Here is Envy's "wishlist" we may mave allready done these (!)

=== What's next?

We might finish and include these features in the next release of EnvyMud.
These features are by NO MEANS guaranteed to be coded.

!	Our first attempt at on-line editing
!	Rewrite of MOBPrograms or similar feature
!	smarter mobs
!	hunt/track
?	missile weapons
?	ninja class
	druid class
	barbarian class
!	ANSI color text
	destructible walls
	siege weapons
!	clans
	builder settable attack types for weapons and mobs
	magic item skill
	player houses
	CHAR_DATA elements are not removed from the next_in_room list
	 just marked for deletion
	OBJ_DATA elements are not removed from the next_content list
	 just marked for deletion
	sockets are not removed instantaneously, just removed every pulse
	room affect items
!	special procedues for rooms and objects
	anarchy flag  all mobs/pcs are aggr to one another
!	Locks value in area files represented by bits and not numbers
!	Rewrite skills table
!	Rewrite class table
!	Restructure combat
!	Restructure spell casting
	Multiplayer Gambling

Pretty ambitious isn't it.