{C{{  ALL  } {WVincent     {GThe Cathedral       {x~
12000 12099

The Bishop~
The trainer of the Bishops
You realize immediately that this man knows power. From his every move you know
that this man is not someone you should anger. Tall and thin, this man is not
like the bishops you have seen before. To further illustrate this point, you
notice the hilt of a sword peeking out from under his mantel. The bishop is
clearly a man who earned this position in combat, and from the look of him, he's
seen a lot of it. You hope that he will be willing to share some of his
ABJKb 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
The Priest~
The Trainer of the Priests
At first glance, you notice nothing remarkable about the man, but closer
study reveals that he moves with surprising grace, revealing something more then 
first thought. Could this be the trainer of the priest class?
ABJKb 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
Paladin Templar trainer~
The Paladin and Templar Trainer~
The trainer of the Paladins and Templars
The first thing you notice about this man is the large scar that runs up from 
his neck. It moves up his cheeck and crosses his left eye to stop just below 
the hairline. His hair is grey, and closely trimmed, allmost making it
This man has obviously been in battle, and survived. Now you notice the clothing
the man wears, distinguishing him as a trainer. A little puzzled, you realise
that this man wears both the insignia of the paladin guild and the templar 
guild. This man must surely be someone who can teach a great many things.
ABJKb 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
Monk trainer~
The Monk trainer~
The trainer of the Monks
As you kneel with the monk, you glance at him. A lean face, allmost too lean,
is the only visible part of the man's body. But from the way the dull brown
robe he wears falls on his shoulders, you can tell that this man is very skinny.
The lifestyle of the monks ensures that no excess fat can be found, as you well
know yourself. You allso know that though usually quite skinny, monks are as 
strong as any you have come across.
ABJKb 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
Cleric trainer~
The Cleric Trainer~
The trainer of the Clerics
Amazed by the obvious youth of the man, you stare a moment. "Magic does wonders 
for the complexion," the man says with a smile in his voice. "Actually, i am 
allmost 100 years old, give or take a few." Your mind briefly wonders what you 
will look like in a 100 years. Then it hits you, if this man is 100 years old, 
he must have gathered a lot of knowledge.
ABJKb 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
Bishops aide~
The aide to the Bishop~
You look at the aide to the Bishop
Behind the desk you see a young looking man, dressed in a cassock. As you look
into his eyes, you see a hint of steel. This man is not as much a mere clerk 
as you thought at first. You suspect that this person might very well be a 
loyal soldier to the bishop. Functioning both as a personal assistant and a 
AB 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 0 
0 0 medium 0
Paladin nurse~
The duty nurse~
You look at the duty nurse for the paladin hospital
Dressed in simple, practical clothes, this woman has a small basin in one 
hand and a piece of cloth in the other. Behind her you notice a patient with
an obviously high temperature. She must have been cooling him down when you 
walked in here. From the look in her eyes, you learn that it would be quite
foolish to do something she does not want. Not only is she obviously working
for the paladins and templars, but she has an aura of inmovability over her
that comes from working with obstinate patients for years.
AB 0 1000 0
260 0 100d100+1000 1d1+1 100d100+1000 beating
-1000 -1000 -1000 -1000
0 ABCD 0 0
stand stand female 0 
0 0 medium 0

Before the Cathedral~
As you look up, you see the twin towers of the Cathedral rising up. The front 
of the Cathedral has two huge doors, that appear as though it would take giants
to move them. The outer walls are richly adorned with sculptures.
0 KS 1
To the entrance of the Cathedral~
0 -1 12001
0 -1 3096
As you step out of the sun, into the cool hall of the Cathedral, you realise
that all the sounds of the city are muted to an allmost inaudible murmur here.
The hall is not decorated much, only a statue of the god worshipped here stands
between the twin arches leading to the nave of the Cathedral.
To the west and east, you see doors leading to the towers.
0 DKS 1
Out of the Cathedral~
0 -1 12000
To the eastern tower~
0 -1 12012
To the Nave of the Cathedral~
0 -1 12002
To the western tower~
0 -1 12010
You look at a statue of ******, the god of Light. This god is the patron of all
who are good. Standing tall, and wearing armor adorned with a large sunburst,
the image you see is of a champion, able to vanquish any foe.
The Nave~
Forming two rows, you stand between the benches that seat the congregation.
There are enough seats to accomodate all the believers, though at the moment
there are only a few worshippers. As you look south, you see the main altar.
0 DKS 1
To the entrance~
0 -1 12001
To the altar~
0 -1 12003
At the altar~
The first thing you notice, as you approach the altar, is the aura of power that 
surrounds it. Apart from the aura, there is also something a little more earthly
surrounding the magnificent altar, a sturdy looking fence has been placed to
keep the holy symbol safe.There seems to be a door behind the altar, as well as 
corridors leading of to the west and east.
0 DKS 1
To the Nave~
0 -1 12002
East from the altar~
0 -1 12006
Through a door~
1 0 12004
West from the altar~
0 -1 12008
You see an altar made of pure white gold. It has been crafted with much skill 
and care. The base of the altar has been beatifulle wrought in an intricate 
pattern, and inlaid with stones of every sort. The top of the altar is flat and
smooth, except for a small statue at the center. It is a smaller version of the
statue you have seen outside.
Entrance Bishop Guild~
You stand in a small ante-room. To your left is a small desk where an aide to
the bishop handles all worldly matters. On the other wall, a large tapestry
depicts a holy scene.
0 DKS 1
To the altar~
1 0 12003
To the bishop's quarters~
1 0 12005
The tapistry depicts a small group of men, kneeling in front of the man you 
have seen outside. It is the god worshipped here. It appears that they are 
receiving a blessing from him.
Bishop's room~
Looking around, you find yourself in a richly decorated room. It has the feel of
the ages, and some of the artifacts are clearly from ancient times. As you look
around in amazement, you hear someone saying: "What you see here, are all all 
tributes made by the bishop, he donates it as he takes office. "Turning to the 
voice, you see a lean looking man, wearing the robes of his office. This is 
the high bishop of the world, the only man who has enough experience to train 
others in their ways.
0 DKS 1
To the outer office~
1 0 12004
22 50 0
East from the altar~
Walking east from the altar, you find yourself in a hallway with several double 
cubicles. You realise that this is where believers can come to confess their
sins and find absolution. On the other wall is a small shrine, dedicated to one
of the saints from old times. It is the saint of forgiveness, and people who
have confessed can do their penance here. Further to the east, you notice a
small door.
0 DKS 1
To the Priest guild~
1 0 12007
To the altar~
0 -1 12003
Priest's quarters~
Opening the small door, you enter a surprisingly light and airy hall. It is the 
hall of the priests, they each have a narrow bunk here, lined up on the far
wall. In the center of the hall is a long table, where the priests can eat, converse
or study. At the moment, the hall is empty, except for a solitairy figure
sweeping the floor.
0 DKS 1
The corridor to the altar~
1 0 12006
18 50 0
West from the altar~
Travelling west from the altar, you find yourself in a hallway with a row of
beds seperated from the world by heavy drapes. Peering behind one of the
curtains, you are surprised to find what only can be described as a sickbed. The
hallways is a hospital of sorts. Towards the end of the hallway, you notice an
ornately carved door. As you study it more closely, you hear a female voice say:
"That door was given to the leader of the paladins and templars allmost a
century ago, by a farmer who was rescued from a band of goblins by the leader.
He put it here, to remind the soldiers what their godgiven task was, protect the
0 DKS 1
To the altar~
0 -1 12003
To the Bunkhouse~
1 0 12009
Paladin/templar bunkhouse~
Still marveling at the door, you step through it into a large sleeping hall and 
dining room. Along both sides of the hall, there are beds and chests at the foot
of those beds. Just like in the priest's quarter, there is a long table in the 
center of the room. The big difference though, are the large double doors
leading out at the back of the room. From what you can see, there are stables
behind those doors. Around the room, you notice several men, all of who appear
to be working on weapons or armour. As you look around, an old looking soldier
approaches you. From the look of his face, he has seen many battles. "Can i help
you with anything, young man?"
0 DKS 1
To the corridor~
1 0 12008
7 23 50 0
At the base of the west tower~
AS you look up, you see one of the famous twin towers of the Cathedral. On this
tower, all the decorations have a natural theme. Magnificent animals, trees and
plants adorn the full height of the tower. Allmost hidden away by a sculpture,
a low door allows you entrance to the tower.
0 DKS 1
To the Cathedral entrance~
0 -1 12001
Into the west tower~
1 0 12011
In the west tower~
This is the residence of the monks of the Cathedral. Bare and austere, these
are not for those who enjoy the finer things in life. You see several small
"cells" at this level, along with a simple shrine at the far wall. Though there
is a staircase leading up, presumably to the library and the workshops, only
those who live here are allowed up the stairs. A single monk approaches you
beckoning you to be silent and join him in prayer.
0 DKS 1
Outside the tower~
1 0 12010
24 50 0
At the base of the east tower~
The clerics occupy this tower. They practice their arts in this tower. As you
look at the tower, you realise that it is the opposite of the western tower.
Where the western tower had a natural theme, this tower has a definate unnatural
Many demons and gargoyles. An entrance to the tower stand open before you,
allmost inviting you in...
0 DKS 1
Into the east tower~
1 0 12013
To the entrance of the Cathedral~
0 -1 12001
In the east tower~
Somehow the space inside the tower looks a lot larger then it should have been.
Along one side you see several beds, most of which are occupied by patients.
Along the other side of the hall, there are several doors. To what they lead,
you dont know. And just as  you are about to go to the doors to see what's 
behind them, a surprisingly young man approaches you from you dont know where, 
and asks you: "How can i help you, my son? What knowledge do you seek?"
0 DKS 1
To the corridor~
1 0 12012
2 50 0

*mob resets
M 0 12000 1 12005 1
M 0 12001 1 12007 1
M 0 12002 1 12009 1
M 0 12003 1 12011 1
M 0 12004 1 12013 1
M 0 12005 1 12004 1
M 0 12006 1 12008 1

*door resets
D 0 12003 2 1 *altar
D 0 12004 0 1 *aide
D 0 12004 2 1 *aide
D 0 12005 0 1 *bishop
D 0 12006 1 1
D 0 12008 3 1
D 0 12008 3 1
D 0 12009 1 1
D 0 12010 3 1
D 0 12011 1 1
D 0 12012 1 1 
D 0 12013 3 1
