Here is a list of the adverbs currently available: NOTE: All adverbs may be abbreviated to the first 4 letters! absentmindedly aggressively agreeingly aimlessly amazedly amusedly angrily anxiously astonishedly badly bitterly boredly bravely briefly brightly busily carefully carelessly charmingly childishly confidently confusedly contentedly crazily cunningly courageously cutely curiously cynically dangerously deadly deeply definitely demonically depressively desperately devilishly dirtily disappointedly disgustedly dreamily doubtfully egocentrically egoistically embarrassedly emphatically endearingly enthusiastically erotically evilly exhaustedly fanatically fatherly fiendishly fiercefully foolishly friendly funnily gently goofily gracefully greedily handsomely happily harmonically heartbrokenly heavily helpfully helplessly honestly hopefully hotly humbly hungrily hysterically ignorantly impatiently inanely innocently insanely instantly intendly interestedly ironically jealously jokingly joyfully knowingly lazily loudly lovingly lustfully madly manfully maniacally melancholically merrily mischievously mysteriously musically nastily nervously noisily painfully passionately patiently patronizingly perfectly personally physically playfully politely proudly professionally profoundly questioningly quickly quietly quizzically randomly really rebelliously royally rudely sadly sadistically sarcastically satanically scornfully searchingly seductively sensually seriously sexily shamelessly sheepishly shyly sickly silently skilfully sleepily slightly slowly smilingly sniffingly softly solemnly spontaneously strangely stupidly suddenly sufferingly suggestively surprisingly sweetily tearfully tenderly terribly thankfully theoretically thoughtfully tightly tiredly tragically triumphantly truly trustfully unbearably understandingly unexpectedly unhappily unknowingly viciously vigorously virtually warmly wearily wholeheartedly wildly wisely wistfully NEW ADVERBS ADDED accusingly ethnocentrically fondly gallantly impishly into space mentally profusely sharply uncontrollably yellowishly zealously Please direct your requests for additions to this list to Sarak.