The help system was designed to: * allow any string to be used as a "topic" for help. Thus it will work with msdos, and illegal file name characters. * Self maintaining. If a new topic is added or deleted, category lists are automatically updated. * Access to categories are restricted by a call to valid_help() in player.c/wizard.c aaa.hlp-zzz.hlp contain the help data. It is accessed using /function/help.c. Maintainence of Help * Help data should be kept to less then 4000 characters. More extensive documents should be made into manuals c.f. /manuals If you clone the help.c the following maintainence fns are available: * You add a new help topic by writing the help text to a file <file>, then use the command convert file topic_name <category> - this has two effects (i) it adds the file txt, and topic name to the help data files. (ii) it adds the topic name to the category list in /help/subtopic/ if the topic name already exists it will not add the topic. * Help data can be deleted with, del topic * Help data can be updated/overwritten with, uh file topic * Help data can be extracted into a file with, extract file topic * There are some other maintaining functions that were used initially to convert the original docs to this help system, but they should not be needed. hdir <dir> <category> convert whole directory to help data ut read all data files and rewrite category files