 *         _               | File Name:   GhostMudV3.zip
 *        / \      _-'     | Description: This is GhostMud Version 3
 *      _/|  \-''- _ /     |              This is all the files you need to start
 * __-' |          \       |              a decent mud from day one.
 *     /              \    |              
 *     /       "o.  |o |   |              
 *     |            \ ;    |             
 *                   ',    |
 *        \_         __\   | (c) 2000-2001 TAKA 
 *          ''-_    \.//   | (c) 2000-2001 The GhostMud Project Team
 *            / '-____'    | 
 *           /             | You may use this code under GNU license restriction 
 *         _'  The Wolf    | 1) This header block remains in the code.          
 *       _-'   strikes!    | 2) You email me at a_ghost_dancer@excite.com
 *_________________________|    letting me know you are using this code
 *                              please incluse your name, your mud name
 * All rights reserved          your mud address, your email and this file
 * GhostMud is copyrighted      name.                                         
 * by TAKA                   3) In your help files mention me where appropriate 
 *                              IE: help snippets.

This is GhostMud Version 3 an offical ROM derivative.

First off let me say thanks to the entire GhostMud team!!!!
This new codebase is a ROM derivative it started with ROM 2.4b6
A few snippets have been added and credit remains in the code.
I also have many unique features added to our mud some of them
are as follows.

01) long vnums are supported
02) hit points/mana/movements can be greater than 32K
03) Lots of coloring and reformating
04) A new banking and multi stock system - Losely based on Maniacs Banking code
	1) multi stock support
	2) silver deposit/convert support
	3) atm with max. daily limits support
	4) all imp configurable
05) Many New commands/spells/skills
06) Dribbles REMORT system but greatly improved
	1) Now it is multilevel and configurable
	2) Now it allows for UNREMORTING
	3) Bonuses to players for remorting
07) Many enhancements to the code
	1) consolidated open channel code removing the repeative
	   code of gossip and so forth
	2) help stores unsuccessful help attempts
	3) inline version support
	4) mud time stored in a file
	5) A new array based bit flagging system emliminating the need
	   to redo all areas in order to add extra affects or whatever
	6) added fread_long_number routine for vnum handles
	7) Added signal handling
08) Player history
09) Many fixes to existing commands 
	1) get/clone/give/drop/put
	   allow for use with x*name
	2) lore   

<> improved commands
sacrifice now allows for sacrifice all 
remove now allows for remove all
train allows you to train movement as well as hp/mana
where shows credits (area name)
set added 
	train, bank gold, bank silver, shares 1-4, and incarnations
	- added hours to set mob command and color
	- upped train/prac to max of 250/999
	- corlorized the set command
stat added
	trian, bank gold/silver, shares 1-4 and incarnations
	-recolored stat also
slay has been changed slay name ! slays anywhere in the world IMP ONLY
hide changed to allow hiding items
lore has been fixed to atleast show something
whowas (basic for now but working)

<> formated commands

<> New IMM commands
bonus, mortskill, mortspell, forced tick, rename, reset password
mslay - slays mobs
gslay - global slay with punishment message and force read rules
	- pyrox idea (not limited to a room)
fremove - force removes and siezes equipment
wpeace - like peace but world wide
omni (snippet) colorized and reformated
	fixed omni to display levels in order and not show imms in mortal list portion
lpfile, ulpfile load/unload player file
***erwin S andersons disable command snippet added

<> New player Commands
global socials (gsoc/goscial), CommStat, knock
autolist , autoconsume , consume command, dual wield
home recall (selectable configurable by imp)

<> vissual improvements
colored and alphabetized socials 

<> mortal punishments 

<> Cosmetic things
an immortal says - fixed as not to be confused with someone says 
add battle prompts including improved battle prompt accurate to 5% 
add current hp/mana/move seen in percentage form 
color login 100% 
colored spells/skills 
score command formated 
affects command colored 
scan command now scans (3) rooms in each direction.

<> Extras
wizi entry for imms including wizi level selection 
more than 20 new races
more than 20 new classes
mud auto gratz players for a level 
mud autorestores players for a level 
balanced skills between 26 classes.
healer can now heal cancel
log bad password attempts	-inform char if they are playing
imms nolonger can destroy a weapon/armor with enchant spells
added do_purg to stop accidental purging by high level imms

<>added spells------------------------------------------------------------------
sate, quench, adrenaline, stone meld, screen, acid rain, ice rain, fire rain
acid storm, ice strom, fire storm, damage, hit
SKIN: mud, moss, bark, steel, emerald, ruby, diamond
ego whip, mind flail, psychic thrust, psychic crush,
mystic armor, mind bolt, bloddy tears, fighting trance,
ice bolt, lightning bolt, fire bolt, acid bolt, holy bolt,  gas bolt,
fireblast, iceblast, electricblast, gasblast, lightningblast, 

<>groups added------------------------------------------------------------------
blood, rain, nature, bererker spells, skins, mental ofensive,
opoya only, bolt spells

<>skills added------------------------------------------------------------------
mpill, brew, circle, butcher, search