inherit "inherit/room2"; object woman; int going; reset (arg) { if(!woman) { woman = clone_object("/d/tempus/w/serepion/mon/woman.c"); move_object(woman, this_object()); } if(arg) return; set_short("Old house"); set_long("This is one of the older buildings of the city, belonging to a rather\n"+ "old woman. The house looks clean, with plenty of furnishings, but there\n"+ "are many mouse holes in the walls, and a few holes in the floorboards.\n"); set_weather(2, 1, 0); going = 0; set_exits(({"/room/city/main_st2.c", "south"})); } init() { ::init(); add_action("south", "south"); } south() { if(woman) { write("The woman won't let you leave.\n"); say("The woman blocks "+this_player()->query_name()+"'s path.\n", this_player()); return 1; } }