#AREA   Planet Dreak~

#AUTHOR Sixteen~

0 0 0 0

1 6

#ECONOMY 0 14398840

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

Jiajokin the Ancient Forest Monk~
Jiajokin the Ancient Forest Monk~
Jiajokin the Ancient Forest Monk sitting in a wooden chair.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> speech_prog p yes~
'Alright, I got a riddle for you, if you get this right I will give you
'a important item for your mission.
'There was a green house.
'Inside the green house there was a white house.
'Inside the white house there was a red house.
'Inside the red house there were lots of babies."
> greet_prog 100~
greet $n
'I got acouple of questions for you, if you wanna stick around.
> rand_prog 1~
'A Fruit?
> speech_prog p watermelon~
'Awesome, you got it, here is the Ancient Equipment item i promised you,
'but is it in your hands or on the ground?
A Unpropitious Bat~
An Unpropitious Bat~
An Unpropitious Bat flies around the cave.
163 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 850000000
112 112 0
20 12 13 16 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(2810) == 0
mpmload 2810
a Grizzley Bear~
A Grizzley Bear stares at you. looking hungry.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 850000000
112 112 0
20 13 16 16 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2802
give $n circle
if mobcount(2817) == 0
mpmload 2817
Ginyu's Personal Bodyguard~
Ginyu's Personal Bodyguard~
Ginyu's Personal Bodyguard stands guarding a item.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 16 30 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2805
mpforce $n remove pendent
mpforce $n junk pendent
A old mutant warrior~
A old mutant warrior~
A old mutant warrior stands here with a list.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
'Hello young warrior, if you find the items i'll grant you your most
'powerful technique.
nod $n
'When you got the items, say "I have the items."
'pretty easy eh?
nod $n
> speech_prog p I have the items.~
if carryingvnum($n) 2803
if carryingvnum($n) 2804
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
if carryingvnum($n) 2806
if carryingvnum($n) 2807
if carryingvnum($n) 2808
mea $n &YZarbon jumps out of his disguise&D
mea $n &WZarbon says 'Yes, the power is mine!'&D
mea $n &WZarbon says 'You foolish mortal.'&D
&cZarbon laughs diabolically.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!..&D
mpforce $n drop letter
mpforce $n drop pearl
mpforce $n drop scroll
mpforce $n drop necklace
mpforce $n drop ring
mpforce $n drop ring
mpforce $n drop cane
mpforce $n junk ruby
mppurge pearl
mppurge scroll
mppurge necklace
mppurge ring
mppurge ring
mppurge cane
mppurge letter
mpforce $n remove equipment
mpforce $n remove pendent
mpforce $n junk equipment
mpforce $n remove gas
mpforce $n junk gas
mpforce $n junk circle
mpforce $n junk pendent
mea $n _yel Portal begins to shake from the distances and sends you in time.
mptrans $n 2833
mpat $n mpforce $n look
A old wise man~
A old wise man~
A old wise man is sitting next to a warm fire.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
'Oh, I didn't see you there youngin, what brings you this way?
'Haha, don't answer that. I know what seeks you, you looking for that
'anicent power transformation, eh?
'I can tell you this, there are items I heard that are all over this
'part of the country.
'Oh yeah!
'If you happen to find anything out there come back and see me.
wave $n
> greet_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) == 2813
'Sorry, but you already have one.
if carryingvnum($n) 2803
if carryingvnum($n) 2804
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
if carryingvnum($n) 2806
if carryingvnum($n) 2807
if carryingvnum($n) 2808
'Oh wow, your almost there.
mpoload 2813
drop ruby
mpforce $n get ruby
'Oh sorry about that, i'm a old man.
'Use this wisely.
wave $n
> speech_prog p Teach me my Ultimate Technique~
if carryingvnum($n) 2803
if carryingvnum($n) 2804
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
if carryingvnum($n) 2806
if carryingvnum($n) 2807
if carryingvnum($n) 2808
if carryingvnum($n) 2814
mpforce $n drop letter
mpforce $n drop pearl
mpforce $n drop scroll
mpforce $n drop necklace
mpforce $n drop ring
mpforce $n drop ring
mpforce $n drop cane
mpforce $n junk ruby
mppurge pearl
mppurge scroll
mppurge necklace
mppurge ring
mppurge ring
mppurge cane
mppurge letter
mpforce $n remove equipment
mpforce $n remove pendent
mpforce $n junk equipment
mpforce $n remove gas
mpforce $n junk gas
mpforce $n junk circle
mpforce $n junk pendent
mea $n &zThe Ancient wise man puts the items on the ground and begins to chant.&D
mea $n &zSuddenly a ancient god appears from the void and begins to raise his hands&D
mea $n &zabove his head as he flashes the Ultimate Technqiue before your eyes.&D
mer $n &zThe sky begins to thicken with a dark black cloud!&D
mer $n &zYou sense the ancient god of the mutants!&D
mpmutate5 $n
mpforce $n mut 5
mpzecho _yel $n has just attained his Ultimate Technqiue!
mptrans $n 2800
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> greet_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 2814
'Oh you got the letter, you don't need the ruby then.
mpforce $n junk ruby
Jeice standing here combing his slick white hair.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 16 13 16 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2804
give $n scroll
Captain Ginyu~
Captain Ginyu sits here trying to hide.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 30 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2801
say Noooooo, I have been defeated
give pendent $n
mpforce $n wear pendent
mea $n _yel The sky and everything around you begins to swirl into nothing, but all
mea $n _yel the sudden the ground and the sky begins to become visible again.
mptrans $n 2830
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> fight_prog 35~
mpecho  &WCaptain Ginyu gathers his concentrated energy and creates a evil power.&D
mpecho  &WGinyu begins to fly down towards the ground with blinding speed and yells,&D
mpecho  &BGinyu says, "Ginnnnnnnnnnnyyyuuuuu Blaaaaaaaaasssttttt!!"&D
mpecho  &RCaptain Ginyu throws a KI Blast at you! [30]&D
mpdamage all 30
Burter stands around doing the ginyu pose.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 16 13 16 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2809
'You've got me.
give storage $n
> greet_prog 100~
'I lost that wooden key.
'Ginyu is gonna kill me.
Guldo is here guarding the spaceship.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 16 13 16 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Recoome is figuring out whats going on with the items.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 16 13 16 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
6 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A Mighty Prehistoric Bird stands here flapping its wings.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 16 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2810
a T-Rex~
A Tyrannosaurus Rex stomps about here.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 20 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A gigantic Giganotosaurus stands here, looking furocious.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 20 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2811
Gasmask Merchant~
Gasmask Merchant~
Gasmask Merchant sits behind the counter selling maskes.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
if ovnuminv(2812)
mppurge mask
mpoload 2812
The Wise Lady~
The Wise Lady~
The Wise Lady will show you everything.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
'Wow you must have gotten all the items to see me.
'I guess you should go back to the master that gave you this key, and
'get your Ultimate Technique.
hfive $n
'Go to the master and say 'Teach me my Ultimate Technique'
'What a awesome Journey eh?
'Oh yeah, take this for good keepings.
mpoload 2814
drop letter
mpforce $n get letter
mptrans $n 2881
mpat $n mpforce $n close e
mpat $n mpforce $n lock e
mpat $n mpforce $n junk ruby
A lost old man~
A lost old man~
A lost old man is here sharing valuable information.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 2803
if carryingvnum($n) 2804
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
if carryingvnum($n) 2808
'Wow your amazing, you have to go back to Planet Myuutanto to get a item.
'Get out of here!
> greet_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 2815
'No way you got one already!
if carryingvnum($n) 2806
'Great job, here ya go!
mpoload 2815
drop key
'Oops, Clumsy me.
mpforce $n get key
> greet_prog 100~
'Yes information I have. You must know! you must continue your journey.
wave $n
A Futuristic Android~
A Futuristic Android~
A Futuristic Android stands here holding a item.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 30 30 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2808
A Old Lady - Present~
A Old Lady~
A Old Lady sits here giving advice with the right items.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) == 2810
'The Key.
wink $n
'I heard someone is stealing items watch out.
wave $n
'I'll give you some good advice if you come in with the wooden key.
wave $n
The Red Ring Protector~
The Red Ring Protector~
The Red Ring Protector guards the red ring.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 30 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2806
mpforce $n remove pendent
mpforce $n junk pendent
> fight_prog 35~
mea $n _red The Red Ring Protector claws you! [25]
mer $n _red The red Ring Protector claws $n! [25]
mpdamage $n 25
The Blue Ring Protector~
The Blue Ring Protector~
The Blue Ring Protector stands here guarding the blue ring.
35 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 13 30 13 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 2807

Ancient Equipment~
Ancient Equipment~
Ancient Equipment lies here on the ground.~
1 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
(Mystical) Pendent of Time~
&B(&YMystical&B) &WPendent of Time&D~
&B(&YMystical&B) &wPendent of Time lies here on the ground.&D~
9 8192 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Circle Key~
Circle Key~
A ancient looking key lies here on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Ancient Pearl~
&WAn Ancient Pearl&D~
&WAn Ancient pearl lies here on the ground.&D~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Ancient Scroll~
&OA Ancient Scroll&D~
&OA Ancient scroll lies here on the ground crumpled.&D~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Ancient Necklace~
&YA Ancient Necklace&D~
&YA Ancient necklace lies here on the ground shinning.&D~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Ancient Red Ring~
&RA Ancient Red Ring&D~
&RA Ancient red ring appears to be shinning.&D~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Ancient Blue Ring~
&BA Ancient Blue Ring&D~
&BA ancient blue ring appears to be shimmering.~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
A Ancient Cane~
&zA Ancient Cane&D~
&zA Ancient cane lies here on the ground.&D~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a Storage Room Key~
a Storage Room Key~
A Storage Room Key lies here on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
An Wooden Key~
An Wooden Key~
An Wooden Key lies here on the ground.~
13 128 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
An Bone Key~
An Bone Key~
An Bone Key lies here on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Gas Mask~
Gas Mask~
A Gas Mask lies here on the ground.~
9 0 1048577
0 0 0 0
1 825001 82500
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n _yel &WYou throw a mask on your face as it protects you from the air.
The Ruby Key~
&RThe Ruby Key&D~
&RThe Ruby Key of the future lies here on the ground.&D~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a Letter~
a Letter~
A Letter lies here on the ground.~
9 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
House Key~
House Key~
A House Key lies here on the ground.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&GPlanet Dreak Space Dock~
&zThis seems to be a very shadowy and mysterious dock. Things are barely visable,
but you do notice many trees, bushes, and vines. This seems to be some sort
of jungle. You the howl of monkeys and many other animal noises all around
you. You also hear battle cries coming from every direction. You look further
into the thick, dark jungle and notice many evil looking eyes glowing and glaring
at you. You smell the scent of mutant here and see mutant tracks on the ground.

0 270336 1
0 -1 2801
Pathway to the Jungle~
&zYou are walking towards a large jungle. It is very thick and from the looks
of it, it seems impossible to get through. Bolts of lighting start to strike
the ground and you feel a powerful presence in the distance. The smell of rotting
corpses fill the air. The roar of animals gets louder and louder as you get
closer to the jungle. All sorts of insects begin crawling on your skin.You
notice demonic looking birds flying overhead with red eyes. The sky is pitch black.
0 8192 1
0 -1 2802
0 -1 2800
> entry_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
mea $n _yel You may pass through!
if carryingvnum($n) 2803
mpforce $n drop pearl
mpforce $n drop scroll
mpforce $n drop necklace
mpforce $n drop cane
mpforce $n drop red
mpforce $n drop blue
mpecho &RThe Ancient God is not pleased.&D
mppurge pearl
mppurge scroll
mppurge necklace
mppurge ring
mppurge ring
mppurge cane
> entry_prog 100~
if mutate5($n)
mptrans $n 251
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n _yel You already have your mutation, you may never come back!
if race($n) != mutant
mea $n _red Your not allowed on this planet!
mptrans $n 251
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Pathway to the Jungle~
&zYou are walking towards a large jungle. It is very thick and from the looks
of it, it seems impossible to get through. Bolts of lighting start to strike
the ground and you feel a powerful presence in the distance. The smell of rotting
corpses fill the air. The roar of animals gets louder and louder as you get
closer to the jungle. All sorts of insects begin crawling on your skin.You
notice demonic looking birds flying overhead with red eyes. The sky is pitch black.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2803
0 -1 2801
> entry_prog 100~
mpecho &YIf you go south you'll lose your items, no more Whining!
mpecho &YThis your finally warning!!!!!!!
Pathway to the Jungle~
&zYou are walking towards a large jungle. It is very thick and from the looks
of it, it seems impossible to get through. Bolts of lighting start to strike
the ground and you feel a powerful presence in the distance. The smell of rotting
corpses fill the air. The roar of animals gets louder and louder as you get
closer to the jungle. All sorts of insects begin crawling on your skin.You
notice demonic looking birds flying overhead with red eyes. The sky is pitch black.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2805
0 -1 2802
0 -1 2833
0 -1 2895
Inside the Jungle~
&zYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice monkeys in treetops and birds flying overhead. You
can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of the
lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2803
0 -1 2806
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2800
mea $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through your flesh!
mer $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through $n flesh!
mpdamage $n 25
Ancient Hut~
&OYou are inside an ancient hut. The things inside this place seem to be thousands
of years old. You think how could these things have been perservered for so
long. This place is very dusty and very quiet.You can feel an emence energy
in here. You glance onto the walls and notice many riddles hung in frames.
The hut's room is made of straw. There is no carpet, nor tile, the floor is
0 270340 1
0 -1 2803
> speech_prog p watermelon~
mpoload 2800
give equipment $n
Inside the Jungle~
&zYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice monkeys in treetops and birds flying overhead. You
can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of the
lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2807
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2800
mea $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through your flesh!
mer $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through $n flesh!
mpdamage $n 25
Inside the Jungle~
&zYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice monkeys in treetops and birds flying overhead. You
can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of the
lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2808
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2800
mea $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through your flesh!
mer $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through $n flesh!
mpdamage $n 25
Inside the Jungle~
&zYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice monkeys in treetops and birds flying overhead. You
can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of the
lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2809
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
0 -1 2804
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2800
mea $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through your flesh!
mer $n _yel The Jungle spirit tears through $n flesh!
mpdamage $n 25
> entry_prog 75~
if ovnumRoom(2803) != 1
mpoload 2803
mpat 2808 drop pearl
Entering the Caverns~
&zAll around you, you notice extremely dense woods. You peek down and
notice a large cavern.. You hear the roar of bears and the sound of bats
wing's flapping about. You hear battle cries coming from inside the
cavern.. The ground here is moist, A snake slithers in from the south
and goes down into the cave.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2808
> emote_prog p goes down into the cave.~
mea $n _yel You fall down into the caverns.
mer $n _yel $n falls down into the caverns.
mptransfer $n 2810
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2812
0 -1 2811
0 -1 2814
0 -1 2813
0 -1 2815
0 -1 2816
0 -1 2816
0 -1 2816
Inside a Cave~
&z The cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2815
0 -1 2810
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2815
0 -1 2810
0 -1 2816
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2816
0 -1 2810
0 -1 2816
2048 -1 2817
> rand_prog 30~
mea $n &W***HINT***&D
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
16777216 -1 2810
2055 2802 2818
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2811
0 -1 2812
0 -1 2810
Inside a Cave~
&zThe cave is stick and dark, bats flying all around. You notice water puddles
are everywhere in the cave, you see large cavern doors leading back and forth
from each other. You can hear echo's of people shouting from deep inside the
cavern walls. You feel a wind rush through the top of the cave as if a door
or a rock was moved from its passage way.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2813
0 -1 2810
0 -1 2810
0 -1 2810
Don't tell anybody, if you wanna be the best!
0 270340 1 0 0 2
0 -1 2813
Cavarn Stairs~
&zThese seem to be some ancient stairs crafted from an animal of some sort.You
notice bats flying overhead and you can hear the roar of bears from all around.
You smell the stench of rotting corpses. The ground is very moist and things
become more visable. You notice a latarn on the side of the wall. You glance
upwards and notice a spaceship of somesort.
0 270336 1
7 2802 2814
0 -1 2819
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close north
mpforce $n lock north
Under A Spaceship~
&zSoon as you enter the room you notice a large crashed spaceship here.You can
feel a huge amount of energy coming from inside the spaceship.This ship seems
to be very high tech, well used to be. You wonder what could have caused the
crash, maybe you should jump aboard and check it out.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2818
> emote_prog p enters the broken down spaceship.~
mptrans $n 2834
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Ginyu's Force Secret Stash~
0 270592 1 0 0 2
39 2810 2839
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close w
mpforce $n lock w
Floating in a void~
0 8196 1
Floating in a void~
0 8196 1
&Y(&RPulsating&Y) Time Portal &W- &YPast&D~
&BHere is a large pulsating rift in time. This portal seems to be sucking all
of the energy around it. The portal howls and mystical energy surges through
it. Purple and blue energy sparks hit the ground around you as the portal continue
to howl. You can still hear battle cries from all around you. This luminous
rift seems to be a way to get back to the present time. Sign has been posted
0 270336 1
0 -1 2831
0 -1 2832
0 -1 2843
> speech_prog p present~
if wearingvnum($n) 2801
mea $n _yel You travel through time.
mer $n _yel $n walks into a portal.
mptrans $n 2833
mpat $n mpforce $n look
House made out of Sticks~
&OHere is a house made completely out of sticks. There is no furniture in here.
You notice some portraits of the ginyu force here. You smell a distinct mutant
scent here. This place doesn't seem as safe as it looks.
0 8192 1
0 -1 2830
7 2815 2898
> act_prog p arrives from the west.~
mpforce $n close w
mpforce $n lock w
mpforce $n junk house
House made out of Wood~
&OThis is a very small house made completely out of wood.You notice that all
the furniture is made out of wood aswell.Animals roam freely through the house.You
don't see anything modern here.
0 8192 1
0 -1 2830
> act_prog p give a Sensu bean to $n.~
mpecho test
&Y(&RPulsating&Y) Time Portal &W- &YPresent&D~
&BHere is a large pulsating rift in time. This portal seems to be sucking all
of the energy around it. The portal howls and mystical energy surges through
it. Purple and blue energy sparks hit the ground around you as the portal continue
to howl. You can still hear battle cries from all around you. This luminous
rift seems to be a way to get back to the present time. Sign has been posted
0 270336 1
0 -1 2803
> speech_prog p past~
if wearingvnum($n) 2801
mea $n _yel You travel through time.
mer $n _yel $n walks into a portal.
mptrans $n 2830
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &BYou need the Pendent of Time to go through time.&D
> speech_prog p future~
if wearingvnum($n) 2801
mea $n _yel You travel through time.
mer $n _yel $n walks into a portal.
mptrans $n 2880
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &BYou need the Pendent of Time to go through time.&D
&BA Broken Down Control Room~
&wYou find yourself surrounded by advanced space travel equipment.This room
is the control room of a spaceship. You see pictures of some mutants on the
wall. This control room is very messy from when the ship crashed. There are
many cracks in the interior. You can hear talking from down the halls. Many
comfortable chairs line the room for long journeys.There are names atop the
chairs. You see the names Cpt. Ginyu, Burter, Jeice, Recoome and Guldo on the
first couple of chairs.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2835
&G- Current position: &w2.25.29.18 (Planet Dreak)
&G- Target position : &w2.25.29.18 (Planet Dreak)
&G- Maximum speed   : &w160 parsecs/minute
&G- Distance        : &w0 parsecs
&G- Status          : &wSHUTDOWN
&G- Flight time     : &w20 seconds estimated.
&G-=[ End of Report ]=-
&BA Spaceship Hallway~
&wYou are standing in a long metallic hallway seemed to be made from chrome.
Wires are sparking all around you and you notice cracks throughout the ceiling.
You notice a dead corpse slumped on the right wall. Bugs are getting in from
a large crack in the floor. This hallway is very dark. The dim lights are flickering
on and off.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2836
0 -1 2834
&BA Spaceship Hallway~
&wYou are standing in a long metallic hallway seemed to be made from chrome.Wires
are sparking all around you and you notice cracks throughout the ceiling.You
notice a dead corpse slumped on the right wall. Bugs are getting in from a
large crack in the floor. This hallway is very dark. The dim lights are flickering
on and off.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2838
0 -1 2835
0 -1 2839
0 -1 2837
&BSpaceship Dining Room~
&wHere seems to be a dining room of some sort. Well it used to be a dining room
before the crash. A plate of food on a leaning table catches your eye. You
see steam coming from the food and realise that someone must be on this ship
other than you. Pictures that used to hang on the wall are on the floor.There
are many cracks in the ceiling and in the walls. Dismantled dinner table chairs
lay here on the floor. Forks, spoons and knives are scattered all over the
0 270336 1
0 -1 2840
0 -1 2836
&BA Spaceship Hallway~
&wYou are standing in a long metallic hallway seemed to be made from chrome.Wires
are sparking all around you and you notice cracks throughout the ceiling.You
notice a dead corpse slumped on the right wall. Bugs are getting in from a
large crack in the floor. This hallway is very dark. The dim lights are flickering
on and off.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2840
0 -1 2836
&BSpaceship Bathroom~
&wThis is a very large bathroom. You notice water from the destroyed toilet all
over the floor. The bathroom mirror is cracked. The sink is in peices on the
floor and the tub is completely destroyed. Rodents scurry through the bathroom
and into the hall. There is a horrible smell coming from somewhere.
0 270336 1
7 2810 2820
0 -1 2840
0 -1 2836
> act_prog p arrives from the east.~
mpforce $n close e
mpforce $n lock e
mpforce $n junk wooden
&BA Spaceship Hallway~
&wYou are standing in a long metallic hallway seemed to be made from chrome.Wires
are sparking all around you and you notice cracks throughout the ceiling.You
notice a dead corpse slumped on the right wall. Bugs are getting in from a
large crack in the floor. This hallway is very dark. The dim lights are flickering
on and off.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2841
0 -1 2838
0 -1 2839
0 -1 2837
&BCaptain's Quarters~
&wThis is the most professional looking room of the entire ship. It seems someone
has cleaned this room up after the crash. There is alot of electronic things
here that you have never seen before. There is a wooden desk sitting in the
middle of the room. Atop the desk you notice a stack of papers.There is a portrait
of some ugly mutant on the left wall. You hear mumbling coming from the door
in the corner of the room. Maybe you should check it out? 
0 270336 1
0 -1 2840
7 2809 2842
&BStorage Room&D~
&wThis is a storage room. You see many open boxes laying around. You notice piles
of clothes and armor sitting about.
0 270336 1 0 0 2
7 2809 2841
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close e
mpforce $n lock e
mpforce $n junk storage
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2844
0 -1 2830
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2846
0 -1 2843
0 -1 2845
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2844
0 -1 2847
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2852
0 -1 2844
0 -1 2851
&OApproaching a Large Tree~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.A large tree
comes into veiw, maybe you should go check it out? 
0 270336 1
0 -1 2848
0 -1 2845
&OA Large Tree~
You are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction. As you look
up in the tree you notice some type of thing or creature, maybe you should
climb up? 
0 270336 1
0 -1 2847
> emote_prog p climbs up the tree.~
mea $n &GYou begin a steep climb up a tree.
mer $n &G$n begins to climb.
mptrans $n 2849
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&OAtop a Large Tree~
&gYou are up in the clouds atop a large tree. You look down and suddenly feel
nervous because the ground is not visible. You look in the distance and see
mighty dinosaurs fighting eachother. You look the other way and see a giant
volcano. You can hear something flapping its wing's from the north.If you want
to get back down maybe you should try climbing down? 
0 270336 1
0 -1 2850
> emote_prog p climbs down the tree.~
mea $n &GYou fall from the tree, OUCH!
mer $n &G$n falls from a tree.
mptrans $n 2848
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mpdamage $n 5
&OAtop a Large Tree~
&gYou are up in the clouds atop a large tree. You look down and suddenly feel
nervous because the ground is not visible. You look in the distance and see
mighty dinosaurs fighting eachother. You look the other way and see a giant
0 270336 1
0 -1 2849
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2846
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2846
0 -1 2853
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2854
0 -1 2852
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2855
0 -1 2853
0 -1 2859
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2854
0 -1 2856
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2857
0 -1 2855
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2858
0 -1 2856
&OApproaching a Volcano~
You start to feel very hot and start to sweat. You glance ahead and notice that
there is a giant volcano coming up. You notice prehistoric animals running
away from the volcano. The woods seem to get thinner as you get closer to the
volcano. You should turn back now unless you wanna get burned!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2860
0 -1 2857
&OPrehistoric Jungle~
&gYou are inside a deep, extremely thick forest. Bugs of all sort can be heard
buzzing about. You notice terodactles flying overhead. You here loud stomping
and can sense movement all around you but can barely see anything because of
the lack of light. This area is very humid and a bead of sweat rolls down your
face, You still hear battle cries coming from every direction.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2854
&OA Large Volcano~
You are standing in front of a very large volcano. You hear roaring coming from
inside of the volcano. You feel emence heat coming from the north. You see
steam rising and the heat becomes almost unbareable. Any closer and this heat
may be fatal. A passage way lies up ahead.
0 270336 1
2048 -1 2861
0 -1 2858
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2868
2048 -1 2860
0 -1 2862
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
> entry_prog 100~
mpecho _red Fair Warning!! You will be damage, but the item is in there! Good Luck!
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2863
0 -1 2861
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2862
2048 -1 2870
0 -1 2864
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2865
0 -1 2863
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2864
0 -1 2866
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2867
0 -1 2865
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2866
0 -1 2868
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2861
0 -1 2867
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
Floating in a void~
0 8196 1
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1
0 -1 2863
0 -1 2871
> entry_prog 100~
mea $n _red You get burned by the hot lava!
mer $n _red Wow, $n gets burned by the hot lava!
mpdamage $n 5
&zInside a Volcano~
&RYou are inside a very hot volcano. You notice lava flowing all around you
and you also notice giant footprints of some sort on the ground. You hear many
roaring sounds coming from somewhere. You can hear stomping coming from somewhere
inside of here. You better watch your step, this lava is hot!
0 270336 1 0 0 3
0 -1 2870
Floating in a void~
0 8196 1
&Y(&RPulsating&Y) Time portal &W- &YFuture~
&BHere is a large pulsating rift in time. This portal seems to be sucking all
of the energy around it. The portal howls and mystical energy surges through
it. Purple and blue energy sparks hit the ground around you as the portal continue
to howl. You can still hear battle cries from all around you. This luminous
rift seems to be a way to get back to the present time. Sign has been posted
0 270336 1
0 -1 2881
> speech_prog p present~
if wearingvnum($n) 2801
mea $n _yel You travel through time.
mer $n _yel $n walks into a portal.
mptrans $n 2833
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&BA Crumpled City~
&WYou are surrounded by destroyed buildings and all sorts of debree.You notice
that many cars are piles, and crumpled up on top of eachother. Trees are impaled
into buildings. It looks as if a massive hurricame came and destroyed this
place. You can sense a powerful energy coming from around here.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2880
7 2813 2884
0 -1 2886
0 -1 2882
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BA City Street Intersection&D~
&WHere is a street intersection. Many cars are honking their horns and you notice
many street lights changing. You hear a bunch of commotion, and you can hear
a man shouting "Gas Masks!, for sale!" coming from somewhere. You notice flying
cars overhead and the buildings appear to be much more advanced. The world
seems to be more chromified now.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2881
0 -1 2887
0 -1 2883
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BInside a Gas Mask Shop~
&WUpon entering of this small shop, you notice all the items that this
shopkeeper is selling stacked on the opposite wall of the entrance. There
is a small counter that goes from side to side, and the shopkeeper behind
it selling his merchandise.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2882
> speech_prog p I need a gas mask.~
if wearingvnum($n) == 2812
mea $n _yel You can only have one!
mpoload 2812
mea $n _yel You grab a gas mask from the shelf.
mpforce $n get mask
mpforce $n wear mask
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
A Crumpled House~
This room is wet and lighted up, rain slowly seeps down from the ceiling.
You feel cold as you enter the room, this old lady seems to think she
knows something with great power.
0 8448 1 0 0 2
7 2813 2881
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BOn the City Street&D~
&WThis street appears to be very long. For some reason it seems very deserted
and unlike the other streets. The sun beams down and hits your face. You can't
see any clouds, the ozone layer seems to be letting toxic poisons enter the
atmosphere.This might not be a good place to be without a gas mask of some
sort. The street is slightly curved and appears to to have a speed bump up
0 270336 1
0 -1 2881
0 -1 2886
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BOn the City Street&D~
&WThis street appears to be very long. For some reason it seems very deserted
and unlike the other streets. The sun beams down and hits your face. You can't
see any clouds, the ozone layer seems to be letting toxic poisons enter the
atmosphere.This might not be a good place to be without a gas mask of some
sort. The street is slightly curved and appears to to have a speed bump up
0 270336 1
0 -1 2881
0 -1 2885
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BSouth City Street&D~
&WThis street appears to be very long. For some reason it seems very deserted
and unlike the other streets. The sun beams down and hits your face. You can't
see any clouds, the ozone layer seems to be letting toxic poisons enter the
atmosphere.This might not be a good place to be without a gas mask of some
0 270336 1
0 -1 2882
0 -1 2888
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BSouth City Street&D~
&WThis street appears to be very long. For some reason it seems very deserted
and unlike the other streets. The sun beams down and hits your face. You can't
see any clouds, the ozone layer seems to be letting toxic poisons enter the
atmosphere.This might not be a good place to be without a gas mask of some
0 270336 1
0 -1 2887
0 -1 2890
0 -1 2889
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BA Crumpled House&D~
&WYou are standing inside a destroyed house. The ground is covered with debree
and meterials are broken all over the floor.There is a gaping hole in the middle
of the house, it seems a large object, maybe a tree flew right through.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2888
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BSouth City Street&D~
&WThis street appears to be very long. For some reason it seems very deserted
and unlike the other streets. The sun beams down and hits your face. You can't
see any clouds, the ozone layer seems to be letting toxic poisons enter the
atmosphere.This might not be a good place to be without a gas mask of some
0 270336 1
0 -1 2888
0 -1 2893
0 -1 2891
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BA Tall Building&D~
&WHere you notice an enourmous building. There is a seethrough elevator on the
side of the building. It seems that this building could most likely being a
hotel of somesort. It appears to be atleast 30 stories on this massive building.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2890
0 -1 2892
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BA Crumpled House&D~
&WYou are standing inside a destroyed house. The ground is covered with debree
and meterials are broken all over the floor.There is a gaping hole in the middle
of the house, it seems a large object, maybe a tree flew right through.
0 8192 1
0 -1 2891
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
&BA Building Entrance&D~
&WWalking up to the building you notice right away that the building is in wreck.
It looks to seem if this planet was hit by asteroids from all the fighting
in the far distances of the universe. A door leads east from here, with a engraving
saying, "keep out!" 
0 270336 1
0 -1 2890
7 2811 2894
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close e
mpforce $n lock e
> entry_prog 100~
if wearingvnum($n) 2812
mea $n _yel You start to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mer $n _yel $n begins to cough from the poison in the atmosphere!
mpdamage $n 15
> act_prog p arrives from the east.~
mpforce $n junk bone
&BA Crumpled Building&D~
&WThis room is destroyed to hell, this creature doesn't care what it sees.The
android will destroy all!
0 8192 1 0 0 2
7 2811 2893
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close w
mpforce $n lock w
A Small Hut~
As you walk into the hut from the cold rain outside you feel relief.By just
standing looking around you know something is not good about this small hut.
You notice there is a small fire comming from the left side of the room. You
begin to shiver as you glance right and see acouple of dead bodies of some
mutants. Pictures are hung above the fireplace of some ancient fighters, or
so it seems.
0 270336 1
0 -1 2803
&RBehind the Gate&D~
Do not proceed if you are not powered up or atleast 100,000,000 base
powerlevel. &RYou been WARNED!
0 8192 1
0 -1 2897
3 -1 400
> act_prog p arrives from the west.~
mpforce $n close w
> entry_prog 100~
if carryingvnum($n) 2805
mea $n &RWhat you trying to do? Cheat!&D
mpforce $n close w
mptrans $n 400
&RThe Red Ring&D~
&rKill the Protector and get the Red Ring.
0 8192 1
0 -1 2896
&BThe Blue Ring&D~
&bEasy enough, the protector will do anything to keep the ring his.
0 270336 1 0 0 3
7 2815 2831
> entry_prog 100~
mpforce $n close e
mpforce $n lock e
Floating in a void~
0 67117060 1

M 1 2805 1 2805
M 0 2810 4 2810
M 1 2838 1 2835
M 1 2837 1 2840
M 1 2836 1 2837
D 0 2841 3 2
O 1 2803 1 2808
M 1 2834 1 2839
D 0 2839 1 2
D 0 2893 1 2
M 1 2864 2 2867
M 1 2864 2 2864
M 1 2871 1 2871
M 1 2895 1 2895
M 1 2894 1 2894
D 0 2894 3 2
M 1 2883 1 2883
G 1 2812 1
M 1 2884 1 2884
D 0 2884 3 2
M 1 2820 1 2820
D 0 2820 3 2
M 1 2850 1 2850
D 0 2896 3 1
M 1 2897 1 2897
M 1 2831 1 2831
D 0 2831 3 2
M 1 2898 1 2898
D 0 2898 1 2
M 1 2892 1 2892
G 1 2815 1
M 1 2833 1 2832
M 1 2835 1 2842
G 1 2801 1
D 0 2842 1 2
M 1 2817 1 2817
G 1 2802 1

 2883    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Gasmask Merchant


