/* THE ALCHEMIST! - Angel, March 1994 * This simple room makes armour and weapons of a standard type * for players. To make an item it takes time. This also removes * the variation of other Creators weapon shops, making them all * standard across the mud. * * When you write down the price list for potions somewhere, please * make the price = 200 * the potion as a spell level * */ #include <mudlib.h> inherit MONSTER; #define OWNER (string)this_object()->query_name() #define CHARISMA (int)this_player()->query_charisma() #define VALUE_MOD 20 #define COST_MOD 300 #define DIFFICULTY 15 /* thorins difficulty to make items */ #define ABILITY 20 /* thorins ability to make items */ #define TIME_OUT 10 /* time in lots of 30 seconds */ #define CALLOUT_TIME 30 static object owner_ob; object the_item; static string owner_name, owner; static status Forge, Brew, Enchant, Scribe; static string customer; /* The person the OWNER is working for */ static status working; /* If the OWNER it is working */ int counter; status finished; string job_name, type; int ac, wc, weight, value, length; mixed *items; string potion_name; string *potion_array; status fault; void set_owner(string str); status forge(string str); status forge_item(); status make_potion(); status scribe(string tmp1, string tmp2); status brew(string str); status enchant(string tmp1, string tmp2); status working(); void make_armour(); status set_forge(status arg) { return Forge = arg; } status set_brew(status arg) { return Brew = arg; } status set_enchant(status arg) { return Enchant = arg; } status set_scribe(status arg) { return Scribe = arg; } void set_potion_array(string *arr) { potion_array = arr; } void reset(status arg) { ::reset(arg); if(arg) return; set_name("thorin"); set_short("Thorin the forger"); set_forge(1); } void init() { if(!potion_array) potion_array = ({}); ::init(); add_action("forge", "make"); add_action("brew", "brew"); if((string)this_player()->query_name() == customer) call_out("check_finished_item", 1); } void catch_tell(string str) { string tmp1, tmp2; if(Forge) if(sscanf(str, "%s says: forge %s\n", tmp1, tmp2)) { write(tmp2+".\n"); write(tmp1+".\n"); forge(tmp2); } if(Scribe) if(sscanf(str, "%s says: scribe %s\n", tmp1, tmp2)) scribe(tmp1, tmp2); if(Enchant) if(sscanf(str, "%s says: enchant %s\n", tmp1, tmp2)) enchant(tmp1, tmp2); if(Brew) if(sscanf(str, "%s says: brew %s\n", tmp1, tmp2)) brew(tmp2); } status working() { if(customer) { write(OWNER+" says: I'm still busy, come back later.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } status forge(string str) { int i; if(!Forge) return 0; if(working()) return 1; if(!str) { notify_fail(query_verb()+" what?\n"); return 0; } items = ({ /* NAME WC TYPE WT VALUE LENGTH */ "sickle", 9, "slash", 4, 400, 24, "dagger", 8, "slash", 4, 275, 15, "dirk", 8, "slash", 4, 400, 12, "knife", 6, "slash", 4, 90, 12, "scimitar", 10, "slash", 5, 520, 36, "broadsword", 12, "slash", 5, 1100, 42, "falchion", 12, "slash", 5, 1100, 42, "khopesh", 11, "slash", 5, 770, 42, "longsword", 13, "slash", 6, 1500, 42, "shortsword", 10, "slash", 5, 520, 24, "rapier", 12, "pierce", 5, 1100, 48, "sabre", 10, "slash", 5, 520, 45, "cutlass", 11, "slash", 5, 770, 36, "halberd", 13, "pierce", 6, 1500, 60, "pike", 12, "pierce", 5, 1100, 60, "lance", 10, "pierce", 5, 520, 150, "ranseur", 11, "pierce", 5, 770, 96, "spear", 10, "pierce", 5, 520, 70, "trident", 10, "pierce", 5, 520, 50, "club", 9, "crush", 4, 400, 36, "flail", 10, "crush", 5, 520, 48, "hammer", 11, "crush", 5, 770, 24, "war hammer", 11, "crush", 5, 770, 30, "staff", 12, "crush", 5, 1100, 80, "rod", 12, "crush", 5, 1100, 80, "mace", 12, "crush", 5, 1100, 36, "battle axe", 12, "cleave", 5, 1100, 48, "hand axe", 8, "cleave", 4, 275, 24, "axe", 10, "cleave", 5, 520, 30, "twohandedsword", 14, "cleave", 7, 1600, 72, "bastardsword", 13, "cleave", 6, 1500, 54, "morning star", 9, "cleave", 4, 400, 24, "morningstar", 9, "cleave", 4, 400, 24, "claymore", 14, "cleave", 7, 1600, 72 }); if(member_array(lower_case(str), items) > -1) { i = member_array(lower_case(str), items); job_name = items[i]; wc = items[i + 1]; type = items[i + 2]; weight = items[i + 3]; value = items[i + 4]; length = items[i + 5]; } else { items = ({ "chainmail", 3, "armour", 5, 800, "platemail", 4, "armour", 6, 1600, "fieldplate", 4, "armour", 5, 2500, "fullplate", 4, "armour", 5, 2500, "shield", 1, "shield", 3, 200, "boots", 1, "boots", 2, 200, "gauntlets", 1, "gloves", 1, 300, "helm", 1, "helm", 1, 300, "helmet", 1, "helm", 1, 300 }); if(member_array(lower_case(str), items) > -1) { i = member_array(lower_case(str), items); job_name = items[i]; ac = items[i + 1]; type = items[i + 2]; weight = items[i + 3]; value = items[i + 4]; } else { write(OWNER+" says: I can't make a "+str+".\n"); return 1; } } if(random(VALUE_MOD) > random(CHARISMA)) value += random(value/4); else value -= random(value/3); write(OWNER+" haggles with you over the price of the "+job_name+".\n"); if(this_player()->query_money() < value) { write(OWNER+" says: But you don't have "+ call_other(MONEY, "convert", value)+" coins!\n"); return 1; } if(!job_name) job_name = "potion"; write(OWNER+" takes "+call_other(MONEY, "convert", value)+ " coins from you for the "+job_name+"\n"); job_name = 0; this_player()->add_money(-value); tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" says: It'll take a while to make it.\n"+ OWNER+" says: Come back later.\n"); customer = (string)this_player()->query_name(); finished = 0; /* just started */ forge_item(); return 1; } void check_finished_item() { object obj; if(present(job_name, this_object())) { obj = present(job_name, this_object()); tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" says: Hullo "+this_player()->query_name()+ ", I've finished your"); if(wc) tell_room(environment(), " weapon.\n"); if(ac) tell_room(environment(), " armour.\n"); else tell_room(environment(), " item.\n"); move_object(obj, this_player()); customer = 0; job_name = 0; finished = 0; return; } if(finished) { tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" says: I'm sorry "+customer+", but "+ "someone stole your "+job_name+" from me.\n\t\tPerhaps I can make another "+ "one for you?\n"); finished = 0; /* can make another one now */ return; } tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" exclaims: I haven't finished the "+job_name+ " yet! Come back later!\n"); } status brew(string str) { int i; string tmp1, tmp2; object obj; if(!Brew) return 0; if(customer) { write(OWNER+" says: Sorry, I'm busy, come back later.\n"); return 1; } obj = clone_object(MAGIC_POTION); if(member_array(str, potion_array) == -1) { write(OWNER+" says: I don't know how to make that potion.\n"); return 1; } obj -> add_spell(str); value = (int)obj->query_cast_level() * COST_MOD; if(random(VALUE_MOD) < random(CHARISMA)) value -= random(value/4); else value += random(value/3); write(OWNER+" haggles with you over the price of the potion.\n"); if((int)this_player()->query_money() < value) { write(OWNER+" says: You don't have "+ call_other(MONEY, "convert", value)+" coins for the "+job_name+".\n"); return 1; } this_player()->add_money(-value); write(OWNER+" takes "+call_other(MONEY, "convert", value)+ " coins from you for the potion.\n"); job_name = "potion"; potion_name = str; customer = (string)this_player()->query_name(); the_item = obj; tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" begins to brew a "+potion_name+" potion.\n"); make_potion(); return 1; } status make_potion() { object obj; counter++; obj = the_item; if(counter >= TIME_OUT) { if(random(DIFFICULTY) > random(ABILITY)) fault = 1; obj -> set_name("potion"); obj -> set_short("A potion"); obj -> set_long("A potion in a steel vial.\n"); obj -> set_info("A potion of "+name+".\n"); obj -> set_weight(1); move_object(obj, this_object()); tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" finishes the potion.\n"); finished = 1; remove_call_out("make_potion"); return 1; } tell_room(environment(), OWNER+" continues to brew a potion.\n"); call_out("make_potion", CALLOUT_TIME); return 1; }