#AREA	{10 30} Mahatma Little Haven~

gnome busy~
the busy gnome~
The busy gome shuffles past you.
The weather does not phase him in the least.  She is ready
to defend himself to the death.  There is a glazed look
about her eyes.
69 32768 100 S
16 17 8 5d4+260 3d6+1
3000 4500
8 8 2
gnome guard~
the gnome guard~
The gnome guard stands at attention.
There is a glazed look about her eyes.
3 32768 100 S
20 8 0 6d6+440 4d4+2
5000 40000
8 8 2
bear giant polar~
the giant polar bear~
The giant polar bear doesn't like you disturbing her sleep.
She blends with the snow.
34 65544 0 S
24 8 3 6d10+400 20d2+1
10000 75000
8 8 2
dragon white~
the white dragon~
The white dragon glares at you.
He is an enormous, mature dragon, ready to freeze you.
3 128 -1000 S
25 -5 -100 25d4+550 5d4+5
50000 450000
8 8 1
dragon blue~
the blue dragon~
The blue dragon dislikes being here.
She is an enormous, mature dragon, with an attitude
to match her electric blue scales.
32 136 -1000 S
26 -5  -100 25d4+600 4d10+10
75000 500000
8 8 2
queen snow~
the Snow Queen~
The Queen of Snows did not invite you to be here.
Dressed in all white, she almost charms you with her placidness.
3 128 0 S
32 -10 -100 3d10+2000 15d3+15
50000 600000
8 8 2
giant frost guard~
the cold frost giant~
The frost giant guard is ready for intruders.
He's blue, and he doesn't really like gnomes
but they keep him fed.
5 8 0 S
20 0 -65 6d4+370 3d8+1
3000 75000
8 8 1
mistress white~
the white mistress~
The white mistress leaps and shouts "Intruder!"
She is a fanatical servant to the Snow Queen.
39 40 -500 S
20 5 -66 100d4+50 5d4+10
14000 70000 
8 8 2
master herbal~
the master herbal~
The master herbal is playing with her mints.
She is too busy to consider you.
3 32 0 S
20 0 -66 4d100+75 3d6+3
10000 65000
8 8 2
the thief~
A thief is here, sneaking between the shadows.
He REALLY likes your money!
128 32768 -500 S
7 13 3 7d7+77 2d3+3
10 1000
8 8 1

staff ice~
an ice staff~
A frozen branch lies on the ground.~
4 1 16385
21~ 3~ 3~ frost breath~
7 1900 200
wand fire~
a wand of fire~
A glowing ember of wood melts the snow beneath it.~
3 1 16385
15~ 3~ 3~ fireball~
7 1900 200
flaming axe~
a flaming axe~
An axe of blue flame boils the water beneath it.~
5 1 8193
0~ 2~ 15~ 3~
14 5000 500
13 2
18 2
shield south wind~
the Shield of the South Wind~
A beautiful shield lies at your feet.~
9 1 513
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
8 1000000 2000
1 1
5 1
2 3
mint sprig~
a sprig of mints~
A sprig of mint sprouts at your feet.~
1 65 16385
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 20 10
14 100
13 1
fuschia potion~
a fuschia potion~
A pinkish purple potion is on the floor.~
10 0 1
15~ shield~ remove curse~ ~
1 100 100

The Big, Blue Ocean~
WHOOSH!  A whirlpool sucks you down and spits you out!
You see the city to the east, with Redferne's castle above,
teeming with all sorts of life.  The ocean is alive!
You wonder about the creatures below.
18 0 7
0 0 222
0 -1 1802
The Big, Blue Ocean~
The currents are strong here, guiding you south.  They whisk
you off in a most magical nature.
18 0 7
0 -1 1803
The Big, Blue Ocean~
The currents are even stronger, as if your boat
has a mind of its own.  The fish bob there heads
up at you, mouthing words half-intelligible.  It seems
you cannot go back but must follow the current.
18 0 7
0 -1 1804
The Icy Waters~
Brrr!  It's cold.  You see floes of white ice
masses moving slowly across the see.  The one
up ahead looks like you could get a footing
on it and not slip off.
18 0 7
0 -1 1805
The Hardpack~
You don't see any footprints in the snow.  The wind
bites through your magical armor like teeth on bare skin.
Off in the distance you see a high mountain
and the seemings of a castle turret.
18 0 2
0 -1 1804
0 -1 1806
The Snow-filled Land~
You could get lost in the snow, you know.
The snow is cold, white, and deep.
It seems you have miles to go...
18 0 2
0 -1 1805
0 -1 1831
0 -1 1832
0 -1 1831
The Gnome Outpost~
You see a well-built outpost made of snow
that actually seems cozy with a small fire
in the middle keeping the place warm.  The walls while 
undecorated are clean and well-kempt, though you think 
to yourself "Who'd want to live out here?"
The only exist you see is to the north.
18 8 0
0 -1 1833
You see a poorly-camouflaged door.~
2 -1 1808
The Tight Passage~
This is place is very cozy for someone under four feet,
but not for you.  You find that the passage goes
down further, with bits of droppings forming
snug places for you to hang on too.  Yuck!
18 9 1
You see a poorly-camouflaged door.~
2 -1 1807
0 -1 1809
The Even Tighter Passage~
It's a bit of a squeeze here and you think that
last pot pie you ate a while back is getting
revenge on you now.  The walls are smooth,
with finger holes for you to hang on to.
Down there seems to be flooring to stand on to,
with the passage to return to the surface.
18 9 1
0 -1 1808
0 -1 1810
The Center Chamber~
Before you is the gnome city called Little Haven.
It's bustling, with cheery little folk who seem
dwarven in ancestry and yet look upon you with
a little suspicion.  The tunnels are vast, and from this
vantage point you can see the huge fortress way
in the distance.  You have a long way to go.
18 8 1
0 -1 1811
0 -1 1813
A Passageway~
Gnomes left, gnomes right, all busy and unminding
of you.  Their faces seem too happy, their manners
predictable.  The passage is human-sized, not gnome,
with unidentifiable inscriptions on the walls.
18 8 1
0 -1 1812
0 -1 1810
The Cold Passageway~
You are reminded of the biting winds outside,
as the tunnel suddenly drops in temperature.
You feel chilling breezes from the north.
18 8 1
0 -1 1821
0 -1 1811
The Warm Passageway~
It's even warmer in here than you could imagine.
The walls are glowing, not from magic, but
from the heat of some furnace on the other
side of the wall.  To the west you hear chanting.
18 8 1
0 -1 1810
0 -1 1816
The Little Temple~
You wonder how these gnomes could pray in this
temple with all the screaming outside,
but they do.  It is very immaculate with
bits of fruit and food offered here,
precious commodities in a barren place.
18 8 1
0 -1 1817
0 -1 1815
The Vestibule~
The door above you shuts and vanishes.
Lots of herbs and spices are here, though with
the climate outside you wonder how they could
exisit in such abundance.  There's a hint of mint
here.  There are exits to the south and north.
18 8 1
0 -1 1814
0 -1 1818
The Chanting Room~
Icons of a blue deity abound in this room,
with seats outlining a large circle in the
middle.  The herbal scent is stronger here
than anywhere else, with torches at each
column giving the room an air of dancing.
You hear the hideous songs of "la LA la ..."
18 8 1
0 -1 1818
0 -1 1813
The Furnace~
The air is dusty, with the stench of burnt
carcasses of various animals and meager bits
of wood.  The heat here is almost unbearable.
18 8 1
0 -1 1827
0 -1 1814
The Arboretum~
This is where the gnomes seem to grow their plants.
There is a room to the east, while the well paved
path you walk on goes north.  To the south, there
is a small room where you can hear chanting.
There is a sign here.
18 8 1
0 -1 1815
The door reads "KEEP OUT!"
door east~
2 -1 1820
You see the Chanting Room south of here.
0 0 1816
The sign reads "Woe to the unwelcomed of
this place!"~
The Snow Queen's Chamber~
Tall, white, with columns that blend with the walls
like water in water.  There is a quiet, almost solemn,
almost saddening calm that envelops you, as if
some great loss had taken place here.
There is no physical escape from here.
18 8 1
The Master Herbal's Room~
Maps of Midgaard and Asgard abound in this room
with each forest marked for its herbal plant
growing seasons.  The scent of parsley, sage,
rosemary and thyme permeate the air.
18 8 1
door west~
2 -1 1818
secret-door down~
2 -1 1815
The Guard's Dining Hall~
Statues of Odin and Thor decorate this
lavish hall complete with benches and dining
tables for a thousand warriors. You hear
sounds of song and cheer and begin to understand
how the alliance of Frost Giants and gnomes came
about.  There are exits to the south and north and a
room to the east.
18 8 1
0 -1 1823
0 -1 1822
0 -1 1812 
The Vat Room~
MMMmmmmmmmmmm.  Smells real good in here.
You see a big vat in the middle of the room.
18 8 1
0 -1 1821
You see a black vat, melted into the ground.~
The Frost Giant Guard Quarters~
The beds are unmade, unkempt, with typical
male noises of drunkeness coming from behind
the door to the east.  You smell brewed hops
and remnants of mead soaking through your 
belongings.  Bits of chewed bones lie about.
The only visible exit is to the south.
18 8 1
The wall surface looks uneven here.~
sliding-door north~
2 -1 1826
0 -1 1821
The White Dragon's Lair~
Dark and cold, and very dreary, with stalactites
hanging from the ceiling like teeth.  The Snow Queen
has furnished her pet with corpses of lost
adventurers.  Perhaps yours is next!
You see a door to the south.
18 8 1
They must keep it locked for a reason.~
door south~
2 -1 1826
The nothern wall seems to give way.~
secret-door north~
2 -1 1825
The Blue Dragon's Lair~
What's this?  Another dragon's lair?  Just how powerful
is this Snow Queen you wonder?  The air in here
is cold, dry, desert evening-like with a few
eggs cracked open, as if a hatching just occured.
The only exit is the crawlway down.
18 8 1
0 -1 1822
The connecting tunnel~
This tunnel is very wide, as if any huge beast
could trample through it in a second.  Great
howling abounds from behind the great door
to the north.
18 9 2
They must keep it locked for a reason.
door north~
1 -1 1824
The wall surface looks uneven here.
sliding-door south~
1 -1 1823
The Great Door~
You see before you a huge oaken door with adamantite 
trim that reads "LITTLE HAVEN."  The rest of this place
seems to be made of glass, giving it an almost mirror-like
quality.  The gnomish runes are inscribed as well
as a few you understand: that of the Snow Queen.
There is a giant key hole here, but it looks well 
worn by the snow and wind.  You feel the heat
of the furnace room to the south.
18 8 1
It must be locked to keep you out.
door north~
1 -1 1828
0 -1 1817
The Snow Queen's Entry Hall~
A veritable hall of mirrors, all twisty
and confusing.  You're not sure what is real
and what isn't.  The ceiling and the floor
seem far away and you get dizzy from the

The white mistress leaps and shouts "Intruder!"
18 8 1
0 -1 1829
0 -1 1829
door south~
2 -1 1827
0 -1 1829
Another Mirrored Room~
Walls of mirrors adorn this room.  You see many
rooms leading into many directions, making
you completely dizzy!  There is
a big plaque on the wall.

The white mistress leaps and shouts "Intruder!"
18 1032 1
0 0 1830
0 0 1828
0 0 1828
0 -1 1828
The plaque reads, "Created by Mahatma 5/24/90
with thanks to Alander, Hatchet, & Little.
Thanks to Savaki & Drustan for starting me on
this junk.  & the sprig of mints are for Andersen."
Another Mirrored Room~
Yet another mirrored room, same as before.

The white mistress leaps and shouts "Intruder!"
18 1032 1
0 -1 1819
0 -1 1830
0 -1 1829
0 -1 1830
The Snow-filled Land~
You could get lost in the snow, you know.
The snow is cold, white, and deep.
It seems you have miles to go before you sleep.
18 0 2
0 -1 1832
0 -1 1806
0 -1 1833
0 -1 1806
The Snow-filled Land~
You could get lost in the snow, you know.
The snow is cold, white, and deep.
It seems you have miles to go before you sleep.
18 0 2
0 -1 1806
0 -1 1833
0 -1 1831
0 -1 1833
The Snow-filled Land~
You could get lost in the snow, you know.
The snow is cold, white, and deep.
It seems you have miles to go before you sleep,
...miles to go before you sleep.
You see an outpost to the south.
18 0 2
0 -1 1831
0 0 1832
0 -1 1807
0 0 1832

* Name of Zone: Little Haven/Glass Fortress
* Creator: Mahatma
* Contact: c370672@h281.mdc.com
* Files: Haven.are (for Merc 2.0)
* Suggested level: groups of > 10 or soloed by 20-30th levels.
*	Please send me a fully debugged copy.  I have done my
* 	best to make it as bug-free as possible.
*	This area is (hopefully) to be first used
*	at Rivers of Mud (imp: Alander).  I have written
*	other areas including Arachnos, Islands of Minos,
*	and the (failed) Collinwood Area :P .
* Geography: This adds an ocean area and connects to the
* standard Midgaard on the river, going west at
* 'Under the Bridge.'
* Thank you for allowing me to add to your world.
*			-- Mahatma the Silent

M 0 1801 10 1810		busy gnome
M 0 1801 10 1811		busy gnome
M 0 1801 10 1812		busy gnome
M 0 1810 10 1812		Thief
M 0 1801 10 1813		busy gnome
M 0 1801 10 1814		busy gnome
M 0 1802 4 1807			gnome guard
M 0 1802 4 1807			gnome guard
M 0 1803 4 1831			polar bear
M 0 1803 4 1832			polar bear
M 0 1803 4 1833			polar bear
M 0 1803 4 1805			polar bear
M 0 1804 1 1824			white dragon
E 1 1802 2 17				gets a fire wand
M 0 1805 1 1825			blue dragon
E 1 1803 2 16				gets a flaming axe
M 0 1806 1 1819			Snow Queen
E 1 1804 1 11				gets a shield southwind
E 1 1804 4 17				gets an ice staff
M 0 1807 5 1818			frost giant guard
G 1 1806 10				give him a purple potion
M 0 1807 5 1814			frost giant guard
G 1 1806 10				give him a purple potion
M 0 1807 5 1821			frost giant guard
G 1 1806 10				give him a purple potion
M 0 1807 5 1827			frost giant guard
G 1 1806 10				give him a purple potion
M 0 1807 5 1827			frost giant guard
M 0 1808 4 1830			white mistress
E 1 1802 2 17				gets a fire wand
M 0 1808 4 1828
M 0 1808 4 1828			white mistress
E 1 1803 2 16				gets a flaming axe
M 0 1809 1 1820			master herbal
G 1 1805 10 				gets a sprig of mints
* there were some locked doors here, but I can't find any keys, so I'm not
* sure what to do with this.    Hatchet of Merc Mud
*D 0 1827 0 2			Lock the door.
*D 0 1823 0 2			Lock the door.
* some randomizing of rooms.    Hatchet
R 0 1806 4
R 0 1828 4
R 0 1829 4
R 0 1830 4
R 0 1831 4
R 0 1832 4
R 0 1833 4

M  1804 spec_cast_mage
M  1805 spec_cast_mage
M  1806 spec_cast_mage
