#AREA	{ 5 30} Raff    Elemental Canyon~

mountain climber mountainclimber~
the mountain climber~
A mountain climber is making the same trek that you are.
He wants to see what's on the other side of the mountain too.
68 0 500 S
3 16 8 10d5+15 1d6+1
100 500
8 human~ 1
the cyclops~
A hungry cyclops snarls at you!
He looks like he's about to have dinner (maybe it's you?).
98 128 -700 S
22 0 -5 1d4+1100 1d4+25
1000 80000
8 giant~ 0
tiny elemental~
a tiny elemental~
A tiny elemental form wanders about.
Rather small for an elemental form, looks like a reject.
64 0 0 S
1 20 9 1d20+0 1d3+1
11 100
8 elemental~ 0
elemental guardian~
the elemental guardian~
The elemental guardian of the canyon.
You can't tell which kind of elemental it is, maybe it's a bit o' all of them?
2 0 0 S
20 5 -5 0d0+1000 4d4+5
10000 100000
8 elemental~ 0
small elemental~
a small elemental~
A small, rather non-descript elemental.
A small elemental, a resident of the canyon.
66 0 0 S
5 16 5 0d0+60 2d4+0
250 800
8 elemental~ 0
medium elemental~
a medium elemental~
A medium-sized elemental.
A medium elemental, a resident of the canyon.
66 0 10 S
10 11 2 10d10+125 2d6+1
750 4000
8 elemental~ 0
large elemental~
a large elemental~
A large elemental.
A large elemental, a resident of the canyon.~
66 0 20 S
15 6 0 10d10+190 2d8+2
2000 21000
8 elemental~ 0
earth elemental ruler~
the Earth Ruler~
The Ruler of the earth elementals.
He looks as old as the earth itself.  He seems to know all the 
secrets and knowledge of the Earth.  You can't really tell where 
he begins and the rock wall ends.
2 128 0 S
30 -2 -13 30d30+1000 2d6+25
100000 400000
8 elemental~ 0
fire elemental ruler~
the Fire Ruler~
The Ruler of the fire elementals.
As you look at him he seems to blend in with the fire in his throne.
2 128 0 S
30 -5 -10 30d30+1000 4d5+5
100000 300000
8 elemental~ 0
air elemental ruler~
The Air Ruler~
The Ruler of the air elementals.
As you peer at him you seem to be looking at the sky itself.
2 128 0 S
30 0 -10 30d30+1000 9d3+9
100000 350000
8 elemental~ 0
lightning elemental ruler~
The Lightning Ruler~
The Ruler of the lightning elementals.
As you examine him there is a blinding flash of light and a deafening boom!
You rub your eyes and look and the ruler is there grinning at you.
2 128 0 S
30 0 -6 30d30+1000 4d6+15
100000 350000
8 elemental~ 0
water elemental ruler~
The Water Ruler~
The Ruler of the water elementals.
As you look at him he changes to mist, which swirls around you.  Just
as you get scared, it reforms in elemental form.
2 128 0 S
30 0 -10 30d30+1000 7d3+5
100000 350000
8 elemental~ 0
water puddle elemental~
a puddle~
A small puddle of water elemental.
It trickles along the ground and gets your feet wet.
64 0 0 S
8 13 3 10d10+200 2d5+1
225 4000
8 elemental~ 0
fire flame elemental~
a flame~
A small flickering flame elemental.
It smolders along the grass aimlessly.
64 0 0 S
4 17 6 5d10+0 2d4+0
150 500
8 elemental~ 0
snowflake snow flake ice elemental~
a small snowflake~
A frozen snowflake water elemental.
It looks a little blue.
64 0 520 S
3 19 8 1d5+30 1d5+0
0 200
8 elemental~ 0
pebble rock earth stone elemental~
a small rock~
A small rock.
It seems to be a small living pebble!
64 0 0 S
3 18 6 4d10+5 1d6+1
98 350
8 elemental~ 0
spark lightning energy elemental~
a small spark~
A small spark of electricity fizzles here.
Zipping from place to place at the speed of light is tough work.
64 0 0 S
4 16 6 10d5+0 1d8+1
150 500
8 elemental~ 0
acid blob elemental~
a small blob of acid~
A small blob of acid eats away at the stone aimlessly.
The magical blob of acid is a cross between lightning and water.
64 0 0 S
9 11 2 1d10+120 5d2+2
1000 4000
8 elemental~ 0
lava elemental~
a lava beast~
A lava beast spews from place to place.
The magical lava beast is a cross between fire and earth.
64 0 0 S
8 13 3 1d10+120 5d2+2
313 4000
8 elemental~ 0
mud elemental~
a mud monster~
A mud monster slops around.
The magical mud monster is a cross between water and earth.
64 0 0 S
7 14 4 1d12+86 2d4+1
400 1000
8 elemental~ 0
mist elemental~
an elemental mist~ 
The air is magically misty here.
The magical mist is a cross between water and air.
64 0 0 S
6 16 50 6d10+20 1d8+0
300 1000
8 elemental~ 0
particle elemental~
a particle~
A sub-atomic particle is too small for you to see.
The magical manifestation of energy.
64 0 0 S
5 16 6 5d4+70 1d5+5
10 800
8 elemental~ 0
dust elemental~
a dust cloud~
A dust cloud blowing by makes you sneeze.
The magical dust cloud is a cross between air and earth.
64 0 0 S
6 15 4 9d9+4 1d8+1
100 980
8 elemental~ 0
eddie elemental~
an eddie~
A small eddie current swirls junk around here.
The magical eddie current is a manifestation of an air elemental.
64 0 0 S
2 19 8 5d5+0 1d6+0
30 150
8 elemental~ 0
blue flame~
the Blue Flame~
The Blue Flame burns mysteriously here.
As you look you see what seems to be a face and almost a 
humanoid figure somehow trapped in the fire.
66 0 -100 S
26 -3 -4 1d100+550 6d3+12
25000 100000
8 human~ 0
the Magneto~
The Magneto considers zapping you for the heck of it.
A humanoid figure seems to be trapped in the field of the Magneto.
66 0 -150 S
22 0 -8 3d10+350 3d8+5
10000 75000
8 human~ 0
ice bandit~
the Ice Bandit~
The Ice Bandit strikes cold fear in your heart.
A humanoid figure encased in ice but still apparently alive.
2|64|128 32768 -250 S
24 -2 -9 2d10+480 2d8+13
30000 150000
8 human~ 0
rock monster~
the Rock Monster~
The Rock Monster considers you in stoney silence.
A humanoid figure trapped in stone seems alive.
66 0 -310 S
23 0 -6 40d10+550 3d8+4
19000 60000
8 human~ 0
the Hurricane~
A Hurricane rages across the sky.
A humanoid figure is trapped in the rushing wind.
66 32768 -10 S
28 -4 -7 0d0+700 4d6+6
41082 350000
8 human~ 0
an elemental magician~
An elemental magician seeks magical stones for a spell.
The elemental magician has come here in search of the fabled
Stone of Surrender which can be used to render opponents senseless.
66 2 -50 S
17 6 2 1d11+200 3d5+3
8000 30000
8 elemental~ 0
rainbow warrior~
a rainbow warrior~
A warrior of the Rainbow Cult swears his loyalty.
The Rainbow Cult has received special powers for their service to 
the elemental forces.
64 0 150 S
18 1 0 0d0+340 3d6+4
8000 35000
8 human~ 0
an illusionist~	
The illusionist seeks the aid of the elemental forces.
He seeks their aid for a powerful new spell of deception.

<wielded>            The Sword of Illusions
66 0 -50 S
12 10 3 10d6+150 2d7+0
1900 13900
8 human~ 0
an alchemist~
An alchemist wanders by in search of magical herbs.
Rare herbs are rumored to grow only in the canyon.
64 0 -50 S
13 8 1 1d2+270 2d7+1
1900 15000
8 human~ 0
baby rainbow dragon~
a baby rainbow dragon~
A baby rainbow dragon plays among the elements here.
It's only a baby by dragon standards.
66 40 0 S
16 4 -1 0d0+400 1d16+6
10000 25000
8 dragon~ 0
a little imp~
A little imp runs along being annoying.
The little bugger steals stuff and is generally obnoxious.
4|64|128 32768|65536 -500 S
5 15 1 1d10+100 1d4+3
1 1000
8 kobold~ 0
HUGE elemental~
a HUGE elemental~
A HUGE elemental form stands here.
HUGE, need i say more?
66 0 30 S
20 1 0 0d0+750 3d6+4
10000 40000
8 elemental~ 0
the elixir vendor~
A vendor is willing to sell you elixirs.
I WOULD NOT suggest you attack me ...!
82 0 900 S
30 -20 -10 0d0+10000 0d0+300
0 1
8 human~ 1

ring earth~
the earth ring~
A dark ring which seems to absorb all the light around it lies here.~
12 256 3
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 100000 2000
3 1
4 1
breastplate stoney breast plate~
a stoney breastplate~
A breastplate made of the stone from deep within the earth lies here.~
9 0 9
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
70 200000 4000
5 1
dagger fiery~
a fiery dagger~
A dagger made of fire crackles mysteriously here.~
5 1 8193
0~ 4~ 4~ 11~
2 100000 2000
19 4
cape flame flaming red~
a flame red cape~
A cape made of ethereal red fiber lies neatly folded on the ground here.~
9 1 5
11~ 0~ 0~ 0~
3 100000 2000
19 1
boots wind~
the wind boots~
A pair of boots that look fast standing still are here.~
9 64 65
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 100000 2000
2 2
helmet hurricane~
a humming hurricane helmet~
A helmet that looks like it has weathered many storms has been set here.~
9 2 17
9~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 200000 4000
23 -4
sword lightning bolt~
a sparking lightning sword~
A lightning bolt fashioned into a sword spits sparks here.~
5 3 8193
0~ 6~ 3~ 3~
10 100000 2000
18 3
19 2
shield electric~
an electric shield~
A shield made entirely of energy buzzes here.~
9 2 513
11~ 0~ 0~ 0~
8 1000000 2000
1 -1
5 1
girth icy~
an icy girth~
A girth made of magical ice has been left here.~
9 0 2049
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
10 100000 1000
5 -2
cloak waterfall~
a waterfall cloak~
A cloak fashioned from a small magical waterfall is here.~
9 0 1025
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
6 100000 2000
12 25
18 -2
amulet elemental~
an elemental amulet~
An amulet depicting fire, water, lightning, earth, and air lies here.~
9 1 5
7~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 100000 5000
23 -5
bracelet elemental~
an elemental bracelet~
A bracelet made of elemental magic lies here.~
9 0 4097
4~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 100000 4000
13 25
armbands platinum bands~
some platinum arm bands~
A pair of platinum arm bands, once worn by the Cyclops, lie here.~
9 0 257
9~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 10000 1000
1 1
legbands platinum bands~
some platinum leg bands~
A pair of platinum leg bands, once worn by the Cyclops, lie here.~
9 0 33
9~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 10000 1000
2 1
elemental wand of fire~
A fire wand lies forgotten on the ground.~
3 1 16385
15~ 3~ 3~ fireball~
7 1900 200
staff ice~
an ice staff~
A ice staff lies forgotten on the ground.~
4 1 16385
21~ 3~ 3~ frost breath~
7 1900 200
staff earthquake~
elemental staff of earthquake~
A earthquake staff lies forgotten on the ground.~
4 1 16385
7~ 3~ 3~ earthquake~
7 1900 200
wand air wind~
elemental wand of wind and air~
An air wand lies forgotten on the ground.~
3 1 16385
11~ 1~ 1~ gas breath~
7 1900 200
elemental wand of lightning~
A lightning wand lies forgotten on the ground.~
3 1 16385
9~ 1~ 1~ lightning bolt~
7 1900 200
stone club~
a stone club~
A large stone club lies on the ground.~
5 0 8193
0~ 1~ 12~ 7~
16 1000 10
19 3
lode load lodestone loadstone stone~
a lodestone~
A dull red rock lies here amid the weeds.~
3 0 16385
19~ 2~ 2~ harm~
2 5000 175
lava lamp~
a lava lamp~
A lantern which glows with a red glowing light has been dumped.~
1 1 1
0~ 0~ 1000~ 0~
4 500 1
energy scroll~
an energy scroll~
A scroll of energy replacement lies here.~
2 2 1
19~ cure critical~ refresh~ ~
1 2100 120
water jug~
a water jug~
A large but surprisingly light jug of water stands here.~
17 0 1
150~ 150~ 0~ 0~
5 100 100
magic dust~
A pile of dust of appearance has gathered here.~
26 0 1
20~ detect invis~ ~ ~
1 100 1
flame lance~
a flame lance~
A lance of blue flame burns the ground around it.~
5 1 8193
0~ 2~ 15~ 3~
14 5000 500
13 -20
18 2
icicle dagger ice~
an icicle~
A glowing icicle dagger lies here amid a patch of frost.~
5 1 8193
0~ 7~ 3~ 11~
1 19000 900
19 2
1 -1
the Avalanche~
An avalanche is about to crush you!~
5 0 8193
0~ 1~ 30~ 6~
16 20100 900
18 -1
star morning~
the Morning Star~
A chain with a star on the end lies here.~
5 1 8193
0~ 6~ 3~ 11~
11 8200 900
23 -5
17 -3
shock whip~
The Shock Whip~
A whip hums innocently to itself.~
5 2 8193
0~ 4~ 4~ 2~
10 10000 900
19 3
1 -2
elixir anti~
anti-cyclops elixir~
An elixir to ward off cyclopi has been bought then left behind here.~
10 0 16385
15~ invis~ ~ ~
1 100 100000
lightning bolt~
a bolt of lightning~
A bolt of lightning whizzes about the room!~
5 64 1|8192
0~ 5~ 5~ 6~
8 100 100
18 5

A Mountain Path~
You are on a mountain path which ascends a steep mountainside.  The trail
curves around the mountain so that you cannot really see what lies ahead.
You do sense great power though coming from the area behind the mountain.
92 0 5
0 -1 5267
0 -1 9202
A Mountain Path~
You are on a rocky mountain path leading up and around a steep mountainside.
You sense a glow from the area beyond the mountain, which you cannot see yet.
92 0 5
0 -1 9201
0 -1 9203
Mountainside Tombs~
There are a few stone heaps here and there, the tombs of those who did not
last the arduous journey up the mountain.  Curiously you notice a few
uncovered bodies which don't seem to have died of exhaustion.  The path curves
east around the mountain.
92 0 5
0 -1 9202
0 -1 9204
heaps stones tombs~
You are sure glad that YOU aren't under one of those piles!
Many of the tombstones have the same name on them, 'Raff'.  He must come
here a lot.
bodies body dead~
They look as if their necks have been broken and their flesh, chewed.
A Blind Curve on the Mountain Path.~
This looks like a normal mountain path, but it is NOT!  This section of the
path is habitated by a huge (and of course, man-eating) Cyclops.  The path
makes its final ascent to an overlook.
92 0 5
0 -1 9203
0 -1 9205
This is a stunning vista overlooking a canyon.  There is a sign here that says:


Fire leaps up from firepits in the western part of the canyon.  The sky looks
funny, and the air seems hazy to the northwest.  Electricity sparks
intermittently in the northeast.  To the east you see a strong, magic-looking
river flowing through the canyon.  Also to the east you spy a cave entrance
leading into the canyon wall.  The path descends to the north to another
92 0 5
0 -1 9204
0 -1 9206
The Overlook~
You see various elemental servants wandering around the canyon.  The noise of
humming coming from the canyon gets louder.  The path makes a steep descent
into the canyon here.
92 0 5
0 -1 9205
0 -1 9207
Entrance to Elemental Canyon~
You are awed by the sounds and sights of great powers at works here.
Elemental servants bustle back and forth doing the biddings of the elemental
rulers.  You see a sort of cross roads to the north, and you can climb up to
the overlook here.
92 0 3
0 -1 9206
0 -1 9209
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at all.
In general, it is calm, yet there is always a incessant buzz of things
going on about.  The canyon continues north and east.
92 0 3
0 -1 9211
0 -1 9209
Elemental Gateway~
To the west a path dips and winds among some flowing firepits.  To the
northeast a path goes toward the river.  Beyond toward the northeast and
northwest are outcrops which rise up from the canyon floor. To the east there
is a cave mouth which leads into the canyon wall.  And to the south the path
leads up, away, and out of the canyon.  Various pure and cross-breeds of
elemental forms wander the canyon floor, which extends in a wide swath
92 0 3
0 -1 9207
0 -1 9208
0 -1 9212
0 -1 9210
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always a incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends north and west.  There is a
cave mouth set into the canyon wall to the east.
92 0 3
0 -1 9213
0 -1 9209
0 -1 9220
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends off to the north, east,
and south.
92 0 3
0 -1 9214
0 -1 9212
0 -1 9208
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends in all directions.
92 0 3
0 -1 9215
0 -1 9213
0 -1 9209
0 -1 9211
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends north, south, and west.
A path follows a stream to the east.
92 0 3
0 -1 9216
0 -1 9228
0 -1 9210
0 -1 9212
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about. The canyon floor extends north, east, and south.
To the west a garden is on fire.
92 0 3
0 -1 9217
0 -1 9215
0 -1 9211
0 -1 9237
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends in all directions.
92 0 3
0 -1 9218
0 -1 9216
0 -1 9212
0 -1 9214
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The Canyon floor extends north, south and west.
92 0 3
0 -1 9219
0 -1 9213
0 -1 9215
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about. The canyon floor extends east and south.  You can
climb a rise in the canyon floor to the north.
92 0 3
0 -1 9253
0 -1 9218
0 -1 9214
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends east, south, and west.
92 0 3
0 -1 9219
0 -1 9215
0 -1 9217
The Floor of the Canyon~
Various elemental forms wander the floor of the canyon.  Some seem to be
going about their business, while others seem to have no business at
all.  In general, it is calm, yet there is always an incessant buzz of
things going on about.  The canyon floor extends south and west.  You can
climb a rise in the canyon floor to the north.
92 0 3
0 -1 9254
0 -1 9216
0 -1 9218
Dark Cave~
You notice a path winding east among some huge boulders.  You feel a powerful
source of energy from that direction.
92 9 3
0 -1 9210
0 -1 9221
Darker Caves~
You can barely see your way even with a light source.  The rocks of the cave
are even darker than the darkness.  You hear a powerful humming all around
you.  Cave paths go south and east roughly, its hard to tell exactly when you
can't see where you are going.
92 9 3
0 -1 9220
0 -1 9222
0 -1 9223
Darker Caves~
You can barely see your way even with a light source.  The rocks of the cave
are even darker than the darkness.  You hear a powerful humming all around
you.  Cave paths go south and west roughly; it's hard to tell exactly when you
can't see where you are going.
92 9 3
0 -1 9221
0 -1 9224
Darker Caves~
You can barely see your way even with a light source.  The rocks of the cave
are even darker than the darkness.  You hear a powerful humming all around you.
Cave paths go north, south and east roughly; it's hard to tell exactly when
you can't see where you are going.
92 9 3
0 -1 9221
0 -1 9224
0 -1 9225
Darker Caves~
You can barely see your way even with a light source.  The rocks of the cave
are even darker than the darkness.  You hear a powerful humming all around you.
Cave paths go north, south and west roughly, it's hard to tell exactly when you
can't see where you are going.
92 9 3
0 -1 9222
0 -1 9226
0 -1 9223
Darkest Caves~
Your light doesn't even seem to work here.  Even magical light sources seem
only to illuminate about a foot ahead of you.  You suddenly realize that the
path has descended quite a bit but you didn't notice before because of the
darkness.  You sense a great presence off to the east aways.
92 9 3
0 -1 9223
0 -1 9226
Darkest Caves~
Your light doesn't even seem to work here.  Even magical light sources seem
only to illuminate about a foot ahead of you.  You suddenly realize that the
path has descended quite a bit but you didn't notice before because of the
darkness.  You sense a great presence directly to the east.
92 9 3
0 -1 9224
0 -1 9227
0 -1 9225
Earth Chamber~
This is the abode of the Earth Ruler.  He decides about earthquakes,
landslides, and avalanches.  The Earth Ruler sits upon a huge marble throne
carved into the wall.
92 9 3
0 -1 9226
marble throne~
The ruler notices your stare, and doesn't like it one bit!  The whole
earth seems to shake with his emotion.
By the River~
The water in the river seems to bubble and froth with magic.  Though it
splashes playfully on you, it does not seem wet.  The path leads north closer
to the water. To the west you see a T-intersection.
92 0 3
0 -1 9213
0 -1 9229
In the River~
To continue you had to walk right in the river.  Though you walk along in
water up to your knees, you do not seem to get wet.  A bay stretches out to
the north and the river goes south.
92 0 6
0 -1 9228
0 -1 9230
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9233
0 -1 9231
0 -1 9229
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9234
0 -1 9232
0 -1 9230
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9235
0 -1 9231
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9234
0 -1 9230
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9235
0 -1 9231
0 -1 9233
Elemental Bay~
The water is crystal clear here and you can see the bottom of the bay 30 feet
below you.  Then you realize you are walking on the water itself.  Truly
magical water indeed.  Though you splash through the bay you do not get wet.
92 0 6
0 -1 9232
0 -1 9234
0 -1 9236
Water Chamber~
This chamber was magically created here on the floor of the bay.  It looks
like it's been here for a long, long time.  Though you are 'under water' there
is no difficulty breathing normally, and oddly you do not feel the pressure of
the water above you.
92 8 6
0 -1 9235
A Fiery Pathway~
You tread carefully along a path which dips and turns among geysers of fire.
Miniature volcanoes spew lava in rivers.  The fire is hot but not altogether
dangerous.  The path extends east and south.
92 0 5
0 -1 9214
0 -1 9238
A Fiery Pathway~
You tread carefully along a path which dips and turns among pits of fire and
beds of coals.  A garden to the west glows with an everlasting fire.
92 0 5
0 -1 9237
0 -1 9242
The Burning Gardens~
Everywhere around you the landscape is afire; the rocks, the shrubs and even
the air seems to be aflame.  Curiously, the magical fire does not seem to
consume its hosts.  A path leads east among some fire pits.
92 0 5
0 -1 9238
0 -1 9245
The Fire Chamber~
The fire ruler sits upon a throne made of blue flame.  Little flickers of
flame dance to and fro for the entertainment of the ruler.
92 0 3
0 -1 9242
Electric Pathway~
The pathway glows and hums because of the electricity pulsing through it.
It seems almost soothing to your weary feet.  To the north there is a
sunken-in area.  A path leads east also.
92 0 3
0 -1 9248
0 -1 9253
The Electric Playground~
Though there is a seemingly carefree atmosphere here, you sense that
something much more important takes place near by.  The electric playground
extends north and east.
92 0 4
0 -1 9249
0 -1 9248
The Electric Playground~
Though there is a seemingly carefree atmosphere here, you sense that
something much more important takes place near by.  There is an electric
path heading away south.  The playground extends north and west.
92 0 4
0 -1 9250
0 -1 9246
0 -1 9247
The Electric Playground~
Though there is a seemingly carefree atmosphere here, you sense that
something much more important takes place near by.  The playground continues
south and east.
92 0 4
0 -1 9250
0 -1 9247
The Electric Playground~
Though there is a seemingly carefree atmosphere here, you sense that
something much more important takes place near by.  The playground is
south and west.  Something more important catches your eye to the east.
92 0 4
0 -1 9251
0 -1 9248
0 -1 9249
Lightning Causeway~
Up a set of stairs carved into the hill you see intermittent flashes of
lightning.  A continuous hum also comes form that direction.  To the west
is the electric playground.
92 0 4
0 -1 9250
0 -1 9252
Lightning Chamber~
There is some sort of control panel here. Apparently the Lightning Ruler
observes and controls electric forces from here.  A set of steps carved into
the hill lead down to a causeway.
92 8 6
0 -1 9251
Mesa West~
An electric path starts to the west.  The mesa continues to the east.
Or you can climb down to the canyon floor to the south.
92 0 4
0 -1 9254
0 -1 9217
0 -1 9246
Mesa East~
A path starts to the north.  The mesa continues to the west.
Or you can climb down to the canyon floor to the south.
92 0 4
0 -1 9255
0 -1 9219
0 -1 9253
Floating in Air~
Last you knew, you were walking on the mesa.  Abruptly the path dropped
from beneath your feet much to quick for you to recover.  Instead of
plunging to your death, you seemingly miss the ground and begin walking
on air.  The space to the north and east seems just thin air, but you can
walk there.  The pathway you came from is to the south.
92 0 4
0 -1 9257
0 -1 9256
0 -1 9254
Floating in Air~
You look down and see the ground 100 feet below you.  The wind whispering
in your ear seems to reassure you that this is fine.  To the north aways
you spy a portal of sorts.  To the west is more thin air.
92 0 4
0 -1 9258
0 -1 9255
Floating in Air~
You look down and see the ground 100 feet below you.  The wind whispering
in your ear seems to reassure you that this is fine.  To the east aways
you spy a portal of sorts.  To the south is more thin air.
92 0 4
0 -1 9258
0 -1 9255
Floating in Air~
You look down and see the ground 100 feet below you.  The wind whispering
in your ear seems to reassure you that this is fine. There is a portal
hanging in midair here. It is to the east.  You can float south or west
if you'd like.
92 0 4
0 -1 9259
0 -1 9256
0 -1 9257
Through the portal you see a tunnel.
Windy Tunnel~
A tunnel leads east.  To the west you can enter a portal. The wind in
this tunnel is quite fierce, it seems as if it's forced.  
92 0 4
0 -1 9260
0 -1 9258
Through the portal you see nothing but sky.
Air Chamber~
Tiny tornadoes come and go and dance along the ground here.  At the back
of the chamber you notice a huge throne made of swirling clouds.
A tunnel leads west.
92 8 6
0 -1 9259
throne clouds~
Although the cloud throne appears solid enough to sit on, I wouldn't try
it if I were you!

* Name of Zone: The Elemental Canyon
* Creator: Raff
* Contact: masson@me.rochester.edu
* Files: ele_cany.wld, ele_cany.mons, ele_cany.obj, ele_cany.shop,
* ele_cany.zone, ele_cany.doc
* Suggested level: all (1-30) *
*	This is an attempt at an all-levels area. please do what you see
*	fit to keep it that way.  The original canyon was small but
*	very popular. This is a revised, expanded edition of the original.
*	changes from the original include: 4 monsters changed, 25 monsters
*	added, 27 rooms added, and 17 objects added.
* Geography:  The entrance is to the north, the map then proceeds up a
* mountain and then down into the canyon on the other side.
* Suggestions:  For an added "spark" you can make the lightning sword cast
* lightning bolt every few rounds (doing this you might decrease its
* damage to 3d4 or something).  Also, to "turn up the heat" a bit the
* fiery dagger could be made to burn on contact sometimes (burning hands
* spell)  The elemental rulers are tough and are meant to be that way.  If
* you wish to change them don't make them TOO easy please.  They also work
* nicely if they breathe appropriate dragon breath or cast appropriate
* spells. 
* thanks 
* -Raff the Mud Trivia Master and Patron God of Warriors
M 0 9201 3 9201
M 0 9201 3 9202
G 1 9231 30 
M 0 9201 3 9203
M 0 9238 1 9203
G 1 9231 30
M 0 9202 1 9204
E 1 9213 10 10
E 1 9214 10 7
M 0 9204 1 9209
E 1 9211 8 3
E 1 9212 8 14
M 0 9208 1 9227
E 1 9201 6 1
E 1 9202 6 5
M 0 9209 1 9245
E 1 9203 6 16
E 1 9204 6 3
M 0 9210 1 9260
E 1 9205 6 8
E 1 9206 6 6
M 0 9211 1 9252
E 1 9207 6 16
E 1 9208 6 11
M 0 9212 1 9236
E 1 9209 6 13
E 1 9210 6 12
M 0 9203 8 9208
M 0 9203 8 9210
M 0 9203 8 9217
M 0 9203 8 9219
E 1 9225 10 17
M 0 9203 8 9215
M 0 9203 8 9215
M 0 9203 8 9218
M 0 9205 8 9218
M 0 9205 1 9207
M 0 9205 1 9250
M 0 9205 1 9209
M 0 9205 1 9234
M 0 9205 1 9222
E 1 9224 10 17
M 0 9206 1 9246
M 0 9206 1 9212
E 1 9221 10 17
M 0 9206 1 9254
M 0 9206 1 9225
E 1 9219 7 17
M 0 9207 1 9218
M 0 9207 1 9260
E 1 9220 16 16
M 0 9207 1 9242
M 0 9207 1 9209
M 0 9207 1 9218
E 1 9223 10 17
M 0 9226 1 9238
E 1 9226 10 16
M 0 9227 1 9238
E 1 9230 10 16
M 0 9228 1 9242
E 1 9227 10 16
M 0 9229 1 9242
E 1 9228 10 16
M 0 9230 1 9242
E 1 9229 10 16
M 0 9231 1 9216
E 1 9215 10 17
M 0 9231 1 9211
E 1 9215 10 17
M 0 9232 4 9209
E 1 9220 16 16
M 0 9232 4 9208
E 1 9232 99 16
M 0 9233 1 9253
M 0 9233 1 9218
M 0 9233 1 9255
M 0 9234 6 9230
E 1 9218 10 16
M 0 9234 6 9238
E 1 9217 10 16
M 0 9235 1 9249
M 0 9235 1 9257
E 1 9216 10 16
M 0 9236 7 9202
M 0 9236 7 9207
M 0 9236 7 9237
M 0 9236 7 9220
M 0 9236 7 9228
M 0 9236 7 9246
M 0 9236 7 9255
M 0 9214 8 9233
E 1 9216 5 17
M 0 9214 8 9234
M 0 9214 8 9235
E 1 9224 10 17
M 0 9214 8 9230
M 0 9214 8 9231
M 0 9214 8 9232
M 0 9214 8 9236
M 0 9214 8 9236
M 0 9215 6 9242
M 0 9215 6 9245
E 1 9215 5 17
M 0 9215 6 9242
E 1 9215 5 17
M 0 9215 6 9242
M 0 9215 6 9245
M 0 9215 6 9245
M 0 9217 8 9221
M 0 9217 8 9222
M 0 9217 8 9223
E 1 9217 5 17
M 0 9217 8 9224
M 0 9217 8 9225
M 0 9217 8 9227
E 1 9220 16 16
M 0 9217 8 9227
M 0 9217 8 9226
M 0 9218 8 9247
M 0 9218 8 9248
M 0 9218 8 9249
M 0 9218 8 9250
E 1 9219 7 17
M 0 9218 8 9251
M 0 9218 8 9252
E 1 9218 7 17
M 0 9218 8 9252
M 0 9218 8 9246
M 0 9225 8 9255
E 1 9218 7 17
M 0 9225 8 9256
M 0 9225 8 9257
M 0 9225 8 9258
M 0 9225 8 9259
M 0 9225 8 9260
M 0 9225 8 9260
M 0 9225 8 9255
E 1 9225 10 17
M 0 9219 4 9228
M 0 9219 4 9229
M 0 9219 4 9238
M 0 9219 4 9246
M 0 9216 4 9232
M 0 9216 4 9232
M 0 9216 4 9212
M 0 9216 4 9225
M 0 9220 4 9238
M 0 9220 4 9242
M 0 9220 4 9220
E 1 9222 10 17
M 0 9220 4 9221
M 0 9221 4 9222
M 0 9221 4 9222
M 0 9221 4 9231
M 0 9221 4 9231
M 0 9222 4 9232
M 0 9222 4 9213
M 0 9222 4 9255
M 0 9222 4 9254
M 0 9223 4 9248
M 0 9223 4 9253
M 0 9223 4 9221
M 0 9223 4 9210
E 1 9221 10 17
M 0 9224 4 9227
M 0 9224 4 9222
E 1 9225 10 5
M 0 9224 4 9259
M 0 9224 4 9257

 9238	 0  0  0  0  0	 105  15	 0 23	; Elixir Vendor

M  9202 spec_cast_cleric	* cyclops
M  9204 spec_breath_any		* elemental guardian
M  9207 spec_breath_any		* large elemental
M  9208 spec_cast_cleric	* earth ruler
M  9209 spec_breath_fire	* fire ruler
M  9210 spec_breath_gas		* air ruler
M  9211 spec_breath_lightning	* lightning ruler
M  9212 spec_breath_acid	* water ruler
M  9219 spec_breath_acid	* acid blob
M  9223 spec_breath_lightning	* elemental particle
M  9224 spec_thief		* dust
M  9225 spec_thief		* 'fast' eddie
M  9226 spec_breath_fire	* the Blue Flame
M  9227 spec_breath_lightning	* the Magneto
M  9228 spec_breath_frost	* the Ice Bandit
M  9230 spec_breath_gas		* the Hurricane
M  9231 spec_cast_mage		* elemental magician
M  9232 spec_cast_cleric	* rainbow warrior
M  9233 spec_cast_mage		* the illusionist
M  9234 spec_thief		* the alchemist
M  9235 spec_breath_any		* baby rainbow dragon
M  9237 spec_breath_any		* HUGE elemental
M  9238 spec_cast_mage		* Elixir vendor
