#include <mudlib.h> inherit MONSTER; reset (arg) { ::reset(arg); if(arg) return; set_level(5); set_race("human"); set_name("woman"); set_short("Old woman"); set_long("This woman is rather old, and appears frail. Her clothes\n"+ "hang loosely about her skeleton-like body. Her long white hair\n"+ "is well combed, and braided down to the mibble of her back. She\n"+ "seems to be upset about something. Maybe you can offer her some\n"+ "help to solve her problems.\n"); set_hp(80); init_command("wield staff"); set_wc(9); set_ac(5); set_al(100); load_chat(10,({"The woman asks: Oh! What will I do?\n", "The woman asks: How will I get rid of them?\n", "The woman begs: Will you help me?\n", "The woman screams: They're everywhere!\n", "The woman swings her broom at a mouse.\n", "The woman bursts into tears.\n"})); add_spell_immune("fear"); }