/* blindness */ inherit "inherit/timer"; status id(string str) { return str == "Blindness"; } void time_out() { tell_object(environment(),"You can see!\n"); ::time_out(); } void dispel_magic() { time_out(); } void extra_long(status wiz) { if(this_player() != environment()) { if(environment()->query_pronoun()) { write(capitalize((string)environment()->query_pronoun()) + " is Blind!\n"); } } } status cast_spell(object caster,object target,object prev,int time) { object deaf; if((int)caster->query_spell_dmg() == time) { /* did not save */ if((deaf = present("Blindness 2", target))) { write("You extend the time of the Blind spell.\n"); deaf->adj_time(time * 30); destruct(this_object()); return 1; } write("You make "+ target->query_name() +" blind!\n"); tell_object(target,"Everything goes dark!\n"); adj_time(time * 30); } else { tell_room(environment(caster), "Nothing Happens...\n"); destruct(this_object()); } return 1; } /* Native Mode Move */ #include <move.h>