/** Sin's Black Flames. Sin, Dec 1993 **/ #define NAME "@@query_name:$this_player()$@@" /* gives greater flexibilty */ #define TARG "@@query_name:$this_object()$@@" status sbf(mixed targ, mixed alt_type) { int dam; if(!alt_type) alt_type = "necromancy"; dam = (objectp(alt_type)) ? (int)alt_type->query_cast_level() : (int)call_other(this_player(),"query_"+alt_type); dam *= (random(2) + 1); if(dam > 10) dam = 10; this_player()->load_spell(({ "target", targ, "name", "Sin's Black Flame", "sphere", alt_type, "cost", 1, "damage", dam, "immune", "poison", "level", 1, "cast time", 1, "msg target", "You reel in horror as you feel the searing evil of "+ "the black eldritch flames cast by "+NAME+" penetrate "+ "deep into your chest.\n", "msg room", "You watch in horror as black flames of elemental "+ "evil stream out from "+NAME+"'s fingers to strike "+ " "+TARG+".\n", "msg caster", "Black eldritch flames stream from your fingers in a "+ "wave of undiluted evil towards your victim. \n", /* other spell options... "area", "spell object", 0, "casting msg", 0, "casting msg room", 0, "passive", "component", 0, */ })); return 1; } /* Native Mode Move */ #include <move.h>