#AREA   Asteroid~

#AUTHOR Dabura~

0 65 0 65


#ECONOMY 1000000000 998950000

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
a newly created first_mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first_mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
Door shutter~
The Door shutter~
The Door Shutter is here, ready to shut doors.
1149239299 2 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 500
112 112 0
> act_prog {p} leaves north.~
close n
Hildegarn stomps around destroying shit.
547 0 -1000 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
350000 2147483647
112 112 0
25 25 25 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
last mob~
a newly created last mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
peice wood~
&OA Peice of Wood&D~
&OA peice of wood rests here up against the wall.&D~
69 0&16 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
last obj~
a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

Landing Pad~
As you set foot on this large asteroid, you instantly realize that the air
here is alot thinner than the aid you are used to. As you gaze trying  to
look for any signs of life you start to realize that you have just set
foot on a deserted planet. The ground is scorched red and the only  noise
that can be heard is that of wind kicking the dust up into a swirling dust
cloud. To the far east there appears to be some buildings of different
sizes where inhabitants may have once lived. Great holes in the surface 
remain from previous battles that have taken place.
You also notice a recently opened Choutzu Pizza Hut here...mmmmmm pizza! A
small yellow booth with a phone is before you used to call for the taxi.
You pick up the phone and emote calls for the TAXI and wait for its
0 67108864 1
0 -1 202
0 -1 217
0 -1 201
0 -1 204
536870919 -1 220
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
Near the Crash Site~
This looks like it was once a thriving town. As you stand over the giant 
hole in the ground it is obvious that this area of the Asteroid has been
hit by a another asteroid, a gaping hole has been left in the surface.
Just on  the outside of the crator you can see the remains of houses that
weren't  hit by the full impact of the asteroid, but had been covered in
dust that was thrown up into the air when the asteroid hit the surface. It
seems that no-one  in this town managed to survive the Collision. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 200
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Rocky Field.~
This field seems very similar to the other field on the asteroid, it is
layden with animal Corpses of different sizes, yet every one of them
covered in  dust. The Collision with the asteroid must have sent dust all
over the surface making it inhabitable. There is a large rock in the
corner of the field, and it is radiating a strange heat, making this part
of the asteroid alot warmer than the rest.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 200
0 -1 203
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _red The large rocks emits a strange warm heat.
A Rocky Wasteland~
This area is very similar to the other areas of the asteroid, it is worn
out and covered with dust. It looks like this place has been hit by many
pieces of debris on the way, there are many craters in the ground, some
bigger  than others. The inhabitants of this planet probably never used
this place due to its frequent asteroid hits, as this wasteland shows no
signs of life, an no signs of there ever being life here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 204
0 -1 202
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Rocky Field~
This area is full with dead dust covered plants and the animal corpses on
the floor indicate that this area was once used for farming, and as a
place to keep the livestock. It seems like the asteroid may have been more
habitable before the collision. Though now there is no possible way that
any kind of vegetation could be grown here, the ground is a dusty  red and
what covered with rocks. There seems to be more fields to the west, and
back to the east leads you to the Landing pad.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 200
0 -1 203
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
Enterance to the Town~
Redit desc The houses that were once in the distance now are only a few
paces away. The long stretch of road seems to end here, by the sign that
reads "&YWelcome to town, enjoy your stay&g" and there is a large gate
that is open, it was once probably a great architectural Structure but now
just remains still, covered in dust.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 217
0 -1 206
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
Town Square~
You stand here, directly in the middle of what was once a town but now it
is just alot of buildings covered in dust. There what looks like a large
Fountain in the middle of the square, but it is obvious that it hasn't
been working in while. Like the rest of the asteroid this place is red and
dusty, but it is not covered in boulders and has no craters at all. To the
south there is a large farm house and to the north there appears to be a
few smaller houses. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 212
0 -1 208
0 -1 213
0 -1 207
0 -1 205
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
The Barn~
This small barn is where the people who owned the farm house would  of kept
all their livestock. Large piles of hay are dotted about the room and the
smell of animal manure fills the air. But there are no animals  left in
the barn so they have probably all gone out and suffered the worst due to
the harsh environment.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 206
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
The Farm House~
You are now standing inside a well furnished farm house, the previous 
Inhabitants of this place must have kept it in good condition. There is a 
collection of chairs placed about the room and a few paintings on the 
walls. It looks like the place is deserted and quiet. The furnishings are 
covered with dust, but it's not the same red dust of that covering the
rest of the asteroid, but the natural dust that has settled after time
with no  housekeeping. To the south there is an open door, leading to the
kitchen, and there are two more doorways, one in either corner at the far
end of the room.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 206
0 -1 209
0 -1 210
0 -1 211
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
The Kitchen~
In the middle of the room there appears to be a large wooden table, full
with silverware. The kitchen looks very neat and organised, with lots of
cabinets on either side of the room. The window in the back of the Kitchen
looks out on what is now a deserted ranch. Plates with partially eaten
food still remain on the table waiting to be eaten, though are now
slightly mouldy and covered in dust. The family must have been in a hurry
to leave. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 208
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Small Bedroom~
This bedroom seems out of proportion with the rest of the rooms, it is a
small bedroom, containing a bed placed neatly in the corner and next to 
it is a bed side table. On the table there seems to be pictures of the
family  with an assortment of animals. Small stuffed bears line the
shelves of the  room, this was obviously a room for the children.  There
appears to be a small door to the north.
0 67108864 1
3 -1 218
0 -1 208
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Large Bedroom~
This bedroom is alot larger than the small bedroom on the other side of the
housed, but the furnishings make it look like it is a room for the parents
of the family. The table in the corner of the room is full of pictures of
what  probably are the children, and the large king size bed is in the far
corner of the room. A few old style chairs and a television are placed in
the middle of the room. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 208
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Small Housing Estate~
Everywhere around here there seems to be houses of different sizes, though
all of them are alot smaller the farm house. it looks like most of the
houses are unenterable due to being covered in large clouds of  dust, but
a small handful of houses look like someone has tried to get into  before,
and so the dust has been cleared away making them enterable. South will
lead you back towards the town square but you can proceed into any of the
houses that you wish to. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 215
0 -1 206
0 -1 214
0 -1 216
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Dead End~
It feels like you have taken a turn down the wrong alley. As all you can
now see is the brickwork of three walls surrounding you, the only thing 
you can possibly do now is go back the other way. Recent visitors to the
asteroid seemed to have put grafiti on the walls as the dust has been 
whiped off certain areas and large writing is in place. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 206
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
A Destroyed house~
The people in this house must have left alot later than everyone else, it
seems very disorganized with stuff all over the floors and with plates all
over the  kitchen and toys all over the bed. This house is also very
small, with one  room that contains a table for eating on and a few beds
for a small family to sleep on. There is an old radio for communication
and a small door in the  corner leads to a very small bathroom. The far
wall of the house has been knocked down by objects in the large cloud of
dust after the Asteroid hit.
0 83886080 1
0 -1 212
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
> act_prog p finds some~
mpoload 214
give wood $n
A Clean House~
Similarly this house is also small but this house also contains a separate
room for the kitchen, so it has three rooms instead of two. This looks
like an adults house as the shelves on the wall are filled with bottles of
alcohol, and it is  obvious that this house has been cleaned recently by
visitors as there is little dust in the room, with only one bed in the
corner this house seems alot more spacious than the others.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 212
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
An Abandoned House~
The house is very dusty, more dusty than that of the other houses The house
itself isn't that big, mainly consisting of two rooms, one  large and one
small, the smaller being the bathroom, with the kitchen and beds all in
the main room. It looks like there was only people  living here for a
short time, all of the posetions that were once in this house seemed to
have been moved, but they have still left behind small toys, they must of
left in a hurry. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 212
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
Towards the Town~
As you embark down the dusty road you can see the houses in the distance
getting slightly bigger. The eerie silence sends shivers up the back of
your  spine, you could turn back and go back to the landing pads or you
could  proceed towards the houses in the distance. on every side of you
all that can be seen is red, the surface of the planet is full of hills
and valleys and it looks like previous fights have caused great holes on
the surface of the  asteroid.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 205
0 -1 200
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _dgr A sudden cold wind sends a shiver down your spine
Small hidden room~
0 67108868 1
3 -1 210
Travelling A Hallway~
0 67108868 1
0 -1 218
0 -1 220
Under the Asteroid~
0 67108868 1
7 -1 200

M 1 202 1 210
D 0 210 0 1
M 1 203 1 220
D 0 220 4 2
B 1 214 1073741827 16777216
D 0 200 5 2



