# This file has been autogenerated, you can edit this online.
-Version 0;
-Date 1050129889;

Area {
Name	"Caves of Knowledge";
Plane	"Koronin";
Builders	"Symposium Johnson";
Age	3;
LVnum	3700;
UVnum	3899;
Security	5;
Temp	10;
Flags	(verbose hidden);
Economy	16414;

Mobile {
Vnum	3700;
Name	"guardian knowledge";
Short	"the Guardian of the Knowledge";
Long	"The Guardian of the Knowledge is here to greet you.\n";
Desc	"The Guardian is an aged man with kindly eyes and a bright smile.  He\n
wears a plain white robe and leather sandals and he carries a plain wooden\n
staff.  He appears to be fabulously strong and determined.\n";
Level	100;
Align	1000;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-evil detect-invis detect-hidden sanctuary infrared protect haste);
Sex	(male);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Specfun	"spec_breath_any";
MudProg	{
Type	(rand_prog);
Args	"50";
Comlist	"if exist($r)\n
if ( level($r) == 1 ) && !strcmp(welcome,\"$r\")\n
    bow $r\n
    say $r, Welcome to Daleken MUD.\n
    say You now stand at the start of the path of truth.\n
    say If you have no experience of MUDding this should help you to learn.\n
    say To start playing and learning, type \"north\"\n
    set welcome $r\n
MudProg	{
Type	(leave_prog);
Args	"100 north";
Comlist	"if strcmp( \"$n\", welcome )\n
   delete welcome\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3701;
Name	"athletic man";
Short	"a tall athletic man";
Long	"A tall athletic man wearing a tracksuit jogs on the spot here.\n";
Desc	"He really is very energetic.  You get the feeling that you couldn't be\n
better off than with this guy if you wanted to learn how to move.\n";
Level	78;
Align	1000;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden sanctuary infrared protect);
Sex	(male);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers left-leg right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
Specfun	"death_explode";
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
   eval set teach$n 1\n
   wait 1\n
   say Hello $n, I'm here to teach you to walk.\n
   say On Daleken in order to move just say which direction you want to go.\n
   say There are 6 directions: north, south, east, west, up and down.\n
   say To demonstrate now type \"east\" to move east.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 east";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   say Now you have been east, try moving west.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 west";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   say Ok, well done $n.\n
   say If you read the last room's description,\n
   say you would have learnt that you can shorten commands to only a few letters.\n
   say This is very useful in movement as you move a fair bit.\n
   say Try moving down (remember don't type \"down\", type \"d\").\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 down";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   say You can now move anywhere, or can you?\n
   say In order to move upwards from here you need to be able to fly.\n
   say Here, you need to fly in order to get up in the air.\n
   cast fly $n\n
   while !isflying($n)\n
      say Whoops, the spell didn't work again!\n
      cast fly $n\n
   say Now move up please.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 up";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   say You now can move almost anywhere, the last thing to learn is doors.\n
   say You'll notice that there is a closed door to the north,\n
   say Type \"open door\" or \"open north\" to open the door before moving north.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(act_prog);
Args	"p opens the door.";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   say Well done $n, that's the right spirit!\n
   eval delete teach$n\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3702;
Name	"wise old hag woman";
Short	"a wise old woman";
Long	"An old woman with great wisdom and knowledge, leans on her cane.\n";
Desc	"This old woman shows an age you would have thought totally impossible to\n
obtain.  She carries with her a pile of books and other material of the\n
scholar and so you deduce that her age also symbolises great knowledge and\n
Level	52;
Class	(Cleric);
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area train);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared);
Sex	(female);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
   set teach$n 1\n
   wait 5\n
   if sex($n) == table(\"sex\",\"neutral\")\n
      say Good morning $n, I'm here to teach to information and knowledge.\n
   else if sex($n) == table(\"sex\",\"male\")\n
      say Good morning young sir, I'm here to teach to information and knowledge.\n
      say Good morning young lass, I'm here to teach to information and knowledge.\n
   wait 4\n
   say I'm old, so please be patient.\n
   wait 3\n
   say Firstly, you must learn about yourself.\n
   say To see all about yourself, type \"score\".\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"sco|re";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 1\n
   set teach$n 2\n
   wait 12\n
   say As you can see, score shows you everything you can know about yourself.\n
   say But as it is very large, you might like to use \"group\" or \"worth\"\n
   say These show small amounts of information about yourself.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(sub_prog);
Args	"group_worth_cmd";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n == 2\n
   wait 1\n
   say Very good, $n, have a look at ${1} too.\n
   set teach$n 3\n
eval else if teach$n == 3\n
   wait 4\n
   say You may have noticed practices in your score or worth.\n
   say These are the coin of character advancement, you get these when you raise a level.\n
   say In order to see what they can get you you can type \"train\".\n
   say Later on you will be able to use them to \"practice\" but not yet.\n
   set teach$n 4\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"gr|oup";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
sub group_worth_cmd worth\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"wo|rth";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
sub group_worth_cmd group\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"tra|in";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 4\n
   set teach$n 5\n
   wait 5\n
   say Very good $n, as you can see, training is expensive.\n
   say Training is also very important, so don't neglect it.\n
   say But it must be balanced against practicing the skills you will need.\n
   wait 5\n
   say Equipment (what you are wearing) is important in this game.\n
   say In order to see what you wear, type \"equipment\".\n
   say Remember that you can shorten it to \"eq\".\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"prac|tice";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 4\n
   wait 1\n
   say Try typing \"train\" first please $n.\n
eval else if teach$n\n
   wait 1\n
   say You cannot practice here $n, visit my friend the Mastermage.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"eq|uipment";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 5\n
   set teach$n 6\n
   wait 1\n
   echoat $n $I nods in acknowledgement at you.\n
   wait 5\n
   say As you cant wear every piece of gear at once,\n
   say you need to be able to see what else you carry in your inventory.\n
   say As you may have guessed, the \"inventory\" command does this (\"inv\").\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"i|nventory";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 6\n
   set teach$n 7\n
   wait 3\n
   say As you can see, at the moment you carry nothing at all.\n
   wait 5\n
   say Now the most important informational command is the \"help\" command.\n
   say Later you will use this to find out about many things,\n
   say type \"help <subject>\" to find out about any subject.\n
   say Of course replace <subject> with what you want to know about.\n
   wait 10\n
   say Now that I have taught you all that I can for the moment,\n
   say move north when you are ready.\n
   say If that was too fast, or you need more help just ask.\n
   echoat $n Type \"&rsay help?&n\" if you need more help.\n
   wait 12\n
   say Maybe before you leave you can train wisdom.\n
   say Wisdom is important for gaining practices, the higher the better.\n
   say To train wisdom type \"train wisdom\".\n
MudProg	{
Type	(command_prog);
Args	"help";
Comlist	"retval 0\n
eval if teach$n == 7\n
   wait 1\n
# Note that the <> are treated like quotes, so the entire line needs\n
# to be taken, rather than just the second argument, no quoting is\n
# done for these.\n
   if strcmp(2-,\"<subject>\")\n
      say That was a little silly now wasn't it?\n
      emote nods wisely.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(speech_prog);
Args	"help help?";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   set teach$n 1\n
   say So you need more help $n, let's start over.\n
   say I believe that you should type \"score\" to begin.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(leave_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"eval if teach$n\n
   unset teach$n\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3703;
Name	"dummy training";
Short	"a training dummy";
Long	"Long wooden arms swinging wildly, this dummy is designed for combat training.\n";
Desc	"The dummy's wooden body has been beaten quite badly and you can see large\n
dents all over where vicious blows from over-eager students have smacked\n
into the torso.  A painted head grins at you and the loosely hinged arms\n
swing a toy sword about wildly.\n";
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared warp-flesh);
Parts	(torso head eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-fingers right-fingers right-leg left-foot right-foot lungs);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
    set welcome $n1\n
    set teaching $n\n
    say Welcome $n, I am here so you can learn combat skills.\n
    say Punish me if I displease you, I'm only a dummy.\n
    delay self 90\n
MudProg	{
Type	(delay_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if strcmp(welcome,\"$r1\")\n
    set welcome $r2\n
    say Before combat you must be prepared in two ways,\n
    say You must be as strong as you can be and have the best equipment,\n
    say AND you must know your opponent, this being the most important.\n
    say To see what I am like type 'look dummy'.\n
else if strcmp(welcome,\"$r3\")\n
    set welcome $r4\n
    say As you can see consider compares our fighting skills.\n
    say You should get the impression that I'm not very good at fighting.\n
    say After all I'm only a dummy.\n
    say If you are satisified you are better, kill me.\n
    mpechoat $r Type &rkill dummy&x.\n
    delay self 2\n
MudProg	{
Type	(act_prog);
Args	"${teaching} looks at you.";
Comlist	"if strcmp(welcome,\"$n2\")\n
    set welcome $n3\n
    say Very good $n!\n
    say As you can see I have a sword, it can be bad if you opponent is armed.\n
    say But weapon or not, you have to know more, and to do this use \"consider\".\n
    echoat $n Type &rhelp consider&x if you want to know more.\n
    say consider me (type 'consider dummy') to see if you can win the fight.\n
    delay self 120\n
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if strcmp(welcome,\"$n4\")\n
    say Well done $n, you have defeated me!\n
    say Now you know the basics of combat.\n
    say To move north you need the key I was carrying.\n
    say You can see it in my corpse, so get it by typing \"get key corpse\".\n
    mload 3703\n
    unset welcome\n
    unset teaching\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3704;
Name	"mirrorred illusion thin angular figure glass";
Short	"a mirrorred illusion";
Long	"A thin angular figure made from planes of glass has an indistinct outline.\n";
Desc	"You see a vaguely man shaped being crafted from a light smoky glass, it\n
appears as though he doesn't actually touch the ground as he doesn't really\n
have any feet as such.  At first you may not have noticed him as his light\n
glassy nature means that he blends into the background easily.\n";
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel buried);
Affected	(invisible detect-evil detect-invis detect-magic detect-hidden infrared flying hide);
Race	(Air Elemental);
Parts	(torso eyes left-arm right-arm left-hand right-hand left-leg right-leg wings lungs);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if ( level($n) <= 5 ) && !strcmp(teaching,\"$n\")\n
    set state 1\n
    set teaching $n\n
    say Welcome $n, you can't see me but I hope to be able to help\n
    say You understand why that is the case and how to rectify this.\n
    say I'm here to help you with a few little things like visibility.\n
    say As you might be able to tell, I am currently invisible,\n
    say at the completion of this lesson you will be able to see me.\n
    close south\n
    say Shall we begin?\n
    echoat $n [type \"&rsay yes&x\" to continue]\n
MudProg	{
Type	(speech_prog);
Args	"yes";
Comlist	"if ( state == 1 ) && strcmp(teaching,\"$n\")\n
    set state 2\n
    say Very well, firstly I should tell you about the scan command.\n
    say This allows you to see the monsters in the room near you.\n
    say If you scan now you should see two monsters, to the east and west.\n
    echoat $n When you type scan there will be a list of the available directions.\n
    echoat $n Under each heading will be a list of the monsters (called mobiles)\n
    echoat $n Type &rscan&x now please.\n
    delay self 60\n
MudProg	{
Type	(delay_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if !strcmp(teaching,\"$r\")\n
    delay self 2\n
if state == 7\n
    unset teaching\n
    set state 0\n
    kill $r\n
else if state == 5\n
    set state 6\n
    echoat $r A strange force compels you eastward.\n
    force $r east\n
else if state == 3\n
    set state 4\n
else if state == 2\n
    set state 3\n
    say You may or may not be able to see anything, this is because the\n
    say monsters in the rooms to east and west are using some method of\n
    say avoiding being seen.\n
    say The first method used is to hide, so to see this creature you will\n
    say have to use some method to see hidden people.\n
    say I would suggest using a \"detect hidden\" potion from this chest.\n
    echoat $r You can find this potion in the chest in this room.\n
    echoat $r To get the potion, first type &ropen chest&x\n
    delay self 2\n
MudProg	{
Type	(sub_prog);
Args	"openchest";
Comlist	"delay self 3\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(act_prog);
Args	"l ${teaching} enters from the west.";
Comlist	"if state == 4\n
    set state 5\n
    say Well done $n!\n
    say I take it you have the leaf? Good.\n
    say That leaf has magical properties, why don't you eat it.\n
    delay self 40\n
MudProg	{
Type	(act_prog);
Args	"l ${teaching} enters from the east.";
Comlist	"if state == 6\n
    set state 7\n
    say I'll bet you are wondering why you still can't see me.\n
    say You can see hidden and invisible but you must remember one thing.\n
    say When you think you have it beaten that is when it comes back and...\n
    delay self 40\n
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if strcmp(teaching,\"$n\")\n
    say You may as well take my key, you will be needing it.\n
    drop key\n
    say Well don't just stand there, get it!\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3705;
Name	"goblin scared terrified little";
Short	"a scared goblin";
Long	"A terrified little goblin huddles in the corner in the bushes.\n";
Desc	"This goblin is visibly shivering and as you look at it you can see that\n
it's eyes are wide open with terror.  It shuffles away from you as you near,\n
not saying a word but trying to draw back in on itself more and more.\n";
Level	0;
Align	-100;
Act	(npc sentinel scavenger);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared hide);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Goblin);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
    emote rustles in the bushes.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"say Ow that hurt!\n
emote looks down at all its wounds and faints dead away.\n
echoat $n Make sure you get the leaf from the corpse, you will need it later.\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(attack_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"say Oh please don't kill me!\n
emote cringes in terror.\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3706;
Name	"magician stage tall man";
Short	"a stage magician";
Long	"A tall man dressed in black produces a dove from somewhere.\n";
Desc	"Tall and almost gaunt, this man fits the image of a stage magician\n
perfectly.  He wears a flowing black cape which seems to wave about him at\n
all times, even when he isn't flourishing it.  As a stage magician he seems\n
to be very proficient, he blends very well into the foreground, you wonder\n
if this is more than a simple trick.\n";
Align	500;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(invisible detect-invis detect-hidden infrared);
Sex	(male);
Specfun	"spec_safe";
MudProg	{
Type	(delay_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"say Damn, I knew there was something wrong with that last trick.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(speech_prog);
Args	"magician illusionist";
Comlist	"say Congratulations, good thinking $n!\n
say For your prize you will receive these wonderful gloves.\n
oload 3715\n
give glove $n\n
say Now don't bother me anymore.\n
emote disappears with a bright flash and a puff of smoke!\n
delay self 40\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
   say Hello $n!\n
   say I have a little puzzle for you...\n
   say If you can tell me what I am, then I have a small gift for you.\n
   echoat $n Just type \"&rsay a dentist&x\" or whatever you think this person is.\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3707;
Name	"dummy cloth lumpy stuffing";
Short	"a cloth dummy";
Long	"A cloth dummy, with rather lumpy stuffing lies slumped against a wall.\n";
Desc	"Made from coarse calico that is wearing thin in several places, this\n
dummy is so misshapen that it is barely useful.  Battered and dirty the\n
dummy has been left against the wall, maybe it's of no more use to anyone.\n";
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-hidden infrared);
Race	(Object);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 5\n
    echoat $n You'd better kill this dummy too.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"emote falls to pieces as you strike the final blow.\n
drop all\n
echoat $n Pick up the pieces by typing \"&rget armg&x\" and \"&rget cape&x\".\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3708;
Name	"shopkeeper short";
Short	"a short shopkeeper";
Long	"A short shopkeeper dressed in a white apron bustles over to greet you.\n";
Desc	"A broad smile covers the dwarf's face as you enter the room.  He rubs his\n
hands together vigorously as he speaks about each item in the store, it\n
seems that every piece has a history he knows about.  He is quite talkative,\n
you only wish he would stop nattering so constantly.\n";
Level	25;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared haste fast-talk);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Dwarf);
Shop	{
Trade	[];
Markdown	50;
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) > 5\n
say Welcome to my store $n!\n
say Take a look around and tell me what you need.\n
say If you want to see what I sell, type \"list\"\n
wait 12\n
say If you want to buy anything just say so.\n
say Just type \"buy XXX\" and name the object you want.\n
say My prices are all very good, why don't you buy a amulet?\n
echoat $n Type \"buy amul\".\n
echoat $n Note: You will need two amulets, as you can wear two.\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3709;
Name	"dummy rubber";
Short	"a rubber dummy";
Long	"A dummy made from black rubber is trying to untangle itself from a knot.\n";
Desc	"This dummy lies on the ground in a very unusual position, obviously it's\n
previous students thought to have some fun with it and tie it up.  The dummy\n
has limbs going in all directions and you can make little sense of the\n
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared haste fast-talk);
Race	(Object);
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"emote bounces about for a while then lies still.\n
echoat $n You had better get what the dummy was wearing.\n
echoat $n The gear it had is now inside it's corpse.\n
echoat $n To get it all, type \"&rget all corpse&x\".\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3710;
Name	"dummy plaster training";
Short	"a plaster dummy";
Long	"A training dummy made from crumbling plaster wobbles unsteadliy.\n";
Desc	"This dummy appears to be quite old and probably hasn't been used often\n
recently as you can see the arms are continually dropping a fine mist of\n
plaster.  In fact the dummy is so crumbly you think that it unlikely that it\n
would remain whole if you even slightly nudged it.\n";
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared warp-flesh);
Race	(Object);
MudProg	{
Type	(death_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"emote crumbles as you strike the final blow.\n
echoat $n You'd better get everything from the corpse.\n
echoat $n You never know how handy it could be!\n";
Mobile {
Vnum	3711;
Name	"dummy splinted cane spinning";
Short	"a spinning dummy";
Long	"A dummy made from splinted cane whirls about erratically.\n";
Desc	"This wicker dummy has been belted onto a post in the centre of the room\n
so that it spins wildly.  It movement is out of control, you can't help but\n
think it's spinning will strike you in some way.\n";
Level	0;
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared warp-flesh);
Race	(Object);
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if exist($r)\n
   if level($r) < 5\n
      wait 5\n
      emote spins wildly out of control!\n
      kill $r\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3712;
Name	"mage powerful";
Short	"a powerful mage";
Long	"A powerful mage stands here welcoming new mages and keeping out riff-raff.\n";
Desc	"Although he appears to be quite young, this mage shows a great skill with\n
his magic.  Since he has become so adept at harnessing the four elements, he\n
has been given the task of protecting the mages here from the influence of\n
external pressures whilst undergoing their training.\n";
Level	22;
Align	-200;
Class	(Mage);
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-magic detect-hidden infrared protect pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100 down";
Comlist	"if ( class($n) == class($i) ) || ( origclass($n) == class($i) )\n
    bow $n\n
    say Welcome fellow Mage.\n
    say With respect $n, you do not belong here.\n
    say Let me show you the exit.\n
    echoat $n $I touches you lightly and the world swirls about you.\n
    trans $n 3717\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3713;
Name	"warrior tough minotaur burly";
Short	"a burly warrior";
Long	"A burly minotaur warrior stands here with his muscly arms crossed.\n";
Desc	"At almost nine feet tall this huge minotaur towers above you, absolutely\n
motionless, yet you can see that his eyes miss nothing.  He is here to\n
ensure that none but warriors get past him to complete their training, the\n
secrets of the warrior must be kept.\n";
Level	22;
Class	(Warrior);
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-magic detect-hidden infrared protect pass-door);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Minotaur);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100 south";
Comlist	"if ( class($n) == class($i) ) || ( origclass($n) == class($i) )\n
   echoat $n $I takes a brief look at you.\n
   say You may pass $n.\n
   say Oy, you wont be able to sneak past me $n.\n
   echoat $n $I pushes you forcefully back.\n
   force $n south\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3714;
Name	"cleric young";
Short	"a young cleric";
Long	"A young cleric bearing a mace, keeps the infidels at bay.\n";
Desc	"This young woman bears herself proudly as she carries out her divinely\n
given duty.  Her wisdom and faith shows in her eyes as she unwaveringly\n
looks at you, trying to determine your worth.\n";
Level	22;
Align	800;
Class	(Cleric);
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-evil detect-invis detect-magic detect-hidden protect);
Sex	(female);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100 west";
Comlist	"if ( class($n) == class($i) ) || ( origclass($n) == class($i) )\n
    say Blessings on you pilgrim.\n
    say May your faith lead you true in your training.\n
    say Begone infidel!\n
    say Do not attempt to sully our divine paths with your unholy ways.\n
    trans $n 3717\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3715;
Name	"sensei man little";
Short	"a sensei";
Long	"A little man wearing a short robe greets you solemnly with a bow.\n";
Desc	"This short man sits here calmly watching you, his face expressionless.\n
You see that he is not young, yet he carries himself with an assurance and\n
poise that belies his years.  He has chosen to help those who decide to\n
follow the same path he once followed by giving some guidance and a little\n
physical assistance.\n";
Level	22;
Align	100;
Class	("Martial Artist");
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared protect);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Gnome);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100 east";
Comlist	"bow $n\n
if ( class($n) == class($i) ) || ( origclass($n) == class($i) )\n
   echoat $n $I smiles softly and seems to nod to himself.\n
   echoat $n $I calmly guides you to the exit.\n
   force $n east\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3716;
Name	"fence";
Short	"the fence";
Long	"The fence for all new thieves sits here behind a large mahogany desk.\n";
Desc	"Thin and austere looking, this elf's eyes dart about the room warily as\n
you enter.  He wears an extravagant suit (black naturally) made from fine\n
silk and a heavy gold rings on his fingers.  This wealth obviously comes\n
from a life of crime that pays quite well.\n";
Level	22;
Align	100;
Class	(Thief);
Act	(npc sentinel stay_area);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared protect);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Elf);
Specfun	"spec_cast_adept";
Shop	{
Trade	[(treasure)];
Markup	200;
Markdown	60;
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100 up";
Comlist	"if ( class($n) == class($i) ) || ( origclass($n) == class($i) )\n
    say Ah, nice of you to come $n, take a seat.\n
    say If you have a need of help, or you need a fence, I'm your man.\n
    say I'll be able to quietly sell anything for you on the black market.\n
    wink $n\n
    say Wrong move $n.\n
    echoat $n $I presses a button on his desk and you fall through a trapdoor.\n
    echoaround $n $I presses a button and $n disappears through a trapdoor.\n
    force $n up\n
Mobile {
Vnum	3717;
Name	"air elemental wisp";
Short	"an air elemental";
Long	"A thin wisp of air, this tiny air elemental floats about in the air.\n";
Desc	"A mere waft of air, almost indistinguishable from that you breathe except\n
for a strong glow of magic surrounding it.  This air elemental is very\n
young, still forming itself, collecting gasses so that it can become bigger\n
and stronger.  At the moment it is still a tiny will-o-wisp creature, you\n
reckon that if you blew hard in its direction it could be torn apart.\n";
Act	(npc stay_area wimpy);
Affected	(detect-hidden infrared flying protect pass-door confusion);
Race	(Air Elemental);
Mobile {
Vnum	3718;
Name	"earth elemental stone";
Short	"an earth elemental";
Long	"A small stone covered in moss rolls about on the ground.\n";
Desc	"An earth elemental is normally a large cumbersome creature and yet\n
somehow this tiny pebble is a young forming elemental.  Hard to believe\n
maybe, but the strong glow of young, vibrant magic confirms it, this is\n
indeed an elemental still growing, albeit slowly.\n";
Act	(npc stay_area);
Affected	(blind detect-hidden protect confusion);
Race	(Earth Elemental);
Mobile {
Vnum	3719;
Name	"a fire elemental";
Short	"a fire elemental";
Long	"A tiny fire elemental dances about gleefully.\n";
Desc	"A tiny spark of flame, this young elemental is enjoying its life as only\n
fire elementals do.  It jumps about all over the place, never in the same\n
spot for more than a second or two.  The tiny flame seeks fuel so it can\n
grow, but its purpose conflicts with its enjoyment, it can never concentrate\n
on one thing for very long.\n";
Align	-100;
Act	(npc stay_area wimpy);
Affected	(detect-hidden faerie-fire mind-mist flying protect);
Race	(Fire Elemental);
Mobile {
Vnum	3720;
Name	"spirit elemental translucent";
Short	"a spirit elemental";
Long	"A translucent spirit elemental glides in and out of the astral plane.\n";
Desc	"This creature is invisible without magical aid as so much of its nature\n
is connected to the astral plane of existence.  The spirit elemental in this\n
early stage of developement cannot be long away from its natural element and\n
for this reason it continually blinks in and out of existence, making it\n
very hard to see.\n";
Level	2;
Align	50;
Act	(npc stay_area);
Affected	(invisible detect-invis flying protect pass-door);
Race	(Wraith);
Mobile {
Vnum	3721;
Name	"water elemental puddle";
Short	"a water elemental";
Long	"An elemental of the water realm looks more like a small puddle.\n";
Desc	"A tiny puddle lies here sparkling clearly, almost tempting you to take a\n
drink.  The soft glow of a magical aura warns you that this is really a\n
water elemental and drinking from it would probably get it annoyed.  Even\n
young water elementals can hurt you a little.\n";
Act	(npc stay_area);
Affected	(blind flying protect pass-door mute);
Race	(Water Elemental);
Mobile {
Vnum	3722;
Name	"giant ugly halfgiant";
Short	"the ugly half giant";
Long	"An ugly looking half giant crouches over the lifeless body of a fellow mage.\n";
Desc	"This is an extremely ugly giant who looks to be some cruel cross between\n
giant and some smaller race.  The breeding did not go well for this\n
particular mutant, he is distinctly lopsided and for his kind is incredibly\n
He also looks very angry, several gaping wounds on his torso lead you to\n
believe that he recently was in a fight, and judging by the singe marks on\n
the walls, the wizard here was the like perpetrator.\n";
Level	3;
Act	(npc sentinel assist);
Affected	(detect-invis detect-hidden infrared protect confusion);
Sex	(male);
Race	(Giant);
MudProg	{
Type	(all_greet_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) > 5\n
say Another wizard, I hate wizards.\n
say Come on wizard, show me what you can do!\n
delay self 40\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(delay_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if exist($r)\n
    echoat $r $i springs at you, one meaty fist held ready.\n
    kill $r\n
MudProg	{
Type	(repop_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"purge wizard\n
oload 3790\n
otransfer wizard room 3741\n
oload 3727\n
otransfer hat object wizard\n";

Object {
Vnum	3700;
Name	"small mace";
Short	"a small mace";
Long	"You see a small mace here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(iron);
Values	[(.), 2, 3, (<weapon> pound)];
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3701;
Name	"small dagger";
Short	"a small dagger";
Long	"You see a small dagger here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(steel);
Values	[(.), 2, 3, (<weapon> pierce)];
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3702;
Name	"small sword";
Short	"a small sword";
Long	"You see a small sword here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(steel);
Values	[(.), 2, 3, (<weapon> slash)];
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3703;
Name	"small staff";
Short	"a small staff";
Long	"You see a small staff here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(.), 2, 3, (<weapon> crush)];
Object {
Vnum	3704;
Name	"white helmet";
Short	"a white helmet";
Long	"You see a white helmet here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take head);
Material	(iron);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3705;
Name	"white balaclava";
Short	"a white balaclava";
Long	"You see a white balaclava here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take head);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(hp);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3706;
Name	"thick white robes";
Short	"thick white robes";
Long	"You see thick white robes here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take shoulders);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3707;
Name	"white plate mail";
Short	"white plate mail";
Long	"You see white plate mail here.";
Level	1;
Weight	10;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Extra	(bless no-cast);
Material	(iron);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-5;
Object {
Vnum	3708;
Name	"white vest";
Short	"a white vest";
Long	"You see a white vest here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3709;
Name	"white leggings";
Short	"a pair of white leggings";
Long	"You see a pair of white leggings here.";
Level	1;
Cost	20;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take legs);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3710;
Name	"white rope belt";
Short	"a white rope belt";
Long	"You see a white rope belt here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take waist);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(hitroll);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3711;
Name	"white girth";
Short	"a white girth";
Long	"You see a white girth here.";
Level	0;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take waist);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(iron);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(ac);
Modifier	-2;
Object {
Vnum	3712;
Name	"white pouch";
Short	"a white pouch";
Long	"You see a white pouch here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(container);
Wear	(take waist);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[50, 5, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3713;
Name	"white belt";
Short	"a white belt";
Long	"You see a white belt here.";
Level	1;
Cost	20;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take waist);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3714;
Name	"white gauntlets";
Short	"a pair of white gauntlets";
Long	"You see a pair of white gauntlets here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take hands);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(iron);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(hp);
Modifier	5;
Affect	{
Location	(strength);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3715;
Name	"white silk gloves";
Short	"a pair of white silk gloves";
Long	"You see a pair of white silk gloves here.";
Level	1;
Weight	2;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take hands);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(silk);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3716;
Name	"white amulet";
Short	"a white amulet";
Long	"You see a white amulet here.";
Level	1;
Cost	20;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take neck);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(silver);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3717;
Name	"white holy symbol";
Short	"a white holy symbol";
Long	"You see a white holy symbol here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take neck);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(steel);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-spirit);
Modifier	10;
Object {
Vnum	3718;
Name	"white shield";
Short	"a white shield";
Long	"You see a white painted wooden shield here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take shield);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(wood);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3719;
Name	"white cape";
Short	"a white cape";
Long	"You see a white cape here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take shoulders);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(wool);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
MudProg	{
Type	(get_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if ( level($n) > 5 ) || ( inroom($n) != 3708 )\n
say $n, you should wear everything you have.\n
say Type \"wear all\" to wear equipment in the spare slots you have.\n
say Any time when you get extra gear, try using this command.\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(wear_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if ( level($n) > 5 ) || ( inroom($n) != 3708 )\n
say Good on you $n!\n
say Now if you don't want to wear something,\n
say all you do is type \"remove XXX\"\n
echoat $n replace \"XXX\" with the name of the object.\n";
Object {
Vnum	3720;
Name	"white armguards";
Short	"a pair of white armguards";
Long	"You see a pair of white armguards here.";
Level	1;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take arms);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3721;
Name	"wristguard white leather band";
Short	"a white wristguard";
Long	"A band of white leather lies on the ground.";
Level	1;
Cost	20;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take wrist);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3722;
Name	"white boots";
Short	"a pair of white boots";
Long	"You see a pair of white boots here.";
Level	2;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take feet);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(rubber);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
MudProg	{
Type	(get_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if inroom($n) != 3711\n
say $n listen to me carefully.\n
say You could wear me on your feet, but you can't be\n
say sure that I'm better than what you have already.\n
say To find out, use the \"compare\" command.\n
say Type \"&rcompare boot&x\" and if I'm better it will say.\n
say If I AM better, wear me and get rid of those sandles.\n
echoat $n i.e. type \"&rwear boot&x\" and then \"&rdrop sandle&x\".\n
say That way you have some idea that you wear the best!\n";
Object {
Vnum	3723;
Name	"white sandles";
Short	"a pair of white sandles";
Long	"You see a pair of white sandles here.";
Level	1;
Cost	20;
Weight	5;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take feet);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(leather);
Values	[2, -10, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3724;
Name	"key";
Short	"a key";
Long	"You see a very important key here!";
Level	1;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take);
Material	(leather);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3725;
Name	"orb truth";
Short	"the orb of truth";
Long	"You see an orb floating here.";
Level	2;
Cost	5;
Type	(treasure);
Wear	(take hold);
Extra	(magic owner);
Material	(leather);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(constitution);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(wisdom);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(strength);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3726;
Name	"light glowing sphere";
Short	"a glowing sphere";
Long	"A glowing sphere is on the floor here.";
Level	0;
Type	(light);
Wear	(take float);
Extra	(glow magic);
Material	(leather);
Values	[0, 0, -1, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(magic-resist);
Modifier	2;
Object {
Vnum	3727;
Name	"white floppy hat";
Short	"a white floppy hat";
Long	"A soft hat made from white fabric lies on the ground.";
Level	1;
Weight	4;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take head);
Extra	(magic bless);
Material	(canvas);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(intelligence);
Modifier	1;
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	10;
Object {
Vnum	3728;
Name	"white bracers";
Short	"white bracers";
Long	"A pair of white bracers lie on the ground.";
Level	1;
Weight	8;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take arms);
Material	(cotton);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(move);
Modifier	10;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	1;
Object {
Vnum	3787;
Name	"flame elemental fire trapped";
Short	"an elemental flame";
Long	"A trapped fire elemental gives off a bright, cheery flame";
Level	1;
Weight	0;
Repop	500;
Type	(light);
Wear	(take float);
Extra	(bless);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[0, 0, 20, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(mana-fire);
Modifier	5;
Object {
Vnum	3788;
Name	"potion blue vivid";
Short	"&ba blue potion";
Long	"A vivid blue potion looks to be extremely potent.";
Action	"You begin to be able to see invisible shapes moving about.&n\n";
Level	1;
Weight	2;
Type	(potion);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(glow magic);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[2, (detect invis), (detect invis), (.)];
Object {
Vnum	3789;
Name	"potion cyan";
Short	"&ca cyan potion";
Long	"A cyan coloured potion appears to be slightly transparent.";
Action	"&bYou think 'This might be useful for getting through closed doors...'&n\n";
Level	1;
Type	(potion);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(hum magic);
Material	(glass);
Values	[2, (phase shift), (phase shift), (fly)];
Object {
Vnum	3790;
Name	"corpse wizard crushed";
Short	"the corpse of a wizard";
Long	"The crushed corpse of a wizard lies on the ground.";
Level	1;
Weight	100;
Type	("npc corpse");
Material	(organic);
Values	[(<race> Human), 0, 0, 0];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"corpse wizard gutted";
Text	"Wearing the tattered remains of a rich red robe covered in stars and\n
various mystical symbols, there is no mistaking who once owned this crushed\n
body.  Obviously the giant took a dislike to the previous occupant and\n
smashed his lights out.  But then, wizards are always an annoying bunch\n
aren't they, maybe it was his own fault, hard to tell now considering his\n
current state.\n";
Object {
Vnum	3791;
Name	"cupboard wooden battered old";
Short	"a cupboard";
Long	"A battered old wooden cupboard sits by the wall, wonder what's inside?";
Level	1;
Weight	72;
Type	(container);
Material	(wood);
Condition	400;
Values	[348, 9, 0, 0];
MudProg	{
Type	(greet_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) < 5\n
    say Hi $n, I have something for you.\n
    say All you have to do is get it.\n
    echoat $n Type \"&ropen cupboard&x\" to see what is inside.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(open_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if !ispc($n)\n
if level($n) > 3\n
oload 3704\n
otransfer white object cupboard\n
echoat $n Someone has left some gear in the cupboard!\n
echoat $n You'd better grab it, it might come in handy later.\n
echoat $n Type \"&rget white cupboard&x\" to get the item.\n";
Object {
Vnum	3792;
Name	"key invisible";
Short	"an invisible key";
Long	"A key sits here, but it shimmers and seems to disappear.";
Level	1;
Weight	2;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(invis);
Material	(glass);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
Object {
Vnum	3793;
Name	"potion dark brown glass bottle liquid";
Short	"a dark brown potion";
Long	"A short bottle made from dark glass is filled with a dark brown liquid.";
Level	0;
Weight	3;
Type	(potion);
Wear	(take);
Extra	(dark);
Material	(glass);
Values	[6, (detect hidden), (.), (.)];
MudProg	{
Type	(get_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"say Thanks for getting me out of there $n.\n
say Let me help you in searching out all that is hidden.\n
say Quaff me and I will give you the ability to see all things hidden.\n
echoat $n Type \"&rquaff potion&x\".\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(use_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if inroom($n) == 3714\n
   emote goes AHHHH.....\n
   echoat $n You feel the power of the potion enter you.\n
   tell $n Now scan again, you should now see a monster to the west.\n
   tell $n Go after that monster and kill him!\n
Object {
Vnum	3794;
Name	"leaf green speckled exotic plant";
Short	"an leaf from an exotic plant";
Long	"You see a dark green speckled leaf from some exotic plant here.";
Level	0;
Weight	2;
Type	(pill);
Wear	(take);
Material	(organic);
Values	[6, (detect invis), (.), (.)];
MudProg	{
Type	(get_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if inroom($n) == 3715\n
    echoat $n Now you have the leaf move back east.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(use_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if inroom($n) == 3715\n
   say Tasty wasn't I, well you were a bit premature in eating me.\n
   say Anyway you can move east now.\n
   force $n east\n
if inroom($n) == 3714\n
   echoat $n Your skin begins to crawl.\n
   echoat $n A creepy voice mutters 'kill them all'.\n
Object {
Vnum	3795;
Name	"chest wooden small";
Short	"a small wooden chest";
Long	"You notice a small wooden chest on the floor.";
Level	0;
Weight	50;
Type	(container);
Material	(wood);
Values	[10, 9, 0, 0];
MudProg	{
Type	(open_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 3\n
   say Well done $n!\n
   say Now look inside me, to see what I carry.\n
MudProg	{
Type	(examine_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if level($n) <= 3\n
   say Ok, now get what you see.\n
   echoat $n [type \"&rget all chest&x\"]\n
MudProg	{
Type	(loot_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"qforce $n mp oload 3793\n
qforce $n put potion chest\n
qforce $n close chest\n
trigger 'glass mirrorred illusion' openchest\n";
Object {
Vnum	3796;
Name	"crude brass key";
Short	"a crude brass key";
Long	"A key crudely beaten from a chunk of brass moulders here.";
Level	0;
Weight	4;
Type	(key);
Wear	(take);
Material	(brass);
Values	[0, 0, 0, 0];
MudProg	{
Type	(use_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"say Excellent, now you can open the door and go north.\n
echoat $n Just like you did before, remember?\n";
MudProg	{
Type	(get_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"if inroom($n) == 3707\n
   say Well done $n!  You seem to be getting the hang of this.\n
   say Now use me to unlock the door to the north.\n
   echoat $n Type \"&runlock north&x\".\n
Object {
Vnum	3797;
Name	"sword training";
Short	"a training sword";
Long	"A short, useless training sword lies on the ground.";
Level	1;
Weight	4;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take wield);
Extra	(inventory);
Material	(wood);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> stab)];
Affect	{
Location	(hp);
Modifier	-1;
Affect	{
Location	(damroll);
Modifier	-10;
Object {
Vnum	3798;
Name	"running tracksuit";
Short	"a running tracksuit";
Long	"A brightly coloured running tracksuit is made from shiny cloth.";
Level	78;
Weight	2;
Type	(armour);
Wear	(take body);
Material	(eternium);
Values	[0, -1, 0, 0];
Affect	{
Location	(move);
Modifier	250;
Affect	{
Location	(dexterity);
Modifier	3;
Object {
Vnum	3799;
Name	"staff timber tall";
Short	"a tall staff";
Long	"A length of solid timber worn smooth by regular handling.";
Level	100;
Weight	6;
Type	(weapon);
Wear	(take double);
Extra	(magic);
Material	(wood);
Required	(staff proficiency);
Values	[(.), 0, 0, (<weapon> pound)];

Room {
Vnum	3700;
Name	"Welcome to Daleken";
Desc	"Greetings to you, the newest player in the magical realm of Daleken.\n
The makers of this mud wish you all the best for your experience in this\n
You stand in the centre of a huge cathedral filled with light and air.\n
The cathedral is filled with music from some hidden source and it fills\n
you with a sense of belonging.\n
To the north you notice a wide passageway leading to the source of the sound.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3701;
} ];
Resets	{
# the Guardian of the Knowledge to room.
  M 3700 1;
#	equip a tall staff two-handed.
  E 3799 ("two-handed");
Room {
Vnum	3701;
Name	"Beginning of the Path of Truth: &mMovement&x";
Desc	"Congratulations on deciding to play Daleken MUD, from here you will learn\n
the basic concepts of this game.  The first lesson on the path of truth is\n
movement.  In order to enjoy the game you must first learn the basic\n
navigation and movement.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"door";
ToRoom	3706;
Flags	(door closed);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3702;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3700;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3703;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3704;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3705;
} ];
Resets	{
# a tall athletic man to room.
  M 3701 1;
#	equip a running tracksuit body.
  E 3798 ("body");
Room {
Vnum	3702;
Name	"A Side Passage of the Path of Truth";
Desc	"You stand in one of the side passages of the cathedral, here you can see\n
a few footprints in the dust.\n
You would be quite content to stand here a while longer, such is the\n
peaceful feeling you get from this place, but in event of utter boredom,\n
type \"west\" to move back the the Path of Truth.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3701;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3703;
Name	"A Side Passage of the Path of Truth";
Desc	"You are now a little more familiar with the movement and navigation\n
between rooms, it really is quite simple isn't it?  Now if you want to go\n
back to the Path of Truth you can type \"east\", but since that is tedious,\n
why dont you try just typing \"e\" on it's own.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3701;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3704;
Name	"Learning to Fly";
Desc	"Learning to fly is the hardest thing, luckily you have some friends who\n
are willing to help.  Better not hang around up here too long though, you\n
might get dizzy and crash to the ground anyway.\n
When you've taken in the view, go back down.\n";
Flags	(indoors fall);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3701;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3705;
Name	"Underground";
Desc	"You have walked down some stairs underground.  It is cooler underground\n
and quiet.  You notice some writing on the wall, to read it type \"look\n
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3701;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"writing wall";
Text	"Someone has got some chalk to write your next instructions, they read:\n
   Congratulations, you just learnt something about signs, if ever you\n
   see a sign in a room, you can look at it like this.\n
Now type \"u\" to return to the Path of Truth.\n";
Room {
Vnum	3706;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mInformation&x";
Desc	"It is important in this game to know what is going on, and here you will\n
learn how to get all the information the game has to offer.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3707;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3701;
Flags	(door closed locked bashproof pickproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# a wise old woman to room.
  M 3702 1;
Room {
Vnum	3707;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mCombat&x";
Desc	"You walk into an wide room with a polished wooden floor, all around the\n
whitewashed walls you can see racks of implements used in combat training.\n
Several dummies, cleverly crafted for reaction to hits are standing about\n
the room, their battered figures waving useless arms about.\n
Here you will learn about combat and how to fight.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"door";
Key	3796;
ToRoom	3708;
Flags	(door closed locked);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3706;
} ];
Resets	{
# a training dummy to room.
  M 3703 1;
#	equip a training sword rwielded.
  E 3797 ("rwielded");
#	a crude brass key to inventory.
  G 3796;
Room {
Vnum	3708;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"This room has been used in the past for training and you can see places\n
on the polished floor where the wood has been gouged by some over eager\n
apprentice.  About the room you can see a few discarded items left by some\n
careless instructor.\n
A set of stairs on the east wall lead to rooms above the hall.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Key	3796;
ToRoom	3707;
Flags	(door closed locked);
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3709;
} ];
Resets	{
# a cloth dummy to room.
  M 3707 1;
#	equip a training sword rwielded.
  E 3797 ("rwielded");
#	a pair of white armguards to inventory.
  G 3720;
#	a white cape to inventory.
  G 3719;
Room {
Vnum	3709;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"You are in what appears to be a storeroom, where all the paraphernalia\n
associated with fighter training is kept.  Neat rows of cupboards line the\n
walls filled with equipment.\n
A door to the west leads out of the storeroom.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3710;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3708;
} ];
Resets	{
# a cupboard to room.
  O 3791;
MudProg	{
Type	(leave_prog);
Args	"100";
Comlist	"qforce $n close cupboard\n";
Room {
Vnum	3710;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"You stand in a small room filled with display cases and racks of gleaming\n
items.  The lighting casts sparkles of light on everything dazzling your\n
eyes.  This room is quite obviously a shop with all the associated glitz and\n
Stairs lead down into another training hall.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3709;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3711;
} ];
Resets	{
# a short shopkeeper to room.
  M 3708 1;
#	a pair of white sandles to inventory.
  G 3723;
#	a white amulet to inventory.
  G 3716;
#	a pair of white leggings to inventory.
  G 3709;
Room {
Vnum	3711;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"You find yourself in another training room, this room has rubber matting\n
on the floor and a number of rubber weapons stand along the walls.  The room\n
has a faint smell of old rubber about it.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3712;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3710;
} ];
Resets	{
# a rubber dummy to room.
  M 3709 1;
#	equip a training sword rwielded.
  E 3797 ("rwielded");
#	equip a pair of white boots feet.
  E 3722 ("feet");
Room {
Vnum	3712;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"This room has the look of long disuse, the plaster on the walls is\n
falling apart and the floor has long lost the polish it once must have had.\n
The light shines in through several broken windows near the ceiling showing\n
a clutter of old training equipment.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3713;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3711;
} ];
Resets	{
# a plaster dummy to room.
  M 3710 1;
#	equip a white wristguard lwrist.
  E 3721 ("lwrist");
#	equip a white wristguard rwrist.
  E 3721 ("rwrist");
Room {
Vnum	3713;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEquipping";
Desc	"This hall is large and open with light streaming in through large windows\n
on the eastern wall.  The floor is covered in a pleasantly spongy matting\n
that makes for a sure footing.  Neat rows of training weaponry are stowed on\n
the wall, wicker swords and large padded shields along with a range of\n
rattan and wooden weapons.\n";
Flags	(indoors underground);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3714;
Flags	(door closed);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3712;
} ];
Resets	{
# a spinning dummy to room.
  M 3711 1;
#	equip a white belt waist.
  E 3713 ("waist");
Room {
Vnum	3714;
Name	"Path of Truth: &mEnhancements&x";
Desc	"This room is stacked to the ceiling with a wide range of strange\n
implements, but the main feature about this room that instantly strikes you\n
is a mass of mirrors.  Mirrors of all shapes and sizes reflect back all\n
sorts of distorted images of yourself from all corners of the cluttered\n
room.  You fear that a badly placed sneeze in this room would cause more\n
than a few years of bad luck.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"mirrored door";
Key	3792;
ToRoom	3717;
Flags	(door closed locked);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3716;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Keyword	"door";
ToRoom	3713;
Flags	(door closed);
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3715;
} ];
Resets	{
# a mirrorred illusion to room.
  M 3704 1;
#	a glowing sphere to inventory.
  G 3726;
#	an invisible key to inventory.
  G 3792;
# a small wooden chest to room.
  O 3795;
# a small wooden chest inside a small wooden chest.
  P 3793 3795;
Room {
Vnum	3715;
Name	"A Small Greenhouse";
Desc	"This room is a greenhouse filled with thousands of tropical plants.  The\n
glass overhead is misty with mildew and moss so you find it a little\n
difficult to see through the dense shrubbery.  You seem to notice a slight\n
movement near the back amoungst the densest bushes but you can't be sure\n
what it was, was it only the bushes rustling or not?\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(forest);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3714;
} ];
Resets	{
# a scared goblin to room.
  M 3705 1;
#	an leaf from an exotic plant to inventory.
  G 3794;
Room {
Vnum	3716;
Name	"A Dark Stage";
Desc	"You stand here on an empty stage surrounded by thick black curtains.  Dim\n
lighting overhead casts long shadows on the stage and sparkle faintly off a\n
few gaudily painted stars glimmer faintly.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3714;
} ];
Resets	{
# a stage magician to room.
  M 3706 1;
Room {
Vnum	3717;
Name	"A Junction of Corridors";
Desc	"It seems that several corridors all diverge from this point.  You can see\n
corridors leading off in all directions, even up and down.  Each passage\n
appears to be slightly different from the others.\n\n
There is a signpost in the middle of the room, maybe you should read it.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Desc	"A wide passageway leads straight onwards, this suits most warriors as\n
they tend to be single-minded in most situations.\n";
ToRoom	3719;
}, @(<dir> east) {
Desc	"You can see the entrace to a large temple open up to the east, the sounds\n
of singing and chanting fill the air.  It seems that clerics will always\n
seek their God, the singing and praying is virtually continuous.\n";
ToRoom	3720;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Keyword	"door";
Key	3792;
ToRoom	3714;
Flags	(door closed locked);
}, @(<dir> west) {
Desc	"You can see a small doorway leading off into a garden, the place looks\n
very pleasant, much suited to contemplation and peace and quiet.  Martial\n
Artists seem to spend a large amount of time in meditation, this place would\n
be good for wasting time like that.\n";
ToRoom	3721;
}, @(<dir> up) {
Desc	"You see a glowing passage crackling with some strange magical force, this\n
path could only lead to the Mages training area, no other class would be so\n
ToRoom	3718;
}, @(<dir> down) {
Desc	"Surreptitiously hidden in the floor, you notice a small trapdoor,\n
carelessly left open, you'll bet that it leads to some thieves' guild place\n
hidden in some derelict warehouse.  Thieves are so predictable, even if they\n
are rich.\n";
ToRoom	3722;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"signpost";
Text	"The sign says:\n
    'This is the point where different classes diverge from the main path\n
     to learn about their own class.  Choose the direction for your own\n
     class and be careful to make the right choice!'\n\n
NORTH=>Warrior, EAST=>Cleric, WEST=>Martial Artist, UP=>Mage, DOWN=>Thief.\n";
Room {
Vnum	3718;
Name	"&mThe Beginning of Mage Training";
Desc	"A sizzling force surrounds you, leaving your skin prickling.  Around you\n
there are signs of large magical forces being harness, albeit with little\n
skill.  You duck as a large lightning bolt crashes in from above leaving a\n
large charred scar across the floor next to countless similar marks.\n\n
A wide staircase leads upwards into the mage training tower.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3723;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3717;
} ];
Resets	{
# a powerful mage to room.
  M 3712 1;
Room {
Vnum	3719;
Name	"&mThe Beginning of Warrior Training";
Desc	"The passage here is wide and open, allowing free and easy passage.\n
Sounds of clanging metal resound through the halls.  You can practically\n
taste the metal in the air and the smell of oiled weaponry adds authenticity\n
to the scene.\n\n
The hallway leads onward, wide and true to the north.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3742;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3717;
} ];
Resets	{
# a burly warrior to room.
  M 3713 1;
Room {
Vnum	3720;
Name	"&mThe Beginning of Cleric Training";
Desc	"You have walked into a temple filled with the light sound of singing.\n
The room is filled with a sense of peace and harmony, you can fell the\n
effect the room has on you, a sense of wellbeing flows over you, soothing\n
and relaxing.\n\n
To complete the journey, you must travel toward the rising sun.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3717;
} ];
Resets	{
# a young cleric to room.
  M 3714 1;
Room {
Vnum	3721;
Name	"&mThe Beginning of Martial Artist Training";
Desc	"You seem to have stepped back in time, to a place that looks totally\n
different to any other place you have been.  A wooden floor is covered in\n
thin reed matting and you can see that the walls are made from coloured\n
paper.  The most astounding thing is that the room is totally silent, a\n
slience almost deafening.\n\n
To the west you see some beautiful gardens filled with fountains and flowers.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3717;
} ];
Resets	{
# a sensei to room.
  M 3715 1;
Room {
Vnum	3722;
Name	"&mThe Beginning of Thief Training";
Desc	"This room practically drips with opulence.  Thick rich drapings cover the\n
walls and the gleam of gilt and all manner of shiny trinkets makes the room\n
sparkle.  This room is what theives all dream of attaining, of course there\n
is no way they should have to work for such riches...\n\n
A staircase hidden behind a curtain leads down to the street.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3717;
} ];
Resets	{
# the fence to room.
  M 3716 1;
Room {
Vnum	3723;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"You stand on a high mountaintop some place that you don't quite\n
recognise.  There is obviously magic at work here, you can taste the tang of\n
it in the thin air.  In the air above a column of magically glowing air\n
flows slowly upwards carrying a large number of elementals into the thin\n
layer of clouds floating overhead.\n";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3724;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3726;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3728;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3730;
}, @(<dir> up) {
ToRoom	3732;
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3718;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3724;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"The air sizzles with energy all around you as small elementals move about\n
playing with small fireballs and other magical toys.  Colourful beams of\n
light sizzle through the atmosphere and the ground beneath your feet shakes\n
slightly, the magic in this area is strong, very strong.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3725;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3723;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3731;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3725;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"The ground underfoot is covered in a layer of sharp obsidian which shifts\n
as you walk carefully along.  Only a few hardy plants survive here and those\n
that manage to cling to the shifting mountainside are small and stunted.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3726;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3724;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3726;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"The air is thin here and you find it bitterly cold.  A light breeze\n
drifts across the mountain top causing a bank of fine mist to drift over\n
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3725;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3727;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3723;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3727;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"The air tingles faintly with the effect of large amount of magic here.\n
The slopes quickly become more treacherous to the south as they slant ever\n
downwards, the rough scree making for unsure footing.  The slope of the\n
mountainside rapidly descends into a cliff below and through the clouds far\n
below the plain country can be seen.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3726;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3728;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3728;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"At the very edge of the cliff here, a massive round boulder sits.  At\n
first it appears to be only precariously balanced, but it is obvious from\n
its weathered and aged look that it has been here centuries.  The boulder\n
does little to break the wind rushing across the mountain-top and in its\n
shadow the chill is exaggerated.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3723;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3727;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3729;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3729;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"To the west the ground drops away suddenly into a gaping chasm.  The\n
mountain here was subject to a massive upheaval and a large volume of rubble\n
has been spilt down the southern face of the mountain far below.  The gorge\n
appears to be recently formed judging by the lack of weathering on the\n
exposed rocks.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3730;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3728;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3730;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"Travel to the west here has been recently blocked by a massive chasm that\n
has cut a large cleft into the mountain.  The magical activity in this area\n
is frenzied and there is evidence of a activity underground, maybe those\n
earth elementals are responsible for the massive hole in the mountain.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3731;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3723;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3729;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3731;
Name	"High In The Mountains";
Desc	"The air here virtually sizzles with built up energy to the point where it\n
becomes hard to concentrate for the sounds and sights of small elementals\n
zipping around here and there.  The rough layer of stones here supports a\n
few tough thorn bushes and one scraggly tree, clinging desperately to a\n
crumbling rock.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(mountain);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3724;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3730;
} ];
ExDesc	{
Keyword	"tree";
Text	"The tree is small, although its gnarled shape and rough bark give the\n
impression of some age.  It is impressive to think that it could survive in\n
the cold and windy climate on a mountain peak.\n
On closer inspection though it seems as if the entire surface of the\n
tree's bark is covered with tiny elementals, obviously assisting it in\n
its survival, although for what reason it is hard to tell.\n";
Room {
Vnum	3732;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Desc	"Wisps of thin cloud drift past, leaving a damp sensation on your skin.\n
You find yourself standing on a thin glassy bridge which leads upwards to a\n
large castle nestled in the clouds above.  The castle is magnificent, it\n
glitters in the light as its massive stone blocks are thinly coated with a\n
silvery paint.  Such a place is clearly extremely magical in nature, you can\n
see that the foundations rest on thin air.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3733;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3735;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3737;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3739;
}, @(<dir> up) {
Keyword	"Castle Gates";
ToRoom	3741;
Flags	(door closed locked bashproof pickproof);
}, @(<dir> down) {
ToRoom	3723;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3733;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Desc	"The air in the cloud is damp and it clings to every available surface,\n
making it quite cool.  Small shapes are moving about in the mist, most are\n
formless blobs, but the occassional shape makes itself more visible.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3734;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3732;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3740;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3734;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Desc	"Small flashes of lightning crackle about the entire area, each one no\n
longer than a few metres and still very weak.  The smell of ozone is strong\n
enough to make the thin air seem much thicker.  The effect of all the\n
lighting and the thin cloud is stunning, a myriad of colours continually\n
shift and sparkle, a beautiful sight.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3735;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3733;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3735;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Desc	"The cloud thins momentarily, which allows a clear view to the ground from\n
here.  This is a long way up, even the mountainside below looks small and\n
insignificant from this height.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3734;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3736;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3732;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3736;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Desc	"As much as the ground, or what could be taken for ground here, appears to\n
be made of fluffy white cloud, it appears to be made from an extremely\n
resilient substance.  The magical nature of this place makes wonders such as\n
this seem almost ordinary and when compared with the spectacular light show\n
going on, the ground really is insignificant.\n";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3735;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3737;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3737;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3732;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3736;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3738;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3738;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3739;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3737;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3739;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3740;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3732;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3738;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3740;
Name	"In A Cloud";
Flags	(indoors);
Sector	(air);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3733;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3739;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3741;
Name	"In A Gilded Castle";
Desc	"The castle's interior is a vast empty stone chamber, the vaulted ceiling\n
is very nearly high enough for small clouds at the highest points.  Your\n
footsteps ring on the cold stone but the noise seems to be lost in the great\n
empty space.  This castle has been built on a much grander scale than you\n
could have imagined.\n";
Flags	(no_mob indoors fall);
Exit	[  @(<dir> down) {
Keyword	"Castle Gates";
ToRoom	3732;
Flags	(door closed locked bashproof pickproof);
} ];
Resets	{
# the ugly half giant to room.
  M 3722 1;
Room {
Vnum	3742;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3745;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3743;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3719;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3744;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3743;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3742;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3744;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3742;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3745;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3748;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3746;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3742;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3747;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3746;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3745;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3747;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3745;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3748;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"silver gate";
ToRoom	3751;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3749;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3745;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3750;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3749;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3748;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3750;
Name	"Catacombs Of Heroism";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3748;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3751;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3754;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3752;
}, @(<dir> south) {
Keyword	"silver gate";
ToRoom	3748;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3753;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3752;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3751;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3753;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3751;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3754;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
ToRoom	3757;
}, @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3755;
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3751;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3756;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3755;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3754;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3756;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3754;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3757;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> north) {
Keyword	"golden gate";
ToRoom	3760;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
}, @(<dir> south) {
ToRoom	3754;
}, @(<dir> west) {
ToRoom	3758;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3758;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3757;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3759;
Name	"The Quest For Honour";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> east) {
ToRoom	3757;
} ];
Room {
Vnum	3760;
Name	"The Goal!";
Flags	(indoors safe);
Exit	[  @(<dir> south) {
Keyword	"golden gate";
ToRoom	3757;
Flags	(door closed locked pickproof passproof);
} ];
