel less secure as you take off the cloak and fold it up.
mer $n &W$n makes themselves visible as $e takes off the cloak.
mpforce $n remove hood
MKS Insignia~
&Y{&RMKS&Y} &OInsignia&w~
&wSomebody left the MKS insignia here.~
9 0 257
0 30 0 0 75000000 125000000
1 0 0
mks insignia~
&OThis is the official insignia of the &YMutant &RKilling &YSquad.&w
> wear_prog 100~
if race($n) == mutant
mea $n &WYou grimace with disgust as you slide the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on your arm.
mea $n &wWho would dare challenge a Mutant?!
mer $n &W$n doesn't look too impressed as $e slides the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on $s arm.
mer $n &w$n stands there with a blank look on $s face.
mea $n &WYou proudly don the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on your arm.
mea $n &RYou suddenly feel the need to kill a mutant...
mer $n &W$n proudly dons the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia on $s arm.
mpforce $n say I'm gonna kill me a mutie!
> remove_prog 100~
if race($n) == mutant
mea $n &WYou spit on the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia after removing it from your arm!
mer $n &Y$n spits on the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia &Yafter removing it from $s arm.
mea $n &WYou neatly polish the &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia and put it away with great care after removing it from your arm!
mer $n &Y$n neatly polishes $s &Y{&RMKS&Y} &Winsignia &Yand puts it away with great care after removing it from $s arm.
mer $n &w$n notices you eyeing up $s insignia!
mpforce $n smile
mpforce $n say She's a beaut ain't she?
A Dark Hood~
&z(&rBloodstained&z) &zA Dark Hood&w~
&zSomeone discarded a dark hood here.&w~
9 0 17
0 30 0 0 75000000 125000000
1 0 0
&zThe hood is large enough to hang over your face if you wanted.
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &zYou reach back and pull the hood over your head, covering your face from view.
mer $n &z$n reaches back and pulls the hood over $s head.
mpforce $n junk hood
> remove_prog 100~
mea $n &zYou pull the hood off of your head and expose your face.&w
mer $n &z$n pulls $s hood off of his head, exposing his face.&w
mpforce $n junk hood
> drop_prog 100~
mpforce $n sac hood
Head of Raknor~
&zRaknor's Head&w~
&zThe head of the Mutant Raknor lies here.&w~
9 0 16385
0 0 0 0 75000000 125000000
1 0 0
&rThe head looks like it has been freshly severed from its body. The eyes are
still open and seem to be gazing back at you, piercing your soul...
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &rBlood drips down your hands as you clutch the head tightly.
mer $n &r$n grimaces as $e clutches the bloody head in $s hands.

&WRemains Of Raknor's Lair~
&wNot much is left of Raknor's lair after the devastation of the battle here.
Rock debris make the room almost impossible to move around in, and there appears
to be no escape. &WMaybe the one who saved you will know a way out...
0 8196 1
rock rocks~
&WHuge boulders and broken pieces of rock block any visible path of escape...
&RRaknor's body must be crushed underneath the rocks nearby.
&WCave Entrance~
&wThe cave entrance is very cramped and hard to move about without
crawling. An extremly disgusting stench seems to be eminating from deep
within the cave. A natural rock stairway leads deeper into the cavern
where it seems to open up a little. It is very dark and hard to tell what
could be lurking in this place. There seems to be something carved into
the wall here. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3502
&WYou think that you could leave the same way you entered...
> emote_prog p crawls through the crack~
mea $n &YYou barely squeeze through the crack!
mer $n &Y$n squeezes through a crack in the wall.
mptransfer $n 439
mpat $n mer $n &Y$n slides through a crack in the cave wall!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&WFurther Into The Cave~
&wThe cave seems to open up a little here making it much easier to move
around. The stairs lead deep into the darkness, the stench of death and
decay strengthening with each step. With no light source it is hard to
make out the small shadows slithering about you. The cave seems to open up
into a large cavern to the south, leaving the long stairway as the only
way back to the entrance of the cave.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3503
0 -1 3501
&WAn Open Cavern~
&wThe stairs end and the cave opens up into a large cavern. The sound of
flapping wings and high pitched squeals fill the air. The potent smell of
decomposing corpses fill the cave making it hard to breathe. The natural
path seems to end at a large pile of rocks piled across the trail. The
only obvious exit would be back up the stairs and out of this foul place.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3502
&WYou think you could climb up them...
> emote_prog p climbs up the rocks~
mea $n _yel You quickly scale the rock wall.
mer $n _yel $n scales the rock wall with ease.
mptransfer $n 3504
mpat $n mer $n $n climbs up from below.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&WOn A Pile A Rocks~
&wThe rocks seem to climb up endlessly, the formation caused by an ancient
earthquake. The air is much thicker here and the terrible smell unceasing.
The endless darkness seems to strangle everything making it almost
impossible to see anything beyond close range. Sounds of wimpering can be
heard from the east, and the rocks lead back down towards the entrance to
the place. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3505
rock rocks~
You think it would be easy to climb back down them...
> emote_prog p climbs down the rocks~
mea $n _yel You quickly climb down the rock wall.
mer $n _yel $n slides down the rock wall.
mptransfer $n 3503
mpat $n mer $n $n climbs down the rocks from above.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&WThe Edge Of A Cliff~
&wA Huge cliff marks the end of the dark path here, the great black hole
sucking up all noise like a vacuum. The nasty odor plaguing the caves seem
to be coming up from down below. To the west a large formation of rocks
leads down to the entrance to the cave. A wise explorer would turn back
now and leave this dreadful place.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3504
> speech_prog p i am ready~
mea $n _whi A Bounty Hunter says 'I wish you the best of luck my friend, unfortunately I cannot join you on this journey. Here, hold onto this rope and I'll lower you down the cliff.'
mer $n _whi A Bounty Hunter hands $n a rope and starts lowering $m down the cliff.
mea $n _yel You try to repel down the cliff but the rope breaks!
mer $n _yel $n screams as the rope breaks down and falls into the darkness!
mptransfer $n 3506
mpat $n mea $n _red You crash into the ground and bash your head on a rock!
mpat $n mer $n $n flails wildly through the air and crashes into the ground!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&bBottom Of A Cliff~
&OThe smell of death fills the air like a thin mist of blood, this is a
dangerous place few have returned from. There seems to be no way back up
the massive cliff wall. Strange sounds and movements project from
different sections of the dark cavern. A large cave opens to the south,
the only obvious path out of this deathtrap.
0 8196 0
0 -1 3507
&WYou think you could fly up to it...
> emote_prog p flies up to the cliff~
mea $n _yel You float back up to the cliff.
mer $n _yel $n floats up and out of sight.
mptransfer $n 3505
mpat $n mer $n $n floats up from below
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&bEntrance To A Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicious creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
stronger with each step. The south tunnel leads deeper into the darkness.
To the north lies the base of the cliff.
0 8196 0
0 -1 3506
1048576 -1 3508
&bA Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicous creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
stronger with each step. The tunnel leads south deeper into the darkness.
To the far north lies the base of the cliff.
0 8196 0
0 -1 3507
1048576 -1 3509
&bA Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicous creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
stronger with each step. The tunnel seems to come to a end here as the
darkness spreads like a sickness. A cold breeze can be felt blowing in
from a southern direction 
0 8196 0
0 -1 3508
2048 -1 3511
2048 -1 3510
&WA Dark Cave~
0 8197 0 0 0 1
0 -1 3509
0 -1 3512
> entry_prog 100~
mpecho &RYou feel like you are being watched...
&WA Dark Cave~
0 8193 0 0 0 1
0 -1 3509
0 -1 3512
> entry_prog 100~
mpecho &bYou can whispers in the dark...
&zToo Dark To See...~
0 8448 0 0 0 2
1050624 -1 3511
1050624 -1 3510
1050624 -1 3514
1050624 -1 3513
&WA Dark Cave~
0 8193 0 0 0 1
0 -1 3512
0 -1 3515
&WA Dark Cave~
0 8193 0 0 0 1
0 -1 3512
0 -1 3515
&bA Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicous creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
stronger with each step. There seems to be a light emiting from the tunnel
to the south. The wind blowing past you is flowing in a northern
0 8192 0
0 -1 3516
2048 -1 3514
2048 -1 3513
&bA Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicous creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
with each step. There seems to be a light glowing down the tunnel to the
south. A strong wind blows past you in a northern direction.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3515
1048576 -1 3517
&bA Dark Cave~
&OThis cave was once the path of an ancient river that ran underground
here. Many vicous creatures lurk in the cracks and shadows of this place.
The floor of the cave has a sticky texture to it making it difficult to
walk. The air is hard to breathe here, the smell of rotting flesh growing
with each step. A bright light glows from the south, and a strong wind
blows down on you in a northern direction.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3516
0 -1 3521
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3522
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3523
corpse corpses limbs~
&rThe corpses in this room look recently deceased... the blood still warm... the smell of death is fresh in the air...
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3520
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3524
corpse corpses limbs~
&rRotting corpses of recent explorers accompany skulls and bones of the long dead...
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3519
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
1048576 -1 3523
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
corpse corpses limbs~
&rHalf eaten bodies litter the cave... the floor is stained with blood...
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3517
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3524
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
corpse corpses limbs~
&rThere are scattered body parts all about the cave...
&BBefore An Underground Lake~
&bThe crystal tunnel opens up into a large stalagmite infested cavern
surrounding an underground lake. This lake is the what remains of the
great river that once flowed through these caves. Great serpent creatures
can be seen slithering about the water. The only obvious exit would be
back through the crystal caves.
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3518
&WYou think you could dive in there...
> emote_prog p dives into the lake~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &CThe beast blocks your path with its tentacles!
mer $n &CThe beast blocks $n feeble attempt at diving into the lake!
mea $n _blu You dive into the lake!
mer $n _blu $n jumps into the lake!
mptransfer $n 3525
mpat $n mer $n _blu $n dives down from the surface!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> entry_prog 100~
if mobcount(3522) == 0
mpmload 3522
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3518
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3520
0 -1 3521
corpse corpses limbs~
&rFresh skeletons are stacked about the cave... the flesh picked clean from the bones...
&CCrystal Caves~
&WThe light is here is nearly blinding, the walls of the cave are made up
of some kind of reflective crystal. It is hard to focus and stay oriented
here as the smell of fresh corpses is all around you. This is where the
nauseating fumes have been coming from. The floor of the tunnel is
littered with limbs and other assorted body parts.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3519
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
0 -1 3521
corpse corpses limbs~
&rHeads and chunks of torso and other limbs clutter the room in a bloody mess...
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe great ancient river formed this underground waterway after the
earthquake devastated this area. A strong current pushes in from the south
as many serpent like creatures slither around the underwater tunnel. The
passage continues to the south. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3526
&WYou could probably climb out...
> emote_prog p climbs out of the water~
mea $n _blu You climb onto shore.
mer $n _blu $n climbs out of the water.
mptransfer $n 3522
mpat $n mer $n climbs out of the water.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe great ancient river formed this underground waterway after the
earthquake devastated this area. A strong current pushes in from the
southwest as many serpent like creatures slither around the underwater
tunnel looking for thier next meal. The passage continues to the
0 8192 0
0 -1 3525
0 -1 3527
> entry_prog ~
> entry_prog ~
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n _blu The current is too strong and pushes you back!
mer $n _blu $n The strong current pushes $n back!
mptransfer $n 3525
mpat $n mer $n $n has been pushed back from the strong current.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe great ancient river formed this underground waterway after the
earthquake devastated this area. A strong current pushes in from the
southeast as many serpent like creatures slither around the underwater
tunnel The passage continues to the southeast.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3526
0 -1 3528
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n _blu The current is too strong and pushes you back!
mer $n _blu $n The strong current pushes $n back!
mptransfer $n 3526
mpat $n mer $n $n has been pushed back from the strong current.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe great ancient river formed this underground waterway after the
earthquake devastated this area. A strong current pushes in from the south
as many serpent like creatures slither around the underwater tunnel. The
passage continues to the south. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3529
0 -1 3527
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n _blu The current is too strong and pushes you back!
mer $n _blu $n The strong current pushes $n back!
mptransfer $n 3527
mpat $n mer $n $n has been pushed back from the strong current.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe great ancient river formed this underground waterway after the
earthquake devastated this area. A strong current pushes in from the south
as many serpent like creatures slither around the underwater tunnel. The
passage continues to the southwest. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3528
0 -1 3530
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n _blu The current is too strong and pushes you back!
mer $n _blu $n The strong current pushes $n back!
mptransfer $n 3528
mpat $n mer $n $n has been pushed back from the strong current.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&BAn Underwater Passage~
&bThe underwater passage comes to an end as an opening in the water opens
up above. The strong current appears to originate from the surface
somewhere. The hole above looks big enough to climb out of. Turning back
now would be a fatal mistake.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3529
&WYou think you can climb out of the water...
&WYou think you can climb out of the water...
> emote_prog p climbs out of the water~
mea $n _blu You climb out onto dry land.
mer $n _blu $n climbs out of the water.
mptransfer $n 3531
mpat $n mer $n _blu $n emerges from the water.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> entry_prog 50~
mea $n _blu The current is too strong and pushes you back!
mer $n _blu $n The strong current pushes $n back!
mptransfer $n 3529
mpat $n mer $n $n has been pushed back from the strong current.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red A serpent bites you! [10]
mer $n _red $n A serpent attacks $n! [10]
mpdamage $n 10
&bA Waterfall~
&BA beautiful waterfall rains down from above, causing great torment in the
lake below. The air is fresh and a cool mist blows over your skin. A dark
desolate tunnel can be seen to the south leading deeper into the planets
core. Diving back into the lake would spell certain death. 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3532
&WYou could dive into it...
> emote_prog p dives into the lake~
mea $n _blu You dive back into the water!
mer $n _blu $n dives into the lake!
mptransfer $n 3530
mpat $n mer $n _blu $n dives down from above!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> rand_prog 100~
mprestore $n 50
mea $n &CYou feel refreshed as the mist from the waterfall cools you off.
&wEntrance To A Desolate Tunnel~
&cThe entrance to the tunnel is very damp and musty, a strange mold grows
along the walls. The rushing water from a nearby waterfall drowns out all
sound here. An evil aura seems to flow from deep within the cave, a great
power waiting to be unleashed. A lake can be seen to the north, to the
south the tunnel leads deeper underground.
0 8192&16 0
0 -1 3531
1048576 -1 3533
> entry_prog 10~
mpecho &RYou hear an ear piercing scream!
&wA Desolate Tunnel~
&cThis place is dry and devoid of any civilized life, the smell of the
tunnel is sickening. The air is thick and hard to breathe as a black mist
floats throughout the cave. Screams and cries for help can be heard
echoing from deeper down the tunnel. Fresh blood has been splattered
across the walls and floors here. To the north the faint sounds of a
waterfall can be heard. The tunnel continues southwest.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3532
0 -1 3534
&wA Desolate Tunnel~
&cThis place is dry and devoid of any civilized life, the smell of the tunnel
is sickening. The air is thick and hard to breathe as a black mist floats throughout
the cave.Screams and cries for help can be heard echoing from deeper down the
tunnel. Fresh blood has been splattered across the walls and floors here. To
the northeast the faint sounds of a waterfall can be heard. The tunnel continues
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3535
0 -1 3533
&wA Desolate Tunnel~
&cThis place is dry and devoid of any civilized life, the smell of the tunnel
is sickening. The air is thick and hard to breathe as a black mist floats throughout
the cave.Screams and cries for help can be heard echoing from deeper down the
tunnel. Fresh blood has been splattered across the walls and floors here.To
the east the faint sounds of a waterfall can be heard. The tunnel continues
0 8192 0
0 -1 3534
0 -1 3536
&wA Desolate Tunnel~
&cThis place is dry and devoid of any civilized life, the smell of the tunnel
is sickening. The air is thick and hard to breathe as a black mist floats throughout
the cave.Screams and cries for help can be heard echoing from deeper down the
tunnel. Fresh blood has been splattered across the walls and floors here.The
sound of the waterfall to the north can hardly be heard this far into the tunnel.Smoke
and hot air blows in from the southwest tunnel.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3535
1048576 -1 3537
&rA Scorched Tunnel~
&zIt is very dark here, the smoke is so thick and black that it is hard to see
the walls. The heat level seems to be rising with each step further down the
tunnel.The walls of the cave here are charred and covered with a dirty residue.
To the northeast the tunnel leads back to the underground lake.The northwest
tunnel leads deeper into the cave.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3536
0 -1 3538
&rA Scorched Tunnel~
&zIt is very dark here, the smoke is so thick and black that it is hard to see
the walls. The heat level seems to be rising with each step further down the
tunnel.The walls of the cave here are charred and covered with a dirty residue.To
the southeast the tunnel leads back to the underground lake. The northwest
tunnel leads deeper into the cave.
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3539
0 -1 3537
&rA Scorched Tunnel~
&zIt is very dark here, the smoke is so thick and black that it is hard to see
the walls. The heat level seems to be rising with each step further down the
tunnel. The walls of the cave here are charred and covered with a dirty residue.
To the southeast the tunnel leads back to the underground lake. The east tunnel
leads deeper into the cave 
0 8192 0
0 -1 3540
0 -1 3538
&rA Scorched Tunnel~
&zIt is very dark here, the smoke is so thick and black that it is hard to see
the walls. The heat level seems to be rising with each step further down the
tunnel. The walls of the cave here are charred and covered with a dirty residue.
To the south the tunnel leads back to the underground lake. The source of the
leads deeper into the cave.
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3541
0 -1 3539
&rA Scorched Tunnel~
&zIt is very dark here, the smoke is so thick and black that it is hard to see
the walls. The heat level seems to be rising with each step further down the
tunnel. The walls of the cave here are charred and covered with a dirty residue.
To the south the tunnel leads back to the underground lake. The source of the
great heat seems to be coming from below as a great spiral of stone leads down.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3540
0 -1 3542
&WA Stone Spiral~
&wA large stone stairway leads into an open chasm. The massive formation of
stone spirals down through a black cloud of poisonous smoke.The hot temperature
is greatly amplified here in this open cavern. The cave seems to get brighter
down below where the source of this heat originates. Going southwest would
lead you away from the staircase. A glow eminates from the northwest as the
tunnel leads down.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3541
1048576 -1 3543
&wYou look at the wall and notice a carving....

&WA name...

&WA Stone Spiral~
&wA large stone stairway leads into an open chasm. The massive formation of
stone spirals down through a black cloud of poisonous smoke.The hot temperature
is greatly amplified here in this open cavern. The cave seems to get brighter
down below where the source of this heat originates. Going southwest would
lead you up the staircase. A glow eminates from the northeast as the tunnel
leads down.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3544
0 -1 3542
&WA Stone Spiral~
&wA large stone stairway leads into an open chasm. The massive formation of
stone spirals down through a black cloud of poisonous smoke.The hot temperature
is greatly amplified here in this open cavern. The cave seems to get brighter
down below where the source of this heat originates. Going southwest would
lead you up the staircase. A glow eminates from the southeast as the tunnel
leads down.
0 8192 0
1048576 -1 3545
0 -1 3543
&WA Stone Spiral~
&wA large stone stairway leads into an open chasm. The massive formation of
stone spirals down through a black cloud of poisonous smoke. The hot temperature
is greatly amplified here in this open cavern.The cave seems to get brighter
down below where the source of this heat orginates. Going northwest would lead
you up the staircase. The heat from below is almost to intense to bear as the
stairs go down into the fire.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3546
0 -1 3544
&RThe Ring Of Fire~
&RThe staircase spirals down into a blazing inferno of fire and smoke. Molten
lava spits violenly about the cavern as the heat rises in a chaotic wind.It
is extremely hot here, making it hard to breathe or stay concious. Rocks crash
down from above causing magma to splash up and rain upon the path ahead. The
northeast path leads deeper into the fire. Going up the stairs will take you
away from this hellhole.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3545
0 -1 3547
> rand_prog 100~
mea $n _red Lava sprays up and burns your skin! [10]
mer $n _red $n screams as lava rains down upon $m!
mpdamage $n 10
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n &RMolten lava rains down on you! [5]
mer $n &R$n $n screams as lava rains down on them!
mpdamage $n 5
&RThe Ring Of Fire~
&RThe staircase spirals down into a blazing inferno of fire and smoke. Molten
lava spits violenly about the cavern as the heat rises in a chaotic wind.It
is extremely hot here, making it hard to breathe or stay concious. Rocks crash
down from above causing magma to splash up and rain upon the path ahead. The
northwest path leads deeper into the fire. Going southwest up the stairs will
take you away from this hellhole.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3548
0 -1 3546
> rand_prog 100~
mea $n _red Lava sprays up and burns your skin! [15]
mer $n _red $n screams as lava rains down upon $m!
mpdamage $n 15
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n &RMolten lava rains down on you! [5]
mer $n &R$n $n screams as lava rains down on them!
mpdamage $n 5
&RThe Ring Of Fire~
&RThe staircase spirals down into a blazing inferno of fire and smoke. Molten
lava spits violenly about the cavern as the heat rises in a chaotic wind.It
is extremely hot here, making it hard to breathe or stay concious. Rocks crash
down from above causing magma to splash up and rain upon the path ahead. The
stone bridge can be seen down at the base of the stairs. Going southeast up
the stairs will take you away from this hellhole.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3549
0 -1 3547
> rand_prog 100~
mea $n _red Lava sprays up and burns your skin! [20]
mer $n _red $n screams as lava rains down upon $m!
mpdamage $n 20
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n &RMolten lava rains down on you! [5]
mer $n &R$n $n screams as lava rains down on them!
mpdamage $n 5
&wA Great Stone Bridge~
&WAn ancient bridge crosses over the lava with a great stone arch. Liquid fire
sprays overhead causing an unbearable heat barrier, cooking everything in its
circumference. Two massive statue stand side by side on the edges of the bridge
great guardians of a time long past. A power can be felt from across the bridge,
an evil so great it twists the very reality on this place. To the north lies
the source of the corruption of these caves.
0 8192 0
0 -1 3550
0 -1 3548
> entry_prog 100~
mpecho &rA voice in the back of your head whipsers... &RRAKNOR &ris here...
&rRaknor's Lair~
&YThis is the lair of the infamous mutant terrorist known as Raknor. Many ages
ago he made this place his home and base of his evil plots. Once a cave naturally
hallowed over the years, now it is a slaughter house filled with decaying corpses
displayed in many cruel ways. The mix of the smell of death and the heat of
the fire fills the air with a repulsive black mist. Decapitated and mutilated
bodies litter the floor alongside the bones of long dead victims. A huge pile
of skulls is stacked around a large throne of stone. The evil of this room
could quickly corrupt even the most devout warrior.
0 8196&16 0
0 -1 3549

M 1 3505 1 3505
M 1 3508 1 3508
M 1 3512 1 3512
M 1 3507 1 3507
M 1 3516 1 3516
M 1 3534 1 3534
M 1 3536 1 3536
M 1 3538 1 3538
M 1 3540 1 3540
M 1 3542 1 3542
M 1 3544 1 3544
M 1 3550 1 3550
M 1 3500 1 3500
M 1 3520 1 3520
M 1 3532 1 3532
G 1 3532 1



