Version     11
FromMUD     Dawn 1.69r Development Site~
*parent_codebase 1.69r-ReleaseCandiate1
Name        Training Fields~
ShortName   Training Fields~
Builders    None~
Credits     Khan~
VNUMs       12300 12314
LRange      1 15
Security    9
Colour      G~
colourcode  `
MapScale    7
MapLevel    1
Vnum_offset 0
Continent   valarin~
*LastSaved  Sat Jan 31 23:48:10 2004~

Name officer~
ShortD an officer~
LongD An officer is here, polishing a pair of boots.~
Desc This officer wears his uniform proudly.  He is polishing his boots until the 
shine reflects his own face.  
Race human~
Align 0 3
Level 10
Hitroll 1
HitDice 2d5+22
ManaDice 1d4+5
DamDice 2d4+2
DamType punch
AC 10 10 10 8
Wealth 100
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area warrior~
AffBy  detect_invis regeneration~
Off    bash parry~
Imm    charm disease~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name absent minded general~
ShortD the absent minded general~
LongD An absent minded general is here, trying to comprehend a map.~
Desc This general smells of old maps, and seems a little absent-minded as he 
plots his next move on the map before him.  
Race human~
Align 0 3
Level 13
Hitroll 1
HitDice 3d5+67
ManaDice 3d5+170
DamDice 2d6+3
DamType punch
AC -20 -20 -20 10
Wealth 130
Act    npc dont_wander scavenger no_tame stay_area wimpy warrior~
AffBy  detect_invis regeneration~
Off    bash parry~
Imm    charm disease~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name novice soldier~
ShortD a novice soldier~
LongD A novice soldier is here, sparring with an imaginary enemy.~
Desc This soldier holds his head high with pride.  On closer inspection you 
notice a rose tattooed on his arm.  
Race human~
Align 0 2
Level 3
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d4+1
ManaDice 1d5+110
DamDice 1d6+0
DamType scratch
AC 70 70 70 80
Wealth 30
Act    npc no_tame stay_area warrior~
Off    parry~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name veteran soldier~
ShortD a veteran soldier~
LongD A veteran soldier is here, annoying the novices.~
Desc This veteran soldier appears tough, with his hair slicked back and his 
muscular form showing through his uniform.  
Race human~
Align 0 2
Level 8
Hitroll 1
HitDice 2d5+12
ManaDice 2d5+135
DamDice 1d7+2
DamType punch
AC 30 30 30 50
Wealth 80
Act    npc no_tame stay_area warrior~
Off    dodge~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   large~
Sex    male~
Material unknown

Name aide~
ShortD an aide~
LongD An aide with a permanent slouch is slaving over a map.~
Desc The general's aide is here, peering at the map, and discussing plans with 
the general.  
Race human~
Align 0 2
Level 7
Hitroll 0
HitDice 2d5+5
ManaDice 2d5+15
DamDice 1d8+1
DamType scratch
AC 40 40 40 36
Wealth 30
Act    npc dont_wander no_tame stay_area wimpy~
Off    dodge~
Form   edible sentient biped mammal~
Part   head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
StartP standing~
DefPos standing~
Size   medium~
Sex    male~
Material unknown


Name lucky charm~
Short a lucky charm~
Desc Someone's lucky charm has been left here.~
Level 1
ItemType jewelry~
Cost 10
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Material leather~
Wear     take neck~
Affect modifier -1 1 -1 memory 1 0
ExtraDesc lucky charm~
This little charm is hanging on a thin leather string.

Name navy blue coat~
Short a `#`bnavy blue`^ coat~
Desc A `#`bnavy blue`^ coat lies here.~
Level 3
ItemType armor~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 1 0 0
Weight 5
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take about~

Name navy blue trousers~
Short a pair of `#`bnavy blue`^ trousers~
Desc A pair of `#`bnavy blue`^ trousers lie here.~
Level 3
ItemType armor~
Cost 25
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 1 1 1 0 0
Weight 5
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~

Name navy blue trench coat~
Short a `#`bnavy blue`^ trench coat~
Desc A `#`bnavy blue`^ trench coat lies here~
Level 10
ItemType armor~
Cost 35
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 2 2 2 2 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
Affect modifier -1 10 -1 strength 1 0
Affect modifier -1 10 -1 agility -1 0

Name steel sword~
Short a steel sword~
Desc A steel sword lies here.~
Level 3
ItemType weapon~
Cost 20
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values sword 1 8 slash 0
Weight 10
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~

Name long steel sword~
Short a long steel sword~
Desc A long steel sword lies here.~
Level 8
ItemType weapon~
Cost 20
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values sword 2 6 slash 0
Weight 10
Material steel~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take wield~

Name navy blue general's coat~
Short a `#`bnavy blue`^ general's coat~
Desc A `#`bnavy blue`^ coat lies here.~
Level 13
ItemType armor~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 2 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take about~
Affect modifier -1 13 -1 ac -5 0

Name navy blue general's trousers~
Short a pair of `#`bnavy blue`^ general's trousers~
Desc A pair of `#`bnavy blue`^ trousers lie here.~
Level 13
ItemType armor~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 2 0
Weight 10
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take legs~
Affect modifier -1 13 -1 ac -5 0

Name navy blue cap insignia gold~
Short a `#`bnavy blue`^ cap with a `#`ygold`^ insignia~
Desc A `#`bnavy blue`^ cap lies here.~
Level 13
ItemType armor~
Cost 50
Asize 0
Rsize 50
Values 4 4 4 2 0
Weight 8
Material cotton~
Extra    nodegrade~
Wear     take head~
Affect modifier -1 13 -1 ac -5 0


Name Entrance to Training Fields~
Desc Just to the east you can see the barracks and hills where you're sure many 
young lads go to train everyday.  The beautiful landscape looks untouched 
by the many years of wars that have plagued the surrounding nations.  You 
may head east into the training fields or go west through the flatlands.
Sector field~
Exit east 12301
EDesc ..
Exit west 30238
EDesc A path.

Name Pathway through Field~
Desc You are on a path which leads straight east heading towards the barracks.  
All around you is lush green grass and the sounds of insects happily 
chirping can be heard.
Sector field~
Exit north 12304
Exit west 12300
EDesc Entrance to Training Fields.

Name Eastern Field of Training Grounds~
Desc Woods of tall trees surround the training ground to the east and south of 
here.  The ground is worn with the soldier's sparring.  The path heads 
around to the west, and up to the north where you can glimpse a small tent 
just to the east of the path.  
Sector field~
Exit north 12306
Exit west 12304

Name Western Field of Training Grounds~
Desc The trees to the west are very majestic while the breeze is barely a whisper 
here.  Crickets are chirping and birds fly by every once in a while.  A path 
leads off to the east and north.  
Sector field~
Exit north 12309
Exit east 12304

Name Path through the Training Fields~
Desc You are moving along a well trodden dirt path.  There is tall grass to the 
east and west of you and the path continues north into the main training 
area.  The birds are still chirping and everything seems upbeat and happy.  
You can head north, east or west through the training area.  
Sector field~
Exit north 12305
EDesc Training Fields.
Exit east 12302
Exit south 12301
Exit west 12303

Name Main Training Area~
Desc You have entered the Main Training Area. You can hear the clash of swords 
and grunts of young men as they fight to better their skills with the arms 
of war.  The ground is padded hard from the use and the wind blows through 
with a refreshing breeze.  You can head in every direction.
Sector field~
Exit north 12308
EDesc Northern Field near a tent.
Exit east 12306
Exit south 12304
EDesc A path south.
Exit west 12309

Name Path through the Training Fields~
Desc The wind is stronger here and the woods are impassable to the east, although 
a tent has been placed in perhaps the only gap within the woods.  The ground 
is a little softer here and you glimpse a squirrel just before it runs up a 
Sector field~
Exit north 12307
EDesc ..
Exit east 12313
Exit south 12302
Exit west 12305

Name North-Eastern Field of Training Area~
Desc You are at the most north-east area of the field.  A wind is refreshing 
against your back and the chirping of numerous crickets can be heard.  You 
have the urge to sit and be one with the world.  You may go south, 
southwest or west.
Sector field~
Exit south 12306
EDesc Eastern Field of Training Area.
Exit west 12308
EDesc Training Fields.

Name Northern Field near a Tent~
Desc You are at the highest part of the Training fields and you pause a second 
to catch your breath.  The view is spectacular and you think maybe you can 
see some town in the far south.  To the north you observe a very official 
looking tent with a flag flying overtop.  
Sector field~
Exit north 12312
Exit east 12307
EDesc North-Eastern Fields.
Exit south 12305
EDesc Main Training Area.
Exit west 12310
EDesc North-Western Field of Training Area.

Name Path through the Training Fields~
Desc You see a forest to the west which is impassable.  The birds are chirping 
and the ground is rather soft here.  A rusted sword is buried in the ground 
and the handle has broken off.  Just to the west of here, a small tent has 
been set up.  
Sector field~
Exit north 12310
EDesc North-Western Field of Training Area.
Exit east 12305
Exit south 12303
Exit west 12311

Name North-Western Field of Training Area~
Desc The trees to the west are very majestic while the breeze is barely a whisper 
here.  Crickets are chirping and birds fly by every once in a while.  A path 
leads off to the east and south.  
Sector field~
Exit east 12308
EDesc Northern Field near a tent.
Exit south 12309
EDesc Western Field of Training Area.

Name Inside a Small Tent~
Desc This tent is a small tent, with barely room for the cot which is pushed 
against one side.  There is a makeshift desk, made from an old crate, on top 
of which lies a worn notebook and a tin mug.  A thin blanket drapes over the 
bed.  The flap opens to the east, to the training grounds.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
ExtraDesc flag~
The flag looks rather new and the rose looks a little gay.  You wonder how 
proud an army would have to be to use a rose as their symbol and not feel a 
loss of masculinity.
Exit east 12309

Name Inside the Main Tent~
Desc Maps, maps are everywhere.  Inside the tent is rather filthy with assorted 
weapons along with food mixed in occasionally with the maps.  An aide 
scurries by anxious to get away from its master for a little break or maybe 
just for fear of you.  A flap opens to the south.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit south 12308

Name Inside a Small Tent~
Desc This small tent is where one of the officers has set up camp.  There is an 
uncomfortable cot against the lining of the tent, and a pair of worn boots 
sit beneath the bed.  The flap of the tent opens to the west, onto the main 
training grounds.  
RoomFlags indoors~
Sector inside~
Exit west 12306



M 0 12302 11 12301 1
E 0 12304 -1 wielded~
M 0 12303 9 12301 1
M 0 12303 9 12301 1
M 0 12302 11 12302 1
E 0 12300 -1 neck1~
M 0 12302 11 12303 1
M 0 12303 11 12303 1
E 0 12301 -1 about~
E 0 12302 -1 legs~
M 0 12303 11 12303 1
E 0 12305 -1 wielded~
M 0 12302 11 12305 3
E 0 12300 -1 neck1~
M 0 12302 11 12305 3
M 0 12302 11 12305 3
M 0 12303 9 12305 1
E 0 12305 -1 wielded~
M 0 12303 9 12306 1
E 0 12302 -1 legs~
E 0 12301 -1 about~
M 0 12302 11 12306 1
M 0 12302 11 12306 1
M 0 12302 11 12307 1
E 0 12304 -1 wielded~
M 0 12303 11 12308 1
E 0 12302 -1 legs~
E 0 12301 -1 about~
M 0 12303 11 12308 1
E 0 12305 -1 wielded~
M 0 12302 11 12310 1
M 0 12302 11 12310 1
E 0 12304 -1 wielded~
M 0 12300 5 12311 1
E 0 12303 -1 about~
M 0 12301 1 12312 1
E 0 12306 -1 about~
E 0 12307 -1 legs~
E 0 12308 -1 head~
M 0 12304 3 12312 3
M 0 12304 3 12312 3
M 0 12304 3 12312 3
M 0 12303 9 12312 1
M 0 12300 5 12313 1
E 0 12303 -1 about~


