
#AUTHOR Mopop~

0 0 0 0


#ECONOMY 0 3294101

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

invis jump mob~
a newly created invis jump mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created invis jump mob here.
8388611 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> act_prog p jumps to the dock.~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _red Not while you are fighting!
mea $n _whi The winds catch you as you jump, guiding you back down to the dock!
mer $n _whi $n makes a leap of faith from the cliff.
mptransfer $n 2100
mpat 2100 force $n look
mpat 2100 mer $n _red $n has jumped from the cliff to the dock!
Andras, The great marquis of hell stands here.
1 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 400000000
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
emote looks up at you with a blank face.
say You
say Do
say Not
say Belong
say HERE
mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
say How...can this be?
emote begins to fade away before you
say This is not over, welcome to hell.
emote waves his hand and your surroundings begin to change
mptransfer $n 2104
mpat 2104 mpforce $n look
mpmload 2101
Phlegyas, guardian of Styx is here.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
say Looking to cross Styx? I am afraid since I am just a mere demon I can't do 
say that...well without a command word. It isn't hard and it surrounds you.
say Speak it to set sail!
say Course you will still have Cerberus to deal with...
> speech_prog p Hell~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _red Not while you are fighting!
say Ah yes excellent, lets go shall we?
emote starts to board people onto his boat and rows quietly.
say It is always such a fast trip, looking longer than it is.
say Have fun, you are screwed from here on...point of no return!
mptransfer $n 2113
mpat 2113 mpforce $n look
mpat 2113 mer $n _yel $n is here!
Cerberus, the three headed beast is here.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 850000000
112 112 0
20 25 25 13 25 25 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 3~
mpecho _red Cerberus' left head roars with anger!
mpforce all south
> fight_prog 3~
mpecho _red Cerberus' middle head roars with anger!
mpecho _red The ground shakes and large boulders fall down and crush you! [15]
mpdamage all 5
> fight_prog 3~
mpecho _red Cerberus' right head roars with anger!
mpecho _red Blood seep through the walls and fuses with Cerberus healing him!
mprestore Cerberus 20
> death_prog 100~
mpecho _yel A horrible roar fills the air as Cerberus implodes before you.
mptransfer $n 2118
mpat 2118 mpforce $n look
mpmload 2103
slaved angel~
slaved angel~
A angel in shackles is here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 100000000
112 112 0
> death_prog 100~
mpmload 2104
cobra trainer~
cobra trainer~
The cobra trainer is here sitting on his golden chair.
1027 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
store owner~
Cobra store owner~
A Cobra store owner is in the corner selling his wares.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
real store owner~
store owner~
A store owner is here selling clan goods.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0

cobra belt~
&r(&WCobra Sect&r) &gC&Oo&gb&Or&ga &Ob&ge&Ol&gt&W&w~
A Cobra slithers on the ground here.~
9 0 2049
0 45 45 0 5000000 100000000
1 10000 1000
threadsnake wrist band~
&r(&WCobra Sect&r) &gT&Oh&gr&Oe&ga&Od&gs&On&ga&Ok&ge &rwrist &Wbands&W&w~
A Threadsnake slithers on the ground.~
9 0 4097
0 45 45 0 5000000 100000000
1 20000 2000
Kingsnake necklace~
&r(&WCobra Sect&r) &gK&Oi&gn&Og&gs&On&ga&Ok&ge &rne&Wckl&race&W&w~
A Kingsnake slithers on the ground here.~
9 0 5
0 45 45 0 5000000 100000000
1 30000 3000
venom dagger~
&r(&WCobra Sect&r) &gv&Geno&gm &Rd&ragge&Rr&W&w~
Some god dropped a newly created venom dagger here.~
5 0 8193
0 45 0 0 5000000 100000000
1 40000 4000
King Cobra Keycard~
The KING COBRA Keycard~
The KING COBRA Keycard sits here on the ground.~
13 0&16 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&rCobra Sect Dock&W&w~
&WThe dock is a small landing carved into the side of a cliff. The red
dirt for the cliff gives the area a desolate feel. Wind picks up sweeping
dust into the air. The cliff is steep but is still a fairly easy climb.
From down here it is possible to see the ruins of the old Cobra Sect building.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2101
&rGoing up a steep cliff&W&w~
&WHalfway up the cliff, the world begins to change shape. The sky above
matches the color of the cliff. A lightning bolt shoots down from the sky
and cracks the cliff, sending chunks of dirt flying. It would be a task to
go back down, but why would you do that when you are almost at the
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2102
> act_prog p below.~
mplog $n has begun a raid on Cobra Sect!
&rCobra Sect Headquarter Ruins&W&w~
&WAt the top of the cliff is the ruins of the old Cobra Sect building. It was
said that long ago they performed a ritual that opened up the planes of hell
itself. When it opened the building was destroyed and the members vanished.
The old walls that are still up look sturdy. Everything around you looks
charred. Right in the middle of the building is a large seal, with glowing
candles surrounding it.&W&w
&rTo get back to the dock, maybe you should jump down...
0 67108864 1
2048 -1 2103
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho _red The seal glows with a bright light...
mpecho _red It flickers turning into a staircase made of bones and flesh.
> speech_prog p Cobra Sect~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _red Not while you are fighting!
if clan($n) == Cobra Sect
mptransfer $n 2135
mpat 2135 mpforce $n look
&rTrapped in a seal&W&w~
&WThe world around you begins to melt. Fires begin to emerge from the ground,
surrounding you. Hissing noises can be heard, as the sky turns black. Streaks
of energy rain down forming figures of people.&W&w
0 67108868 1
> rand_prog 20~
mpecho _red The lost souls of past members wanders in the background...
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2105
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2104
0 -1 2106
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2107
0 -1 2105
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2108
0 -1 2106
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2109
0 -1 2107
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2110
0 -1 2108
&rBowels of Hell&W&w~
&WSticky walls of flesh surround the area. The ground pulsates and blood
flows through cracks in the floor. Winged demons sour around in the sky,
screeching some of the most terrible noises ever. At times the sky turns
to a molten red and forms a vortex in the middle dropping more of the
departed to suffer in Hell.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2111
0 -1 2109
&rApproaching the river Styx&W&w~
&Wsounds of a thick liquid flowing fill the area. It grows stronger as you
get closer to it. The sound becomes so intense that it is all that can be
heard. The sound is coming from the river Styx, a river made entirely of
molten lava. It&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2112
0 -1 2110
&rDock at the river Styx&W&w~
&WA dock some how manages to stay a float on the river. The lava splashes
against the dock, but the bone material it is made from seems un phased.
Looking out over the river, it appears it goes on for miles and miles.
Nothing but lava in the distance.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2111
&rBlood red cove&W&w~
&WThe scenes of hell are behind you. You are now standing in a cove. The
cove walls are a deep blood red. There are bones thrown all around the
ground, they are all stripped clean of the flesh. North three dim flames
can be seen.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2114
&rBlood red cove&W&w~
&WThe scenes of hell are behind you. You are now standing in a cove. The
cove walls are a deep blood red. There are bones thrown all around the
ground, they are all stripped clean of the flesh. North three dim flames
can be seen.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2115
0 -1 2113
&rCerebersus' Lair&W&w~
&WThe heat in this area causes heat waves to rise above the ground. Various
stenches pollute the air, one of a unkempt dog, the other of rotted flesh.
Behind the guardian Cerberus is a path leading upstairs.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2114
Floating in a void~
0 67108868 1
Floating in a void~
0 67108868 1
&rBefore the cobra tower&W&w~
&WThis is the final plane of hell. For being the final plane, it is rather
calm. It is a very small plane, and has a complete black sky. Yet somehow
the large tower before you is shining brightly. The tower has a large
serpent creature wrapping around. Its scales pulse with a blood color, and
the slithering noise haunts the air.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2119
&rLarge scale covered doors&W&w~
&WThe door leading into the tower is covered in thick serpents scales. As
you approach the door, they slide back and forth creating an image of the
sect symbol. The steps to the door are a very rusty color, and trails of
venom flow by.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2118
&rTo enter speak of what you see and seek.
> speech_prog p Sect~
mpecho _yel A booming voice "Yessssss....it ssssshall be done...."
mpecho _whi The doors scales surround you and draw you inside...
mptransfer $n 2120
mpat 2120 mpforce $n look
&rCobra Sect tower - Base floor&W&w~
&WA silence fills the air. The halls look like an ancient monastery.
Torches light the path. Walls made with old brown stones line the
hallways. North is a set of dimly glowing steps.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2126
0 -1 2125
0 -1 2122
Floating in a void~
0 67108868 1
&rAscending up a flight of stairs&W&w~
&WThe steps of the tower, seem to go on forever. There are no windows, and
the light source is very weak. Moans can be heard coming from the top
chambers. Once and a while the snake from outside of the building slithers
causing the whole place to rumble.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2123
0 -1 2120
&rAscending up a flight of stairs&W&w~
&WThe steps of the tower, seem to go on forever. There are no windows, and
the light source is very weak. Moans can be heard coming from the top
chambers. Once and a while the snake from outside of the building slithers
causing the whole place to rumble.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2129
0 -1 2124
0 -1 2122
&rAscending up a flight of stairs&W&w~
&WThe steps of the tower, seem to go on forever. There are no windows, and
the light source is very weak. Moans can be heard coming from the top
chambers. Once and a while the snake from outside of the building slithers
causing the whole place to rumble.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2130
0 -1 2127
0 -1 2123
&rCobra pit&W&w~
&WSnakes! snakes slither all around the ground and fall from the walls.
There are so many snakes they cover the door. There is no exits here, and
the sound of the constant slithering is bound to drive anyone to
&rSect members! say "Away" to be set free!
0 67108868 1
> rand_prog 100~
if time($n) == 12
mea $n _yel The snakes clear out and you notice there is no floor!
mptransfer $n 2100
> speech_prog p Away~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _red Not while you are fighting!
if clan($n) == Cobra Sect
mea $n _yel The snakes form around you and take you away.
mptransfer $n 2135
mpat 2135 mpforce $n look
mea $n _red WRONG!
&rCobra Sect tower - Exit&W&w~
&WThis is the only stair case leading down. It is hard to see down the
steps, but written on the wall in red is the words exit. This may be the
only way to escape from Hell and from this tower.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2120
0 -1 2137
&rAscending up a flight of stairs&W&w~
&WThe steps of the tower, seem to go on forever. There are no windows, and
the light source is very weak. Moans can be heard coming from the top
chambers. Once and a while the snake from outside of the building slithers
causing the whole place to rumble.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2133
0 -1 2128
0 -1 2124
&rAscending up a flight of stairs&W&w~
&WThe steps of the tower, seem to go on forever. There are no windows, and
the light source is very weak. Moans can be heard coming from the top
chambers. Once and a while the snake from outside of the building slithers
causing the whole place to rumble.&W&w
&rSect members! say "Panic" to go to the panic room.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2127
> speech_prog p Panic~
if clan($n) == Cobra Sect
mea $n _yel All of a sudden your surroundings change...
mptransfer $n 2135
mpat 2135 mpforce $n look
mea $n _red Nice try!
&rIntense gravity room&W&w~
&WA sphere in the middle hovers ominously. It sucks in everything that comes
within sight of it. There are crates on the floor, and some blood is trickling
down them right now. The walls blend in with the dark atmosphere, making it
look as if it was the middle of the galaxy.&W&w
0 67108868&8 1
0 -1 2123
&rTraining hall&W&w~
&WThis is where the members of the Cobra Sect come to refine their skills.
It is a very plan looking hallway. It looks out of place with the rest of
the building. With green walls and white floors. North is a fighting room,
and west is the trainer.&W&w 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2131
0 -1 2124
0 -1 2132
&rFighting room&W&w~
&WIt looks like a small dungeon in here. The walls are all barred and very
depressing. The ground is covered in water and thick patches of mold.
There is splattered blood around the area, and the sound of rattling
chains can be heard.&W&w
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2130
&rTrainers room&W&w~
&WThis room is very basic, and only hold a few people. The trainer sits
atop of a golden chair with his eyes closed. There are various training
devices about the area. All for the use of the members.&W&w
0 69206016 1
0 -1 2130
&rCobra Sect clan shop&W&w~
&WTucked away in the corner is a small vendor. His shop does not offer
much, but it is the quality that counts. There is a row of plant to the
north, they are all dead from the intense heat in the area.&W&w
0 67108864 1
2048 -1 2134
0 -1 2127
&rCobra Sect clan gear&W&w~
&WTucked away in the corner is a small vendor. The shop here offers much
better quality items than before. The prices are even a lot better as
well. The whole store is quite small, but hidden well.&W&w
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2133
&rPanic room&W&w~
&WThis room is completely safe from attackers. There are several screens around
the room showing the areas surround the headquarters. There is a large
transporter in the middle of the room that gives access to different areas of
the HQ.&W&w
&rsay "Commands" for a list of commands that can be done.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2128
> speech_prog p Commands~
mea $n _pin To view the dock say "Dockview"
mea $n _whi To view the lair of Cerberus say "Lair"
mea $n _pin to view the clan store say "Store"
mea $n _whi To view the cobra pit say "Pit"
mea $n _pin To go to the dock say "Dock"
mea $n _whi To go to Hell say "Hell"
mea $n _red WARNING You may not return from Hell, unless you
mea $n _red defeat Cerberus, use with caution!
mea $n _pin To go to the vault say "Vault"
mea $n _whi To visit the deity say "Mopop"
> speech_prog p Dockview~
mea $n _Yel Now viewing the dock...
mptransfer $n 2100
mpat 2100 mpforce $n look
mpat 2100 mptransfer $n 2135
> speech_prog p Lair~
mea $n _Yel Now viewing the lair...
mptransfer $n 2115
mpat 2115 mpforce $n look
mpat 2115 mptransfer $n 2135
> speech_prog p Store~
mea $n _Yel Now viewing the stores...
mptransfer $n 2133
mpat 2133 mpforce $n look
mpat 2133 mptransfer $n 2134
mpat 2134 mpforce $n look
mpat 2134 mptransfer $n 2135
> speech_prog p Pit~
mea $n _Yel Now viewing the pit...
mptransfer $n 2125
mpat 2125 mpforce $n look
mpat 2125 mptransfer $n 2135
> speech_prog p Dock~
mea $n _yel To the dock!
mptransfer $n 2100
mpat 2100 mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n _yel $n has arrived!
> speech_prog p Hell~
mea $n _yel To Hell!
mptransfer $n 2104
mpat 2104 mpforce $n look
mpat 2104 mer $n _yel $n is here!
> speech_prog p Vault~
mea $n _yel To the vault
mptransfer $n 2136
mpat 2136 mpforce $n look
mpat 2136 mer $n _yel $n is here!
> speech_prog p Mopop~
mea $n _yel To the deity!
mptransfer $n 2142
mpat 2142 mpforce $n look
mpat 2142 mer $n _yel $n is here!
&rClan vault&W&w~
&WStore your stuff here!
&rTo return to the panic room say "return"
0 67633156 1
> speech_prog p Return~
mea $n _yel Back to the panic room!
mptransfer $n 2135
mpat 2135 mpforce $n look
&rDark halls&W&w~
0 67108869 1
0 -1 2138
&rDark halls&W&w~
0 67108869 1
0 -1 2139
0 -1 2137
&rDark halls&W&w~
0 67108869 1
0 -1 2138
0 -1 2140
&rDark halls&W&w~
0 67108865 1
0 -1 2139
0 -1 2141
&rDark halls&W&w~
0 67108865 1
0 -1 2100
0 -1 2140
&rMopop's room&W&w~
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2135
KING COBRA Control Room~
&gThe control room of the King Cobra is pretty manly.  The pilot's chair is 
made of curled cobras and the engines give off this wicked sick hissing noise
when the ship comes to a stop.  It sounds just like a vicious cobra.  The
light is all green and moody.  The floor is covered in a thick layer of grass
with a large hole in the middle for the snakes to go in and out of.
0 12 1
7 2107 2144
> speech_prog p I need a keycard~
if clan($n) == cobra sect
mpoload 2107
give keycard $n
mea $n The KING COBRA console spits out a keycard at you.
mer $n The KING COBRA console spits out a keycard at $n.
&RR&Pa&pi&Yn&Bb&Go&Ow &RL&Co&Gu&Cn&Pg&Ye~
&pThis is quite obviously the epitome of class.  Cafe tables litter the
surroundings as dashing young men sip mocha latte chais.  There are a few
cappucino machines here and there for the dispensement of some hot, creamy
love.  This room makes you feel very warm and fuzzy, as if you belonged here
all your life.
0 1073741856 1
1 2107 2143

M 1 2100 1 2102
M 1 2103 1 2115
M 1 2101 1 2103
M 1 2105 1 2132
M 1 2104 1 2131
M 1 2106 1 2133
M 1 2102 1 2112
M 1 2107 1 2134
G 1 2103 1
G 1 2105 1
G 1 2104 1
G 1 2106 1
G 1 3216 1
D 0 2143 5 2

 2106    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Cobra store owner
 2107    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; store owner


