^#^ get^#^ SUBTOPIC-player^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: get Usage: get <item> from <container> get all from <container> get <item> get all Description: This allows you to get an item, or all items in the room and put them into you inventory. You can also get items from containers. Example: get all from corpse Related topics: put, give, drop, inventory. ^#^ give^#^ SUBTOPIC-player^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: give Usage: give <item> to <player|monster> give <amount> coins to <player|monster> Description: This allows you to give items to other 'living' creatures. To be able to do this you must be 'alive', and you must be able to see. The receiver of the object must be in the room with you. Related topics: get, take, drop, put. ^#^ goin^#^ SUBTOPIC-creator^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: goin Usage: goin <item> Description: This command moves the creator into item. Item can be any object(s) referenced by the object parser. Related topics: goto. ^#^ goto^#^ SUBTOPIC-creator^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: goto Usage: goto goto <player|monster> Description: This command allows you to goto the room which another player resides. Related topics: goin, Put. ^#^ grab^#^ SUBTOPIC-creator^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: grab Usage: grab <line1>,<line2> <file1> <file2> Description: This command allows you grab from line1 to line2 of file1 and append it to file2. Related topics: none. ^#^ guild^#^ SUBTOPIC-creator^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: guild Usage: guild Description: Moves you to the guild. Related topics: church, post, home, inner, pub. ^#^ gray elf^#^ SUBTOPIC-races^#^ ::: Gray Elves ::: Gray elves are not as common as high elves, and do not normally ascociate with humanoids other than elves for long periods. They are thinner than high elves, with hair colour of silver and gold and eyes of amber and violet. Gray elves are highly intelligent, some of their race becomming powerful magic users. They are the most noble of the elvish raves, some chosing even to become paladin or cavalier. All player elves, due to their heightened senses are able to notice secret doors, and other such items, better than other races. They also gain benefit when using two weapons in each hand, as they receive a weapon class bonus when doing so. ^#^ grey elf^#^ SUBTOPIC-races^#^ ::: Gray Elves ::: Gray elves are not as common as high elves, and do not normally ascociate with humanoids other than elves for long periods. They are thinner than high elves, with hair colour of silver and gold and eyes of amber and violet. Gray elves are highly intelligent, some of their race becomming powerful magic users. They are the most noble of the elvish raves, some chosing even to become paladin or cavalier. All player elves, due to their heightened senses are able to notice secret doors, and other such items, better than other races. They also gain benefit when using two weapons in each hand, as they receive a weapon class bonus when doing so. ^#^ gate^#^ SUBTOPIC-cleric^#^ ___________________________________________________________________ ()__________________________________________________________________) | Prayer: Gate Sphere: Stellar | | Level: 30 Cost: 30 | | Component: None. Usage: gate | | Description: | | | | This prayer will create a gate between two points in space and | | time. The gate is relatively permanent. | | | | | | | |__________________________________________________________________| ()__________________________________________________________________) ^#^ goodberry^#^ SUBTOPIC-cleric^#^ ________________________________________________________________ ()_______________________________________________________________) | Prayer: Goodberry Sphere: Nature | | Level: 6 Cost: 6 | | Component: None. Usage: goodberry | | Description: | | | | This prayer will imbue an ordinary berry with good healing | | properties. It is known that the goodberry can be put in | | bottles to make Goodberry Liquor. | | | | | |_______________________________________________________________| ()_______________________________________________________________) ^#^ Get^#^ SUBTOPIC-creator^#^ -=[ Help ]=- command: Get Usage: Get <item(s)> Description: The Get command allows the creator to get any object or list of objects that are able to be referenced by the object parser. No weight or get() checks are made. Related topics: Put, parser. ^#^ get_dir^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun^#^ EFUN get_dir() SYNOPSIS string *get_dir(string dir) DESCRIPTION If `dir' is a filename ('*' and '?' wildcards are sup- ported), an array of strings is returned containing all filenames that match the specification. If `dir' is a direc- tory name (ending with a slash--ie: "/u/", "/adm/", etc), all filenames in that directory are returned. Valid file access is needed to use this efun. NOTES This efun will return other info for mudos, and amylaar drivers. Generally, it is not needed. '*' and '?' wildcards are not supported on MSDOS versions. Wildcarding is done on the mudlib level. EXAMPLE void simple_ls(string path) { string *files; files = get_dir(path); write(implode(files,"\n") +"\n"); } SEE ALSO file_size(), file_time() ^#^ garbage_collection^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS void garbage_collection(void) DESCRIPTION Tell the parser to initiate a garbage collection after the current execution ended. SEE ALSO getrusage(E) ^#^ get_error_file^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string get_error_file(string name, int flag) DESCRIPTION Return the name of the file where a compilation error occured. If the flag is set the error will be forgotten. SEE ALSO ed() ^#^ get_eval_cost^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS int get_eval_cost(void) DESCRIPTION Returns the accumulated evaluation cost of the current execution (the current command). SEE ALSO caller_stack_depth(E), getrusage(E) ^#^ get_extra_wizinfo^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS mixed get_extra_wizinfo(object ob) DESCRIPTION Returns the extra information that was set for ob in the wizlist. ob can also be the file_name of an object. The function causes a privilege violation. SEE ALSO wizlist(E), set_extra_wiz_info(E) ^#^ get_type_info^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS mixed get_type_info(mixed arg, int flag) DESCRIPTION Returns info about the type of arg, as controlled by the flag. If the optional argument flag is not a number, an array is returned, whose first element is an integer denoting the data type, as defined in <lpctypes.h>. The second entry can contain additional information about arg. If flag is the number 0, only the first element of that array (i.e. the data type) is returned (as int). If flag is 1, the second element is returned. If flag is neither 0 nor 1, -1 is returned. For mappings, the second entry is the width (i.e. number of data items per key). For closures, symbols and quoted arrays a parser-internal number is returned as additional info about arg, maybe good for debugging the lpc machine. For all other data types, -1 is returned as additional info. BUGS This function seems to be due to frequent changes as the driver develops resp. is debugged. SEE ALSO debug_info(E), typeof(E) ^#^ geteuid^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string geteuid(object ob) DESCRIPTION Get the effective user-id of the object (mostly a wizard or domain name). Standard objects cloned by this object will get that userid. The effective userid is also used for checking access permissions. If ob is omitted, is this_object() as default. SEE ALSO seteuid(E), getuid(E), export_uid(E) ^#^ getuid^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string getuid(object ob) DESCRIPTION User-ids are not used in compat mode. Get user-id of the object, i.e. the name of the wizard or domain that is responsible for the object. This name is also the name used in the wizlist. If no arg is given, use this_object() as default. SEE ALSO seteuid(E), geteuid(E), export_uid(E), creator(E) ^#^ get_bb_uid^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string get_bb_uid(void) DESCRIPTION Is called to get the ``backbone id''. Objects whose creator is the backbone id are ``trusted'', and will automagically get the uid and euid of the object that caused to load or clone them. The backbone id is also temporary given to objects while being called via process_string(). SEE ALSO uids(C), creator_file(M), creator(E), get_root_id(M) ^#^ get_ed_buffer_save_file_name^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string get_ed_buffer_save_file_name(string edited_file) DESCRIPTION This function is called when an interactive user object is destructed or looses connection through remove_interactive() while editing with ed() the file edite_file (emergency save). this_player() is set to the object that loosing connection. The function should return a file name for the emergency save file. EXAMPLE string get_ed_buffer_save_file_name(string file) { return "/payers/"+getuid(this_player())+"/.dead_ed_files/" + explode(file, "/")[<1]; } This breaks up file into its components and stores it in the user's emergency save directory under the file's basename. SEE ALSO ed(E), destruct(E), remove_interactive(E), valid_write(M) ^#^ get_root_uid^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string get_root_uid(void) DESCRIPTION Only neede in native mode. Should return the root id, i.e. the user-id that will be given to the master object after it is fully loaded. SEE ALSO get_bb_id(M), uids(C), creator_file(M), creator(E) ^#^ get_simul_efun^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS mixed get_simul_efun(void) DESCRIPTION Load the simul_efun object and return one or more paths of it. Should return either the file_name of the simul_efun object as a string, or an array containing as first element a string with the file name of the simul_efun object and the following elements strings with file names of alternate simul_efun objects that will be used if the first one cannot be loaded. SEE ALSO simul_efun(C) ^#^ get_wiz_name^#^ SUBTOPIC-efun32^#^ SYNOPSIS string get_wiz_name(string file) DESCRIPTION Argument is a file name, which we want to get the owner of. This used for the wizlist, to determine who gets the score for the file being used. SEE ALSO wizlist(E), get_wiz_info(E), query_real_name(A), query_creator(M), getuid(E) ^#^ general^#^ SUBTOPIC-paladin^#^ Paladin are a 'guild' or 'sub class', who have a mixture of cleric and fighter skills under one class title. Paladin guilds include Paladin of Seeker, and Paladin of the All-God. See 'help fighter', 'help cleric', and 'man paladin' ^#^ gnomes^#^ SUBTOPIC-races^#^ ::: GNOMES ::: Kin to dwarves, gnomes are noticeably smaller than their distant cousins. Gnomes, as they proudly maintain, are also less rotund than dwarves. Their noses, however, are significantly larger. Most gnomes have dark tan or brown skin and white hair. A typical gnome lives for 350 years. Gnomes have lived and sly sense of humour, especially for practical jokes. They have a great love of living things and finely wrought items particularly gems and jewellery. Gnomes love all sorts of precious stones and are masters of gem polishing and cutting. Gnomes prefer to live in areas of rolling, rocky hills, well wooded and uninhabited by humans. Their diminutive stature has made them suspicious of the larger races - humans and elves - although they are not hostile. They are sly and furtive with those they do not know or trust, and somewhat reserved even under the best of circumstances. Dwelling in mines and burrows, they are sympathetic to dwarves, but find their cousins' aversion to surface dwellers foolish. ::: Other Subraces ::: Rock Gnome, Forest Gnome, Deep Gnome ^#^ guilds^#^ SUBTOPIC-player^#^ -=[ Guild Help ]=- A Heaven7 Mudlib does not contain any guilds. Instead, there are various classes with several abilities; mage, cleric, fighter, and thief. Each class has various sub-classes, in which certain specialisations, and unique skills are gained. Whereas a player character may have up to three classes, he may only be in one sub-class. An example of a sub-class is paladin. A player may choose to be either a fighter, cleric, etc (or any combination thereof), or he can be a paladin. There are, however, several player asociations. Players can become guards, have seats on the council of mages, and rule their own kingdoms. So... ..in the long run... there is no need for the old LPMud style guilds after all 8)