#0:0 mail ({({"alena","Just be on... (Alena)","Author: Alena@Hvn7, Sent to: Wrath\nCC: none.\n","\n Be on when I am sometime... I can wiz you .\n\n/Tracy\n",0,0,"Aug 29 15:26",}),({"angel","RE: possible problem in an armour (Wrath)","Author: Wrath@Hvn7, Sent to: Angel\nCC: none.\nReply by: Angel@Hvn7, Sent to: Wrath\nCC: none.\n",">I occassionally stat players just to see generally what level they are\n>that sort of thing. Today I statted Tate out of said curiosity.\n>in her inventory was listed: bark amulet->inherit/armour#2481\n>and bark gloves->inherit/armour#1564.\n>both were listed as invalid armour due to a value rating.\n>I am not sure if they need to be fixed or not.. just brining it to your\n>attention. Also I am rather certain that Tate is wholly\n>unaware if there is a flaw here. Thank you for your time.\n>--Wrath, Lord of Chaos\n>\n\nHi Wrath,\n\tThanks for bringing this to my attention. What you need to do in\nthese cases is stats the item in that person's inventory...\n\nstat gloves in tate\nstat amulet in tate\n\nThis will inform you of exactly what the problem is, and where the items\nwere made (the room, etc). This will enable us to track down the file, and\nfix the problem with greater ease.\n\n\tMuch thanks\n\tAngel\n",0,0,"Sep 2 17:40",}),({"tate","hey you (Tate)","Author: Tate@Hvn7, Sent to: Wrath\nCC: none.\n","you left before i could say it, but apology accepted\ni'm just a little shy about kisses already :)\ni didn't want to make you leave\n",1,0,"Sep 7 15:35",}),})