colourcode `
security 7

category undefined~
text `=lSyntax:`=? who`+
WHO shows the people currently in the game.  Sometimes you will not be 
able to see everyone on the who list, this is because their character 
might be hidden in the game. Example Output below
There are 9 characters on, of which 7 are visible to you.
The most characters on today so far has been 18.
   [+++] Zynaen `c(ooc off)`=?
   [***] Ka                     [Knight]
   [***] Khover `B(in OOC)`=?
 2m[***] Kreetyl `Y[LD]`=?
 1m[***] Shoggoth               [Knight]
`r-====== `GIMMORTALS`r =======-
   `G[`r***`G] Kalahn
   `G[`rCRE`G] Imidazole`=?
Because we are a roleplaying mud you can not see a players level, race
and class on the who list.  One of many reasons for this is that pkills
here can be permanent.  And a player knowing you level has an OOC (out
of character) advantage which doesn't help foster a roleplaying
environment. (see help DEATH)
In the above example there are 2 immortals currently online, and 7
mortals (5 that you can see).  Points worth mentioning -
Kreetyl has been idle for 2 minutes, and Shoggoth 1 minute.
Khover is currently in an ooc room (see help OOC)
If you are new, you will notice that some people might have a [+++]
before their name, like Zynaen does above, this means that person is 
a player who have played here for a while and are classified as part 
of the newbie support team.  
You can get help regarding any issue from an immortal and most issues
from a newbie support player.
If you see someone with `Y[LD]`=? behind their name, it means that they
are link dead.  There are a few rules you may want to know about this.
(See help LINKDEAD)
`c(ooc off)`=? behind someone's name means that they cannot hear what is
being said on the OOC channel.
Any player with a `g(quiet)`=? behind their name is in quiet mode, they will
not see anything pertaining to the Q/A channel (See HELP QUESTION)
The codes `G[`r***`G]`=? and `G[`rCRE`G]`=? are representations of what level an immortal
is.  (See help WHO-LEVELS)
`g[AFK]`=? behind someone's name means that they are away from the keyboard.
A player that has `Y(OLC)`=? behind their name is currently in an area that is
being built.  Alternatively, `G[Building]`=? means that that person is currently
working hard at building an area, so please respect their work and don't bother
them unless there is an important reason for you to do so.
You can also see the players who are in the SAME clan as you on the 
who list, the clan [Knight] can be seen here.

keyword WHO-LEVELS~
category undefined~
see_also WHO WIZLIST~
text `=?
The immortal levels on the who list.
  `G[`rIMP`G]`=? = level 100 - Implementor
  `G[`rCRE`G]`=? = level  99 - Creator
  `G[`rSUP`G]`=? = level  98 - Supreme Being
  `G[`rDEI`G]`=? = level  97 - Deity
  `G[`rGUA`G]`=? = level  96 - Guardian
  `G[`rIMM`G]`=? = level  95 - Immortal
  `G[`rDEM`G]`=? = level  94 - Demigod
  `G[`rANG`G]`=? = level  93 - Angel
  `G[`rAVA`G]`=? = level  92 - Avatar
  [+++] = Newbie support player.
  [***] = Normal player.
  `B[`=?***`B]`=? = Player connecting through the IRC gateway da-
  [new] = A newbie, unletgained character
Type wizlist for a list of the immortals.

keyword WHO-STORM~
helpflags mud_specific~
category undefined~
text `BSyntax:
`WInfo:-`x This help refers to the Default Stormbringer who format see help `=_who
         if you are use that.
`WThe Layout:-
`xIdl `c[`BLvl`c][`W<`RAlign`W> `xRace Class`c] [`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Name Title
Idl - Time Im Hrs Mins That a Player has been Inactive (Not displayed if active).
Lvl - Level of Player, Displays Levels of Players in the same Clan as you.
      However the Who list always displays in Level order, Highest level at the top.
Align - Players Alignment, `WLaw(Lawfull) `BBal (Balanced) `xor `RChs (Chaotic)`x
        the < >``s surrounding this field indicate Tendancy i.e `R<`WLaw`R>`x would indicate
        that the player is Lawfull with Chaotic tendancies.
Race - The Players race is displayed here, however when a character joins a Clan the Clan name
       is displayed here instead (Immortals may also use this field for thier Immtitle).
Class - The Players class is displayed here , i.e. War (Warrior) or Mag (Mage)
        (This field is used to display Immortal Rank for Immortals i.e CRE for Creator).
`WThe Flags LIST:-   `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`c
`xThe following section explains in detail the meaning of each field and its associated letters.
      `YThief/Killer/Jailed  -----`Y+`R+-----  `RCouncil (Nobles&Immortals)
      `SHideSeak ----------------`S+`Y|`R|`C+--------- Wizi/Incog/Invis
      `GMode  ------------------+`S|`Y|`R|`C|`B+------ Questing / Mudball(tm.)
   `c[`BLvl`c][`W<`RAlign`W> `xRace Class`c] [`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Name Title
`GMode:-`x Mainly for Immortals, This field refers to the mode that an Immortal is
         currently in.
 Flags :-            `c[`G-     `c]`x
 Building            `c[`GB`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Currently involved in Building (often means the immortal is busy)
 Coding -            `c[`GC`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Currenly involved in Coding (often means the immortal is busy)
 Quiet -             `c[`GQ`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Currently in Quiet mode ( buisy and will not see or hear tells or ooc``s etc)
 Playing -           This is the default state and shows no flag
 Flags :-            `c[ `S-    `c]`x
 Invisible -         `c[`G-`SI`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Player Affected by Invisibility
 Hiding -            `c[`G-`SH`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Player Hiding
 Sneaking -          `c[`G-`SS`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x Player Sneaking
 Flags :-            `c[  `Y-   `c]`x
                     Not Yet Implemented
 Flags :-            `c[   `R-  `c]`x
 Code Council        `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RC`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Code Council        `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WC`C-`B-`c]`x
 Admin Coincil       `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RA`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Admin Coincil       `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WA`C-`B-`c]`x
 Law Council         `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RL`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Law Council         `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WL`C-`B-`c]`x
 Clan Council        `c[`G-`S-`Y-`MC`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Clan Council        `c[`G-`S-`Y-`YC`C-`B-`c]`x
 Mythos Council      `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RM`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Mythos Council      `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WM`C-`B-`c]`x
 Realm Council       `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RR`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Realm Council       `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WR`C-`B-`c]`x
 Support Council     `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RS`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Support Council     `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WS`C-`B-`c]`x
 Balance Council     `c[`G-`S-`Y-`RB`C-`B-`c]`x        Head Balance Council     `c[`G-`S-`Y-`WB`C-`B-`c]`x
`CWizi/Incog/Invis:-`x Immortal Invis status.
 Flags :-            `c[    `C- `c]`x
 Imortal Invis       `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`CI`B-`c]`x    (iwizi)
 OLC Wizinvis        `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`CO`B-`c]`x
 Wizinvis            `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`CW`B-`c]`x
 Incog               `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`RI`B-`c]`x
`BQuesting / Mudball:-
 Flags :-            `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`B-`c]`x
 ImmQuest            `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`BQ`c]`x
 SetQuest            `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`GQ`c]`x (Not Yet Implemented)
 PlrQuest            `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`MQ`c]`x (Not Yet Implemented)
 MudBall             `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`WM`c]`x (Entered Mudball Game)
 MudBall             `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`RM`c]`x `Playing Mudball for Red Team)
 MudBall             `c[`G-`S-`Y-`R-`C-`BM`c]`x `Playing Mudball for Blue Team)
Title :-  Title is set by a player using the title command and contains additional information
          that the player may wish to display, it is also used to display an AFK (Away from
          Keyboard) message when the user is in AFK mode.        
