#include <mudlib.h> inherit STORE; void reset(status arg) { reset_doors(arg); load_door(({ "file", "room/city/market5", "direction", "west door", "long", "A huge iron bound set of double doors.\n", "key id", "city key", })); ::reset(arg); if(arg) return; set_short("the General Store"); set_long( "\tThe Squashed Goblin General Store.\n"+ "You have entered the town's shop. There is a large counter with its \n"+ "keeper standing behind it, and behind him an entrance to another room \n"+ "where you see numerous rows of merchandise which reach up high and out \n" "of your view. There is also a wooden sign nearby the door. \n"); set_sell_weapon(); set_sell_armour(); set_sell_treasure(); set_weather(2,4,0); set_owner("Farin"); }