# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1050132111;

Area {
Name	"&gThe Pleasant Glades";
Plane	"Koronin";
Builders	"Symposium";
Repop	"A pleasant breeze washes over your tired body.&n\n";
LVnum	4100;
UVnum	4199;
Security	5;
Temp	10;
Flags	(verbose);
Economy	557;

Mobile {
Vnum	4100;
Name	"earthworm worm";
Short	"an earthworm";
Long	"An earthworm wriggles around here.\n";
Desc	"This earthworm blindly tunnels in the earth.  It is squishy and slimy,\n
but then what did you expect from a worm then.\n";
Align	50;
Act	(npc scavenger stay_area);
Affected	(blind sneak pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Ooze);
Mobile {
Vnum	4101;
Name	"butterfly";
Short	"a butterfly";
Long	"A butterfly buzzes around pollenating flowers and stuff.\n";
Desc	"A small creature that flutters around purposefully doing the things that\n
butterflys do, I guess that they enjoy it, at least they seem to.  It's\n
brightly coloured patterns are obvious targets for hungry birds but the\n
butterfly seems oblivious to this fact.\n";
Align	150;
Act	(npc stay_area wimpy);
Affected	(flying);
Race	(Faerie);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot wings lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4102;
Name	"peasant woman";
Short	"a peasant woman";
Long	"A peasant woman sits here knitting.\n";
Desc	"A pleasant looking woman with rosy cheeks she could very easily be\n
anyone's grandmother.  She sits in a rocking chair, knitting away with the\n
absent concentration only possible for the well practiced knitter.\n";
Level	10;
Align	349;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-magic sanctuary);
Sex	(female);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
Mobile {
Vnum	4103;
Name	"small wren bird";
Short	"a small wren";
Long	"A small wren flutters about here.\n";
Desc	"This wren is a very small creature which seems to be able to fly anywhere\n
even through the tangle of undergrowth that surrounds you.  A flick of it's\n
little tail and it's off through the undergrowth and all you can see is a\n
flash of blue as it disappears.\n";
Act	(npc stay_area);
Affected	(flying);
Race	(Bird);
Mobile {
Vnum	4104;
Name	"centipede";
Short	"a centipede";
Long	"A centipede crawls along slowly.\n";
Desc	"This centipede looks like it could be dangerous except for the fact that\n
it moves so slowly, even a snail could keep up with this little beastie.\n";
Level	4;
Align	-50;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Race	(Insect);
Mobile {
Vnum	4105;
Name	"possum";
Short	"a small possum";
Long	"A small possum is at home in the tops of the trees.\n";
Desc	"A small ball of fur that moves through the tops of the trees like a ball\n
of lightning.  This creature is very much at home where it is.  As you look\n
at it small black eyes peer back at you curiously.\n";
Level	5;
Align	10;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-hidden);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Animal);
Mobile {
Vnum	4106;
Name	"ant";
Short	"an ant";
Long	"An ant crawls along industriously carrying more than his share.\n";
Desc	"This ant is a champion weightlifter of the ultra-ultra-midget class, he\n
can carry more than 10 times his body weight, which though impressive\n
sounding really isn't all that much, but it keeps his family fed.\n";
Level	3;
Align	-10;
Act	(npc scavenger stay_area);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Insect);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot wings lungs);
Mobile {
Vnum	4107;
Name	"mouse";
Short	"a mouse";
Long	"A mouse runs around in the undergrowth looking for bugs to eat.\n";
Desc	"This little creature scurries around in every direction looking for\n
those tasty little treats that inhabit this forest.  He looks eager\n
to stay away from your attention.\n";
Align	-45;
Act	(npc stay_area wimpy);
Race	(Animal);
Specfun	"spec_fido";
Mobile {
Vnum	4108;
Name	"wise owl";
Short	"a wise owl";
Long	"An owl looks at you wisely, saying nothing.\n";
Desc	"This owl listens to what you would have to say, he has the knowledge of\n
years of listening and not only does he look wise but he is also dangerous,\n
just look at those claws.\n";
Level	3;
Align	250;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area train);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-magic detect-hidden);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Bird);
Specfun	"spec_cast_mage";
Mobile {
Vnum	4109;
Name	"grasshopper bouncy";
Short	"a bouncy grasshopper";
Long	"A grasshopper springs out from the long grass and bounces swiftly away.\n";
Desc	"This small green-brown grasshopper prefers to live in long grass where it\n
blends in quite well.  It's long powerful legs give it the ability to leap\n
great distances and as you disturb it you see it leap away swiftly.  This\n
grasshopper is fully aware of it's tastiness and uses it's amazing speed to\n
keep away from the hungry birds who find grasshoppers extremely tasty.\n";
Level	2;
Align	230;
Act	(npc wimpy);
Affected	(detect-hidden haste warp-flesh);
Race	(Insect);
MudProg	{
Type	(rand_prog);
Args	"40";
Comlist	"bounce\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	4110;
Name	"veipic";
Short	"Veipic";
Long	"With bony fingers clutching his staff, Veipic rests here on a log.\n";
Desc	"Veipic is very old, yet you can still see the vigour of his youth in his\n
withering frame.  Apparently he was once a great warrior and adept of the\n
arts of high magic.  Now he sits here calmly, hands resting on his stick,\n
watching over young adventurers with a grandfatherly eye, using his skills\n
to help those in need.\n";
Level	18;
Align	900;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area healer);
Affected	(sanctuary protect);
Sex	(male);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
MudProg	{
Type	(give_prog);
Args	"4107";
Comlist	"say Thank you $n!\n
say I wondered where that went to.\n
if !findobj($n,veipic ring)\n
   say Here, you might have a use for this.\n
   oload 4108\n
   give veipic $n\n
junk all.veipic\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	4111;
Name	"cow spotty brown white";
Short	"a spotty cow";
Long	"A brown and white spotty cow with a placid look chews her cud.\n";
Desc	"Large liquid eyes glance at you warily for a moment, but the cow is too\n
lazy to react so instead focuses on the process of chewing.  The cow is a\n
little plump, the eating is obvious quite good in this region.\n";
Level	6;
Align	400;
Act	(npc sentinel healer);
Sex	(female);
Race	(Animal);
Mobile {
Vnum	4112;
Name	"badger sleepy snoring";
Short	"a sleepy badger";
Long	"A snoring badger, owner of this abode lies on a bed of leaves.\n";
Desc	"This large stripy badger lies curled up in the corner of the room, the\n
only sign of life is the long, regular song of his rumbling snore.  He looks\n
very big and dangerous, even while asleep, you wouldn't want to wake him\n
The badger appears to be holding on to something.\n";
Level	7;
Align	-300;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area healer);
Affected	(detect-hidden mind-mist sleep);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Animal);

Object {
Vnum	4100;
Name	"pail water";
Short	"a small pail of water";
Long	"A pail has been dipped into the stream so you can refresh yourself.";
Action	"The water is shockingly cold, but clean and very refreshing.&n\n";
Level	0;
Weight	22;
Type	(fountain);
Material	(wood);
Values	[0, 0, (<liquid> water), 0];
Object {
Vnum	4101;
Name	"knitting needles";
Short	"some knitting needles";
Long	"A pair of long metal implements lie here.";
Level	8;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Material	(bone);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> stab)];
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	3;
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	-2;
Object {
Vnum	4102;
Name	"light knowledge";
Short	"the Light of Knowledge";
Long	"A light shines from this glowing orb.";
Level	2;
Cost	1000;
Weight	2;
Type	(light);
Wear	(take float);
Extra	(glow);
Material	(glass);
Values	[0, 0, -1, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	4103;
Name	"food crumb";
Short	"a crumb";
Long	"A crumb so large that you wonder how an ant could ever carry it.";
Level	0;
Weight	20;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take hold);
Material	(organic);
Values	[20, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4104;
Name	"shiny gold ring";
Short	"a shiny gold ring";
Long	"A shiny object glints goldenly in the sun.";
Level	2;
Weight	3;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take finger);
Material	(gold);
Values	[0, 30, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(gold);
Modifier	1000;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	4105;
Name	"apple";
Short	"an apple";
Long	"An apple, recently fallen from the tree lies in the long grass.";
Action	"You bite into the apple, it's a bit old but still ok.&n\n";
Level	1;
Type	(food);
Wear	(take);
Material	(eternium);
Condition	700;
Values	[25, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4106;
Name	"staff oaken gnarled twisted length";
Short	"a gnarled oaken staff";
Long	"A length of twisted oak, polished by the use of years lies here.";
Level	18;
Weight	6;
Wear	(take);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(wood);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4107;
Name	"hat veipics veipic's blue battered felt";
Short	"veipic's hat";
Long	"A battered blue hat, made from felt is covered in dirt.";
Level	7;
Weight	4;
Wear	(take);
Extra	(fragile);
Material	(eternium);
Condition	600;
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	4108;
Name	"veipic ring band silver";
Short	"veipic's Ring";
Long	"A small band of silver bears a fine inscription.";
Level	3;
Weight	3;
Type	(treasure);
Wear	(take finger);
Extra	(bless anti-evil);
Material	(silver);
Values	[100, 0, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(constitution);
Modifier	1;
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"veipic ring band silver inscription";
Text	"You can barely make out the fine silver working, it says:\n
  The bearer of this ring has been deemed worthy,\n
                             Veipic, Lord Marshall\n";

Room {
Vnum	4100;
Name	"A sunny glade";
Desc	"Here the sun shines down on you warmly and you can feel totally relaxed\n
with the world.  You have the urge to laugh as you run through the long\n
grass, it's like one of those sickening scenes from all those sappy movies\n
you wished you never watched.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4101;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4103;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"You see a massive hedge thick with growth here, but at the bottom,\n
hiddden from you at first, you notice a small gap which looks to have been\n
used frequently by the inhabitants of this place to move into the woods you\n
can see just past the hedge.\n";
ToRoom	4106;
} ];
Resets	{
# an earthworm to room.
  M 4100 3;
Room {
Vnum	4101;
Name	"A sunny glade";
Desc	"Here the sun shines down on you warmly and you can feel totally relaxed\n
with the world.  You have the urge to laugh as you run through the long\n
grass, it's like one of those sickening scenes from all those sappy movies\n
you wished you never watched.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"A rickety door stands on rusty hinges, squeaking softly as it moves in\n
the slight breeze.\n";
Keyword	"wooden door";
ToRoom	4105;
Flags	(door closed);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4102;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4100;
} ];
Resets	{
# a butterfly to room.
  M 4101 3;
Room {
Vnum	4102;
Name	"A sunny glade";
Desc	"Here the sun shines down on you warmly and you can feel totally relaxed\n
with the world.  You have the urge to laugh as you run through the long\n
grass, it's like one of those sickening scenes from all those sappy movies\n
you wished you never watched.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4104;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4103;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4101;
} ];
Resets	{
# a bouncy grasshopper to room.
  M 4109 3;
# a butterfly to room.
  M 4101 3;
Room {
Vnum	4103;
Name	"A sunny glade";
Desc	"Here the sun shines down on you warmly and you can feel totally relaxed\n
with the world.  You have the urge to laugh as you run through the long\n
grass, it's like one of those sickening scenes from all those sappy movies\n
you wished you never watched.\n";
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4102;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4100;
} ];
Resets	{
# an earthworm to room.
  M 4100 3;
# an earthworm to room.
  M 4100 3;
Room {
Vnum	4104;
Name	"A small glade";
Desc	"Here a few small trees are clumped together, a few fruit trees and the\n
products of the labours of a man from ages past who tried to create a small\n
orchard.  Fruit lies on the ground rotting and the orchard shows little\n
evidence of regular care.\n";
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4102;
} ];
Resets	{
# an apple to room.
  O 4105;
Room {
Vnum	4105;
Name	"A peasant cottage";
Desc	"The interior of this cottage could only be described as quaint.  You can\n
see the implements for cooking and a small stove in the corner as well as a\n
small pallet in the corner with a few thin blankets piled on it.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"A rickety door stands on rusty hinges, squeaking softly as it moves in\n
the slight breeze.\n";
Keyword	"wooden door";
ToRoom	4101;
Flags	(door closed);
} ];
Resets	{
# a peasant woman to room.
  M 4102 1;
#	equip some knitting needles lhold.
  E 4101 ("lhold");
Room {
Vnum	4106;
Name	"A gap in the hedge";
Desc	"You squeeze yourself between the large bushes and find a small hollow in\n
the middle of this huge growth of hedge.  Here the sun's light is dulled and\n
in the darkness you can see a few things that were left here by the bower's\n
last occupants.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors private);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"A light shines through a hole and through the bright light you can see a\n
rolling pasture in the sun.\n";
ToRoom	4100;
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"You can see through the gap in the hedge a great forest with massive\n
trees towering over your head, the dim light and silence make the place seem\n
so calm that you instantly know that this is a very nice place.\n";
ToRoom	4107;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4107;
Name	"The woods";
Desc	"A nice feeling overwhelms you as you enter this forest, a deep sense of\n
peacefulness resides here and you can feel the tensions drift away in the\n
cool shade of the trees.\n
    To the east you can see a hedge, it appears to be broken at this point.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4108;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"The towering hedge you can see here has a small tunnel burrowed into the\n
lower sections, this hole shows the signs of frequent use by the inhabitants\n
of the area, you wonder where it leads to.\n";
Keyword	"hedge";
ToRoom	4106;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4113;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4112;
} ];
Resets	{
# an ant to room.
  M 4106 2;
#	equip a crumb lhold.
  E 4103 ("lhold");
Room {
Vnum	4108;
Name	"At the base of the great oak";
Desc	"A huge oak tree towers over you and you feel dwarfed by it's immensity\n
just standing here.  The tree appears to have some form of steps traced into\n
the trunk, well worn by thousands of feet.\n
To the east you can see a towering hedge.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4107;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4111;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4109;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small wren to room.
  M 4103 4;
Room {
Vnum	4109;
Name	"Halfway up the giant oak";
Desc	"Here you are halfway up the great oak, and on a level with the\n
tree-dwelling animals of the forest, through the branches of the tree you\n
can see activity all over the forest as the smaller creatures go about their\n
business.  The tree continues to climb above you and you can see the worn\n
path leads higher.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4110;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4108;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4110;
Name	"The top of the tree";
Desc	"Here the top of the giant oak you climb pokes above the top of the rest\n
of the forest trees and you can see above the rest of the forest, a sea of\n
green continues in all directions.  Here the top of the tree sways in the\n
breeze and there is absolute silence as you are raised above the forest\n
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4124;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4109;
} ];
Resets	{
# a wise owl to room.
  M 4108 1;
#	equip the Light of Knowledge lwielded.
  E 4102 ("lwielded");
# a small wren to room.
  M 4103 4;
Room {
Vnum	4111;
Name	"A forest glen";
Desc	"The forest here is quiet and you feel hushed into a sort of silence as\n
you ponder existence, this place makes you truly appreciate the muses of\n
ancient times and their obsession with thought.  The great old trees above\n
you make you seem so insignificant, it makes you wonder exactly how\n
important you really are.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4108;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4112;
} ];
Resets	{
# Veipic to room.
  M 4110 1;
#	equip a gnarled oaken staff rhold.
  E 4106 ("rhold");
Room {
Vnum	4112;
Name	"A forest glen";
Desc	"The forest here is quiet and you feel hushed into a sort of silence as\n
you ponder existence, this place makes you truly appreciate the muses of\n
ancient times and their obsession with thought.  The great old trees above\n
you make you seem so insignificant, it makes you wonder exactly how\n
important you really are.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4111;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4107;
} ];
Resets	{
# a centipede to room.
  M 4104 -1;
# a mouse to room.
  M 4107 3;
Room {
Vnum	4113;
Name	"Forest Ampitheatre";
Desc	"A large area underneath the trees has been cleared here for the use of\n
forest gatherings.  You can see steps cut into the hillside beneath the\n
great trees and many places that show evidence of people sitting for some\n
time, it seems that the entertainment here isn't half bad.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4107;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4114;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4115;
} ];
Resets	{
# a centipede to room.
  M 4104 -1;
Room {
Vnum	4114;
Name	"A forest path";
Desc	"Up ahead you can see the forest open out into a wide area under the\n
spreading boughs of the ancient trees.\n";
Flags	(indoors private);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4113;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4119;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4115;
Name	"A forest glen";
Desc	"The forest here is quiet and you feel hushed into a sort of silence as\n
you ponder existance, this place makes you truly appreciate the muses of\n
ancient times and their obsession with thought.  The great old trees above\n
you make you seem so insignificant, it makes you wonder exactly how\n
important you really are.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4112;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4113;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4116;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4118;
} ];
Resets	{
# a mouse to room.
  M 4107 3;
Room {
Vnum	4116;
Name	"A forest glen";
Desc	"The forest here is quiet and you feel hushed into a sort of silence as\n
you ponder existance, this place makes you truly appreciate the muses of\n
ancient times and their obsession with thought.  The great old trees above\n
you make you seem so insignificant, it makes you wonder exactly how\n
important you really are.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4115;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4117;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small wren to room.
  M 4103 4;
Room {
Vnum	4117;
Name	"Beside a stream";
Desc	"The forest giants recede here to give way to a different type of growth,\n
large weeping willow and birch stand here, drinking the sweet water from the\n
stream.  You notice a small patch of grass beside the stream that must have\n
been used once before by lovers seeking seclusion, this place is as secluded\n
as they come.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4118;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4116;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4127;
} ];
Resets	{
# a mouse to room.
  M 4107 3;
Room {
Vnum	4118;
Name	"Before a rickety bridge";
Desc	"To the west of here you can see a bridge over a tiny rivulet, the sweet\n
sound of the water trickling over the stones makes you wonder how long you\n
can hold your water, but you are easily calmed by the tranquility of the\n
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4115;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4117;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4120;
} ];
Resets	{
# an ant to room.
  M 4106 2;
#	equip a crumb lhold.
  E 4103 ("lhold");
Room {
Vnum	4119;
Name	"A forest path";
Desc	"Here the path you follow leads further into the forest, you can hear the\n
pleasant, relaxing sounds of the forest as you listen.  The sounds of birds\n
and forest creatures softly going about their business fill the air as you\n
meander along this lovely path.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4114;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	800;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4120;
Name	"A rickety bridge";
Desc	"This bridge has stood for generations of people who have come this way in\n
search of peace and harmony, after years the bridge is in a decrepit state\n
with growth covering it almost entirely, you start to wonder if the vines\n
hold the bridge up and not the original supports.  The air is filled with\n
the sounds of the forest and you can hear the water as it ripples over the\n
stones in the stream below you.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4118;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4121;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small pail of water to room.
  O 4100;
Room {
Vnum	4121;
Name	"The end of the path";
Desc	"As you follow the path further you suddenly come up against a giant tree\n
which has grown to completely cover the old path, there seems little chance\n
of continuing in this direction, but you can quite easily understand why\n
visitors to the forest found no problem with this, the tree is amazing!\n
This tree towers over you with absolute confidence, there is now mistaking\n
the power here.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4120;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4122;
}, @(<dir> down) {
Desc	"Hidden amoungst the roots of the tree, you notice a small wooden door\n
covered by a layer of leaves.\n";
Keyword	"hidden trapdoor";
ToRoom	4126;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4122;
Name	"Climbing the ancient tree";
Desc	"This tree is huge, the lower trunks where you are stretch out from the\n
trunk like huge highways and even as you climb up you can see the top of the\n
tree.  You think you can manage to climb higher through the increasingly\n
tangled clusters of branches.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4123;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4121;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4123;
Name	"A small way up the ancient tree";
Desc	"Here you struggle to climb the large tree, unused to climbing a tree of\n
this size, you notice the homes of the creatures that live here, a hollow in\n
the tree or a small nest perched on a branch, each signs of the many lives\n
that depend on this huge tree.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4124;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4125;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4122;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4124;
Name	"Swinging through the treetops";
Desc	"A short jump off the end of a branch and you find that you are flying\n
above the treetops with the birds.  The freedom of this place is amazing,\n
you feel more relaxed here than anywhere ever before.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4110;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4123;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small possum to room.
  M 4105 2;
#	a shiny gold ring to inventory.
  G 4104;
Room {
Vnum	4125;
Name	"Halfway up the ancient tree";
Desc	"Here you find that you cannot climb any further, because of the tangles\n
of branches stopping you from going any further.  Even though you are only\n
halfway up this huge tree you can see above the crowns of the rest of the\n
trees, over a sea of green.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	4123;
} ];
Resets	{
# a small possum to room.
  M 4105 2;
Room {
Vnum	4126;
Name	"Beneath the roots of the ancient tree";
Desc	"A small room has been dug into the tangle of roots beneath the tree.  It\n
seems that one of the forest creatures has made this little den his home,\n
you notice small piles of nuts, obviously collected for the winter.  The air\n
is filled with a strong earthy smell and a sense of cosiness.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	4121;
Flags	(door closed pickproof passproof hidden);
} ];
Resets	{
# a sleepy badger to room.
  M 4112 1;
#	veipic's hat to inventory.
  G 4107;
Room {
Vnum	4127;
Name	"Beside a trickling brook";
Desc	"A small trail made from hard-packed dirt winds along beside a gently\n
tinkling brook.  The air is cool and moist here and the weeping willows\n
lining the banks are lush with healthy green leaves.  The place is quiet and\n
soothing, you could easily stay here a while longer...\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4117;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Desc	"You notice a thin shaft of sunlight filter through the thick foliage just\n
a little further along.\n";
ToRoom	4128;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	4128;
Name	"An open field";
Desc	"The sun here is warm and bright, it shines on tall, golden grasses which\n
wave slightly in the breeze.  The brook ripples along beside you in a\n
shallow gully it's soft music relaxing you.  You are overcome with a sudden\n
urge to roll around in the grass.\n";
Flags	(indoors forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"Tall trees tower above you toward the north.  You notice a small path\n
leading alongside the brook into the forest.  The forest looks very\n
ToRoom	4127;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4130;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4129;
} ];
Resets	{
# a bouncy grasshopper to room.
  M 4109 3;
Room {
Vnum	4129;
Name	"An open field";
Desc	"You find yourself up against the side of a wide meadow near a rundown old\n
fence which leans at a precarious angle.  The grass brushes gently at your\n
legs as you wade through the tall strands and as you step you disturb a few\n
of the tiny creatures who make the grass their home.\n
The sun here warms you nicely and you feel contented.\n";
Flags	(indoors forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4128;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	4131;
} ];
Resets	{
# a butterfly to room.
  M 4101 3;
Room {
Vnum	4130;
Name	"An open field";
Desc	"The tall wheat-brown grass waves about in the gentle breeze in the corner\n
of the paddock here.  You notice small creatures moving about in the grass\n
and you can hear the sounds of birds singing all around you.  The\n
surroundings are perfectly idyllic, you can feel the goodness of this place\n
permeating everything.\n";
Flags	(indoors forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	4131;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4128;
} ];
Resets	{
# a spotty cow to room.
  M 4111 1;
Room {
Vnum	4131;
Name	"An open field";
Desc	"The south-eastern corner of the field is dominated by a massive, old tree\n
which seems to have been here for ages.  The lowest branches of the tree are\n
close to the ground and you can see birds hopping about on them, flitting\n
about singing happily.  The tree provides pleasant shade and the grass here\n
is soft and cool.\n";
Flags	(indoors forage);
Sector	(field);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	4130;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	4129;
} ];
Resets	{
# a bouncy grasshopper to room.
  M 4109 3;
# a small wren to room.
  M 4103 4;
