/* Paladin's Steed * For when the player mounts his steed, the horse object is destructed * and the player's short/long/etc are shadowed to give the impression * he is riding it. Angel, Nov 1994 */ inherit "obj/shadows/shadow"; object who; void shadow_horse(string str) { who = this_player(); if(who->query_horse_object()) { destruct(this_object()); return; } shadow_object(who); } status id(string str) { return str == "warhorse" || str == "horse" || who->id(str); } string short(status wiz) { return "A warhorse with "+(string)who->query_name()+" in the saddle"; } string query_msgin() { return "gallops in on "+who->query_possessive()+" warhorse"; } string query_msgout() { return "seizes the reins of "+who->query_possessive()+" warhorse "+ "and gallops"; /* gallops 'south' */ } void long(status wiz) { string *temp; write("A fine heavy warhorse of excelent quality and breeding.\n"); if(sizeof(temp = (who->query_horse_info()))) write(temp[1]); write(who->query_name()+" is riding the warhorse.\n"); return who->long(wiz); } status pick_up(string item) { string *temp; if(sizeof(temp = (who->query_horse_info()))) write("You lean down from "+temp[0]+".\n"); else write("You lean down from your horse.\n"); say(who->query_name()+" leans down from "+who->query_possessive()+ " horse.\n",who); return who->pick_up(item); } object query_horse_object() { return this_object(); }