 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Strfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.    *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

 *    ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor                           *
 *    ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium                    *
 *        Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)                              *
 *        Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)                         *
 *        Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)                                       *
 *    By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the       *
 *    ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license                       *

// DragonBall Arena 2 has been written by:
//   Matt Brown (Antor), arkaine@sympatico.ca, 2000-2002
// Please follow all previous licenses. Enjoy!

#define unix

 * Accommodate old non-Ansi compilers.
#if defined(TRADITIONAL)
#define const
#define args( list )            ( )
#define DECLARE_DO_FUN( fun )        void fun( )
#define DECLARE_SPEC_FUN( fun )        bool fun( )
#define DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( fun )    void fun( )
#define DECLARE_OBJ_FUN( fun )		void fun( )
#define DECLARE_ROOM_FUN( fun )		void fun( )
#define DECLARE_SKILL_FUN( fun )    void fun( )
#define args( list )            list
#define DECLARE_DO_FUN( fun )        DO_FUN    fun
#define DECLARE_SPEC_FUN( fun )        SPEC_FUN  fun
#define DECLARE_SPELL_FUN( fun )    SPELL_FUN fun
#define DECLARE_OBJ_FUN( fun )		OBJ_FUN	  fun
#define DECLARE_ROOM_FUN( fun )		ROOM_FUN  fun
#define DECLARE_SKILL_FUN( fun )    SKILL_FUN fun

/* system calls */
int unlink();
int system();

 * Short scalar types.
 * Diavolo reports AIX compiler has bugs with short types.
#if    !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE     0

#if    !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE     1

#if    defined(_AIX)
#if    !defined(const)
#define const
typedef int                sh_int;
typedef int                bool;
#define unix
typedef short   int            sh_int;
typedef unsigned char            bool;

/* ea */

 * Structure types.
typedef struct    affect_data      AFFECT_DATA;
typedef struct    area_data        AREA_DATA;
//typedef struct    top_list_data    TOP_LIST_DATA;
typedef struct    TopListNodeStruct TopListNode;
typedef struct    ban_data         BAN_DATA;
typedef struct    buf_type         BUFFER;
typedef struct    char_data        CHAR_DATA;
typedef struct    descriptor_data  DESCRIPTOR_DATA;
typedef struct    exit_data        EXIT_DATA;
typedef struct    extra_descr_data EXTRA_DESCR_DATA;
typedef struct    help_data        HELP_DATA;
typedef struct    help_area_data   HELP_AREA;
typedef struct    kill_data        KILL_DATA;
typedef struct    mem_data         MEM_DATA;
typedef struct    mob_index_data   MOB_INDEX_DATA;
typedef struct    note_data        NOTE_DATA;
typedef struct    obj_data         OBJ_DATA;
typedef struct    obj_index_data   OBJ_INDEX_DATA;
typedef struct    pc_data          PC_DATA;
typedef struct    reset_data       RESET_DATA;
typedef struct    room_index_data  ROOM_INDEX_DATA;
typedef struct    shop_data        SHOP_DATA;
typedef struct    time_info_data   TIME_INFO_DATA;
typedef struct    weather_data     WEATHER_DATA;
typedef struct    prog_list        PROG_LIST;
typedef struct    prog_code        PROG_CODE;
typedef struct    colour_data      COLOUR_DATA;

 * Function types.
typedef void DO_FUN    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
typedef bool SPEC_FUN  args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
typedef void SPELL_FUN	args( ( int sn, int level, CHAR_DATA *ch, void *vo,
				int target ) );
typedef void OBJ_FUN	args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, char *argument ) );
typedef void ROOM_FUN	args( ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, char *argument ) );
typedef void SKILL_FUN	args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, void *vo, int target ) );

 * String and memory management parameters.
#define MAX_KEY_HASH          8192
#define MAX_STRING_LENGTH     8192
#define MAX_INPUT_LENGTH       256
#define PAGELEN                 22

/* I am lazy :) */

 * Game parameters.
 * Increase the max'es if you add more of something.
 * Adjust the pulse numbers to suit yourself.
#define MAX_SOCIALS        256
#define MAX_SKILL          92
#define MAX_IN_GROUP       15
#define MAX_ALIAS          5
#define MAX_PC_RACE        8
#define MAX_CLAN           3
#define MAX_LEVEL          8
#define MAX_PL             50000000000000
#define MAX_HP             1000000000
#define MAX_KI             1000000000
#define LEVEL_HERO         2
#define LEVEL_IMMORTAL     3
#define L_IMM        LEVEL_IMMORTAL

/* Added this for "orphaned help" code. Check do_help() -- JR */
#define MAX_CMD_LEN			50

#define PULSE_PER_SECOND    4
#define PULSE_MOBILE        ( 4 * PULSE_PER_SECOND)
#define PULSE_MUSIC         ( 6 * PULSE_PER_SECOND)
#define PULSE_TICK          (40 * PULSE_PER_SECOND)
#define PULSE_AREA          (60 * PULSE_PER_SECOND)

#define HEADCODER   7
#define CODER       6
#define ENFORCER    4
#define BUILDER     3
#define IMMORTAL    3
#define HERO        2
#define PLAYER      1

 * ColoUr stuff v2.0, by Lope.
#define CLEAR       "\e[0m"        /* Resets Colour    */
#define C_RED       "\e[0;31m"    /* Normal Colours    */
#define C_GREEN     "\e[0;32m"
#define C_YELLOW    "\e[0;33m"
#define C_BLUE      "\e[0;34m"
#define C_MAGENTA   "\e[0;35m"
#define C_CYAN      "\e[0;36m"
#define C_WHITE     "\e[0;37m"
#define C_D_GREY    "\e[1;30m"      /* Light Colors        */
#define C_B_RED     "\e[1;31m"
#define C_B_GREEN   "\e[1;32m"
#define C_B_YELLOW  "\e[1;33m"
#define C_B_BLUE    "\e[1;34m"
#define C_B_MAGENTA "\e[1;35m"
#define C_B_CYAN    "\e[1;36m"
#define C_B_WHITE   "\e[1;37m"

#define COLOUR_NONE 7        /* White, hmm...    */
#define RED         1        /* Normal Colours    */
#define GREEN       2
#define YELLOW      3
#define BLUE        4
#define MAGENTA     5
#define CYAN        6
#define WHITE       7
#define BLACK       0

#define NORMAL      0        /* Bright/Normal colours */
#define BRIGHT      1

 * Thanks Dingo for making life a bit easier ;)
#define CH(d)                   ((d)->original ? (d)->original : (d)->character)

 * Site ban structure.

#define BAN_SUFFIX     A
#define BAN_PREFIX     B
#define BAN_NEWBIES    C
#define BAN_ALL        D
#define BAN_PERMIT     E

 * For the list of top players
struct TopListNodeStruct {
    TopListNode       *pNext;
    bool               bValid;
    bool               bChecked;
	char              *szName;
    long long int      llPl;

struct    ban_data
    BAN_DATA *  next;
    bool        valid;
    sh_int      ban_flags;
    sh_int      level;
    char *      name;

struct buf_type
    BUFFER *    next;
    bool        valid;
    sh_int      state;  /* error state of the buffer */
    sh_int      size;   /* size in k */
    char *      string; /* buffer's string */

 * Time and weather stuff.
#define SUN_DARK       0
#define SUN_RISE       1
#define SUN_LIGHT      2
#define SUN_SET        3

#define SKY_CLOUDLESS               0
#define SKY_CLOUDY                  1
#define SKY_RAINING                 2
#define SKY_LIGHTNING               3
#define SKY_SNOWING                 4
#define SKY_BLIZZARD                5
#define SKY_FOGGY                   6
#define SKY_HAILSTORM               7
#define SKY_THUNDERSTORM            8
#define SKY_ICESTORM                9

struct    time_info_data
    int        hour;
    int        day;
    int        month;
    int        year;

struct    weather_data
    int        change;
    int        sky;
    int        sunlight;

 * Connected state for a channel.
#define CON_GET_NAME			    -14
#define CON_ANSI			         -9
#define CON_GET_TELNETGA		     -8
#define CON_GET_NEW_RACE	      	 -7
#define CON_GET_NEW_SEX			     -6
#define CON_GET_ALIGNMENT		     -4
#define CON_DEFAULT_CHOICE		     -3 
#define CON_GEN_GROUPS			     -2 
#define CON_SET_STATS			     -1
#define CON_PLAYING			          0
#define CON_READ_IMOTD			      1
#define CON_READ_MOTD			      2
#define CON_BREAK_CONNECT		      3
#define CON_NOTE_TO			          5
#define CON_NOTE_SUBJECT		      6
#define CON_NOTE_EXPIRE			      7
#define CON_NOTE_TEXT			      8
#define CON_NOTE_FINISH			      9
#define CON_FUSE_SLAVE               10

 * Defensive skills
#define DEF_NONE   0
#define DEF_DODGE  1
#define DEF_PARRY  2
#define DEF_SHIELD 4

 * Descriptor (channel) structure.
struct    descriptor_data
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *  next;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *  snoop_by;
    CHAR_DATA *        character;
    CHAR_DATA *        original;
    bool        valid;
	bool        ansi;
    char *      host;
    sh_int      descriptor;
    sh_int      connected;
    bool        fcommand;
    char        inbuf        [4 * MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char        incomm       [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char        inlast       [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    int         repeat;
    char *      outbuf;
    int         outsize;
    int         outtop;
    char *      showstr_head;
    char *      showstr_point;
    void *      pEdit;         /* OLC */
    char **     pString;       /* OLC */
    int         editor;        /* OLC */

 * TO types for act.
#define TO_ROOM           0
#define TO_NOTVICT        1
#define TO_VICT           2
#define TO_CHAR           3
#define TO_ALL            4

 * Help table types.
struct    help_data
    HELP_DATA *  next;
    HELP_DATA *  next_area;
    sh_int       level;
    char *       keyword;
    char *       text;

struct help_area_data
    HELP_AREA *    next;
    HELP_DATA *    first;
    HELP_DATA *    last;
    AREA_DATA *    area;
    char *         filename;
    bool           changed;

 * Shop types.
#define MAX_TRADE     5

struct    shop_data
    SHOP_DATA *  next;                  /* Next shop in list        */
    sh_int       keeper;                /* Vnum of shop keeper mob    */
    sh_int       buy_type [MAX_TRADE];  /* Item types shop will buy    */
    sh_int       profit_buy;            /* Cost multiplier for buying    */
    sh_int       profit_sell;           /* Cost multiplier for selling    */
    sh_int       open_hour;             /* First opening hour        */
    sh_int       close_hour;            /* First closing hour        */

#define MAX_STATS  5
#define STAT_STR   0
#define STAT_INT   1
#define STAT_WIL   2
#define STAT_DEX   3
#define STAT_CHA   4

struct item_type
    int       type;
    char *    name;

struct weapon_type
    char *    name;
    sh_int    vnum;
    sh_int    type;
    sh_int    *gsn;

struct wiznet_type
    char *   name;
    long     flag;
    int      level;

struct attack_type
    char *    name;            /* name         */
    char *    noun;            /* message      */
    int       damage;          /* damage class */

struct race_type
    char *  name;       /* call name of the race          */
    bool    pc_race;    /* can be chosen by pcs           */
    long    act;        /* act bits for the race          */
    long    aff;        /* aff bits for the race          */
    long    off;        /* off bits for the race          */
    long    imm;        /* imm bits for the race          */
    long    res;        /* res bits for the race          */
    long    vuln;       /* vuln bits for the race         */
    long    form;       /* default form flag for the race */
    long    parts;      /* default parts for the race     */
    bool    can_select; /* true if race is selectable at creation  */

struct pc_race_type                 /* additional data for pc races    */
    char   *name;                   /* MUST be in race_type            */
    char    who_name[12];
    char   *skills[5];              /* bonus skills for the race       */
    sh_int  stats[MAX_STATS];       /* starting stats                  */
    sh_int  max_stats[MAX_STATS];   /* maximum stats                   */
    sh_int  stat_gain[MAX_STATS];   // Amount each stat increases per gain
    sh_int  size;                   /* aff bits for the race           */
    char   *szDescription;          // Description used in character generation

struct spec_type
    char *      name;      /* special function name */
    SPEC_FUN *  function;  /* the function          */

 * Data structure for notes.

struct    note_data
    NOTE_DATA *  next;
    bool         valid;
    sh_int       type;
    char *       sender;
    char *       date;
    char *       to_list;
    char *       subject;
    char *       text;
    time_t       date_stamp;
	time_t		 expire;

 * An affect.
struct    affect_data
    AFFECT_DATA   *next;
    bool           valid;
    sh_int         where;
    sh_int         type;
	sh_int         skill_lvl;
    sh_int         duration;
    sh_int         location;
    long long int  modifier;
    int            bitvector;

/* where definitions */
#define TO_AFFECTS   0
#define TO_OBJECT    1
#define TO_IMMUNE    2
#define TO_RESIST    3
#define TO_VULN      4
#define TO_WEAPON    5

 * A kill structure (indexed by level).
struct    kill_data
    sh_int  number;
    sh_int  killed;

 *                                                                         *
 *                   VALUES OF INTEREST TO AREA BUILDERS                   *
 *                   (Start of section ... start here)                     *
 *                                                                         *

 * Well known mob virtual numbers.
 * Defined in #MOBILES.
#define MOB_VNUM_FIDO       401
#define MOB_VNUM_VAMPIRE    401

#define GROUP_VNUM_TROLLS   401
#define GROUP_VNUM_OGRES    401

/* RT ASCII conversions -- used so we can have letters in this file */

#define A            1
#define B            2
#define C            4
#define D            8
#define E           16
#define F           32
#define G           64
#define H          128

#define I          256
#define J          512
#define K         1024
#define L         2048
#define M         4096
#define N         8192
#define O        16384
#define P        32768

#define Q        65536
#define R       131072
#define S       262144
#define T       524288
#define U      1048576
#define V      2097152
#define W      4194304
#define X      8388608

#define Y     16777216
#define Z     33554432
#define aa    67108864  /* doubled due to conflicts */
#define bb   134217728
#define cc   268435456    
#define dd   536870912
#define ee  1073741824

 * ACT bits for mobs.
 * Used in #MOBILES.
 * Don't forget to add to the act_flags table in tables.c
#define ACT_IS_NPC         (A)   /* Auto set for mobs  */
#define ACT_SENTINEL       (B)   /* Stays in one room  */
#define ACT_SCAVENGER      (C)   /* Picks up objects   */
#define ACT_MISSION		   (D)   /* Can assign find_missing targets */
#define ACT_AGGRESSIVE     (F)   /* Attacks PC's       */
#define ACT_STAY_AREA      (G)   /* Won't leave area   */
#define ACT_WIMPY          (H)
#define ACT_PET            (I)   /* Auto set for pets  */
#define ACT_UPGRADE        (L)   /* Can upgrade PC's (androids) */
#define ACT_UNDEAD         (O)
#define ACT_ANIMAL         (P)
#define ACT_CIVILIAN       (Q)
#define ACT_WARRIOR        (R)
#define ACT_KIWARRIOR      (S)
#define ACT_NOALIGN        (U)
#define ACT_NOPURGE        (V)
#define ACT_OUTDOORS       (W)
#define ACT_INDOORS        (Y)
#define ACT_IS_HEALER      (aa)
#define ACT_UPDATE_ALWAYS  (cc)
#define ACT_IS_CHANGER     (dd)

/* damage classes */
#define DAM_NONE            0
#define DAM_BASH            1
#define DAM_PIERCE          2
#define DAM_SLASH           3
#define DAM_FIRE            4
#define DAM_COLD            5
#define DAM_LIGHTNING       6
#define DAM_ACID            7
#define DAM_POISON          8
#define DAM_NEGATIVE        9
#define DAM_HOLY           10
#define DAM_ENERGY         11
#define DAM_MENTAL         12
#define DAM_DISEASE        13
#define DAM_DROWNING       14
#define DAM_LIGHT          15
#define DAM_OTHER          16
#define DAM_HARM           17
#define DAM_CHARM          18
#define DAM_SOUND          19

/* OFF bits for mobiles */
#define OFF_AREA_ATTACK    (A)
#define OFF_BASH           (C)
#define OFF_BERSERK        (D)
#define OFF_DISARM         (E)
#define OFF_DODGE          (F)
#define OFF_FADE           (G)
#define OFF_FAST           (H)
#define OFF_KICK           (I)
#define OFF_PARRY          (K)
#define OFF_RESCUE         (L)
#define OFF_TAIL           (M)
#define OFF_CRUSH          (O)
#define ASSIST_ALL         (P)
#define ASSIST_ALIGN       (Q)
#define ASSIST_RACE        (R)
#define ASSIST_PLAYERS     (S)
#define ASSIST_GUARD       (T)
#define ASSIST_VNUM        (U)

/* return values for check_imm */
#define IS_NORMAL          0
#define IS_IMMUNE          1
#define IS_RESISTANT       2
#define IS_VULNERABLE      3

/* IMM bits for mobs */
#define IMM_SUMMON         (A)
#define IMM_CHARM          (B)
#define IMM_MAGIC          (C)
#define IMM_WEAPON         (D)
#define IMM_BASH           (E)
#define IMM_PIERCE         (F)
#define IMM_SLASH          (G)
#define IMM_FIRE           (H)
#define IMM_COLD           (I)
#define IMM_LIGHTNING      (J)
#define IMM_ACID           (K)
#define IMM_POISON         (L)
#define IMM_NEGATIVE       (M)
#define IMM_HOLY           (N)
#define IMM_ENERGY         (O)
#define IMM_MENTAL         (P)
#define IMM_DISEASE        (Q)
#define IMM_DROWNING       (R)
#define IMM_LIGHT          (S)
#define IMM_SOUND          (T)
#define IMM_WOOD           (X)
#define IMM_SILVER         (Y)
#define IMM_IRON           (Z)

/* RES bits for mobs */
#define RES_SUMMON              (A)
#define RES_CHARM               (B)
#define RES_MAGIC               (C)
#define RES_WEAPON              (D)
#define RES_BASH                (E)
#define RES_PIERCE              (F)
#define RES_SLASH               (G)
#define RES_FIRE                (H)
#define RES_COLD                (I)
#define RES_LIGHTNING           (J)
#define RES_ACID                (K)
#define RES_POISON              (L)
#define RES_NEGATIVE            (M)
#define RES_HOLY                (N)
#define RES_ENERGY              (O)
#define RES_MENTAL              (P)
#define RES_DISEASE             (Q)
#define RES_DROWNING            (R)
#define RES_LIGHT               (S)
#define RES_SOUND               (T)
#define RES_WOOD                (X)
#define RES_SILVER              (Y)
#define RES_IRON                (Z)

/* VULN bits for mobs */
#define VULN_SUMMON             (A)
#define VULN_CHARM              (B)
#define VULN_MAGIC              (C)
#define VULN_WEAPON             (D)
#define VULN_BASH               (E)
#define VULN_PIERCE             (F)
#define VULN_SLASH              (G)
#define VULN_FIRE               (H)
#define VULN_COLD               (I)
#define VULN_LIGHTNING          (J)
#define VULN_ACID               (K)
#define VULN_POISON             (L)
#define VULN_NEGATIVE           (M)
#define VULN_HOLY               (N)
#define VULN_ENERGY             (O)
#define VULN_MENTAL             (P)
#define VULN_DISEASE            (Q)
#define VULN_DROWNING           (R)
#define VULN_LIGHT              (S)
#define VULN_SOUND              (T)
#define VULN_WOOD               (X)
#define VULN_SILVER             (Y)
#define VULN_IRON               (Z)
/* body form */
#define FORM_EDIBLE             (A)
#define FORM_POISON             (B)
#define FORM_MAGICAL            (C)
#define FORM_INSTANT_DECAY      (D)
#define FORM_OTHER              (E)  /* defined by material bit */
/* actual form */
#define FORM_ANIMAL             (G)
#define FORM_SENTIENT           (H)
#define FORM_UNDEAD             (I)
#define FORM_CONSTRUCT          (J)
#define FORM_MIST               (K)
#define FORM_INTANGIBLE         (L)
#define FORM_BIPED              (M)
#define FORM_CENTAUR            (N)
#define FORM_INSECT             (O)
#define FORM_SPIDER             (P)
#define FORM_CRUSTACEAN         (Q)
#define FORM_WORM               (R)
#define FORM_BLOB               (S)
#define FORM_MAMMAL             (V)
#define FORM_BIRD               (W)
#define FORM_REPTILE            (X)
#define FORM_SNAKE              (Y)
#define FORM_DRAGON             (Z)
#define FORM_AMPHIBIAN          (aa)
#define FORM_FISH               (bb)
#define FORM_COLD_BLOOD         (cc)

/* body parts */
#define PART_HEAD               (A)
#define PART_ARMS               (B)
#define PART_LEGS               (C)
#define PART_HEART              (D)
#define PART_BRAINS             (E)
#define PART_GUTS               (F)
#define PART_HANDS              (G)
#define PART_FEET               (H)
#define PART_FINGERS            (I)
#define PART_EAR                (J)
#define PART_EYE                (K)
#define PART_LONG_TONGUE        (L)
#define PART_EYESTALKS          (M)
#define PART_TENTACLES          (N)
#define PART_FINS               (O)
#define PART_WINGS              (P)
#define PART_TAIL               (Q)
/* for combat */
#define PART_CLAWS              (U)
#define PART_FANGS              (V)
#define PART_HORNS              (W)
#define PART_SCALES             (X)
#define PART_TUSKS              (Y)

 * Bits for 'affected_by'.
 * Used in #MOBILES.
#define AFF_NONE            0
#define AFF_BLIND          (A)
#define AFF_INVISIBLE      (B)
#define AFF_DETECT_EVIL    (C)
#define AFF_DETECT_INVIS   (D)
#define AFF_DETECT_MAGIC   (E)
#define AFF_DETECT_GOOD    (G)
#define AFF_SANCTUARY      (H)
#define AFF_FAERIE_FIRE    (I)
#define AFF_INFRARED       (J)
#define AFF_CURSE          (K)
#define AFF_POISON         (M)
#define AFF_PROTECT_EVIL   (N)
#define AFF_PROTECT_GOOD   (O)
#define AFF_SNEAK          (P)
#define AFF_HIDE           (Q)
#define AFF_SLEEP          (R)
#define AFF_CHARM          (S)
#define AFF_FLYING         (T)
#define AFF_PASS_DOOR      (U)
#define AFF_HASTE          (V)
#define AFF_CALM           (W)
#define AFF_PLAGUE         (X)
#define AFF_WEAKEN         (Y)
#define AFF_DARK_VISION    (Z)
#define AFF_BERSERK        (aa)
#define AFF_SWIM           (bb)
#define AFF_REGENERATION   (cc)
#define AFF_SLOW           (dd)
#define AFF_KAIOKEN        (ee)

 * Sex.
 * Used in #MOBILES.
#define SEX_NEUTRAL  0
#define SEX_MALE     1
#define SEX_FEMALE   2

/* AC types */
#define AC_PIERCE    0
#define AC_BASH      1
#define AC_SLASH     2
#define AC_EXOTIC    3

/* size */
#define SIZE_TINY    0
#define SIZE_SMALL   1
#define SIZE_MEDIUM  2
#define SIZE_LARGE   3
#define SIZE_HUGE    4
#define SIZE_GIANT   5

 * Well known object virtual numbers.
 * Defined in #OBJECTS.
#define OBJ_VNUM_ZENNI_ONE          1
#define OBJ_VNUM_ZENNI_SOME         2

#define OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_NPC        10
#define OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC         11
#define OBJ_VNUM_SEVERED_HEAD      12
#define OBJ_VNUM_TORN_HEART        13
#define OBJ_VNUM_SLICED_ARM        14
#define OBJ_VNUM_SLICED_LEG        15
#define OBJ_VNUM_GUTS              16
#define OBJ_VNUM_BRAINS            17

#define OBJ_VNUM_LIGHT_BALL        21
#define OBJ_VNUM_SPRING            22
#define OBJ_VNUM_DISC              23
#define OBJ_VNUM_PORTAL            25

#define OBJ_VNUM_ROSE              401

#define OBJ_VNUM_PIT               1

#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_MACE       20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_SWORD      20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_SPEAR      20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_STAFF      20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_AXE        20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_FLAIL      20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_WHIP       20
#define OBJ_VNUM_SCHOOL_VEST       20
#define OBJ_VNUM_MAP               20
#define OBJ_VNUM_WHISTLE           20
 * Item types.
 * Used in #OBJECTS.
#define ITEM_LIGHT       1
#define ITEM_SCROLL      2
#define ITEM_WAND        3
#define ITEM_STAFF       4
#define ITEM_WEAPON      5
#define ITEM_TREASURE    8
#define ITEM_ARMOR       9
#define ITEM_POTION      10
#define ITEM_CLOTHING    11
#define ITEM_FURNITURE   12
#define ITEM_TRASH       13
#define ITEM_CONTAINER   15
#define ITEM_DRINK_CON   17
#define ITEM_KEY         18
#define ITEM_FOOD        19
#define ITEM_MONEY       20
#define ITEM_BOAT        22
#define ITEM_CORPSE_NPC  23
#define ITEM_CORPSE_PC   24
#define ITEM_FOUNTAIN    25
#define ITEM_PILL        26
#define ITEM_PROTECT     27
#define ITEM_MAP         28
#define ITEM_PORTAL      29
#define ITEM_WARP_STONE  30
#define ITEM_ROOM_KEY    31
#define ITEM_GEM         32
#define ITEM_JEWELRY     33

 * Extra flags.
 * Used in #OBJECTS.
#define ITEM_GLOW           (A)
#define ITEM_HUM            (B)
#define ITEM_DARK           (C)
#define ITEM_LOCK           (D)
#define ITEM_EVIL           (E)
#define ITEM_INVIS          (F)
#define ITEM_MAGIC          (G)
#define ITEM_NODROP         (H)
#define ITEM_BLESS          (I)
#define ITEM_ANTI_GOOD      (J)
#define ITEM_ANTI_EVIL      (K)
#define ITEM_NOREMOVE       (M)
#define ITEM_INVENTORY      (N)
#define ITEM_NOPURGE        (O)
#define ITEM_ROT_DEATH      (P)
#define ITEM_VIS_DEATH      (Q)
#define ITEM_NEED_PL        (R)
#define ITEM_NONMETAL       (S)
#define ITEM_NOLOCATE       (T)
#define ITEM_MELT_DROP      (U)
#define ITEM_HAD_TIMER      (V)
#define ITEM_BURN_PROOF     (Y)
#define ITEM_NOUNCURSE      (Z)
#define ITEM_SCOUTER        (aa)
#define ITEM_RANDOM         (bb)

 * Wear flags.
 * Used in #OBJECTS.
#define ITEM_TAKE         (A)
#define ITEM_WEAR_NECK    (C)
#define ITEM_WEAR_BODY    (D)
#define ITEM_WEAR_HEAD    (E)
#define ITEM_WEAR_LEGS    (F)
#define ITEM_WEAR_FEET    (G)
#define ITEM_WEAR_HANDS   (H)
#define ITEM_WEAR_ARMS    (I)
#define ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT   (K)
#define ITEM_WEAR_WAIST   (L)
#define ITEM_WEAR_WRIST   (M)
#define ITEM_WIELD        (N)
#define ITEM_HOLD         (O)
#define ITEM_NO_SAC       (P)
#define ITEM_WEAR_FLOAT   (Q)
#define ITEM_WEAR_TAIL    (R)
#define ITEM_WEAR_EYE     (S)
#define ITEM_WEAR_EAR     (T)

/* weapon class */
#define WEAPON_EXOTIC   0
#define WEAPON_SWORD    1
#define WEAPON_DAGGER   2
#define WEAPON_SPEAR    3
#define WEAPON_MACE     4
#define WEAPON_AXE      5
#define WEAPON_FLAIL    6
#define WEAPON_WHIP     7

/* weapon types */
#define WEAPON_FLAMING    (A)
#define WEAPON_FROST      (B)
#define WEAPON_SHARP      (D)
#define WEAPON_VORPAL     (E)
#define WEAPON_POISON     (H)

/* gate flags */
#define GATE_NOCURSE      (B)
#define GATE_GOWITH       (C)
#define GATE_BUGGY        (D)
#define GATE_RANDOM       (E)

/* furniture flags */
#define STAND_AT    (A)
#define STAND_ON    (B)
#define STAND_IN    (C)
#define SIT_AT      (D)
#define SIT_ON      (E)
#define SIT_IN      (F)
#define REST_AT     (G)
#define REST_ON     (H)
#define REST_IN     (I)
#define SLEEP_AT    (J)
#define SLEEP_ON    (K)
#define SLEEP_IN    (L)
#define PUT_AT      (M)
#define PUT_ON      (N)
#define PUT_IN      (O)
#define PUT_INSIDE  (P)

 * Apply types (for affects).
 * Used in #OBJECTS.
#define APPLY_NONE            0
#define APPLY_STR             1
#define APPLY_DEX             2
#define APPLY_INT             3
#define APPLY_WIL             4
#define APPLY_CHA             5
#define APPLY_SEX             6
#define APPLY_LEVEL           8
#define APPLY_AGE             9
#define APPLY_HEIGHT         10
#define APPLY_WEIGHT         11
#define APPLY_KI             12
#define APPLY_HIT            13
#define APPLY_STAMINA        14 // no longer used
#define APPLY_ZENNI          15
#define APPLY_EXP            16
#define APPLY_AC             17
#define APPLY_HITROLL        18
#define APPLY_DAMROLL        19
#define APPLY_SAVES          20
#define APPLY_SAVING_PARA    20
#define APPLY_SAVING_ROD     21

 * Values for containers (value[1]).
 * Used in #OBJECTS.
#define CONT_CLOSEABLE   1
#define CONT_PICKPROOF   2
#define CONT_CLOSED      4
#define CONT_LOCKED      8
#define CONT_PUT_ON     16

 * Well known room virtual numbers.
 * Defined in #ROOMS.
#define ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO       2
#define ROOM_VNUM_CHAT        2
#define ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE      2
#define ROOM_VNUM_ALTAR       2
#define ROOM_VNUM_SCHOOL      2
#define ROOM_VNUM_BALANCE     2
#define ROOM_VNUM_CIRCLE      2
#define ROOM_VNUM_DEMISE      2
#define ROOM_VNUM_HONOR       2

 * Room flags.
 * Used in #ROOMS.
#define ROOM_DARK           (A)
#define ROOM_NO_MOB         (C)
#define ROOM_INDOORS        (D)
#define ROOM_PRIVATE        (J)
#define ROOM_SAFE           (K)
#define ROOM_SOLITARY       (L)
#define ROOM_PET_SHOP       (M)
#define ROOM_NO_RECALL      (N)
#define ROOM_IMP_ONLY       (O)
#define ROOM_GODS_ONLY      (P)
#define ROOM_HEROES_ONLY    (Q)
#define ROOM_LAW            (S)
#define ROOM_NOWHERE        (T)
#define ROOM_CHAOS          (V)

 * Directions.
 * Used in #ROOMS.
#define DIR_NORTH  0
#define DIR_EAST   1
#define DIR_SOUTH  2
#define DIR_WEST   3
#define DIR_UP     4
#define DIR_DOWN   5

 * Exit flags.
 * Used in #ROOMS.
#define EX_ISDOOR       (A)
#define EX_CLOSED       (B)
#define EX_LOCKED       (C)
#define EX_PICKPROOF    (F)
#define EX_NOPASS       (G)
#define EX_EASY         (H)
#define EX_HARD         (I)
#define EX_NOCLOSE      (K)
#define EX_NOLOCK       (L)

 * Sector types.
 * Used in #ROOMS.
#define SECT_INSIDE         0
#define SECT_CITY           1
#define SECT_FIELD          2
#define SECT_FOREST         3
#define SECT_HILLS          4
#define SECT_MOUNTAIN       5
#define SECT_WATER_SWIM     6
#define SECT_UNUSED         8
#define SECT_AIR            9
#define SECT_DESERT        10
#define SECT_UNDERWATER    11
#define SECT_MAX           12

 * Equpiment wear locations.
 * Used in #RESETS.
#define WEAR_NONE     -1
#define WEAR_LIGHT     0
#define WEAR_FINGER_L  1
#define WEAR_FINGER_R  2
#define WEAR_NECK_1    3
#define WEAR_NECK_2    4
#define WEAR_BODY      5
#define WEAR_HEAD      6
#define WEAR_LEGS      7
#define WEAR_FEET      8
#define WEAR_HANDS     9
#define WEAR_ARMS     10
#define WEAR_SHIELD   11
#define WEAR_ABOUT    12
#define WEAR_WAIST    13
#define WEAR_WRIST_L  14
#define WEAR_WRIST_R  15
#define WEAR_WIELD    16
#define WEAR_HOLD     17
#define WEAR_FLOAT    18
#define WEAR_TAIL     19
#define WEAR_EYE      20
#define WEAR_EAR_L    21
#define WEAR_EAR_R    22
#define MAX_WEAR      23

 *                                                                         *
 *                   VALUES OF INTEREST TO AREA BUILDERS                   *
 *                   (End of this section ... stop here)                   *
 *                                                                         *

 * Conditions.
#define COND_DRUNK   0
#define COND_FULL    1
#define COND_THIRST  2
#define COND_HUNGER  3

 * Positions.
#define POS_DEAD        0
#define POS_MORTAL      1
#define POS_INCAP       2
#define POS_STUNNED     3
#define POS_SLEEPING    5
#define POS_RESTING     6
#define POS_SITTING     7
#define POS_FIGHTING    8
#define POS_STANDING    9

 * ACT bits for players.
#define PLR_IS_NPC        (A)        /* Don't EVER set.    */

/* RT auto flags */
#define PLR_FINISHMOVE    (B)
#define PLR_AUTOASSIST    (C)
#define PLR_AUTOEXIT      (D)
#define PLR_AUTOLOOT      (E)
#define PLR_AUTOSAC       (F)
#define PLR_AUTOZENNI     (G)
#define PLR_AUTOSPLIT     (H)
#define PLR_AUTOATTACK    (I)

/* RT personal flags */
#define PLR_QUEST         (K)
#define PLR_DONTREVEAL    (L)
#define PLR_HOLYLIGHT     (N)
#define PLR_COMBATINFO    (O)
#define PLR_CANLOOT       (P)
#define PLR_NOSUMMON      (Q)
#define PLR_NOFOLLOW      (R)
#define PLR_LEADER        (S)
#define PLR_COLOUR        (T)
/* 1 bit reserved, S */

/* penalty flags */
#define PLR_PERMIT        (U)
#define PLR_LOG           (W)
#define PLR_DENY          (X)
#define PLR_FREEZE        (Y)
#define PLR_THIEF         (Z)
#define PLR_HOSTILE       (aa)

/* RT comm flags -- may be used on both mobs and chars */
#define COMM_QUIET              (A)
#define COMM_DEAF               (B)
#define COMM_NOWIZ              (C)
#define COMM_NOAUCTION          (D)
#define COMM_NOGOSSIP           (E)
#define COMM_NOQUESTION         (F)
#define COMM_NOMUSIC            (G)
#define COMM_NOCLAN             (H)
#define COMM_NOQUOTE            (I)
#define COMM_SHOUTSOFF          (J)
#define COMM_NOGOD              (K)

/* display flags */
#define COMM_COMPACT            (L)
#define COMM_BRIEF              (M)
#define COMM_PROMPT             (N)
#define COMM_COMBINE            (O)
#define COMM_TELNET_GA          (P)
#define COMM_SHOW_AFFECTS       (Q)
#define COMM_NOGRATS            (R)
#define COMM_NOOOC              (S)

/* penalties */
#define COMM_NOEMOTE            (T)
#define COMM_NOSHOUT            (U)
#define COMM_NOTELL             (V)
#define COMM_NOCHANNELS         (W)
#define COMM_SNOOP_PROOF        (Y)
#define COMM_AFK                (Z)

/* WIZnet flags */
#define WIZ_ON                  (A)
#define WIZ_TICKS               (B)
#define WIZ_LOGINS              (C)
#define WIZ_SITES               (D)
#define WIZ_LINKS               (E)
#define WIZ_DEATHS              (F)
#define WIZ_RESETS              (G)
#define WIZ_MOBDEATHS           (H)
#define WIZ_FLAGS               (I)
#define WIZ_PENALTIES           (J)
#define WIZ_SACCING             (K)
#define WIZ_LEVELS              (L)
#define WIZ_SECURE              (M)
#define WIZ_SWITCHES            (N)
#define WIZ_SNOOPS              (O)
#define WIZ_RESTORE             (P)
#define WIZ_LOAD                (Q)
#define WIZ_NEWBIE              (R)
#define WIZ_PREFIX              (S)
#define WIZ_SPAM                (T)
#define WIZ_MEMCHECK            (U)

/* Transformation flags */
#define TRANS_NONE      0
#define TRANS_SSJ1      1
#define TRANS_SSJ2      2
#define TRANS_SSJ3      3
#define TRANS_SSJ4      4
#define TRANS_SSJ5      5
#define TRANS_MYSTIC    6
#define TRANS_SUPERH    7 // Super Human
#define TRANS_HYPERN    8 // Hyper Namek
#define TRANS_SUPERN    9 // Super Namek
#define TRANS_UPGRADE1 10 // Android upgrade 1
#define TRANS_UPGRADE2 11 // Android upgrade 2
#define TRANS_UPGRADE3 12 // Android upgrade 3
#define TRANS_ICER2    14 // Icer, Form 2.  First form is equivalent to TRANS_NONE
#define TRANS_ICER3    15
#define TRANS_ICER4    16
#define TRANS_ICER5    17
#define TRANS_BIO2     18 // Bio, 2nd evolution. First is equivalent to TRANS_NONE
#define TRANS_BIO3     19
#define TRANS_BIO4     20
#define TRANS_BIO5     21
#define TRANS_KAIOKEN  22
#define MAX_TRANS      23

/* Fighting Stances */
#define STANCE_OFFEN  1
#define STANCE_DEFEN  2
#define STANCE_KAMIK  3

 * Prototype for a mob.
 * This is the in-memory version of #MOBILES.
struct    mob_index_data
    MOB_INDEX_DATA *  next;
    SPEC_FUN *        spec_fun;
    SHOP_DATA *       pShop;
    PROG_LIST *       mprogs;
    AREA_DATA *       area;        /* OLC */
	CHAR_DATA        *pCreated; // A loaded mob. Always the last one created. pNextSame (in char_data) points back in order loaded
    sh_int            vnum;
    sh_int            group;
    sh_int            count;
    sh_int            killed;
    char *            player_name;
    char *            short_descr;
    char *            long_descr;
    char *            description;
    long              act;
    long              affected_by;
    sh_int            alignment;
    sh_int            stat[MAX_STATS];
    sh_int            hit_bonus;
    sh_int            ki_bonus;
    sh_int            level;
    int               hitroll;
    int               ac[4];
    sh_int            dam_type;
    long              off_flags;
    long              imm_flags;
    long              res_flags;
    long              vuln_flags;
    sh_int            start_pos;
    sh_int            default_pos;
    sh_int            sex;
    sh_int            race;
    long              wealth;
    long              form;
    long              parts;
    sh_int            size;
    char *            material;
    long              mprog_flags;

/* memory settings */
#define MEM_SELLER    B
#define MEM_HOSTILE   C
#define MEM_AFRAID    D

/* memory for mobs */
struct mem_data
    MEM_DATA     *next;
    bool    valid;
    int        id;     
    int     reaction;
    time_t     when;

/* For Erwin's Noteboard
 * -- JR 09/25/00

#include "board.h"

 * One character (PC or NPC).
struct    char_data {
    CHAR_DATA *        next;
    CHAR_DATA *        next_in_room;
	CHAR_DATA         *pNextSame; // Next mob of the same vnum
	CHAR_DATA         *pPrevSame;
    CHAR_DATA *        master;
    CHAR_DATA *        leader;
    CHAR_DATA *        fighting;
    CHAR_DATA *        powerstruggle; // Character that is engaged in a powerstruggle
    CHAR_DATA *        reply;
    CHAR_DATA *        pet;
    CHAR_DATA *        mprog_target;
    MEM_DATA *         memory;
    SPEC_FUN *         spec_fun;
    MOB_INDEX_DATA *   pIndexData;
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *  desc;
    AFFECT_DATA *      affected;
    OBJ_DATA *         carrying;
    OBJ_DATA *         on;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *  in_room;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *  was_in_room;
    AREA_DATA *        zone;
    PC_DATA *          pcdata;
    char               cmd_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; // Save a previous command typed in
    bool               valid;
    char *             name;
    CHAR_DATA         *slave;
    char              *fuse_control; // Pre-fuse names of controlling character
    char              *fuse_slave;   // and observer
    int                fuse_count; // Number of ticks until unfused
    long               id;
    sh_int             version;
    char *             short_descr;
    char *             long_descr;
    char *             description;
    char *             prompt;
    char *             prefix;
    char *             immtitle;
    sh_int             group;
    sh_int             clan;
    sh_int             sex;
    sh_int             race;
    sh_int             level;
    int                played;
    int                lines;  /* for the pager */
    time_t             logon;
    sh_int             timer;
    sh_int             daze;
    sh_int             wait;
    bool               short_wait;    /* Don't display "You are no longer waiting" for a minor (<1s) delay */
    sh_int             wait_skill;    /* counter for the wait */
    sh_int             wait_skill_sn; /* skill the char is waiting to use */
    void              *wait_skill_vo; /* who/what the skill is pointing at */
    int                wait_skill_target;
    int                charge; // how many pulses the character has been charging
    sh_int             balance; // 5 = normal balance, 10 = max, really good, 0 = min, really bad
    int	               nCurPl;
    long long int      llPl;
	long long int      llTruePl;
    long long int      llSuppressPl;
	int                nDifficulty;
    int                nTrueDiff;
    sh_int             trans_heal_count[MAX_TRANS]; // Incremented every tick that a character sleeps -- only get healed at transformation when the counter is 5. Works once for each trans -- disgusting method used (array)
    int                hit;
    int                max_hit;
    int                ki;
    int                max_ki;
    long               zenni;
    int                trans_count; // Counter for transformations; rage for saiyans, number androids killed for bio-androids
    long               act;
    long               comm;   /* RT added to pad the vector */
    long               wiznet; /* wiz stuff */
    long               imm_flags;
    long               res_flags;
    long               vuln_flags;
    sh_int             invis_level;
    sh_int             incog_level;
    long               affected_by;
    sh_int             position;
    int                stance;
    sh_int             carry_weight;
    sh_int             carry_number;
    sh_int             saving_throw;
    sh_int             alignment;
    int                hitroll;
    int                damroll;
    int                wimpy;
    int                armor[4];
    sh_int             petition;
    /* stats */
    sh_int             perm_stat[MAX_STATS];
    sh_int             mod_stat[MAX_STATS];
    /* parts stuff */
    long               form;
    long               parts;
    sh_int             size;
    char*              material;
    /* mobile stuff */
    long               off_flags;
    sh_int             dam_type;
    sh_int             start_pos;
    sh_int             default_pos;
    sh_int             mprog_delay;

// Amount of hp and ki gains per stat
#define HP_STR 32
#define HP_WIL  8
#define KI_STR 20
#define KI_WIL 20

// Flags for custom skills
#define CS_SIMPLE 1 // Skill is simple/easy to learn
#define CS_QUICK  2 // Fast to launch

// Types of missions
#define MISSION_NONE 0
#define MISSION_OBJ  1
#define MISSION_SLAY 2

 * Data which only PC's have.
struct    pc_data
    PC_DATA *	    next;
    BUFFER *	    buffer;
    COLOUR_DATA *   code;        /* Data for color configuration    */
    bool		    valid;
    char *			pwd;
    char *			bamfin;
    char *			bamfout;
    char *			title;
    char *			pose;
    int			    perm_hit;
    int			    perm_ki;
    sh_int			true_sex;
    int				last_level;
    sh_int			condition[4];
    sh_int			learned[MAX_SKILL];
	int             nSkillProgress[MAX_SKILL];
	int             nSkillTick[MAX_SKILL]; // Number of points in a skill gained this tick
    int             nStatProgress[MAX_STATS];
    int             nStatTick[MAX_STATS];
    int             nTrainCount; // Counter to slowly diminish increases for training
    int             nTeachCount; // . . . teaching
    int             nChaosCount; // . . . fighting in chaos rooms
    bool			confirm_delete;
    int             nReward;
	int             nTeachSn; // What skill to teach, -1 is none
	CHAR_DATA      *pTeacher; // Who is teaching the player
    // Custom skill data
	int             nCsPoints;
    int             nGenStatPoints;
	bool            bCsConfirm;
	char           *szCsName;
    long            lCsFlags;

    CHAR_DATA      *fusion_request;
    char *			alias[MAX_ALIAS];
    char *			alias_sub[MAX_ALIAS];
    BOARD_DATA *    board;                  /* The current board        */
    time_t			last_note[MAX_BOARD];   /* last note for the boards */
    NOTE_DATA *     in_progress;
    int				security;               /* OLC */ /* Builder security */

	int			 	rewards;
	int				recovery;
	int				hunt_time;
	sh_int			reward_obj;
	sh_int			reward_mob;
	sh_int			rewarder;
	sh_int          nMissionType;
	bool            bMissionSuccess;

 * Liquids.
#define LIQ_WATER        0

struct    liq_type
    char *    liq_name;
    char *    liq_color;
    sh_int    liq_affect[6];

 * Extra description data for a room or object.
struct    extra_descr_data
    EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *  next;         /* Next in list            */
    bool                valid;
    char *              keyword;      /* Keyword in look/examine */
    char *              description;  /* What to see             */

 * Prototype for an object.
struct    obj_index_data
    OBJ_INDEX_DATA *    next;
    EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *  extra_descr;
    AFFECT_DATA *       affected;
    AREA_DATA *         area;        /* OLC */
    PROG_LIST *		    oprogs;
    long		        oprog_flags;
    char *              name;
    char *              short_descr;
    char *              description;
    sh_int              vnum;
    sh_int              reset_num;
    char *              material;
    sh_int              item_type;
    int                 extra_flags;
    int                 wear_flags;
    long long int       llPl;
    sh_int              condition;
    sh_int              count;
    sh_int              weight;
    int                 cost;
    int                 value[5];
	int                 durability;

 * One object.
struct    obj_data
    OBJ_DATA *          next;
    OBJ_DATA *          next_content;
    OBJ_DATA *          contains;
    OBJ_DATA *          in_obj;
    OBJ_DATA *          on;
    CHAR_DATA *         carried_by;
    EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *  extra_descr;
    AFFECT_DATA *       affected;
    OBJ_INDEX_DATA *    pIndexData;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *   in_room;
    CHAR_DATA *	        oprog_target;
    sh_int			    oprog_delay;
    bool                valid;
    bool                enchanted;
    char *              owner;
    char *              name;
    char *              short_descr;
    char *              description;
    sh_int              item_type;
    int                 extra_flags;
    int                 wear_flags;
    sh_int              wear_loc;
    sh_int              weight;
    int                 cost;
    long long int       llPl;
    sh_int              condition;
    char *              material;
    sh_int              timer;
    int                 value [5];
	int                 durability;
	int                 cur_durability;

 * Exit data.
struct    exit_data
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *  to_room;
    sh_int             vnum;
    } u1;
    sh_int       exit_info;
    sh_int       key;
    char *       keyword;
    char *       description;
    EXIT_DATA *  next;        /* OLC */
    int          rs_flags;    /* OLC */
    int          orig_door;   /* OLC */

 * Reset commands:
 *   '*': comment
 *   'M': read a mobile
 *   'O': read an object
 *   'P': put object in object
 *   'G': give object to mobile
 *   'E': equip object to mobile
 *   'D': set state of door
 *   'R': randomize room exits
 *   'S': stop (end of list)

 * Area-reset definition.
struct    reset_data
    RESET_DATA *    next;
    char        command;
    sh_int        arg1;
    sh_int        arg2;
    sh_int        arg3;
    sh_int        arg4;

 * Area definition.
struct    area_data
    AREA_DATA    *next;
    HELP_AREA    *helps;
    char         *file_name;
    char         *name;
    char         *credits;
    sh_int        age;
    sh_int        nplayer;
    sh_int        low_range;
    sh_int        high_range;
    sh_int        min_vnum;
    sh_int        max_vnum;
    bool          empty;
    char         *builders;    /* OLC */ /* Listing of */
    int           vnum;        /* OLC */ /* Area vnum  */
    int           area_flags;  /* OLC */
    int           security;    /* OLC */ /* Value 1-9  */

 * Room type.
struct    room_index_data
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA  *next;
    CHAR_DATA        *people;
    OBJ_DATA         *contents;
    EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *extra_descr;
    AREA_DATA        *area;
    EXIT_DATA        *exit[6];
    RESET_DATA       *reset_first;    /* OLC */
    RESET_DATA       *reset_last;    /* OLC */
    PROG_LIST        *rprogs;
    CHAR_DATA 	     *rprog_target;
    long		      rprog_flags;
    sh_int		      rprog_delay;
    char             *name;
    char             *description;
    char             *owner;
    sh_int            vnum;
    int               room_flags;
    sh_int            light;
    sh_int            sector_type;
    sh_int            heal_rate;
    sh_int            ki_rate;
    sh_int            clan;

 * Types of attacks.
 * Must be non-overlapping with spell/skill types,
 * but may be arbitrary beyond that.
#define TYPE_UNDEFINED               -1
#define TYPE_HIT                     1000

 *  Target types.
#define TAR_IGNORE             0
#define TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE     1
#define TAR_CHAR_DEFENSIVE     2
#define TAR_CHAR_SELF          3
#define TAR_OBJ_INV            4
#define TAR_OBJ_CHAR_DEF       5
#define TAR_OBJ_CHAR_OFF       6
#define TAR_HYBRID100          7 // TAR_CHAR_OFFENSIVE up to skill level 100, TAR_IGNORE (ie area affect) after 99 (ie starting at 100)
#define TAR_AREA_OFF           8 // Offensive attack to all things in the room

#define TARGET_CHAR            0
#define TARGET_OBJ             1
#define TARGET_ROOM            2
#define TARGET_NONE            3

#define SKILL_NONE   0
#define SKILL_IMM    1
#define SKILL_DELAY  2
#define SKILL_CHARGE 3

/* If the skill is old, it doesnt need a skill_fun, command or charge/release_msg values.
 * 'charging' skills, such as ki attacks, need a skill_fun pointer, and immediate/delay messages.
 * These commands dont need entries in the command table, they are called from the skill_table (based on
 * the command property). charge_msg is shown when the command is first used ("$n places his palms together
 * and begins to create ball of energy"), and release when it is done ("$n shoots a ball of energy!").
 * skill_fun is the function called after being charged up.
struct    skill_type {
    char          *name;              /* Name of skill */
    char          *syntax;            /* Alternate name that can be used to call this skill */
    sh_int        *pgsn;              /* Pointer to associated gsn */
    SKILL_FUN     *skill_fun;         /* Pointer to the skill's do_ function */
    bool           command;           /* True if the skill can be used as a command, ie typing 'bash' would work with no need for do_bash in command table */
    // Learning stuff:
    bool           bCanLearn;         // Can the skill be learned
    bool           bCanImprove;       // Can the skill be improved 
    char          *skill_prereq[5];   /* What skills are needed before this one can be learned */
    sh_int         skill_value[5];    /* What each of those skills need to be */
    sh_int         stat_prereq[MAX_STATS]; /* What stats need to be to learn */
    int            nDiff;             /* What the minimum difficulty needs to be */
    char          *race_prereq[MAX_PC_RACE];    /* What races can learn the skill */
    // Actual use:
    sh_int         target;            /* Legal targets */
    sh_int         minimum_position;  /* Position for caster / user    */
    sh_int         ki_mod;            /* Minimum ki used. (Its the mod in ki_loss) */
    sh_int         type;              /* SKILL_NONE, SKILL_IMM, SKILL_DELAY, SKILL_CHARGE? ie how it is used */
    sh_int         wait;              /* Wait time for use */
    // Messages:
    char          *noun_damage;       /* Damage message */
    char          *msg_off;           /* Wear off message */
    char          *msg_obj;           /* Wear off message for obects */
    char          *msg_immediate1;    /* Message given immeadiately when the skilled is first used. To the character */
    char          *msg_immediate2;    /* Message given immeadiately when the skilled is first used. To everyone else in the room */
    char          *msg_delay1;        /* Message given after delay. To the character */
    char          *msg_delay2;        /* Message given after delay. To everyone else in the room */

 * MOBprog definitions
#define TRIG_ACT      (A)
#define TRIG_BRIBE    (B)
#define TRIG_DEATH    (C)
#define TRIG_ENTRY    (D)
#define TRIG_FIGHT    (E)
#define TRIG_GIVE     (F)
#define TRIG_GREET    (G)
#define TRIG_GRALL    (H)
#define TRIG_KILL     (I)
#define TRIG_HPCNT    (J)
#define TRIG_RANDOM   (K)
#define TRIG_SPEECH   (L)
#define TRIG_EXIT     (M)
#define TRIG_EXALL    (N)
#define TRIG_DELAY    (O)
#define TRIG_SURR     (P)
#define TRIG_GET	  (Q)
#define TRIG_DROP	  (R)
#define TRIG_SIT	  (S)

 * Prog types
#define PRG_MPROG	0
#define PRG_OPROG	1
#define PRG_RPROG	2

struct prog_list
    int                 trig_type;
    char *              trig_phrase;
    sh_int              vnum;
    char *              code;
    PROG_LIST *         next;
    bool                valid;

struct prog_code
    sh_int              vnum;
    char *              code;
    PROG_CODE *         next;

 * These are skill_lookup return values for common skills and spells.
extern sh_int gsn_dodge;
extern sh_int gsn_hide;
extern sh_int gsn_peek;
extern sh_int gsn_pick_lock;
extern sh_int gsn_sneak;
extern sh_int gsn_steal;

extern sh_int gsn_disarm;
extern sh_int gsn_kick;
extern sh_int gsn_sweep;
extern sh_int gsn_throat_shot;
extern sh_int gsn_knee;
extern sh_int gsn_elbow;
extern sh_int gsn_eye_gouge;
extern sh_int gsn_heart_shot;
extern sh_int gsn_hyperpunch;

extern sh_int gsn_parry;
extern sh_int gsn_rescue;

extern sh_int gsn_blindness;
extern sh_int gsn_charm_person;
extern sh_int gsn_curse;
extern sh_int gsn_invis;
extern sh_int gsn_mass_invis;
extern sh_int gsn_plague;
extern sh_int gsn_poison;
extern sh_int gsn_sleep;
extern sh_int gsn_fly;
extern sh_int gsn_sanctuary;

/* new gsns */
extern sh_int gsn_axe;
extern sh_int gsn_dagger;
extern sh_int gsn_flail;
extern sh_int gsn_mace;
extern sh_int gsn_polearm;
extern sh_int gsn_shield_block;
extern sh_int gsn_spear;
extern sh_int gsn_sword;
extern sh_int gsn_whip;
extern sh_int gsn_exotic;

extern sh_int gsn_bash;
extern sh_int gsn_berserk;
extern sh_int gsn_hand_to_hand;

extern sh_int gsn_fast_healing;
extern sh_int gsn_haggle;
extern sh_int gsn_lore;
extern sh_int gsn_meditation;

extern sh_int gsn_scrolls;
extern sh_int gsn_staves;
extern sh_int gsn_wands;
extern sh_int gsn_recall;

// New ones:
extern sh_int gsn_perception;
extern sh_int gsn_teaching;
extern sh_int gsn_defend;
extern sh_int gsn_kamikaze;
extern sh_int gsn_fusion;
extern sh_int gsn_kaioken;
extern sh_int gsn_fly;
extern sh_int gsn_sense;
extern sh_int gsn_suppress;

extern sh_int gsn_ssj1;
extern sh_int gsn_ssj2;
extern sh_int gsn_ssj3;
extern sh_int gsn_ssj4;
extern sh_int gsn_ssj5;
extern sh_int gsn_mystic;
extern sh_int gsn_superh;
extern sh_int gsn_form1;
extern sh_int gsn_form2;
extern sh_int gsn_form3;
extern sh_int gsn_form4;
extern sh_int gsn_form5;
extern sh_int gsn_hypern;
extern sh_int gsn_supern;
extern sh_int gsn_imperfect;
extern sh_int gsn_semiperfect;
extern sh_int gsn_perfect;
extern sh_int gsn_ultraperfect;
extern sh_int gsn_upgrade1;
extern sh_int gsn_upgrade2;
extern sh_int gsn_upgrade3;
extern sh_int gsn_selffuse;

/* DBZ gsns */
extern sh_int gsn_focus;
extern sh_int gsn_kamehameha;
extern sh_int gsn_scattershot;
extern sh_int gsn_timestop;
extern sh_int gsn_energy_ball;
extern sh_int gsn_energy_beam;
extern sh_int gsn_energy_slash;
extern sh_int gsn_finalflash;
extern sh_int gsn_solarflare;
extern sh_int gsn_specialbeam;
extern sh_int gsn_destructo_disk;
extern sh_int gsn_masenko;
extern sh_int gsn_eyebeam;
extern sh_int gsn_mouthbeam;
extern sh_int gsn_fingerbeam;
extern sh_int gsn_spirit_bomb;
extern sh_int gsn_power_bomb;
extern sh_int gsn_death_ball;

extern sh_int gsn_heal;
extern sh_int gsn_revive;
extern sh_int gsn_regen;

 * Utility macros.
#define IS_VALID(data)       ((data) != NULL && (data)->valid)
#define VALIDATE(data)       ((data)->valid = TRUE)
#define INVALIDATE(data)     ((data)->valid = FALSE)
#define UMIN(a, b)           ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define UMAX(a, b)           ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define URANGE(a, b, c)      ((b) < (a) ? (a) : ((b) > (c) ? (c) : (b)))
#define LOWER(c)             ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z' ? (c)+'a'-'A' : (c))
#define UPPER(c)             ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z' ? (c)+'A'-'a' : (c))
#define IS_SET(flag, bit)    ((flag) & (bit))
#define SET_BIT(var, bit)    ((var) |= (bit))
#define REMOVE_BIT(var, bit) ((var) &= ~(bit))
#define IS_NULLSTR(str)      ((str) == NULL || (str)[0] == '\0')
#define ENTRE(min,num,max)   ( ((min) < (num)) && ((num) < (max)) )
#define CHECK_POS(a, b, c)    {                            \
                    (a) = (b);                    \
                    if ( (a) < 0 )                    \
                    bug( "CHECK_POS : " c " == %d < 0", a );    \
                }                            \

 * Character macros.
#define IS_NPC(ch)            (IS_SET((ch)->act, ACT_IS_NPC))
#define IS_IMMORTAL(ch)       ((ch)->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL)
#define IS_HERO(ch)           ((ch)->level >= LEVEL_HERO)
#define IS_TRUSTED(ch,level_) ((ch)->level >= (level_))
#define IS_AFFECTED(ch, sn)   (IS_SET((ch)->affected_by, (sn)))
#define IS_GOOD(ch)           (ch->alignment >= 350)
#define IS_EVIL(ch)           (ch->alignment <= -350)
#define IS_NEUTRAL(ch)        (!IS_GOOD(ch) && !IS_EVIL(ch))
#define IS_AWAKE(ch)          (ch->position > POS_SLEEPING)
#define IS_OUTSIDE(ch)        (!IS_SET((ch)->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_INDOORS))
#define IS_FUSED(ch)          (ch->slave)
#define IS_TRANSFORMED(ch)    (GetTrans(ch) != TRANS_NONE)
#define IS_SWITCHED(ch)       (ch->desc && ch->desc->original)
#define IS_BUILDER(ch, Area)  (!IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_SWITCHED(ch) && \
                               (ch->pcdata->security >= Area->security \
                                || strstr(Area->builders, ch->name) \
                                || strstr(Area->builders, "All")) )
#define IS_LEADER(ch)         (IS_SET((ch)->act, PLR_LEADER))
#define IS_EXHAUSTED(ch)      (ch->nCurPl < 1 && ch->ki < 1)

#define GET_AGE(ch)          ((int) (17 + ((ch)->played + current_time - (ch)->logon )/72000))
#define GET_AC(ch,type)      ((ch)->armor[type])
#define GET_HITROLL(ch)      ((ch)->hitroll)
#define GET_DAMROLL(ch)      ((ch)->damroll)
#define get_carry_weight(ch) ((ch)->carry_weight + (ch)->zenni / 100)

#define DAZE_STATE(ch, npulse)  ((ch)->daze = UMAX((ch)->daze, (npulse)))

#define act(format,ch,arg1,arg2,type)\

#define HAS_TRIGGER_MOB(ch,trig)    (IS_SET((ch)->pIndexData->mprog_flags,(trig)))
#define HAS_TRIGGER_OBJ(obj,trig)   (IS_SET((obj)->pIndexData->oprog_flags,(trig)))
#define HAS_TRIGGER_ROOM(room,trig) (IS_SET((room)->rprog_flags,(trig)))

// Powerlevel macros.
// Rough conversions of powerlevel, difficulty to whatever
#define PL_TO_SKILL(pl)        (sqrt(pl / 3000))
#define PL_TO_STAT(pl)         (sqrt(pl / 3000)/2)
#define DIFFICULTY_TO_SKILL(d) (d/20)
#define DIFFICULTY_TO_STAT(d)  (d/40)

// Object macros.
#define CAN_WEAR(obj, part)    (IS_SET((obj)->wear_flags,  (part)))
#define IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, stat)    (IS_SET((obj)->extra_flags, (stat)))
#define IS_WEAPON_STAT(obj,stat)(IS_SET((obj)->value[4],(stat)))
#define WEIGHT_MULT(obj)    ((obj)->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER ? \
    (obj)->value[4] : 100)

 * Description macros.
#define PERS(ch, looker)    ( can_see( looker, (ch) ) ?        \
                ( IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->short_descr    \
                : (ch)->name ) : "someone" )
#define NAME(ch) ( IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->short_descr : (ch)->name )

 * Structure for a social in the socials table.
struct    social_type
    char      name[20];
    char *    char_no_arg;
    char *    others_no_arg;
    char *    char_found;
    char *    others_found;
    char *    vict_found;
    char *    char_not_found;
    char *    char_auto;
    char *    others_auto;

extern    const    struct    weapon_type     weapon_table   [];
extern    const    struct    item_type       item_table     [];
extern    const    struct    wiznet_type     wiznet_table   [];
extern    const    struct    attack_type     attack_table   [];
extern    const    struct    race_type       race_table     [];
extern    const    struct    pc_race_type    pc_race_table  [];
extern    const    struct    spec_type       spec_table     [];
extern    const    struct    liq_type        liq_table      [];
extern             struct    skill_type      skill_table    [MAX_SKILL];
extern             struct    social_type     social_table   [MAX_SOCIALS];
extern    char *    const    stat_table   [MAX_STATS];
extern    char *    const    title_table  [MAX_LEVEL+1] [2];
extern    char *    const    trans_table  [MAX_TRANS];
extern    char *    const    stance_table [];

 * Global variables.
extern  HELP_DATA		*	help_first;
extern  SHOP_DATA		*	shop_first;

extern TopListNode *pTopList;

extern  CHAR_DATA		*	char_list;
extern  DESCRIPTOR_DATA	*	descriptor_list;
extern  OBJ_DATA		*	object_list;

extern          PROG_CODE         *     mprog_list;
extern          PROG_CODE         *     rprog_list;
extern          PROG_CODE         *     oprog_list;

extern  char				bug_buf[];
extern  time_t				current_time;
extern  bool				fLogAll;
extern  FILE			*	fpReserve;
extern  KILL_DATA			kill_table[];
extern  char				log_buf[];
extern  TIME_INFO_DATA		time_info;
extern  WEATHER_DATA		weather_info;
extern  char                last_command[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
extern	NOTE_DATA		*	note_free;
extern	OBJ_DATA		*	obj_free;
extern  bool				MOBtrigger;

 * OS-dependent declarations.
 * These are all very standard library functions,
 *   but some systems have incomplete or non-ansi header files.
#if    defined(_AIX)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(apollo)
int    atoi        args( ( const char *string ) );
void *    calloc        args( ( unsigned nelem, size_t size ) );
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(hpux)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(linux)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(MIPS_OS)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(NeXT)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

#if    defined(sequent)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );
int    fclose        args( ( FILE *stream ) );
int    fprintf        args( ( FILE *stream, const char *format, ... ) );
int    fread        args( ( void *ptr, int size, int n, FILE *stream ) );
int    fseek        args( ( FILE *stream, long offset, int ptrname ) );
void    perror        args( ( const char *s ) );
int    ungetc        args( ( int c, FILE *stream ) );

#if    defined(sun)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );
int    fclose        args( ( FILE *stream ) );
int    fprintf        args( ( FILE *stream, const char *format, ... ) );
#if    defined(SYSV)
siz_t    fread        args( ( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t n, 
                FILE *stream) );
#elif !defined(__SVR4)
int    fread        args( ( void *ptr, int size, int n, FILE *stream ) );
int    fseek        args( ( FILE *stream, long offset, int ptrname ) );
void    perror        args( ( const char *s ) );
int    ungetc        args( ( int c, FILE *stream ) );

#if    defined(ultrix)
char *    crypt        args( ( const char *key, const char *salt ) );

 * The crypt(3) function is not available on some operating systems.
 * In particular, the U.S. Government prohibits its export from the
 *   United States to foreign countries.
 * Turn on NOCRYPT to keep passwords in plain text.
#if    defined(NOCRYPT)
#define crypt(s1, s2)    (s1)

 * Data files used by the server.
 * AREA_LIST contains a list of areas to boot.
 * All files are read in completely at bootup.
 * Most output files (bug, idea, typo, shutdown) are append-only.
 * The NULL_FILE is held open so that we have a stream handle in reserve,
 *   so players can go ahead and telnet to all the other descriptors.
 * Then we close it whenever we need to open a file (e.g. a save file).
#if defined(unix)
#define LAST_COMMAND    "../last_command.txt"  /*For the signal handler.*/
#define PLAYER_DIR      "../player/"         /* Player files           */
#define GOD_DIR         "../gods/"           /* list of gods           */
#define TEMP_FILE       "../player/romtmp"
#define NULL_FILE       "/dev/null"          /* To reserve one stream  */

#define AREA_LIST       "area.lst"            /* List of areas         */
#define BUG_FILE        "bugs.txt"            /* For 'bug' and bug()   */
#define TYPO_FILE       "typos.txt"           /* For 'typo'            */
#define SHUTDOWN_FILE   "shutdown.txt"        /* For 'shutdown'        */
#define BAN_FILE        "ban.txt"
#define MUSIC_FILE      "music.txt"
#define OHELPS_FILE	    "lost_help.txt"      /* Unmet 'help' requests */

// Log types
#define LOG_CRIT       1
#define LOG_ERR        2
#define LOG_BUG        4
#define LOG_SECURITY   8
#define LOG_CONNECT   16
#define LOG_GAME      32
#define LOG_COMMAND   64
#define LOG_ALL      127 // All the others added up

 * Our function prototypes.
 * One big lump ... this is every function in Merc.
#define CD   CHAR_DATA
#define OD   OBJ_DATA
#define SF   SPEC_FUN
#define AD   AFFECT_DATA
#define MPC  PROG_CODE
#define PC   PROG_CODE

/* act_comm.c */
void     check_sex           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch) );
void     add_follower        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *master ) );
void     stop_follower       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     nuke_pets           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     die_follower        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
bool     is_same_group       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ach, CHAR_DATA *bch ) );
void     logfile             args( ( char * fmt, ... ) );

/* act_enter.c */
RID      *get_random_room    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

/* act_info.c */
char    *format_pl           args( ( long long int powerlevel ) );
void     set_title           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *title ) );

/* act_move.c */
void     move_char           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int door, bool follow ) );

/* act_obj.c */
bool     can_loot            args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
void     wear_obj            args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, bool fReplace ) );
void     get_obj             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, OBJ_DATA *container ) );

/* act_wiz.c */
int      colorstrlen         args( ( char *argument ) );
void     wiznet              args( ( char *string, CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, long flag, long flag_skip, int min_level ) );
void     copyover_recover    args( ( void ) );
void	 qmconfig_read		 args( ( void ) );

/* alias.c */
void     substitute_alias    args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, char *input ) );

/* ban.c */
bool     check_ban           args( ( char *site, int type) );

/* comm.c */
bool     logstr              args( ( int type, const char *fmt, ... ) );
void     show_string         args( ( struct descriptor_data *d, char *input) );
void     close_socket        args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *dclose ) );
void     write_to_buffer     args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *txt, int length ) );
void     send_to_desc        args( ( const char *txt, DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d ) );
void     sendch              args( ( const char *str, CHAR_DATA * ch ) );
void     page_to_char        args( ( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     act                 args( ( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1, const void *arg2, int type ) );
void     act_new             args( ( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1, const void *arg2, int type, int min_pos) );
void     printf_to_char      args( ( CHAR_DATA *, char *, ... ) );
void     printf_to_desc      args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *, char *, ... ) );
void     bugf                args( ( char *, ... ) );
bool     write_to_descriptor args( ( int desc, char *txt, int length ) );
bool     check_parse_name    args( ( char *name ) );

/* db.c */
void     reset_area          args( ( AREA_DATA * pArea ) );        /* OLC */
void     reset_room          args( ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoom ) );   /* OLC */
char *   print_flags         args( ( int flag ));
void     boot_db             args( ( void ) );
void     area_update         args( ( void ) );
CD *     create_mobile       args( ( MOB_INDEX_DATA *pMobIndex ) );
void     clone_mobile        args( ( CHAR_DATA *parent, CHAR_DATA *clone) );
OD *     create_object       args( ( OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex, long long int llPl ) );
void     clone_object        args( ( OBJ_DATA *parent, OBJ_DATA *clone ) );
void     clear_char          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
char *   get_extra_descr     args( ( const char *name, EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *ed ) );
MID *    get_mob_index       args( ( int vnum ) );
OID *    get_obj_index       args( ( int vnum ) );
RID *    get_room_index      args( ( int vnum ) );
PC *     get_prog_index      args( ( int vnum, int type ) );
char     fread_letter        args( ( FILE *fp ) );
long long int fread_number   args( ( FILE *fp ) );
long     fread_flag          args( ( FILE *fp ) );
char *   fread_string        args( ( FILE *fp ) );
char *   fread_string_eol    args( ( FILE *fp ) );
void     fread_to_eol        args( ( FILE *fp ) );
char *   fread_word          args( ( FILE *fp ) );
long     flag_convert        args( ( char letter) );
void *   alloc_mem           args( ( int sMem ) );
void *   alloc_perm          args( ( int sMem ) );
void     free_mem            args( ( void *pMem, int sMem ) );
char *   str_dup             args( ( const char *str ) );
void     free_string         args( ( char *pstr ) );
long     number_fuzzy        args( ( long number ) );
long long int number_range   args( ( long long int from, long long int to ) );
bool     number_chance 		 args( (int num ) );
int      number_percent      args( ( void ) );
int      number_door         args( ( void ) );
int      number_bits         args( ( int width ) );
long     number_mm           args( ( void ) );
int      dice                args( ( int number, int size ) );
int      interpolate         args( ( int level, int value_00, int value_32 ) );
void     smash_tilde         args( ( char *str ) );
void     smash_dollar        args( ( char *str ) );
bool     str_cmp             args( ( const char *astr, const char *bstr ) );
bool     str_prefix          args( ( const char *astr, const char *bstr ) );
bool     str_infix           args( ( const char *astr, const char *bstr ) );
bool     str_suffix          args( ( const char *astr, const char *bstr ) );
char *   capitalize          args( ( const char *str ) );
char *	 lowercase			 args( ( const char *str ) );
char *	 decap				 args( ( const char *str ) );
char *	 wrapstr			 args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *str ) );
void     append_file         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *file, char *str ) );
void     bug                 args( ( const char *str, int param ) );
void     log_string          args( ( const char *str ) );
void     tail_chain          args( ( void ) );
TopListNode *NewTopListNode    args( ( void ) );
void         DeleteTopListNode args( ( TopListNode *pN ) );
void         LoadTopList       args( ( void ) );
void         SaveTopList       args( ( void ) );
void         PurgeTopList      args( ( void ) );
void         DisplayTopList    args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );
void         RemoveNameTopList args( ( char *szName ) );
void         AddTopList        args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );

  * Colour stuff by Lope
int      colour              args( ( char type, char *string ) );
void     colourconv          args( ( char *buffer, const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch)); 
void     sendch_bw           args( ( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     page_to_char_bw     args( ( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch ) );    

/* effect.c */
void     acid_effect         args( ( void *vo, long long int llPl, int dam, int target ) );
void     cold_effect         args( ( void *vo, long long int llPl, int dam, int target ) );
void     fire_effect         args( ( void *vo, long long int llPl, int dam, int target ) );
void     poison_effect       args( ( void *vo, long long int llPl, int dam, int target ) );
void     shock_effect        args( ( void *vo, long long int llPl, int dam, int target ) );

/* fight.c */
void     raw_kill            args( ( CHAR_DATA * victim ) );
void     ki_loss             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, sh_int mod) );
bool     is_safe             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
bool     is_safe_spell       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, bool area ) );
void     violence_update     args( ( void ) );
void     begin_combat        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
long long int GetPhysDam     args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nChSn, CHAR_DATA *pVict, int nViSn, int nDamType, int nVariance ) );
long long int GetKiDam       args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nChSn, CHAR_DATA *pVict, int nViSn, int nDamType, int nVariance ) );
bool     damage              args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, long long int dam, int dt, int dam_type, bool show ) );
void     damage_obj          args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, int dam ) );
void     update_pos          args( ( CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void     stop_fighting       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool fBoth ) );
void     check_killer        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
int      get_defend_skill    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int nOptions ) );
void     disrupt             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch) );

/* fusion.c */
void     unfuse              args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

/* handler.c */
AD *     affect_find         args( ( AFFECT_DATA *paf, int sn ) );
AD      *affect_find_bit     args( ( AFFECT_DATA * paf, int bit ) );
void     affect_check        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int where, int vector ) );
int      count_users         args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
void     deduct_cost         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int cost ) );
void     affect_enchant      args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
int      check_immune        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int dam_type ) );
int      material_lookup     args( ( const char *name ) );
int      weapon_lookup       args( ( const char *name ) );
int      weapon_type         args( ( const char *name ) );
char *   weapon_name         args( ( int weapon_Type ) );
char *   item_name           args( ( int item_type ) );
int      attack_lookup       args( ( const char *name ) );
long     wiznet_lookup       args( ( const char *name ) );
bool     is_clan             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
bool     is_same_clan        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ));
int      get_skill           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
int      get_weapon_sn       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
int      get_age             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     reset_char          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch )  );
int      get_curr_stat       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int stat ) );
int      can_carry_n         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
int      can_carry_w         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
bool     is_name             args( ( char *str, char *namelist ) );
bool	 is_full_name        args( ( const char *str, char *namelist ) );
bool     is_exact_name       args( ( char *str, char *namelist ) );
void     affect_to_char      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf ) );
void     affect_to_obj       args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, AFFECT_DATA *paf ) );
void     affect_remove       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf ) );
void     affect_remove_obj   args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, AFFECT_DATA *paf ) );
void     affect_strip        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
bool     is_affected         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
void     affect_join         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf ) );
void     char_from_room      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     char_to_room        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex ) );
void     obj_to_char         args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     obj_from_char       args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
int      apply_ac            args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, int iWear, int type ) );
OD *     get_eq_char         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int iWear ) );
void     equip_char          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, int iWear ) );
void     unequip_char        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
int      count_obj_list      args( ( OBJ_INDEX_DATA *obj, OBJ_DATA *list ) );
void     obj_from_room       args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
void     obj_to_room         args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex ) );
void     obj_to_obj          args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, OBJ_DATA *obj_to ) );
void     obj_from_obj        args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
void     extract_obj         args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
void     extract_char        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool fPull ) );
CD *	 get_char_room		 args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, char *argument ) );
CD *     get_char_world      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
OD *     get_obj_type        args( ( OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndexData ) );
OD *     get_obj_list        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, OBJ_DATA *list ) );
OD *     get_obj_carry       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, CHAR_DATA *viewer ) );
OD *     get_obj_wear	     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, bool character ) );
OD *	 get_obj_here	     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, char *argument ) );
OD *     get_obj_world       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
OD *     create_money        args( ( int zenni ) );
int      get_obj_number      args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
int      get_obj_weight      args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
int      get_true_weight     args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
bool     room_is_dark        args( ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex ) );
bool     is_room_owner       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room) );
bool     room_is_private     args( ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex ) );
bool     can_see             args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
bool     can_see_obj         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
bool     can_see_room        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex) );
bool     can_drop_obj        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ) );
char *   affect_loc_name     args( ( int location ) );
char *   affect_bit_name     args( ( int vector ) );
char *   extra_bit_name      args( ( int extra_flags ) );
char *   wear_bit_name       args( ( int wear_flags ) );
char *   act_bit_name        args( ( int act_flags ) );
char *   off_bit_name        args( ( int off_flags ) );
char *   imm_bit_name        args( ( int imm_flags ) );
char *   form_bit_name       args( ( int form_flags ) );
char *   part_bit_name       args( ( int part_flags ) );
char *   weapon_bit_name     args( ( int weapon_flags ) );
char *   comm_bit_name       args( ( int comm_flags ) );
char *   cont_bit_name       args( ( int cont_flags) );
OBJ_DATA *get_scouter        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch) );
char    *get_pl_from_scouter args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA* victim ) );
void     wait                args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int pulse ) );
void     rage                args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int rage ) );
void     inc_bio_evolve      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void     reset_after_trans   args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool increased ) );
void     set_balance         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int bal, bool show ) );
int      GetTrans            args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );
bool     MeetsPrereq         args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nSn ) );

/* interp.c */
void     GenerateCmdBST      args( ( void ) );
void     GenerateSocialBST   args( ( void ) );
void     GenerateSkillBST    args( ( void ) );
void     interpret           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
bool     is_number           args( ( char *arg ) );
int      number_argument     args( ( char *argument, char *arg ) );
int      mult_argument       args( ( char *argument, char *arg) );
char *   one_argument        args( ( char *argument, char *arg_first ) );

/* mission.c */
void     ResetHunt           args( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );

/* mob_prog.c */
void	program_flow	args( ( sh_int vnum, char *source, CHAR_DATA *mob,
				OBJ_DATA *obj, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room,
				CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1,
				const void *arg2 ) );
void	p_act_trigger	args( ( char *argument, CHAR_DATA *mob,
				OBJ_DATA *obj, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room,
				CHAR_DATA *ch, const void *arg1,
				const void *arg2, int type ) );
bool	p_percent_trigger args( ( CHAR_DATA *mob, OBJ_DATA *obj,
				ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, CHAR_DATA *ch, 
				const void *arg1, const void *arg2, int type ) );
void	p_bribe_trigger  args( ( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, int amount ) );
bool	p_exit_trigger   args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int dir, int type ) );
void	p_give_trigger   args( ( CHAR_DATA *mob, OBJ_DATA *obj,
				OBJ_DATA *dropped, int type ) );
void 	p_greet_trigger  args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int type ) );
void	p_hprct_trigger  args( ( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

/* mob_cmds.c */
void     mob_interpret       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
void	 obj_interpret	     args( ( OBJ_DATA *obj, char *argument ) );
void     room_interpret	     args( ( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, char *argument ) );

/* save.c */
void     save_char_obj       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
bool     load_char_obj       args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, char *name ) );

/* skills.c */
int      skill_lookup            args( ( const char *name ) );
bool     skill_driver            args( ( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument, int sn ) );
bool     check_hit       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int ch_gsn, int vi_gsn, float multiplier, bool bLearn ) );
bool     check_kihit     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int ch_gsn, int vi_gsn, float multiplier, bool bLearn ) );
void     ImproveSkill    args ( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nSn, bool bSuccess, float nMultiplier, int nViDifficulty ) );
void     ImproveStat     args ( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nStat, bool bSuccess, float nMultiplier, int nViDifficulty ) );
void     ResetDiff       args ( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );
//void     ResetPl         args ( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );
//void     ResetDifficulty args ( ( CHAR_DATA *pCh ) );
int Hitroll (CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nSn, bool bPhysical);
int Damroll (CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nLow, int nHigh, int nSn, bool bPhysical);
int Armour (CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nSn, bool bPhysical);
int Absorb (CHAR_DATA *pCh, int nSn, int nDamType, bool bPhysical);
long long int get_attackhit           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
long long int get_attackdam           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
long long int get_attackabsorb        args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn, int dam_type ) );
long long int get_attackdodge         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
long long int get_kihit               args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
long long int get_kidam               args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn ) );
long long int get_kiabsorb            args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn, int dam_type ) );

/* special.c */
SF *     spec_lookup         args( ( const char *name ) );
char *   spec_name           args( ( SPEC_FUN *function ) );

/* teleport.c */
RID *    room_by_name        args( ( char *target, int level, bool error ) );

/* update.c */
void     gain_condition      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, int iCond, int value ) );
void     update_handler      args( ( void ) );

/* weather.c */
void    show_weather         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
bool    IsOutdoors           args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

/* string.c */
void     string_edit         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char **pString ) );
void     string_append       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char **pString ) );
char *   string_replace      args( ( char * orig, char * old, char * newstr ) );
void     string_add          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
char *   format_string       args( ( char *oldstring /*, bool fSpace */ ) );
char *   first_arg           args( ( char *argument, char *arg_first, bool fCase ) );
char *   string_unpad        args( ( char * argument ) );
char *   string_proper       args( ( char * argument ) );

/* olc.c */
bool     run_olc_editor      args( ( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d ) );
char *   olc_ed_name         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
char *   olc_ed_vnum         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );

/* lookup.c */
int      race_lookup         args( ( const char *name) );
int      item_lookup         args( ( const char *name) );
int      liq_lookup          args( ( const char *name) );

#undef CD
#undef MID
#undef OD
#undef OID
#undef RID
#undef SF
#undef AD

 *                                    OLC                                    *

 * Object defined in limbo.are
 * Used in save.c to load objects that don't exist.
#define OBJ_VNUM_RANDOM   29
#define OBJ_VNUM_DUMMY    30

 * Area flags.
#define         AREA_NONE       0
#define         AREA_CHANGED    1    /* Area has been modified. */
#define         AREA_ADDED      2    /* Area has been added to. */
#define         AREA_LOADING    4    /* Used for counting in db.c */
#define         AREA_DONTSAVE   8

#define MAX_DIR    6
#define NO_FLAG  -99    /* Must not be used in flags or stats. */

 * Global Constants
extern    char *    const    dir_name        [];
extern    const    sh_int    rev_dir         [];    
extern    const    struct    spec_type    spec_table    [];

 * Global variables
extern        AREA_DATA *  area_first;
extern        AREA_DATA *  area_last;
extern        SHOP_DATA *  shop_last;

extern        int   top_affect;
extern        int   top_area;
extern        int   top_ed;
extern        int   top_exit;
extern        int   top_help;
extern        int   top_mob_index;
extern        int   top_obj_index;
extern        int   top_reset;
extern        int   top_room;
extern        int   top_shop;

extern        int   top_vnum_mob;
extern        int   top_vnum_obj;
extern        int   top_vnum_room;

extern        char  str_empty [1];

extern        MOB_INDEX_DATA  *    mob_index_hash  [MAX_KEY_HASH];
extern        OBJ_INDEX_DATA  *    obj_index_hash  [MAX_KEY_HASH];
extern        ROOM_INDEX_DATA *    room_index_hash [MAX_KEY_HASH];