#AREA   Turks~

#AUTHOR Sixteen~

0 65 0 65


#ECONOMY 0 32022012

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
Turk Guard~
Turk Guard~
A Turk guard stands here blocking the way.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
50 600000000
112 112 0
20 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Turks Guard~
A Turk Guard~
A Turk Guard stands here guarding his HQ.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 300000000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mr X~
Mr. X~
Mr. X, the Tyrant from Hell stands here ready to KILL.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2000000000
112 112 0
30 25 13 30 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 20~
mea $n &zMr. X grabs you by the throat and chokes the life out of you.
mea $n &zMr. X's grip gets tighter! [33]
mer $n &RMr. X grabs $n by the throat and chokes the life out of $m. 
mer $n &RMr. X's grip gets tighter! [33]
mpdamage $n 13
if hitprcnt($n) < 15
if rand(65)
mprestore self 100
> death_prog 100~
sa Nicely done. Well, not really.
mpecho &zMr. X runs at the east wall, busting a huge hole it in.
mpecho &zNext thing you know, he's gone.
mpat $n mpclosepassage 10131 1
if rand(7)
mpecho &WIt seems he left his trenchcoat behind.
mpoload 10102
Turk's Shopkeeper~
The Turk's Shopkeeper~
&WThe Turk's Shop Keeper Is Here Waiting To Sell.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 500
112 112 0
last mob~
a newly created last mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
shard glass~
&WA Shard of Glass&D~
&WA shard of glass sits here almost camoflauged into the ground.&D~
69 0&16 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Tyrant Trenchcoat~
&Y(&OArtifact&Y)&z Ty&rran&zt's &zTre&rnch&zcoat&D~
&rAn EXTREMELY valueable trenchcoat is folded up neatly here.&D~
9 0 1025
0 80 0 0 75000000 125000000
1 0 0
Turk's Insignia~
&YThe Turk's Insignia~
&RThe Turk's Insignia lays on the ground before you.~
9 0 257
0 25 30 0 10000000 125000000
1 20000 543
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n _whi You slip your arm into the ring and the insignia glows bright!
last obj~
a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&YThe Turk's Docking Bay~
&GThe smooth silver looking pad shows signs of an apparent battle. The
trees and plant life around the pad look charred and dead. Small holes are
all over the wall on closer inspection youd see they were from a fire arm.
Tape that reads "police-do not cross" is strung all over the room, it
looks like the tape leading towards the building has been cut. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10101
> speech_prog p transport me~
&YPath Leading To The Turks HQ~
&GThe air come to a stop as you walk down the path. The walk way to the HQ
is chipped and totally in ruin. Some fallen trees get in the way but you
just climb right over them. The large tower stands tall in the sky as dark
clouds circle around it, you get an odd feeling of discomfort. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10102
0 -1 10100
&YPath Leading To The Turks HQ~
&GThe air come to a stop as you walk down the path. The walk way to the HQ
is chipped and totally in ruin. Some fallen trees get in the way but you
just climb right over them. The large tower stands tall in the sky as dark
clouds circle around it, you get an odd feeling of discomfort. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10103
0 -1 10101
&YPath Leading To The Turks HQ~
&GThe air come to a stop as you walk down the path. The walk way to the HQ
is chipped and totally in ruin. Some fallen trees get in the way but you
just climb right over them. The large tower stands tall in the sky as dark
clouds circle around it, you get an odd feeling of discomfort. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10104
0 -1 10102
&YPath Leading To The Turks HQ~
&GThe air come to a stop as you walk down the path. The walk way to the HQ
is chipped and totally in ruin. Some fallen trees get in the way but you
just climb right over them. The large tower stands tall in the sky as dark
clouds circle around it, you get an odd feeling of discomfort. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10105
0 -1 10103
&YLeading Into The HQ~
&GYou stand on the stone steps that lead up to the only one way into the
HQ. You hear the fluttering of some birds off into the distance that
leaves an eerie feeling to the place. The building has some wear to it,
but it looks like it could never fall. The door leading to the hq has no
handles, it even looks like it was just painted on. A small sign below the
door might be able to help.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10104
2048 -1 10106
*      Owned by            *
*                          *
*      SsHINayRA           *
> speech_prog p shinra~
mea $n _yel The ground under you opens and you fall in!
mer $n _yel $n falls through the open ground
mptransfer $n 10109
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n _yel $n has arrived from above
Floating in a void~
0 67108865 1
0 -1 10107
0 -1 10105
Floating in a void~
0 67108865 1
0 -1 10106
0 -1 10108
Floating in a void~
0 67108865 1
0 -1 10108
0 -1 10107
&YTurk's Lobby~
&GThe lobby is in total ruin, but from what a past raid? The lights over
head flicker on and off. The bones, from the members of the past clan,
crumble under your feet and turn into a fine powder dissolving into the
air. Weapons and armor lay all over the ground, none look like they are
worth the effort to get. Bloody foot prints lead you to the north.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10110
&YTurk's Lobby~
&GThe lobby is in total ruin, but from what a past raid? The lights over
head flicker on and off. The bones, from the members of the past clan,
crumble under your feet and turn into a fine powder dissolving into the
air. Weapons and armor lay all over the ground, none look like they are
worth the effort to get. Bloody foot prints lead you to the north.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10109
0 -1 10113
0 -1 10111
&YDestroyed Stairs~
&GThe stairs shake and feel as if they are going to collapse at any moment.
You look up at the second floor of the building and find it in a better
shape then the rest of the buildings. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10112
0 -1 10110
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall. To your north there
is a door.
0 67108864 1
1 -1 10130
0 -1 10114
0 -1 10113
0 -1 10111
&YDestroyed Stairs~
&GThe stairs shake and feel as if they are going to collapse at any moment.
You look up at the second floor of the building and find it in a better
shape then the rest of the buildings. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10112
0 -1 10110
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10115
0 -1 10112
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10119
0 -1 10116
0 -1 10114
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10117
0 -1 10118
0 -1 10115
&YHealing Room~
&GThe tanks in the room still bubble, showing some hope that they may work!
The control pannels light up and display some read outs to you, yes they
do work. The pods are stand tall, but only big enough for one person. On
the side of the pods it says "JENOVA". 
0 67125280 1
0 -1 10116
&gHa! you fell for one of the clans old tricks...Before you realise what
you did, you just hit the ground instead, maybe someone nice will aid you?
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10116
> entry_prog 100~
Mprestore $n 100
Mpdamage $n 101
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10120
0 -1 10115
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10121
0 -1 10119
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10122
0 -1 10123
0 -1 10120
&YHolding Room~
&gThe Door behind you slams shut and you panic as you look around to find
no way out! The walls are scratched from people stranded in here, someread
"There is no escape" "HELP me...!". It doesnt look to good. A small sign
reads "To leave say "Let me be".
0 67108868 1
> speech_prog p let me be~
if rand(10)
mea $n _whi You feel your body shift as you howl in pain!
mea $n _whi You have been sparred!
mer $n _whi $n has been sparred!
mptrans $n 10121
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n _red A laser beam shoots you right between the eyes!
mer $n _red $n is shot with a laser beam between the eyes
mpdamage $n 4
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10124
0 -1 10121
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10125
0 -1 10126
0 -1 10123
&GLights flicker on and off at your arrival. The out dated grav machine
looks dead. The buttons are cracked and wires hang from above. The blood
is still caked all over the floor and the smell of old decaying flesh
fills the air. All of a suddenly you feel the gravity kick in for a brief
second then die out. 
0 67117056 1
0 -1 10124
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10124
0 -1 10127
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10126
0 -1 10128
&YTurk's Clan Hall~
&GYou stand in a white hall inside of The Turks HQ. The hall has been
abandoned for quite a while. The Halls seem to have taken little to no
damage and have been kept clean, by who though? Portraits of Important
people from The Turks and Shinra are seen on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10127
2048 -1 10129
&YTurk's Clan Shop~
&gWhats left of the clans old equipment can be found in here. The cases are
smashed and have been looted. The small safe the shop keeper, keeps has
been ripped from the wall. The shop keeper still stays loyal to the shop
and has a few items on display. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10128
> speech_prog p to the office~
if isimmort($n)
mea $n _yel You are transported to Sixteen's Office
mer $n _yel $n is transported to Sixteen's Office
mptrans $n 1206
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n _yel $n has returned from the shop.
mea $n _red ***ACCESS DENIED***
&YTransporter Room~
&GThe door creaks as you enter and you see a single pod there for exiting
the building. Its a wonder the pod even works. Upon entry of the room the
pod glows up and boots into "Safe Mode", guess it works after all. A voice
comes over head "To return to the Dock say "Transport Me" and have a nice
0 67108864 1
1 -1 10112
> speech_prog p transport me~
mea $n _red *ACCESS DENIED*
mea $n _yel The ground under you opens and you fall in!
mer $n _yel $n falls through the open ground
mptransfer $n 10131
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n _yel $n has arrived from above.
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10139
0 -1 10132
> entry_prog 100~
if mobcount(10131) == 0
mea $n &zYou hear something in the wall to the east of you.
mea $n &zMabye it would be a good idea to get out of here.
if rand(10)
mea $n &rThe wall gets destroyed, smoke fills the air. You hear footsteps around you.
mpmload 10103
mpat $n mpopenpassage 10131 10150 1
mpat x mpforce x say I will END you.
mpat x mpforce x mpkill $n
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10131
0 -1 10136
0 -1 10133
0 -1 10134
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10132
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10135
0 -1 10132
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10134
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10137
0 -1 10145
0 -1 10132
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10138
0 -1 10141
0 -1 10136
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10149
0 -1 10137
0 -1 10140
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10140
0 -1 10131
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10139
0 -1 10138
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10137
0 -1 10144
0 -1 10142
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10143
0 -1 10141
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10142
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10141
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10136
0 -1 10146
0 -1 10147
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10145
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10148
0 -1 10145
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 10147
0 -1 10100
> entry_prog 100~
if wasinroom($n) == 10147
mea $n _yel You see the light!
&YHQ Basement~
&gYou stand in a corridor of the hq basement. A green moss covers the walls
and ground, making the basement even look alive! Halls shift around and
wind endlessly. Small light bulbs over head swing back and forth with each
foot step, making the shadows dance. The smell down here is horrible and
almost makes you lose your lunch. It would be good to get out of here.
0 83886080 1
0 -1 10138
> act_prog p finds some~
mpoload 10101
mpoload 10101
give shard $n
give shard $n
&rA Destroyed Room&D~
0 1073741824 1
0 -1 10131

M 1 10102 1 10102
M 1 10101 1 10105
M 1 10101 2 10110
B 1 10149 1073741827 16777216
M 1 10129 1 10129
G 1 10129 1
G 1 3216 1

 10129    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; The Turk's Shopkeeper


