Do's and Don'ts. As a creator you are expected to code. If you fail to do so within a month of being granted your creatorship, then you will be placed back into the player populace at the approximate level you entered left it. Your code should stick roughly to the guidelines set out by the ADMIN. If it does not, then it will not be allowed to be used by players. QCs approve code. Code must be approved by them before it is allowed to go into use by players. Code that is illegal will be commented out by QCs, or corrected without notice. If it is a severe failure to comply with the 'docs' then you will be mailed and notified. You are expected to involve yourself with players. Talk to them, watch them fight. Enquire about their skills and spells. Even have a beer with them once in a while. You are not allowed to alter anything within the players skills, levels, abilities, weapons, armour, killing or playing abilities (which includes titles, alignments, etc). Anyone found doing this will be INSTANTLY PLACED into the player populace. You should not divulge information about the strengths of monsters, or other items (such as weapons, armour, etc), or information about quests, or special areas of players play, as players have their own way of gathering such information about these things. You may, however, if someone asks you about it, give a 'vague' idea perhaps. > Rincewind asks: How much is my ac? > stat rincewind > Rincewind the Utter Newbie (Lawful Good) Wc: 3, Ac: 1, ...etc > Casti says: It could be better > Rincewind wears platemail > Rincewind asks: How about now? > Casti says: Much better Rincewind Casti knows that wearing platemail means he is better protected, without even using a stat. He could have said 'better than before', or tell him something he would/should know himself like 'you still don't have much armour on. perhaps you could do better with more?' You should not use your privileges to annoy players or creators. Nor should you use them to invade their privacy. If someone wants to be left alone, then leave them alone. Test characters are always helpful. But he should never be allowed to be a higher level than other players currently playing, nor should he be used by anyone else but yourself. If you ask other players to help you test your code you may not alter their stats, or current playing abilities. You may heal them before and after. They may not, however, take unapproved items into the general mudlib. They may keep any exp granted to them by the test. If you accidentally kill them, then fix their stats, and exp, if you can, and mail an QC or ADMIN about it. If you can't fix it, ask someone who can. If you 'dest' someone accidentally, and their equipment disappears then please see to it that a higher security level creator sees to this problem. If there are none, then see that the player receives most of the items back. If you think that the items are excessive for the player then explain that the item is rare and that you cannot give it to him/her. He will have to 'quest' and 'search' for it again. Money problems are always a nightmare. NEVER give a player back money that he has apparently lost. Explain that this is simply not mud policy to do so. Finally, on a more positive note, be happy! We have a team here, so don't think you're alone. DO talk to people, involve yourself with other projects around the mud, and DO have fun! A mud is not such a serious place; players are fun to involve yourself with, and the ADMIN are as well! Angel, October 1993. Revised August, 1995.