/* $Id:,v 1.666 2004/09/20 10:50:27 shrike Exp $ */
There are news for all our players (logging in via IRC);

	* &BPasswords.&w The mud now lets you have a password for your
	  character. If you type in the right password, you don't
	  need to authenticate to nickserv before playing. Type
	  "help password" to find out how to set your password. You
	  can continue to not use passwords, and you'll still be
	  able to login; however, if Nickserv goes down, you will be
	  locked out. Nickserv authentication will never be turned
	  off again.
	* &BNew login modes.&w There are now three types of logins:
	  - &BLOGIN:&w The normal "login" to enter the mud is still there,
	    in case you want to use it. Logging to the mud via "login"
	    will make it so that you play a character with the same
	    name as your nick in irc. You will only have to type the
            character's password, and will go link-dead if you switch
	  - &BSLOGIN:&w This is a new login mode, that makes your irc nick
	    and mud character totaly independent. For the rest, it's
	    just like "login". You will have to type the character name
            and the password.
	  - &B!LOGIN:&w This opens up a chat, and you can play the mud
	    via dcc.
	* &BQuick login sequences.&w If you don't like to have to type
	  so much and think that the new login sequences are too
	  long, you can type things in the login request instead.
	  For instance, typing
		&Y/msg mud slogin <name> <password> <action>&w
	  would be the same than typing slogin, then typing the name
	  at the prompt, then the password, and then the action once
	  you're in the game. However, if any part of the quick login
	  doesn't succeed (such as the character not existing or the
	  password being wrong) you will be dropped in the normal login.
	  This doesn't work for "!login". Also note that for "slogin"
	  you need to provide both name and password, but only the
	  password, for "login". The action is allways optional.
	* &B"Disme"&w. If you want to close the IRC connection to mud
	  but don't want to quit the network, simply type "disme"; this
	  won't quit your character from the game, but it will make you
	  go link-dead (it only works for irc logins: "login" or "slogin").

See also: NEW COMM CODE.

The new "comm" code refers to the changes made to the communications
part of the mud. The mud connectivity to IRC was completely rewritten
so that it would be more compatible with the new version of the rest
of the mud, and in doing this, we added a few new features, that you
should know about:

	* &BNew logins, and passwords&w (see help irc login).
	* &BSound.&w The mud can now send sound requests to mIRC (though
	  we're not using this yet). 
	* &BColor.&w The mud now has two sets of colors for mIRC users, 
	  instead of just one. There's one set for people who like
	  to play with black background, and one for white background.
	  Type "color" to change it. Also, the mud has support for
	  &SBbold&SB, &SUunderlined&SU and &SRreverse&SR (not using this yet either).
	  You will notice that the new colors are changed. These
	  colors we have now are as closer as immly possible to the
	  original colors of these type of MUDs (SMAUGs). We will
	  not change them unless there's a *really* good reason.
	* &B"Emergency mode".&w If the server the mud connects to
	  (dockernet) goes down, the mud will still be available,
	  automaticaly, without any immortal intervention. However,
	  in this emergency mode, you will be required to be in the
	  mud channel to play, and normal IRC playing will be much,
	  much slower, so you're advised to play via DCC instead, 
	  in those cases.
	* &BMessages.&w You can now configure wether you want the
	  mud to respond to you via messages, or notices (with
	  the config command).
	* &rBugs!&wWe've tried hard, but there's allways the 
	  possibility that bugs remain in the code. 
	  If you spot a bug and can reproduce it before Cronel, you
	  will get a handsome reward (WARNING: I won't give rewards
	  for unreproducible bug reports).

See also: IRC LOGIN

Special mIRC attributes are escaped via 'S':
	&&SB               &SBBold&SB
	&&SU               &SUUnderlined&SU
        &&SR               &SRReverse&SR
        &&SP               Plain (no colors or attributes)
	&&SC               Color escape.
	&&SS               CTCP escape.
See also: &YPCOLORS&w.

&YSyntax: IRCSET <field> <value>&w

This command is used to set IRC connection data. If you don't supply
any arguments, it will show you the current settings, and the
connection state. Fields are:

mode		Mode used to connect ("server" or "client").
sserver		Server to connect to (server mode).
sport		Port to use (server mode).
spwd		Server password to use (server mode)
cserver		Server to connect to (client mode)
cport		Port to use (client mode)
cpwd		Nickserv password (both modes)
mud_server	Mud's server name.
mud_nick	Mud's nickname.
mud_channel	Mud's official channel.
mud_host	Mud's pseudo host (can be anything).
timeout		Time to wait, in seconds, for a response from the server.
dcc_timeout	Time to wait for players who are connecting via DCC.
dcc_port	DCC controling port.
reconnect	Flag that controls wether the mud will try to reconnect
		if its connection to IRC goes down.

The "connection state" can be:
	Not connected			Not connected.
	Connected, Registering...	Connected, waiting for a response
					from the server.
	Connected and registered	Playable state.

Although the mud will try to keep things updated (such as changing the nick),
it's recommended to disconnect before attempting to change these settings,
except for the timeouts and the reconnect flag. This is especialy true for
the mode and the servers/ports.


The IRCCONNECT command will connect the mud to an IRC network according
to the configuration set via IRCSET. If the mud is already connected, it
will do nothing.

&YSyntax: IRCDISCONNECT [!] [message]&w

The IRCDISCONNECT command will disconnect the mud from the IRC network.
If the mud is not connected, it will do nothing. The optional message
will be given as arguments to the QUIT and SQUIT commands, so that
users in the mud channel, and irc operators, will see it. If you don't
provide a message, it will default to "Disconnecting". It will allways
show the name of the immortal issuing the command.
If you are playing via an IRC login when you issue this command, 
disconnecting the mud from IRC would result in you going link-dead.
If you want to do it anyway, supply the '!' before the message.

&YSyntax: IRCLINK <descriptor> [nick]&w

The IRCLINK command is used to link or unlink IRC nicknames to descriptors,
thus converting DCC connections to Telnet connections and viceversa.
If you supply a descriptor and a nick, the descriptor must not be linked 
to another nick (it must be a telnet login), and the command will try
to link it.
If you only supply a descriptor, it must be associated with a nick (a DCC
login), and the command will try to unlink it.
To see the descriptor numbers, use the USERS command.
You can only link/unlink people under your level.


&YSyntax: COLOR [color set]&w

The COLOR command lets you choose your color setting. The options
	none		no colors
	ANSI		ANSI colors
	RIP		ANSI colors + RIP
	MIRCW		mIRC colors that look good on white background
	MIRCB		mIRC colors that look good on black background
If you don't supply an argument, it will show you your current setting.

&YSyntax: /ctcp mud_nick forcedo <your password> <action>&w

This ctcp request will force the mud to do the action in IRC.
Useful for making mud join and leave channels, say things, etc
when needed. You must be using a nick equal to your immortals
character name. Both succesful and failed attempts to FORCEDO
will be logged.

&BCOMM_IRC patch v1.4&w
Low-level IRC connecting module for SMAUG 1.4a
Copyright (C) by &BCronel&w
Based on original code by &BUnilynx&w

Syntax: users <host ip>
Syntax: users <playername>

USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including
users in the process of logging in.
If used with an argument, it will show all users from that host ip.
Shortforms of host will work -- e.x. 205, or 205.113, etc.
Shortened names will also work.  e.x., users fre would show
Fredrick and Fred if they were on at the time.

The first column shows wether the user is connected via IRC, DCC
or Telnet.
The second and third columns show the user's nickname for IRC
connections; for telnet and DCC connections, it shows the descriptor
this user is connected to, and the remote TCP port on the user's host
The third number is the user's connected state.  (See CONSTATES)
The fourth number is the number of seconds the user has been idle.
Next is the user's character name, then the user's host address.
(Usually the IP number as name resolving is normally disabled.)

The FORCECLOSE command can be used to force a connect to close by its
descriptor number or nickname.

Syntax: forceclose [<descriptor> or <nickname>]

This command will force a certain connection to close.
This is useful to disconnect connections that aren't really connected
due to a poor TCP connection, or IRC users that only partialy logged

It can also be used to forceclose a connection before a potential
problem player can even get to the authorization state of connection.


Syntax:  echo      <color> <message>
         echo  imm <color> <message>
         echo  pc  <color> <message>
Syntax:  recho     <color> <message>
ECHO sends a message to all players in the game, without any prefix indicating
who sent it.  If 'echo imm <message>' is used, only level 51+ characters will 
see the message. If 'echo pc <message>' is used, only player characters will 
see the message. Echos should always adhere to the guidelines laid out in the 
Realm of Order (vnum 1214).
ECHO done in color should avoid the use of red and dark red unless it is a 
Urgent message containing important information related to the game.

RECHO sends a message to all players in your room, without any prefix
indicating who sent it.

ECHO will also send the message to the mud channel if the mud is connected
to IRC.
See also : COLOR 'IMM ECHO'

Syntax:  config + or - <option>
This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG
alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.  The options are:
  NICE      Toggle attack response if attacked by a player (non-deadly only)
  NORECALL  Toggle automatic recall if you lose link during combat
  AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits
  AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses (not on pkilled corpses)
  AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses
  AUTOGOLD  You automatically split gold from kills with your group
  GAG       Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form
  PAGER     Toggle page pausing on long scrolls
  BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt
  BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
  COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format
  NOINTRO   Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login
  PROMPT    You have a prompt
  TELNTGA   You receive a telnet GA sequence
  MSG       You recieve output as PRIVMSGs rather than NOTICEs.
  DRAG      Toggle whether others can drag you if you are incapacitated
  NOSUMMON  Toggle whether you will allow player characters to summon you
  GROUPWHO   Toggles an announcement that you seek to group.
For more information on the configuration menu, read section 5 in your
Adventurer's Guide book.