#ifndef I_TO_STR2_H #define I_TO_STR2_H /* should work well to 999,999 but will bug out at 1.9 million */ string int_to_str(int i) { string str, *units, *tens; int unit, ten, hundred, thousand, ten_thousand, hundred_thousand; str = (unit < 0) ? "minus " : ""; unit = (unit < 0) ? -i : i; i = unit; /* in case i is negative */ units = ({ "", "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fith", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth", "thirteenth", "fourteenth", "fifteenth", "sixteenth", "seventeenth", "eighteenth", "nineteenth", }); tens = ({ "", "", "twentieth", "thirtieth", "fourieth", "fiftieth", "sixtieth", "seventieth", "eightieth", "ninetieth", }); if(unit >= 100000) { hundred_thousand = unit/100000; unit = unit%100000; str += units[hundred_thousand]+" hundredth"; } if(unit >= 20000) { ten_thousand = unit/10000; unit = unit%10000; str += ((i >= 100000) ? " and " : "") + tens[ten_thousand]; } if(unit >= 1000) { thousand = unit/1000; unit = unit%1000; str += (i >= 20000 && !ten_thousand) ? " and " : ((ten_thousand)?" ":""); str += units[thousand]+" thousandth"; } if(unit >= 100) { hundred = unit/100; unit = unit%100; str += ((i >= 1000) ? " " : "") + units[hundred]+" hundredth"; } if(unit >= 20) { ten = unit/10; unit = unit%10; str += ((i >= 100) ? " and " : "") + tens[ten]; } str += ((i >= 100 && !ten) ? " and " :((ten) ? " " : "")) + units[unit]; if(str == "") str = "no"; return str; } #endif /* I_TO_STR2_H */