#include <mudlib.h> #define YOUR_CLIMB random((int)this_player()->query_climb()) #define CLIMB_CHANCE (random(6)+1) /* 1 to 6 */ inherit ROOM; void reset(status arg) { object barrel, money, lamp, food, cloth, chest; int i, j; if(!present("barrel")) { for(i=0; i<3; i++) { barrel = clone_object(CONTAINER); barrel -> set_name("barrel"); barrel -> set_short("A barrel"); barrel -> set_long("An old sea barrel.\n"); barrel -> set_smell("It smells musty and smelly.\n"); barrel -> set_listen("Barrels don't usually make any noise.\n"); barrel -> set_max_weight(10); barrel -> set_container_weight(8); barrel -> set_closed(1); barrel -> set_sell_destruct(1); barrel -> set_value(200); move_object(barrel, this_object()); for(j=0; j<3; j++) { food = clone_object(FOOD); food -> set_name("sea biscuts"); food -> set_alias("biscuts"); food -> set_smell("It even smells like the sea!\n"); food -> set_sell_destruct(1); food -> set_weight(1); food -> set_strength(10); food -> set_room_msg( "@@query_name:$this_player()$@@ munches on a biscut.\n"); food -> set_consumer_msg( "The biscut tastes rather salty and dry, but it quite filling.\n"); food -> set_short("A sea biscut"); food -> set_long("An old, stale, sea biscut, only fit for rats.\n"); move_object(food, barrel); } } } if(!present("chest")) { chest = clone_object(CONTAINER); chest -> set_name("chest"); chest -> set_container_weight(1000); /* don't want this one taken */ chest -> set_max_weight(18); /* about 2 swords and some armour */ chest -> set_short("A sea chest"); chest -> set_long( "The sea chest is bound in strong metal and has a sturdy lock.\n"); chest -> set_closed(1); chest -> set_locked(1); chest -> set_lock_id("lock"); chest -> set_lock_desc("A sturdy iron lock"); chest -> set_key_id("iron key"); chest -> set_lock_difficulty(20); move_object(chest, this_object()); } if(!present("money", present("chest", this_object()))) { money = clone_object(MONEY); money -> add_money(100 + random(500)); move_object(money, present("chest", this_object())); } if(!present("lamp", present("chest", this_object()))) { lamp = clone_object("objects/torch"); lamp -> set_name("lamp"); lamp -> set_weight(2); lamp -> set_short("An oil lamp"); lamp -> set_long("A fine brass oil lamp.\n"); lamp -> set_value(20); lamp -> set_fuel(8000); /* x2 that of a torch */ lamp -> set_light_intensity(3); /* x2 that of a torch */ move_object(lamp, present("chest", this_object())); } if(!present("cloth", present("chest", this_object()))) { cloth = clone_object(TREASURE); cloth -> set_name("cloth"); cloth -> set_alias("bolt"); cloth -> set_alt_name("silk"); cloth -> set_short("A bolt of silk cloth"); cloth -> set_long( "A fine bolt of turquoise silk. It would fetch "+ "a fair price at any store.\n"); cloth -> set_value(1000); cloth -> set_weight(7); cloth -> set_sell_destruct(1); move_object(cloth, present("chest", this_object())); } if(arg) return; set_short("a wreck on skol island"); set_long( "It is dark, damp, and musty inside this ship wreck. Old timbers \n"+ "lie strewn across your path, making it impossible to access most \n"+ "parts of the ship. Here in the hull, several barrels, and chests \n"+ "have survived the wreck.\n"); set_weather(0, 2, 6); /* dark all of the time, needs a torch */ set_exits(({ "room/island/beach6", "out", })); set_listen("You hear the soothing sounds of the waves against the wreck.\n"); set_smell("Sea salt is strong in the air here.\n"); set_items(({ "timber#timbers", "Old beams that used to support the ceiling of this ship", "hull", "There is a hole in the hull you may be able to climb out of", })); }